November 10, 2023

Action based on the ego | The Presence of Compassion | A life free from ego | Action self-centered

Let’s talk, here, about the crucial matter of action. Action is a foremost subject. Let us investigate the importance of this Free action. Notice that our actions determine life, this so-called “my life,” “our life.” Life consists of actions. Now, here at the moment, this speaking is an action; this listening is also an action. So, right now, we are before a challenge: the challenge of a Free action for this speech to reach you and for you, in fact, to have a direct understanding of what we say here. Thus, perceive that this speech or communication needs to happen within a simple and straight communion; otherwise, there will be no communication and there will not be any Truth in this meeting. Therefore, this is an example of action happening.

In general, our actions are conflicting. They are actions that come into contradiction, into conflict, because there is no internal disposition of communion in the actions. We have a model of thought – which I have called the conditioned mind, a brain trapped in this pattern of conditioning – in which our actions are born from a will, a desire, a wanting. And most of these actions are not in accordance with our own common sense. So, there is something in us that tells us that if we do this, there will be suffering and problems during the action or after it. And yet, we insist. So, we do what we do not want to do, but we do it because we want to do it, because we are driven to do it.

This is a pattern of the “I” itself, the ego itself, of the person, as we see ourselves within this moment, within a state of contradiction. We think one thing, we feel another thing, and often we do a third thing that disagrees with that feeling and thinking. So, psychologically, we are conditioned. There is a psychological conditioning present in us that prevents us from taking free action. And here I call free action what I will explain now, here, in the next few minutes. An intelligent action born out of this direct understanding of what this moment here means. See what we are saying: this moment is a moment of challenge. We have just given an example here: this communication is only possible if there is this communion. If, for example, while I speak here, you internally simply agree or disagree, you are not simply following the speech in this communion since you are listening to the speech from the viewpoint of the intellect. Then, there is no communion because, intellectually, you are separating, dividing, and dissecting this speech to see if you agree or disagree with it. This is an example of conflicting action because there is no communion.

Communion is not the acceptance of the speech, nor is it disagreement with the speech. Communion is following and seeing the Truth or the non-Truth of what is being said. But this is something beyond an intellect that judges, compares, and looks from the background of a preformed, a pre-established concept of what is true and what is false. Notice that we are before something delicate: the issue of Free action. This requires the past to not be present. So, let's now go deeper into this and make it clearer for you.

Our actions at this moment arise from a background of memory, remembrance, and recognition, as in the example here of listening to a speech. Our actions are born at any level, at the verbal level – at the level of speech, of listening, of action, of gestures – they all are born from this background, from memory, and experience. We go through experiences, we record them and when they are repeated, they repeat themselves in this action format. This is the condition of action that comes from the past, from that background, and that memory. Follow that carefully. From a functional viewpoint in life, we need this stored knowledge, this record, this past experience. When listening to this speech, the words need to be understood. This has to be present, deep in your memory. Recognizing words and having knowledge of the language – Portuguese or English — is acquired knowledge, acquired experience. At this level, we are facing technical and practical action. So, at this level, we need knowledge.

I always use the example of driving a car to make it very clear to you who follow these talks. Driving a car is knowledge you have, but you don't have knowledge about flying a plane! So, the plane will not move with you because you have no knowledge about it. If you don't have knowledge, you don't have memory, you don't have remembrance, and you don't have experience, because you've never lived it. It's an unfamiliar experience. If it is unknown, it is not there, so it is not technical information that you have. At this level, we need to have experience, we must know what works there.

So, this brain's ability to store memories, information, knowledge, and thoughts — all of this is important at this level. The problem is that in life, it does not just consist of actions at this level — technical, practical, and objective actions. We also have actions that require the presence of something beyond this technical, practical and objective aspect. For example, contact with another person, for this contact to be Real without conflict, suffering, contradiction, problems, fear, desires, envy, jealousy, possession, or control... because all of this determines suffering in our lives and relationships, because it consists of an action based on this “I,” this ego. Thus, our actions are self-centered in our relationships with others and with ourselves.

For example, in our relationship with ourselves, we also feel guilt, remorse, regret, anguish, frustration, loneliness, and rejection. All of this is present in this ego, in this person we believe we are. And all that occurs because the present action is of this illusory “I.” This is where we are inviting you to an action free from the “I” in contact with others, with yourself, with life... which represents a life free from the ego, free from this “I” that lives in this model of separation, where there is “I” and “not-I,” where there is “he and I,” where there is this “I want,” “I don't want,” “I like,” “I don’t like.” If you praise me, I like you, if you criticize me, I don't like you, or I may even hate you. So, our actions centered on this ego, on this “I,” are self-centered, something that puts us in a situation in life where there are problems and suffering. Is a free life possible? This requires action of a different quality in this contact with others, with life, and with ourselves!

So, see: from a practical and objective viewpoint, technical knowledge for very reasonable and functional subjects, in this dream of existence, is perfect. At this level, thought, memory, and remembrance are necessary. But psychologically, living as someone within this psychological time, bringing from yesterday a memory of insult or praise, of liking or not liking what is here and now, is completely conflicting

The condition of “I” is conflict and suffering. So, our life is a life in the ego, a life of anguish, anxiety, depression, and fear. My relationship with everything around me is based on the illusion of this person… What is this person that I am to myself? An idea! I make an image, an idea, or a concept of myself. I also make an image, an idea, and a concept of you. Our relationship with our wife, children, family, and the world around us is always a relationship without Freedom, because there is always an illusory center that is the “I.” Is it possible to live without creating these images in your relationships with others and without having an image of yourself? Perceive the beauty of this, what it means to never again be hurt, wounded, offended and then having to forgive, reconcile... or attacking the other and becoming his enemy. Living free from this psychological dependence of wanting to be loved and accepted – this is the life of the ego, it is the life of this self-image that I have of myself. Alright?

That's what we're working on here, making it clear to you: an action happening right now, happening at this moment, without the past, without background. It is possible to live at this moment and not let it cause a record within the brain that can then be at the service of that center that is the “I,” that false identity that is the person, that is this image I make of myself. It is possible to live without recording what is not necessary, keeping only what is important. Your name and remembering your face are important. In your relationship with the closest person at home and with those who live with you daily, remembering each person's name and the way of each one is important. But can I remain free from any image of who he is, who she is, or who I am? Here, we are telling you that this is possible when the brain starts working in an entirely new, different way. Becoming aware of yourself here and now and realizing how this mechanism, which is the mind, creates images and records these images. Becoming aware of this means getting closer to the truth of knowing yourself and understanding how you work. So, this is the Truth of Self-Awareness. To know yourself, to become aware of the movement of this “me,” this “I, and to liberate it in such a way that you no longer register these images. That’s when your relationship with the other, without these images, is a relationship of another quality. This is when the Truth of your Being is present, which is the Truth of God.

So, it is the Presence of Love in your relationship with your wife, husband, children, family, and the world around you. Not this thing we call “love,” full of attachment, desire, control, jealousy, and fear. There is a lot of fear present within each of us in this sense of “I.” The fear of losing, of being betrayed, of being deceived, of not having more. You have different fears, different and several fears. There is also this escape mechanism within each of us when fear arises. When we lose something, for example, we quickly replace it with something else. We don't realize that this is a way of escaping from pain, we never look closely at who is in pain, which is this mechanism, this illusory center guarding and preserving this image, attached to this image. So, we are always in this movement of escape. We know several psychological escape mechanisms to escape, for example, from this pain.

So, our work here is to investigate the nature of this “I” and what this action is here and now without this “I.” Only with this action without the “I” do we have the Presence of Real Love. The Presence of Love is the absence of this “I and the other”; it is the Presence of Beauty, of Truth, God, of Compassion. Love is present because Truth is present. In this Truth, we have this Natural Intelligence. Perceive the importance of this Natural Intelligence in relationships. We need to get closer to what this Natural Intelligence is – here I am not referring to this human intelligence – beyond this so-called “human intelligence,” this Intelligence of Being Pure Consciousness, which is the Presence of Love.

Therefore, this action free from the “I,” the ego, which is the Reality of the action in Love, notice it: it’s an action free of time. There is no longer this notion of past, present, and future. There is no longer this sense of an “I” seeking to become someone better or accomplish something out there, because everything is here, at this moment. This “out there” is the notion of time. Between this “in here” and this “out there,” there is this illusion of separation and, therefore, this notion of space and time. That's another thing: we live in this expectation of achieving something tomorrow, of accomplishing something later, of being happy, having peace and freedom tomorrow, of learning to love and to act correctly tomorrow. This ideation, this project, and this concept are projections of the ego itself. This sense of “I” does that because it seeks to escape the Truth, the verification that it is a fraud, so it projects itself.

We can spend a lot of time in our lives, maybe a whole life, on this ideal of finding God, peace, happiness, and the right action. So, we keep asking, What is the right action? How do I act correctly? How to love? How to be happy? How do I get rid of fear? All of this implies the idea of time — something to be achieved tomorrow. And here we are telling you: it is here and now! The Truth of the action free from the “I” is the action free from this illusory center, which is the person, the ego. It is the Presence of your Being, where the Reality of God is the only Truth present.

So, this is our work here with you within the channel. We also have online meetings on the weekends. Here's the invitation! You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to learn more about this and participate in these meetings. We also have face-to-face meetings and, in addition, retreats, ok? If this really makes sense to you, leave a “like” and subscribe to the channel, ok? See you. Thanks for the meeting, and see you next time.

October, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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