August 5, 2022

Satsang | Kundalini and the Awakening of Consciousness | The Expansion of Consciousness | The end of suffering

In general, we don't realize the implications of suffering, what it means, what it represents, and even less any need to go beyond it.

People, in general, feel that they suffer, but they never ask themselves what suffering is. What is it that sustains suffering? What is it that keeps suffering? Much less, they wonder if it is possible not to suffer. I'm not talking about physical suffering; I'm talking about psychological suffering.

There is something that is not perceived, in general. It is not clearly perceived that this suffering, which is what I consider to be true suffering, which is psychological suffering, is something entirely dependent on the state of the mind.

Your state of mind determines the level, intensity, and quality of that suffering. Suffering is something psychological, it is something that thought produces, sustaining a certain state, that state of mind, the mental state of pain, the mental state of contradiction, the mental state of conflict, which is basically an unhealthy state of mind. So, you see, there is no real mental health when the state of mind is the state of suffering.

There are several names, there are several nomenclatures for the conditions of psychological pain, and here I want to tell you that it is possible to find out how to deal with it. So, you might end up having an answer to a question you never asked yourself. The question: is it possible to go beyond it? Is it possible not to suffer? Is it possible to discover a quality of life free from all this psychological burden of pain? The names are different, the conditions are different, these representations are different, of how, psychologically, this mental state of non-psychological health is shown.

In this work with you, in this work here together, we can investigate this, we can have the direct Understanding of the Truth about who we are. There are expressions that try to point to This, to this possibility of going beyond this condition. What condition is this? It is the condition of the state of psychological disorder, as I have called it, or psychological insanity. So, our job here together is to see that, to get closer to that.

This condition of psychological disorder, of unconsciousness, are expressions that we use here to point to the very same thing. I speak of something which is possible for you to go beyond, so that you can truly discover the end of suffering.

An interesting aspect of this issue of suffering is that... one thing you don't realize is, actually, how much in the mind there is a self-conservation, there is a self-preservation, because there is a self-appreciation of this state, the state of psychological pain, the state of contradiction, of conflict, of psychological disorder.

In India, they call Maya the mistaken view, the view of illusion, this representation of the world based on a completely mistaken view, completely out of reality. So, in India they call it Maya. This is the ordinary state of consciousness. The ordinary state of consciousness of the human being is the state of unconsciousness. This vision that does not match reality is the way the mind represents life, how it stands in front of what is presented. So, in India they call this Maya, this vision, this illusion, and this is the state of mind in this lack of internal health, of psychological health. That condition is the condition of the mind in its limitation, it is the condition of unconsciousness. So human consciousness is this unconsciousness trapped in Maya, trapped in this illusion, trapped in this sense of illusory reality.

It's important that you understand that it has a very… a very typical way of showing up inside you, but you rarely notice it. What am I talking about? I'm talking about appreciation, conservation, maintenance of that state which, basically, is an indirect way of appreciating suffering, of appreciating this condition.

That's why I've been calling it insanity. The human being lives in a psychological state of disorder that I have called insanity. In addition to not clearly realizing that he suffers and never asking himself if it is possible to go beyond that suffering, he, in addition, suffers and is unaware of how much he appreciates this condition, and what he does is conservation for the maintenance of this condition.

So, some have called this possibility of going to an entirely different condition… some have called it a new way of looking at life, having a different consciousness from this, this so-called common consciousness. Recently someone talked about this thing called expanded consciousness or the Expansion of Consciousness. Okay, let me use this language here with you. I'm going to call this also, now, New Consciousness.

This way of seeing oneself within this context of life requires a New Consciousness. Here, what one would call expanded consciousness, I could call New Consciousness, a New Consciousness – understanding that Consciousness is limitless, it is not Consciousness that is actually going to expand. Your Natural Real State of Being is a State free from all suffering, because it is a state free from that psychological disorder, that psychological insanity; it is a free state of Maya.

We can use many terms to put this to you, here.

So, I would say that this State of Consciousness, which I have also called the Natural State of Being, and now I am calling it New Consciousness or Real Consciousness, is something that is simply your Essential Nature, your Natural State of Being, free from suffering and, naturally, free from the appreciation of this ego identity, this state of self-conservation, of self-preservation in pain. So, telling people that they appreciate suffering may at first sound very strange and even unacceptable to them, but in fact, it is so.

You, for example, enjoy being accepted. This is a form of appreciating suffering, because if you appreciate being accepted, if you care about it, if this is relevant to this “me,” to this “I,” to this ego, that is a classic sign of psychological insanity and appreciation of pain, because the world will not appreciate you as you wish. So, all this expectation… I'm here giving an example, but you can find many other examples of this. So, what people are looking for is not exactly suffering, what they are looking for is appreciation, but that comes in a package, because you are not always appreciated as much as you want and for as long as you want… and whether you are appreciated! So, it's a form of searching, of looking for suffering.

So, the ego lives in this emotional, psychological dependence. These various emotional dependencies clearly represent a perfect appreciation of suffering. Going beyond that means awakening to this New Consciousness. The human being suffers from this evil, the evil of an old consciousness, of a limited consciousness, of an insane consciousness, what I have called, I repeat, insanity or unconsciousness.

The Awakening of your Being, the Awakening of your Divine Nature, and our proposal within... here with you, is to guide you in that direction, showing you how This becomes possible, the Awakening of your Being, the Awakening of your Divine Nature, the Awakening of that Sacred Potential that You carry within Yourself, which is the Presence of Consciousness, which is the Presence of God! Ramana said that this is the Presence of Kundalini, which is inside and also outside the body. So, Kundalini is the Presence of Consciousness, and it is It that works in this organism, in this body-mind, for a change, so that this condition of egoic identity, of a sense of separation, of a sense of duality, of unconsciousness, of collective insanity, there in that organism, disappears.

So that's our job here with you. We are working together this issue of the Awakening of the Truth that we are here and now, and that is Kundalini Awakening, the Awakening of Consciousness, the Awakening of your Being, because Kundalini and Being are synonymous; Consciousness and Kundalini are synonymous. The Awakened State, which is the Christ State, the Buddha State, the Ramana Maharshi State, is the State where this Presence, which is this Consciousness, has taken over that body, that mechanism, that organism.

An important thing to be said here about the importance of the Awakening of Consciousness, Kundalini Awakening, is that It brings about a change in that organism. It breaks this habitual condition of the egoic mind to function in this body, in this brain, in this format. So, when that is broken, your brain is in a new condition, your body is in a new condition. Some call this "Spiritual Awakening." So that's the purpose, that's Spiritual Awakening. Spiritual Awakening is the end of the illusion of the sense of an ego identity present here and now, in this experience. Spiritual Awakening is the end of the illusion of someone present.

You are Love in your Being, You are Consciousness, You are that Presence.

When This is present, when This is, the All is present. Our work together is for this Realization of Truth that we are here and now, for this Spiritual Awakening, for this Vision of this New Consciousness, in full expansion, beyond any need to expand – It is already This! That's what we're dealing with you. The end of suffering is possible here and now, in This… In What You are!

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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