December 28, 2022

Kundalini | Advaita Vedanta | The existential emptiness | Kundalini Meditation | Self-awareness

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel.

I want to talk to you about Kundalini Awakening and Advaita Vedanta, the relation between Kundalini and Advaita.

What is the relation between Advaita and Kundalini? Advaita is this pointing towards non-duality. The expression Advaita means non-duality. This is straight from Vedas, the last part of the Vedas. We have there the last teachings of Vedas, which is the most important part of the Vedas, and it deals with Advaita Vedanta. Advaita is a word for non-duality, non-separation and Kundalini is an expression for this Energy of Consciousness present in the body. Ramana goes so far as to say that this Energy is inside the body and also outside the body. This Energy is the Energy of Consciousness.

So, there is a very intimate relation between Kundalini and Advaita. Thus, this nearness between Kundalini or Consciousness and Advaita is something we need to investigate here. We've been doing it here on this channel and also in online meetings. You have the opportunity to participate in these meetings and we have face-to-face meetings. So, we have online meetings and also face-to-face meetings, as well as retreats.

Why is it important to address this subject here? Because there is no Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening without a change in this mechanism, this organism, this body-mind. And how does this change take place? This change takes place due to a work of Self-awareness in oneself.

You need to recognize in yourself the presence of this duality, this illusory duality, this illusory sense of separateness created by this psychological conditioning we have received. A part of what we receive comes since childhood, and another part we inherit from our humanity, from our ancestry.

This body-mind carries this duality, so it’s something in this mechanism, in this organism, that needs to be broken. And there is a part of that in this psychological structure that also needs to be broken, and disrupted.

Therefore, the work of Self-awareness is the perception of this psychophysical duality. In this perception, it is possible to break this principle of separateness. What duality is this? It is the separation between you and God.

Humans have been looking or searching for something for millennia, and they don't know what it is. In our mind, we believe this is outside, that what mankind seeks will be found in the material world or the psychological world.

So, there is this search for security in the material world or the psychological world. There is the existential emptiness inside human beings. This has many formats – this fear inside human beings – because of this psychological conditioning, this duality… this has several formats.

Fear takes the form of various psychological frames of suffering. This is how humans have lived for millennia, and they are in search or looking for something outside of that. This is their quest for spirituality. Human beings have known and have been putting it for millennia – that there is really something outside of this condition of mind, this programmed mind, this conditioned mind, this egoic mind. Then, the religions of the world for millennia have been pointing to something outside of all that, to this Reality that some people call God.

This Reality is the Reality of Kundalini, it is the Reality of Consciousness. The words Kundalini, Consciousness, and God are synonyms, they represent the Non-Dual Reality. Thus, Non-Duality is this Non-Dual Reality. Non-Duality, as this Non-Dual Reality, here, refers to Kundalini, to God, to that Consciousness, to the Truth of your Being.

This is the work we are doing together, investigating this with you, approaching it, through direct work. We are working on the possibility for you to going beyond this condition of ego identity to the Awakening of your Being.

What I share is based on my own experience with this Awakening. The work of Realization is something possible for you. All you need is to become aware of yourself. If you perceive this sense of separateness, this sense of duality and you can see the illusion that lies in it – not ideologically, theoretically but experientially – as you perceive this, a break from this model is possible.

So, you need to learn how to Meditate, and here Meditation is not a practice that you, for ten minutes, or fifteen, or thirty minutes, at some time of the day, practice, exercise. I’m not referring to this practice of meditation. This meditation practice doesn't fit in here.

Here, we are talking about Kundalini Awakening, the Awakening of your Divine Nature; we are talking about the Reality of your Being. I’d say that this is the True Kundalini Meditation, not what some people call Kundalini Meditation, but rather I mean the True Kundalini Meditation. I have also called it the True Meditation because it refers to the Meditation of Consciousness, Consciousness in your Natural State, which is Meditation.

And this is not a practice of meditation, it is a Meditation Practice, what happens here and now, what happens when you take a walk, when you walk, when you drive your car, when you deal with your patients in your office – you, a doctor – when you deal with your doctor while you are in his office, when you deal with your children when you are at home playing, when you are in the kitchen washing the dishes… this is the moment of the True Kundalini Meditation, this is the real moment of Consciousness Meditation. This puts you in direct contact with your Being, which is Non-Dual. That’s Advaita.

So, when we refer here to Kundalini Awakening, we are referring to the Awakening of your Essential Nature, of your Divine Nature. When there is Self-awareness, you have this contact with yourself. Then, when you wash dishes, a thought arises – it’s a thought, there’s no thinker… it’s the thought. This thought arises just like one of the dishes. The perspective of thought is internal and the plates are externally being touched by the hands, but at that moment you don't put an identity on it, you don't separate yourself from the experience of a thought that arises, you don't put a thinker on that thought.

Notice what we are saying. The thought is there, the dish is in your hands, the water is going down, and you are washing the dishes. Then, there is the washing of the dishes and the thought being perceived without the illusion of identity in that experience. Then, there is a Silence, a Void, a Void Full of Completeness, of Silence, where there is no separateness, no duality, no experiencer, no thinker, no “you” in the experience.

When the sense of the “I” is not present, you are before Meditation – this is your direct contact with the True Meditation. This brings Kundalini Awakening here and now, as you wash the dishes, as you are being attended to at the doctor’s office, if you are walking, if you are talking to someone...

The question is: is it possible not to judge this experience? Not to compare this experience? Not to condemn this experience? Not wanting to interfere in this experience? Is it possible just, here and now, at this present moment, to be Pure Consciousness? This is Meditation, True Meditation, or the True Kundalini Meditation.

Then, there is the Flourishing of the Power of this Presence. This Energy, which is the Energy of Kundalini, the Energy of Consciousness, which was previously wasted in imagination, in daydreaming, in comparison, in this illusion of being in the past or being in the future, now this Energy becomes available for that full attention for that moment. There is only this moment, there is only this instant!

So, notice what we've included here within our speech. In the relation between Consciousness, Kundalini, and Advaita, non-separation, and non-duality, the presence of Meditation is included. This is Meditation – a work here and now. Not what you can do at a certain moment, at a certain time, but what you have at all moments, at all instants, at all times to realize.

Notice that, in this Realization, the sense of “I” doesn’t come in, so there’s no such “meditator,” as in the usual practice of meditation. As long as you are present in the practice, meditation is present; after you leave, you are out of practice. Here, Meditation is the Practical Meditation. Here and now, there is only Meditation, only Consciousness, only Presence, there is only Being – that’s Advaita.

Then, the Power of Kundalini can take over this body and mind. This full attention, some people call it mindfulness, but here, I put this full attention, perhaps, in a slightly different sense, mindfulness also in a slightly different sense. We are dealing with the True Meditation, showing the importance of simply Being, here and now, moment by moment.

Therefore, our work lies in this Realization, the Realization of the Truth about who You are now – This is Spiritual Enlightenment. So, there is no room for the ego to be hurt, offended, injured, mistreated, slandered… there is no room for the ego to be anxious, depressed, distressed, overwhelmed by thoughts, the obsessive thoughts, repetitive thoughts, and unconscious thoughts, because you are bringing Presence, Consciousness to that instant.

Notice, it requires Energy, a new Energy. Some people say “this is wonderful, but it is very difficult”. See, I'm not saying it’s easy, I'm saying it’s possible.

Now, I ask you: is it easy to continue living in this psychological conditioning? In this inner chatter? In this world of imagination?

Your body is here and you are worried about something that hasn’t happened, but your mind is already anticipating that it will happen and bring you harm, and you are suffering… Is that easy? Is living with anxiety easy? Is it easy to live with depression? Living trapped in the psychological movement of present identity, of the ego, of this “me” ... Is that easy?

OK? If this is something that makes sense to you, I want to remind you: we have online meetings, again, and face-to-face meetings, as well as retreats.

Leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel, and let’s work it out together. Ok?

Thanks for the meeting. See you next.

October, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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