August 26, 2022

Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Now | Krishnamurti | Ramana Maharshi | Nisargadatta | Advaita Vedanta

OK. Let's go then! Reality… what does it consist of? We are going to work with you on this today: after all, what is this Liberation? What is this State of Liberation? People ask, and this is a frequent question: “What is Spiritual Awakening anyway?” What is Spiritual Awakening? Spiritual Awakening is waking up to the Reality present here and now. That which is present now, here, is this eternal Now. There is nothing else but this instant here. This moment here is the moment of Consciousness. The only Reality in all this manifestation - I would say in all this apparent manifestation - it is That which does not present itself and yet is not absent. I mean this instant, this present moment. This present moment is the eternal Now.

Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment, is the Consciousness of this present moment, happening free from all intervention, from all interference of thought. When thought occurs, there comes the introduction or appearance of time. Time only appears when thought appears. The notion that the human being has of time is a notion based on thought. Observe this in yourself: the presence of thought determines the notion of time. The more agitated, agitated internally, psychologically you are, the greater the volume of present thoughts, the greater this notion of existing within time.

The softness of thought, or the non-presence of thought, gives you a very clear feeling that all notion of time is gone. You don't know if it was exactly ten minutes or half an hour or a minute.

When the mind is not, or this relative movement of the egoic mind is not there, the whole notion of time is something completely different or completely neutral; it does not appear, the notion of time does not appear.

In deep sleep, you don't have this sense of the presence of time, because the mind, in a way, is not there. If the egoic mind is not present with its movement, there is no such sense of time. Your sense of time during dreaming is completely different from your sense of time during the waking state. This shows us the unreality of time.

I have said that psychological time is an illusion. The whole notion of psychological time is in this very close connection with the movement of thought. When people use the expression “consciousness,” they are referring to this movement of thought.

When the movement of thought takes place and they are aware of this movement, they call it consciousness. But notice an interesting thing: when there is Real Consciousness, there is no notion of thought movement. Therefore, True Consciousness is not conscious, it transcends “being conscious.”

All the existential burden of the human being is due to this “being conscious.” He is conscious of his thoughts. In other words, he is identified and identifying himself with this movement of consciousness called thought.

Therefore, this movement of thought is the absence of the view of this eternal Now, this Reality present when thought is not, when mind is not. So, That which is present is this eternal Now – this is the Reality of Consciousness.

That's why it's important for you to understand the difference between being conscious and being Consciousness. And I've been discussing it, within these lines here on the channel. The human being lives consciously, but he does not assume the Truth about who he is, and if he does not assume the Truth about himself, he is not “being Consciousness,” he is just conscious. And what are the indications of being conscious? When you are conscious, what is “conscious of” is the sense of the experience present in that memory. The experiences that you go through, the experiences that you have, leave a scar, leave a mark, leave a memory, and when you are conscious, what you are conscious of is that very memory, is that very remembrance, is that movement of thought itself.

It is interesting to observe this. Thought is basically memory, and therefore thought is experience, and that experience ends up being recorded there. So, your whole experience of being conscious is basically being conscious of memory, it's memory in its own movement, and that's not True Consciousness.

True Consciousness transcends this movement of thought, this movement of experience, this movement of memory. You are here as Consciousness, but you are not that memory. That memory is just remembrance, recollection, experience stored in that body and that mind. So, when you use the expression, the pronoun “I,” you are always referring to that experience, the experience of a supposed identity that, in fact, does not exist.

That entity is made up of remembrances, it is made up of memories, it is made up of recollections. When you are confused by this, you are in pain, because you see yourself as an identity, as a person, as someone separate from Life, separate from Existence. You have situations in life to solve, these situations are problems that are present because of the illusion of an identity wanting to solve problems. And why can I say this? I can affirm this on the basis of the Vision of Truth of those who have Realized in Themselves the Truth of being Consciousness.

In being Consciousness, life has representations, it has challenges, it has situations, but it does not have problems, it does not have someone to solve problems, because problems are not real when this “sense of someone” is no longer present, since this “sense of someone” is based on memory, ideas, remembrances, thoughts, and beliefs.

If you realize the Truth about your own Self, you transcend all that thought has produced and therefore transcend this illusion.

You are beyond this illusion, the illusion of psychological time and therefore of this belief of someone who has problems. But if that is not solved, you lie down to sleep, spend the day trying to solve problems that are supposed to be yours, of a separate identity trying to win, trying to solve, trying to solve. The result of this is that you spend the day psychologically occupying yourself with that memory, with that remembrance, identifying with that, and when you lie down to sleep, the whole task is still there. It never resolves itself, because psychologically the sense of an “I” is present wanting to resolve situations.

Life consists in what it is, not in what thought wants it to be or tries to make it. As you get confused with thought, you are always feeling yourself in conflict, in struggle, in resistance to Life as it is, and what is actually happening is that this is just the movement of thought that you identify with, and thus establishes an inner identity. So that inner sense, that inner sense of identity, is based on thought.

So, the suffering of the human being is based on his memory, his remembrances, his desires and his fears. If you feel like a separate entity, if you carry this sense of inner identity, of internal identity, there is always this idea, for example, of development.

You believe in personal development, you believe in a person to develop, to develop in different areas, in different spheres of life, to develop sentimentally, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, professionally… So, there is always the idea of an identity to grow, to change. This is basically the illusion of an identity separate in time.

So, the whole problem is the illusion of that sense of inner identity, of internal identity – in that “I” lies the problem. So, Life is as it is, this eternal moment, this present moment, consists of a single Reality, which is Consciousness itself. Therefore, being Consciousness consists in being in that Oneness with Life. And here we touch on a subject dealt with in Vedanta.

Within Vedanta, which are the scriptures of the Indian sages… the last part of the Vedas is Vedanta, and in Vedanta there is a part that consists of investigating the illusory nature of this sense of separation between you and Reality, between you and Life, between you and Consciousness – it is called Advaita Vedanta. In the view of Advaita or non-duality… and here I am referring to non-duality, that is, there is no illusion of two realities present in this manifestation. The only Reality in this manifestation is this eternal Present, it is this Now here, which is Consciousness.

Within that Dimension of Existence, there is no longer the sense of an ego identity separating itself. This is the end of the illusion of duality. This is the end of the illusion of psychological time, so there is no longer this psychological prison to this supposed identity. When there is no longer this supposed identity, when there is no longer this supposed “I,” this supposed internal identity, there is no prison, there is no longer this psychological prison. This is the State of Liberation. In India, they call it Moksha – the State of Liberation, Liberation in life. Those who Realize this State assume their Natural State of being Consciousness.

So, being Consciousness, you see, is different from being conscious. When you are conscious, problems are there, suffering is there.

Anxiety is suffering, and that is unhappiness; anguish is suffering, and that is unhappiness; desire is suffering, and that is unhappiness; fear is suffering, and that is unhappiness.

All these psychological disorders, all these conditions of lack of mental health, they are unhappiness, they are internal states of unhappiness, of psychological unhappiness, and that is present when that ego identity is present, when this sense of separation is present, when everything you have about yourself is to be conscious.

Yes, you can be conscious. You are aware of the dream while the dream is present, and when you wake up you realize that the dream was an illusion. You are conscious of this waking state. This is something very real to you, but when you enter the dream state, that waking state world has disappeared – you are no longer conscious of the waking state. Your experience now, which is the experience of this inner "I," is the dream experience, and when there is no dreaming and no waking state, the mind disappears into deep sleep and the sense of this inner "I" disappears along with the mind.

So, there you are not conscious, and yet in the waking state, the dream state, and the deep sleep state… in none of these moments do you cease to be who you truly are, and who you are transcends all three of these states: waking, dream and deep sleep.

Your state of Awareness, which is to be Consciousness, is here and now, in this eternal moment. I would call this moment a timeless moment. Your State of Being is of this greatness, is of this Silence, is of this Truth, of this timeless Transcendence, and that State is the State that transcends waking, dreaming and deep sleep. I've been talking about this state here on the channel. In India, they call it “Turiya.”

Turiya is the fourth possible state for man, but you are not born with access to that state without a work. A work is necessary for you to really have access to this State, which is the State of full Consciousness, of total Consciousness, of being Consciousness.

The human being is born, grows up, becomes a teenager, young, dates, marries, has children, becomes a grandfather, grandmother, and lives his life for 50, 70, 80 years, and dies without the Truth of the Revelation of his own Being, because everything took place or happened while he was in these three states: waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. The Sages have called this the sleep state. The human being lives in this sleep. So, in this sleep, he is born, grows up, marries, has children, is a grandfather, gets sick, grows old, or even before that he dies, in his sleep state, because he didn't Awaken. Why did they call that man, named Shakyamuni, Buddha? Because he Awakened! The Truth about who You are, the Truth about your Being, is that Awakened State, is that Awakened State, and that is the State of Turiya.

So here, when we use the expression Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening or the Awakening of Consciousness… these expressions have been used in a very general way saying different things. Here, in this channel, I put it only in that sense, in the sense of this Awakening to this Consciousness, to your own Being. In fact, the word “awakening” has also been used in different ways, and here I use it only in that sense, in the sense of going beyond this sense of ego identity, of going beyond this sense of separation.

So, there is a work in that direction. A work is needed in this direction, because this state of Turiya – in India it is also called Samadhi, Natural Samadhi, Sahaja Samadhi – is the State of full Consciousness, it is being Consciousness, as I have been putting it here, and that is being here and now, to be in this present moment, to live in this present moment, to be established in your Being now. This is an expression often used by Eckhart Tolle: “to stay in the Now.” It's a beautiful expression. Deep into the Now… Because that's how I've been placing it here for you, in these lines. In fact, this movement of the mind is always of time, it is always of time, it is always of the past, present and future, and that is only movement of memory, imagination, remembrance.

The Reality that You are is Consciousness, and It is here and now. Eckhart Tolle uses a beautiful expression, the expression is: “The Power of Now.” There is the Power present in remaining free from psychological time. What we are sharing, you see, is possible for you, not just Ramana Maharshi, not just Eckhart Tolle… but it is possible for you. All the revelation given in different words for many years, for many years... Krishnamurti left a message, and all he wanted to say, and what people seem to have not understood, is that the only Reality is this Consciousness, is to be Consciousness. This is the message of Krishnamurti, this is the message of Eckhart Tolle, this is the message of Ramana Maharshi, of Nisargadatta Maharaj.

The Reality of your Being reveals itself in that eternal moment. The various complications… all are within the illusion of time. All human misery, all human suffering, all human existential conflict is within it. What makes this Awakening to Consciousness possible is the touch of Grace in that organism, in that mechanism. So, a work takes place in that body-mind.

You can get closer to it here on the channel, in our playlist called “Kundalini Awakening.” When work takes place in this body, a change takes place so that this State settles down.

We are working together on this with those who approach us here on the channel, in online meetings and also in face-to-face meetings and even in retreats.

If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your "like" on the video, subscribe to the channel and let's work on it together!

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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