November 25, 2023

Ego-free action | Mindfulness | Being, Consciousness, and Bliss | The ego-free life | Real Action

Here, our work consists of this discovery: the discovery of this action, the truth of this action. I have called the quality of action the action free from contradiction, free from conflict and therefore free from suffering. Is there possible an action for each of us where we can truly succeed? Because the question is common: “How to do the right thing?” There are other questions like: “How to act with wisdom?” or “How to act under pressure?” So, these are questions that we ask, either to ourselves or even formulate them in conversation with someone, because we actually have the intention of having a correct action, a true action, a real action.

So, we are here working with you on the truth of Self-Awareness in the ego-free action. When there is this truth of Self-Awareness, this reveals itself in an ego-free action, then we have a Real action, a true action. The action for our lives cannot be this action we know.

We have said it to you here, studied with you this issue of action. In general, for us, action arises from thought, that is, from a feeling, an emotion, a way of perceiving, and an idea. Our actions are born from this center, which is the “I,” the ego. They are born from this background of memory, of remembrances, with an intention, with a motivation, with a purpose.

So, we have three things here. We have the idea, whether or not it is accompanied by feeling, emotion, some level of sensation, whether it is accompanied by this determined movement of thought. So, it was born this way. It carries a purpose, an objective, a target, an intention and, along with that, action comes up. So, our action has this movement: thought, intention, and action. This places the presence of a doer, of an author of the action, which is the “I,” which is the ego, this thinker, this experiencer.

Thus, our actions are actions moved by this center, which is the “I.” We are here proposing to you a life free from this illusory center, which is the “I,” the ego. Then, there is a new action that arises from this life, the Real Life of this Being, this Real Consciousness, the Truth of this Divine Presence. So, we have an ego-free action, because there is this presence of the revelation of the illusion of this “I,” of the understanding of the structure, the nature and, therefore, of the egocentric movement in us.

When we have an approach here, which is to look at this entire internal movement of consciousness, we can see this movement. This look becomes possible when the mind becomes aware of itself, becomes conscious of itself. This observation of the mind, this awareness of the movement of the mind, when it becomes aware of itself, when it becomes aware of its own movement, this movement is the movement of consciousness.

So, all this consciousness we know, the consciousness in us, needs to be observed. This consciousness is remembrances, memories, desires, and fears. All the psychological burden of being “someone” in life lies within this consciousness. If the mind becomes aware of itself, this movement, which is this consciousness, can be seen. When this consciousness is observed, when there is awareness of this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” of the ego, which is this movement of the egoic consciousness, of this personal consciousness, the awareness of this, is the emptying of this consciousness. When the mind becomes aware of its own movement, this psychological condition, which is this consciousness of “I,” is completely emptied.

Here approaching this vision of the truth about who we are requires the mind to be aware of its own movement, of its own movement. When the mind becomes still, when it becomes silent, when there is this Attention, when it gives itself this Attention, it becomes still. When there is this Attention, this Mindfulness to observe, to become aware of this movement, the content of this consciousness, which is the consciousness of the “I,” reveals itself. Then, naturally, there is an emptying of this content.

Thus, Self-Awareness is a fundamental approach for this Freedom to occur, for the end of this movement to occur, which is the egoic movement, which is the movement of this illusory center. So, when this movement of the “I” ends, there is no longer this egocentric action, there is no longer this movement of action that is based on the idea and, therefore, on motivation, desire, fear, feeling, and emotion.

Notice what we are saying: our actions are personal, they are centered on this ego, on this sense of this experiencer, this thinker. The idea you have about who you are is based on this condition of egoic consciousness. Based on this egoic consciousness there is this movement, which is the movement of the person centered on himself, self-interested, focused on his own motives, intentions, reasons, objectives, and purposes. Therefore, this action here, at this moment, in life, is an action that produces suffering, because it is born from this egocentric activity.

Understand this clearly: we need to empty this psychological content, of which this ego is made up, which is the life of this “I.” Then, Something that is present, that is outside the “I” reveals itself when the “I,” the ego, when this egoic content is no longer present. So, now we have an action of another order, the truth, the quality of the ego-free action.

Note how important this is: in my encounter with you, we have an encounter with life at this moment. Life is something new, fresh, happening for the first time, but this meeting of this “I” with this “you” is a meeting between memories, between remembrances, a meeting between the past. The idea of ​​being “someone” is the past. The idea I have about who I am, the idea I have about who you are, in the same way, the idea you have about who you are, the idea you have about who I am, when this meets each other, when there is an encounter, we have the presence of the past.

Life is here, right now, demanding a new action, bringing a challenge to an action free of conflict, contradiction, suffering, bringing the challenge to a new action, but in this encounter, this psychological condition of being “someone” is meeting this other “someone.” As life is action, an action will happen. So, “I like you” or “I don’t like you.” This “like” comes from the past, this “dislike” comes from the past, then we have an action happening and this action will be the action of the conflict, because it will be the action that is based on the past. Do you see this?

Is it possible an action free from this past, without this center, which is the “I,” the ego? So, it's a meeting free from these images, these photographs – of which I make of you and what you make of me. So, here we are telling you that, yes, a life is possible where action is no longer the action of this center, which is the “I.” It is the action of life itself when the “I,” the ego, is not there. So, in this encounter there is a real relationship, but it is no longer a relationship between images, it is no longer a relationship between the past – this past here and the past there.

In this work here we are showing you the possibility of the ego-free life and, therefore, a Real life. In this Real life there is a quality of action, which is the action that meets this moment, this challenge in an unusual, extraordinarily beautiful way. Then, we have the truth of action free from complications, from confusion, free from disorder, and, therefore, free from suffering.

Here, at this meeting, we are exploring with you the truth of Self-Awareness and the Revelation of your Being, which is the Reality of God. In this Reality of God, which is this Being that we are when this sense of “I,” of the ego is not there, there is no such illusory identity, there is no sense of “someone” as being the experiencer, as being the doer, as being the one who performs and carries out actions.

So, we are talking about an action free from idea, free from belief, free from opinion, free from judgment, free from concept, free from intention, it is an action of life. For objective, practical, very simple matters, like driving a car, we come across an action of this quality. Notice what a curious thing we have here: we have knowledge, we have experience, we have movement, which is action, but it is a natural action, the action of life itself, because it is a technical, objective, and functional action.

Driving a car does not require the presence of this egoic identity, this sense of an “I,” of an ego, unless the idea of someone more important than other people arises in that steering wheel, because one is driving a car that one believes to be more beautiful than other people's cars; unless the sense of “I” appears creating this comparison, carrying this vanity, this pride. Note that driving a car does not require the presence of the ego, just the knowledge, experience, technique, and motor memory of this body-mind. But the truth is that we are always putting in life, in actions – even in actions as simple as driving a car – we are always putting the sense of “I,” of the ego, the self-image of “someone” who feels very important behind that steering wheel, which feels special because you are driving a new car or a fancy car.

So, we are always putting the sense of “I,” of the ego into this movement of action when there is this experiencer, this thinker, when there is this intention, when there is this motivation of the “I,” when there is this ego-centeredness. We are saying that a life free from this old quality of action, which is mere egocentric activity, is possible for a new action, the action of this Intelligence, this Real Presence, this Real life – not this personal life, which is the life of the “I.” The Realization of the Truth of your Being is the end of the ego, it is the end of the “I.”

So, in the relationship with the husband, with children, with family, with everything around you, without the sense of “I,” of ego, this action flows in a free way where there is the presence of Love, of Compassion, Freedom, and Intelligence. This quality of action is the Truth of Divine action.

Here on the channel we are working with you on Spiritual Awakening, the Awakening of Consciousness, the Realization of your Being, which is based on the vision of revelation, the understanding of who we are, who you are in this moment, the understanding of the Truth of this Being, of this Consciousness, and this Bliss, which is the Nature of God here and now when the sense of “I,” when its movement, which is the movement of this egocentric activity, this action centered on this illusion, is no longer present.

So, this is our work here with you on this channel. We have a playlist here on the channel delving deeper into this issue of Self-Awareness and the ego-free action – The truth of Self-Awareness and the ego-free action –, where we are delving deeper into this matter of this Real action free from this sense of separation in this Realization of God – some call this Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment.

So, this is our work here within the channel. We have online meetings on the weekends. You can find our Whatsapp link here in the video description, you can enter and participate in these meetings. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. So, if this is something that makes sense to you, please leave a “like,” subscribe to the channel and leave a comment here: “Yes, it makes sense,” ok?

And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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