August 6, 2022

Satsang | What is the Kundalini | Myths, imaginations, fantasies and beliefs | Kundalini and the empowerment

All right, let's go! I’m still clarifying some questions for you! It seems that we’ll always have to work with you on this doubt and other ones. One of them is: what is it for? What does it imply…? This is what I'm going to talk about. And what is it for? The question is: what is it for, what is the usefulness of Kundalini Awakening?

First, I want you to understand why people are looking for this Awakening, what they intend by seeking this, with this search for Awakening. It’s important to understand that if you have a wrong view of what Kundalini represents, your search will also be completely erroneous, completely wrong.

First, you need to understand what Kundalini really is. I want to start talking about this before I talk to you about this matter, which is the matter of the usefulness or why you should Awaken Kundalini. You also have the common idea of powers involved in this Kundalini Awakening, but first I want, I repeat, to talk to you about what, basically, Kundalini is. Let's understand this now, within a real context, without all these myths, imaginations, fantasies and beliefs.

Kundalini is simply your Being. Your Being is sleeping. Your mental state is functioning, it is working. You live in a purely mental state of consciousness.

There’s no Consciousness in that mental state, or that consciousness is just mental consciousness. That means your Being is sleeping, your Being is asleep. Your Being, here, is synonymous with Consciousness. Consciousness is dormant and Kundalini is the simple Awakening of your Being, which is Kundalini Awakening.

Thus, the truth is that when Kundalini awakens, you are beyond that state of mental consciousness, of ordinary consciousness. This state of mental consciousness I have called, here in these meetings, unconsciousness. Because in fact, varying in level of intensity or depth of this so-called mental consciousness, which is the consciousness of the common human being, of the human being… which is the great part of humanity living within this condition… This variation is actually the variation of depth or intensity of unconsciousness.

Then, what we call mental consciousness is actually unconsciousness, and Kundalini Awakening is the Awakening of this Consciousness to a completely different quality of life. Because in the quality of life of this mental consciousness or this unconsciousness, the human being is living in conflict, in contradiction, in suffering, full of desires and fears; they are unhappy.

So, their unhappiness is due to the lack of seeing the truth about who they are. Then, if you don't know who You are, you don't assume the Truth of this Consciousness, because you haven't awakened, because you're not awakened.

This condition of mental consciousness, or unconsciousness, as I’ve called it, varies from person to person, but basically it is suffering for everyone. And the Awakening of your Natural State of Consciousness is what the Sages in ancient India and in various traditions, just changing the expression… it is called Kundalini.

Thus, let's understand first that Kundalini is the simple Awakening of your Being, which is Consciousness, Happiness, Love, which is Peace. However, people are very interested in what they call Kundalini Awakening. But this interest is a misunderstanding, because for them Kundalini Awakening is something that will represent an added power to that person they believe to be.

So, if you’re an ordinary person, you’ll become unusual; if you are a normal person, you’ll become a special person, if you are a powerless person, you’ll become an empowered person. Thus, there is this search for the empowerment, which is the search of ego identity for being special and differentiating itself from others.

So here we already have the answer to the wrong question of those who ask: "What is the purpose of Kundalini Awakening? " The wrong answer to a wrong question is: "to give the empowerment, to give you power." And that's what people are looking for, they are looking for that: "empowerment." They are looking for power. As they discovered that there is an energy - at least in theory, in the belief, in their imagination - that there is a power within them that can be awakened, and some even say, in a very mistaken way, “it was awakened by Kundalini,” as if there was this power and Kundalini to awaken that power.

So, they want to awaken that power to be differentiated, to be special, to be powerful. The human being is completely crazy about this, they talk a lot about it nowadays. This issue of living this "man empowerment," "woman empowerment…" is the sense of being "someone"!

The mistake is here, the error is here. Kundalini is Consciousness, and Consciousness is this Unique, Simple, Natural, Divine and really Powerful Presence. The greatest Power in the Universe is within you, which is this Consciousness. However, it is not a power to serve this false "I," this "me," this ego. This Power is the Realisation of the Divine Truth.

All the saints in the history of mankind, all the Sages, had a moment of transition from mental consciousness or unconsciousness to this State of Full Consciousness, of Divine Consciousness, of Real Consciousness, but that didn’t make them empowered beings or powerful beings.

This transition is like the transition from caterpillar to butterfly. Yes, the caterpillar is greedy and it's a strange, furry insect, and some are too fat and clumsy to walk, and when you look at a butterfly you say: "What a grace, what a beauty!" Yes, the transition is something like that. The transition from your egoic state to your Divine State is something like this transition. But even this Beauty of a Sage, of a Realized Being, of those who are living in their Real Nature, even this Beauty doesn’t make them someone empowered, someone with a strong and lush ego, beautiful, who is flying around, full of powers. This is fantasy!

There is no ego in your Divine State, there is no ego in your Natural State! This the real Awakening of Kundalini! This is the Real Awakening of Kundalini! Your Being, your Vivacity, your Non-Duality, your Presence… And it's curious, when I use the expression "your." Here, I mean Presence, Vivacity, Grace. I mean What You are in your Essential Nature, which is God.

Thus, let's understand this! Suppose we have a space and we are going to make a vegetable garden. Then, we clean the ground, fluff the land and fertilize it and prepare the ground to throw the seeds, to put the seedlings, and then we’ll have a delightful vegetable garden, lush, beautiful.

Here, the work of Kundalini Awakening, which is of this Realisation of God, here in these speeches, in these meetings - and more than in these speeches, in these meetings – there’s a present Energy, there’s a present Power that is the very Power of this Consciousness, to show you that this terrain has and needs to be cleaned, so that this little garden can really be a beautiful garden, this land can really prove to be perfect for this purpose.

So is this work within yourself, this work inside you. You need this work for Kundalini Awakening. And here, I always refer to, within these meetings with you, what I consider real Kundalini, the Real Awakening of this Presence, the Real Awakening of Kundalini.

When This arrives, it represents the end of suffering and not empowerment; the end of fear and not the presence of courage; the end of war and not the presence of peace - this “peace” in this sense of an opposite that is on the other side. Peace as opposed to war, fear as opposed to courage, and so on.

I speak of the non-dual Presence of your Being, which is essentially Peace. However, it’s not the peace the mind understands, the ego idealizes. I speak of the presence of the Power! Yes, there is a Power present in a Realized Being - it is the Power of Silence, the power of Wisdom, it’s the Power of Love, it’s the power of Sanity. It’s not the power that made someone powerful. It’s the Power that dissolved the illusion of "someone" present, it’s the Power of Beauty, it is the power of the Consciousness of God, it’s the Power of non-separation, of non-duality.

Then, what's the use? Now, I'm going to put your question, my question, into context. What is Kundalini Awakening for? Now, let's correct the question, let's ask it in another way, without the misunderstanding “what is it for?”, because we are dealing here with something utilitarian, something that will serve some personal, egoic purpose. So, let's ask differently: “What is Kundalini?” Instead of "what's the use?" "what's the purpose…?" No! Let's ask “what is Kundalini?” Because in the answer to what is Kundalini, you already truly understand what the purpose of this Awakening is, and that's what I'm referring to here, within these meetings with you, all the time! The purpose of this Awakening is to give you the awareness of the Truth of your Being.

Jesus called “Kingdom of Heaven,” “the Truth of the Kingdom of Heaven in you.” The Flourishing of this Kingdom of Heaven is Kundalini. In Buddhism, this is called “the end of suffering” or “Nirvana…” the end of suffering. In Hinduism, it is “Moksha.” Moksha is the State of Freedom, of non-separation, of Liberation...

So, our work together within these meetings, as well as here in this in-person meeting, our purpose here is to enter into This, to the Recognition of the Truth we are here and now. Then, we eliminate the misunderstanding of the question. The purpose is here, the goal is here, but it is no longer personal, “what is it for” is also here, but it doesn’t serve a personal purpose.

It hasn’t been like this, in general… it hasn’t been like this. Every approach of the ego is for acquisition, for acquiring, for possessing and for having power for its own ends, for its own purposes - purely egoistic, purely egocentric - and we discard all that.

Then, of course… when someone asks: "But then, is it dangerous or not?" Yes… there is no greater danger in life than remaining in ego identity. That’s the greatest danger of all: to remain living, carrying this sense of separation.

If you have to go through a process of transition, of breaking this ego identity, your ego is really going through the greatest danger of all, which is going beyond that egoic sense, which is going beyond that sense of separation. That's the greatest danger of all! So, basically, there is no danger other than the illusion of your ego at risk and your Divine Life flourishing here and now.

Then, that’s the subject for you today within this meeting. Ok?

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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