November 17, 2023

Source of All Provision. The end of the illusion of ego. The Real Spirituality. The Truth of Being

So, we are now going to talk a little bit about this issue of the Provision of Life, so natural in this approach to the Truth about who You are, and also about the lightness that is assuming the Truth of your own Being. This lightness consists of the appearance of this light state, soft and playful of Being, where life consists of a great game, a divine game. Today, it's not like because we are heavy due to suffering, a suffering that consists of trying to change our lives, to alter it, and we try to do it, to change it by conquering, fighting, and trying to prevail. I have something to say to you here: to have an approach to the Truth of your own Being is to discover that everything simply happens, and everything happens because Life takes care of Itself.

So, here it is about getting closer to this lightness of Being by stripping away this illusion of the “I,” which is the illusion of the ego. Here, everything consists of having an approach to yourself. We move away from that. Our society, culture, world, this regime where we were raised to be someone... Since we were children, the intention, the motivation behind this movement of growth towards this phase of adolescence and adulthood was always to gain, achieve, or obtain something. Then, we have lost contact with the true simplicity of Being. In this simplicity, you are provided for by life.

People use expressions like “progress,” “evolution,” or “growth” in the spiritual sense. Real Spirituality, to me, does not consist of something you do; therefore, it is not about progress, evolution, or growth. So, all this idealism we were given in childhood that we have to achieve, conquer, and accomplish – in the material and the so-called spiritual sphere, evolution, growth, and progress – is totally false. You in your Being are the Reality of God, here and now. You do not occupy yourself with achievements, accomplishments, and projects; you only assume this Reality, and then life becomes light, something smooth. And when I say “becomes,” I do not mean that it isn’t so; it is just that for you it isn’t so. You have a very mistaken view of what life is and what it represents. Then, it is as if life becomes... In fact, you are assuming the Real Nature of things, of Truth, of Life, when you abandon your own “I.”

We have learned since childhood that we have to work, fight, battle, we have to win. That is totally false! Slaying a lion every day, going out and battling to achieve our things. There is a Divine Reality present. This is the Reality of God, the Reality of your Being, the Sovereign Source of all Provision. And when this Provision comes, this is not a sign that you are growing – that was the topic you gave us, you have asked just now – it is not a sign that you are growing, evolving, or progressing spiritually. When this Provision comes, it is just a simple sign that the Truth of What You Are is being assumed.

You experience this Divine Provision when you are living in the lightness of this “not me,” “non-ego,” “non-person.” It is when, instead of life continuing to be a fight, a battle, in which you have to grow and win, it becomes a great divine game. So, life is no longer heavy and difficult. In fact, it never was; your ego sees life as arduous because your “I,” your ego, lives in this self-centeredness, in this self-control, in which it believes to be able to determine things – the best things for itself.

I would like you to observe what we are saying here: look at the top executives, the successful entrepreneurs, and successful people in the world; if we ask them a question, will they be honest in giving us the answer? If we ask them: “Are you happy?” Will they have an answer to this question? It is the first question; the second is: do they know what being happy means? Do you know what I want to say to you? It is not success, not public recognition, not material achievement that determines this lightness of Absolute Presence, of Provision for your life, since you can accomplish all of this and still be heavy without being able to play with your children or sit down to draw, like you did as a child, because you do not have time for that, due to demands you have to meet. This demand is nothing other than the maintenance of your status or your position as a successful man and a materially and financially fulfilled person. You must keep reaffirming the “truth” in your poses on Instagram as a successful and a happy person!

What is the Truth of simply Being? That is the question. What is the lightness of simply Being? And what does prosperity really mean? Here, we are telling you that the Realization of your Being, of What is the Divine Truth, of this “not me,” “non-person,” “non-entity” present in this experience of living, is life in Lightness, in Play, in Happiness, in Love, and Peace. That is Real Prosperity! The absence of the “I,” of the ego, of that tension, of those goals and purposes continually throwing you into the future, and you are never here and now, really fulfilled and happy. If we could find a fulfilled and happy human being, we would verify that he has no feeling of searching for anything else. His Fulfillment and Happiness consist in the simple Truth of Being, of Being what he is.

So, all of this is very interesting. The contact of simply being what you are is to assume what you were born to. Then, you are no longer within those idealistic goals and purposes you received in childhood to be someone because it is not about it. The Reality of your Being, which is Love, Peace – I will repeat – Happiness, Real Prosperity, Real Wealth, consists of playing, living without this sense of separation and therefore in Real Joy, Real Happiness. Our work here consists of this Awakening. Awakening to yourself means being a child again, knowing how to have fun, playing, smiling again, and having fun with simple things. You do not need special things to have fun when you are a kid.

In our humanistic conditioning, we follow the model because we have to adjust ourselves to that. A child does not care about the current model – what I mean is that a child with an empty matchbox turns it into a truck and starts driving along the roads. Children put sand (laughs) inside an empty matchbox, take it to another city, and unload it there. They do not need a sophisticated toy to follow the model, to be into the standard, in the current model, to have fun, to be happy.

The Reality of your Being is of a happy child who always has his little truck supplied and is always in this Freedom of simply Being, having someone to take care of this truck, who can provide for this truck what it needs to transport. In other words, you relax, you are at home, you have returned to your childhood, you have returned to your home when you Realize God, the Truth. That is Real Prosperity, the Real Presence of Truth, the Real Presence of God.

People are mistakenly trying to evolve, grow, and spiritualize to find prosperity. Here, the recognition of your simple and natural Nature of Being, returning home, and being with your little truck, which is a matchbox, is to be in this Real disposition for this Grace to pour into your life. And it takes care of fueling its small truck. The little truck of your Existence is nothing other than the very existence of God. The very game and joke, where everything happens, is the very Existence and the Truth of God. And, actually, you in your Being are this very Reality of God. (laughs)

That’s when everything is in place; everything is fine! You are living the Truth of who you are. That is Love, Peace, Freedom, Happiness, the absence of this “me,” this “I,” with its supposed needs and, naturally, all the existential conflict of a stressed and suffering life, full of ambition and envy. And when everything seems like it could disappear at any moment, there is still the presence of fear. It is not Real Life, life without this Realization.

So, this work here, in it, we are working with you on the end of the illusion of the “I,” the end of the illusion of the ego. A life in Freedom, a life in Plenitude, a life in Happiness. A life where there is this Awareness that only life is Real, no imagination, belief, search, pursuit, no concept of evolving, expanding, achieving, or getting somewhere. There is no purpose! Something quite common is a life with purpose. And here I am saying something else, I am saying: there is no purpose. Life has no purpose! The purpose of life is itself, in itself. A Mystery, an absolute Secret that never reveals itself.

You Realize This, but you do not have the revelation of This. It remains what it has always been: a great Mystery without purpose. Therein lies Plenitude, Completeness, and Totality. Therein lies the Awakening of Consciousness, the Spiritual Realization, the Truth of God, the Truth of your Being. Therein lies the Reality, the end for this so-called “world,” so hard, heavy, and burdensome that life is in this sense of an “I,” an ego that sees itself separate, trying to win, trying to achieve, trying to accomplish… Everything is already here and now. In what you are (laughs), everything is already ready, complete, absolute, and real. OK? All good? Let's stop here. You just have to Awaken, just Awaken, just abandon this illusion of being someone looking for something as if something were really something. OK? Let's stop here.

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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