December 5, 2022

The ego and suffering | Kundalini Awakening of this Consciousness | Sahaja Samadhi Turiya

The ego and suffering. Is it possible to eliminate suffering from our lives? Yes, all suffering! I don't know if you've noticed... when there’s pain in the body, it’s not necessarily suffering, it’s just pain. Pain is something very uncomfortable, and then you seek medical care, you seek medication, you take medicine. It’s uncomfortable.

Pain is pain, but it is physical, there is no suffering. There is discomfort, pain is present. Physically there is suffering, but not psychologically.

Notice, there is a difference between pain and suffering. Physical suffering... when you feel hungry – that is physical suffering. When the heat is intense and it becomes almost unbearable – that is physical suffering. When there is pain in a tooth, in the body, in some part of the body – that is physical suffering.

But, here, I am referring to psychological suffering, because this physical suffering, this pain, is important, nature is asking for something. Whenever there is pain, it is nature, existence, asking for something, requesting something. Hunger is there – the body is asking for food. The heat is intense – the body is asking for cooling. The tooth hurts – it is asking for care from a specialist.

Now, here I am referring to psychological pain. What place does psychological pain have? That’s what suffering is: psychological pain. Is it possible to live entirely and completely free of psychological pain? I want to tell you something about this.

However, you need to see for yourself what we're saying. I want to tell you that ego and suffering are close. The ego has made a marriage with suffering. So, let’s talk for a few minutes about the ego and suffering. Let’s see how to get rid of suffering.

People want to be free of suffering, but they don't want to be free of pleasure. What they don’t realize is that what we call pleasure... it’s only a matter of time before it becomes suffering. It carries this other side of the coin; it carries suffering.

When you are hungry and eat, there is pleasure, but when you are not hungry anymore and you go on eating, it becomes a pain. Everything that gives you pleasure... it’s just a matter of time to bring pain as well.

One thing is the sense of satiety, another thing is pleasure. People eat for pleasure and not out of necessity, and this becomes a pain, a suffering.

So, let’s see what suffering is. Here, I refer to that sense of ego present in the experience of pleasure. The sense of the ego in the experience of pleasure holds pain. The constant pursuit of pleasure – be it physical, emotional, psychological – is a culture of pain, it is the cultivation of pain, it is the cultivation of suffering.

The question is: is it possible to free ourselves from suffering, from psychological suffering?

[The answer] resides in the fact of the possibility of liberation from the sense of the ego, from the “me,” from the “I,” because, basically, ego is suffering. The egoic mind is suffering.

As long as all this behavior is present in us – focused, imbued with the desire for self-satisfaction, for self-fulfillment, for the pursuit of pleasure, for the fulfillment of our ambitions, our envy, our desires, our egoic impulses – while this remains present, suffering remains present, because that is what gives existence and continuity to the sense of the ego in each one of us.

We need to go beyond the ego, go beyond the sense of “me” present here and now in this experience. So, it is possible to enjoy life, all beauty, all satisfaction and also all present pleasure – the pleasure of eating, the pleasure of touching, the pleasure of looking, the pleasure of feeling, the pleasure in its various forms and expressions. Yes, pleasure is possible without the sense of ego, without the sense of “I” present in that experience.

Note that pleasure is not the problem but the sense of “I” present in the search, in the yearning, in the desire for pleasure.

In the ego, we are trying to replace the Presence of Love, Happiness, Peace, God Consciousness, Truth Consciousness, we are trying to replace That with sensations, with this constant search for pleasure in sensations.

Eating is a sensation, touching something is a sensation, hugging is a sensation, sex is a sensation, drinking something… all these are sensations. The ego is in search of sensations, in constant sensations, for its self-fulfillment, to continue giving itself a continuity of existence, as being a present, real identity, which, in fact, it is not.

We are looking for the sense of an identity present in the experience, in the search for sensations, and this sustains suffering. So, the other side of pleasure is always hidden in the short term, it only appears in the medium and long terms.

Our relationships, in this constant search for sensations of pleasure, are always, in our lives, producing some form of psychological suffering and also physical suffering, because when you eat too much, you gain a lot of weight, which causes diseases, in addition to obesity itself.

The practice of fulfillment and sensory satisfaction has given the body a condition of disease, of insensibility, so this also causes physical suffering. So, in addition to psychological suffering, we have physical suffering.

We drink too much, sleep too much, there is little physical activity, there is little gymnastics, there is very little body care. So, in this psychological search for fulfillment, for satisfaction, avoiding even psychological pain, we abuse the body through excesses, and that creates, in addition to this psychological suffering... it, based on this ego-identity, continues to foment and also feeds suffering for the body, harming this machine, this physical, biological structure.

Are we in this together?

The question is: is it possible to go beyond the sense of ego, which has caused so much harm here and now, to ourselves and to the world around us, to our relationships? Is it possible to go beyond suffering? I want to repeat this: the ego is suffering.

So, what is the relationship between ego and suffering? A complete relationship; it’s a marriage. In this life, you can Realize the Truth of your Being, which represents living free of the ego, of this sense of “I,” of this sense of “someone” present demanding, requesting, searching in sensations – sensations with people, sensations with objects, sensations with food, sensations with experience…

In addition to this egoic search for sensations in life, it is possible to Realize your Being, your Divine Nature, of What You Are. Some call it Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening – the Truth of your Being present here and now, free of suffering, free of ego, free of that sense of separate identity.

You see yourself as “someone.” You don't have a perception of the Reality of What is Life as It is, because you see yourself as “someone” inside the body, living a human experience, in a relationship with a world, which, by the way, needs to fill you, satisfy you, give you sensations, give you achievements.

So, this self-centered movement, this egoic movement, is sustaining psychological suffering and also physical suffering. That’s because there is no Realization, the Realization of your Being, which is God Realization.

Here on this channel, we are working on that, showing you how, through the Real Practical Meditation, you can Realize That, the Awakening of this Divine Power that you carry within yourself, which is Kundalini, which some also call Consciousness.

The Awakening of that Power that you carry within you is able to place you within that Vision of Reality, the Vision of Sages such as Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Eckhart Tolle and many others – those who Realized the Truth about themselves, the Truth of their own Being.

In the Indian scriptures, in the Upanishads...this is clearly said, and Ramana confirms it in his own words: that life, without this God Realization – human life – is nothing but an animal life.

You see, a human being is just an animal, and Ramana himself says, “in an even worse condition.” The human being, like any other animal, is born, grows, reaches puberty, reaches sexual maturity, marries, procreates, grows old, falls ill and dies. Maybe he doesn't even get to that perfect order – aging, illness and death – maybe he'll die before that.

The condition of the human being is the condition of any other animal, without Kundalini Awakening, the Awakening of this Consciousness. Human life, in this condition of egoic mind, is something absurdly stupid, meaningless.

You accomplish everything, you just don't realize your Self. I said “accomplish everything,” which is also not true at all. You carry the ambition to achieve everything, the suffering and the desire to achieve everything, and you realize that, at the end of your life, you have not achieved everything.

You live in dissatisfaction and die dissatisfied, because there is no God Realization, there is no end to suffering, you do not live in the Fullness of your Being.

To live in Fullness is to live in Sahaja Samadhi. Sahaja Samadhi is your State of Pure Consciousness. The Sages call this Turiya – the fourth possible state for a human being.

Human beings only live in three states: waking, dreaming and deep sleep, but a fourth state is possible, which is the State of Turiya – your Natural State of Samadhi, of Being-Consciousness. Some call it Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening.

It is possible, yes, the end of suffering, through Self-Awareness – we have a playlist here dealing with this subject, another one that is about True Meditation, which I also call the Real Practical Meditation, and another one about Kundalini Awakening, in addition to several other playlists here on the channel.

We have extensive material to investigate this. Also, most importantly, we also have online and face-to-face meetings, including retreats.

If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel and let’s work on it together.

There in the video, in all the videos, you can find our WhatsApp group. OK?

Thanks for the meeting and see you the next time.

November, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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