August 19, 2022

The Flourishing of Kundalini. The Divine Presence. The Kundalini and Consciousness. True Meditation

Very good!

Here, the point is in this Spiritual Awakening. Spiritual Awakening is the Recognition of your True Nature, your Real Identity. Illusion is this ignorance, the ignorance of who You truly are. There are a few things here, we are going to talk to you.

I want to talk to you about this Potential for this Spiritual Awakening. The Potential is that which is like dormant within you. Illusion lies in this ignorance of who You are and in the fact that this Potential does not manifest, does not present itself. This Potential is what some call Kundalini. To let you know, the word Kundalini means "coiled like a serpent."

It is just that, something coiled like a serpent, the appearance of a coiled serpent – that is the meaning of the word Kundalini. That Divine Potential is something present there, but it is as if asleep, sleeping.

So, that Energy, that Divine Potential within you, is like a serpent, like a snake all coiled, asleep.

In that organism, in that body-mind, in that biological mechanism, there is this Power, this Energy, this Divine Potential. As long as ignorance remains, illusion remains, and this “serpent” remains coiled. It doesn't uncoil, it doesn't Awaken.

So, what is basically Kundalini? Kundalini is that Energy of the Divine Presence in a potential state, in a dormant state. It is important that you understand that when we refer to Kundalini, we are referring to Consciousness, to the Power of Consciousness itself, to the Divine Power itself that resides in You, which dwells in You, which, in fact, is You!

Human language has this capability or this ability to say the same thing using different words. Ramana says that the Kundalini is Consciousness, and Consciousness is that Power which, also, in India, is called Shakti. This Power is called Shakti. So, Kundalini, Consciousness and Shakti refer to the same thing: that Divine Potential in You. I have been talking to you about the importance of Meditation. Meditation is the key that opens this door, unlocks this padlock, reveals this secret for you. The basis of your Liberation in this life is in the Awakening of this Energy.

Some call this “activation of this Energy” the uncoiling of this “serpent,” this Potential there in the body. My talk about Meditation with you is because I want to show you that the only possibility for us to go beyond this condition of illusion, of ignorance, is when a change happens, a change in this organism, in this mechanism. So, a change in that body-mind is needed so that you, in your Divine State, in your Natural State, can live the Truth that you were born to live.

I am speaking of a Power, which some call Kundalini, Divine Shakti or Consciousness, which is present in everything, everywhere!

When we talk about the Universe, about the entire Manifestation, we are talking about this Presence, this Consciousness, this Shakti, we are talking about this same Power. This Presence, which is Consciousness, unfolds in this Manifestation and assumes what we can call names and having sensory perception as forms.

When you look at that object called a tree, you have given it a name and there you have a form, but the Truth of that tree is the Truth of that Consciousness.

It is in this sense that Ramana says that this Divine Presence, which is Consciousness, which is Kundalini, is inside the human body and also outside it. So, this Presence, which is Consciousness, is everywhere! In a tree you have this Divine Presence, in a bird you have this Divine presence.

Since we were little, we've heard expressions like “God is everywhere,” but no one has ever deepened this to us, and basically, the Sage's view, the Realized Being’s view, is that there is only God! It's not that God is everywhere; in the Sage's view, every part is in God, and so are the "non-parts." There is only God! And the Divine Presence is in that tree, in that bird perched on that tree, it's in that background of cloud, in that landscape, behind that tree... that cloud floating in the sky behind that mountain, which is also behind that tree.

So, before this whole scenery, all you have is this Presence of Consciousness, the Divine Presence, that Divine Potential, the Divine Shakti, the Divine Power. The human being, unlike a tree, carries the psycho-physical condition to become aware of this Power, this Presence, this Consciousness. This is what has been called Spiritual Enlightenment, the Spiritual Awakening, Awakening of the Consciousness.

The human being carries in his body, in this mechanism, unlike a tree, he carries within this organism, this mechanism, the Potential to Realize God in this life, to Realize the Truth in this life. Speaking it in a different way: to recognize this Divine Potential in an actualized way here and now. This is called Liberation, the Moksha, in India - Liberation in life, You in your Divine State, You in your Natural State.

So, what do we have here now? Here, we have the Flourishing of this Consciousness, we have the Flourishing of Kundalini, of this Divine Potential. What I am saying here within this speech to you is that when you see a mountain range, there it is that Consciousness. This Presence is everywhere, this Divine Potential is everywhere: it is in the seas, in the deserts, in the mountains, in the valleys, in the forests, in the woods… everything is this Presence, everything is this Consciousness, everything is this Manifestation, everything is this Divine Shakti.

So, Ramana says "Kundalini, which is Consciousness, is inside and outside," but you, as a human being, have the ability, unlike a mountain range, unlike deserts, seas, valleys, you have the possibility, in this life, to become aware of the Reality of your Being, aware of the Reality of your Essential Nature – This is Liberation!

It is evident that we are talking about a quality of Being that is completely different from the human being’s in his ordinary condition of life. The human being carries a very advanced intellect compared to the intellectual ability, logic and... in short, compared to animals, man differs a lot from all this capability of the animal to interact with the environment, in a rational, logical and intellectual way. But this Divine Potential present in man – I speak of this Shakti, this Power, this Consciousness – it's the same thing present in a bird… it's the same thing present in a bird. And when you look at a bird... in nature, in all of Existence, there is already the natural presence of that Silence, whereas when you look at the human being and sees that the condition of the human being, despite all his intellectuality or cognitive ability, logic and reason, etc., he is in conflict, he is suffering, he is living in a state of almost complete insanity.

In fact, the basis of the existence of this so-called “human consciousness,” in this illusion, in this ignorance, is insanity.

The Awakening of your Divine Nature, the Flourishing of Kundalini, is the Awakening of that Silence, that same Silence present in nature.

I've been talking about Meditation, and everything I've said so far was to show you the importance of Meditation. This same Presence of Silence in the whole nature is sometimes so stunning that you are sometimes in a certain place so impacted by mountains, impacted by the sea, or when your gaze is directed to the sky and you see a cloud floating, before a clear blue sky, in the background... the impact of this Silence, this Divine Power, the Divine Presence so natural in all Existence, in all nature, is sometimes so impactful that the sense of the ego, for a few seconds, disappears, and there's like a silent voice inside you and it says, “Wow!” The egoic sense is gone.

And I have said in these talks about Meditation, that the basis of a Real Meditation is the absence of the egoic sense, the real absence of the egoic sense, here and now. It's not a determined, specific, technical practice to get This.

And when you are facing this scenery, this landscape of this moment, you are naturally in a state of Meditation, without any effort, without any technique, without any practice. So, this is what I have called the True Meditation, True Guided Meditation, and here guided by the Power of that very Consciousness that is everywhere.

You look at a bird perched on a branch and suddenly your mind is gone, the person is gone. And that bird is not chanting a mantra for you, nor is it giving you an example of an asana position, it is not giving you a breathing technique, it is just perched there on that branch, and your gaze is directed and the egoic mind fades away. Why?

Because you are before Shakti itself, the Divine Power itself, you are before Consciousness itself, which is Kundalini. And at that moment, moves, it has a little movement, but it is enough for all the egoic sense to disappear.

Here, in this work, when I talk to you about the importance of Meditation, I am talking about the importance of Being, and notice: this is natural.

You don´t need a school to learn to meditate. Children know what I am talking about.

You were once a child and remember it was like that when you were a child. Now you are already an adult, already a grown man, a grown woman, and you have the same experience, in this sense, as anyone else, without any learning, because this is innate. Your contact with the Divine Reality, which is your Being, is something innate, already there.

So, Meditation is already you, here and now, in your Being, in your Natural State of Being.

One cannot teach Wisdom. You can Awaken to Wisdom. Meditation cannot be taught; it is possible to Awaken to Meditation. One cannot teach someone to reach God, because one cannot reach God.

God is This that is here and now as your Natural State of Being, and This cannot be learned!

So, Meditation is the art of Being, and the True Meditation is that expression of Consciousness of Being.

So, I have been talking to people who approach me about the importance of self-enquiry.

Self-enquiry is something that Ramana put as “who am I?” Notice that when you make a question... “who am I?”, there is no answer! Each and every answer grounded in a story is false, so you discard it; you stay with the question, and when there is only the question, there is no thought about this, and here is the answer – in the non-verbal-intellectual answer.

We are facing What is: Silence, Consciousness...

This question is similar to another one here, that I have been talking to you here: “What am I?” or “What is the thought that comes?”

When you ask “which is the thought that comes?”… If I ask you “what is the thought that comes?”, you have no answer to this. What will be your next thought?

You have no answer. So, you enter an entirely new and unknown state, outside the mind, outside all this programming of thinking, feeling, imagining, deducing, concluding, explaining. You are in a similar state to looking at that bird, looking at the mountain range.

The sense of “I” is not, when this Presence, which is Consciousness, which is this Powerful Divine Energy, is present there, in this organism, in this mechanism taking over the body and mind completely. So, when we are talking of Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, God Realization...Names are different for this Natural State of Being that You are here and now, free from this insanity, this “me,” this “I,” this ego.

It could take a few minutes to talk about this, but it goes without saying that the state of insanity, which is the state of ignorance, which is the state of illusion that the great mass, the vast majority of people live in, are living, this is unhappiness, this is suffering.

I could spend a few minutes just reminding you what a miserable state it is in the egoic life, in the insanity of the egoic mind, in this insanity of a life without this Divine Realization. I could, for example, remind you that the human being is envious, he is possessive, he is jealous, he is miser, he is anxious, he is biased, he is prone to depression, he lives in depression; he has a tendency to not stand himself and even to attacks of fears, of panic; he has a tendency to end his own life because of the deep anguish of existing as a separate entity, living in time and space, as a creature who believes himself to be someone in this experience of existing.

So, the state of the human being is – once seeing honestly – a state of insanity, of madness, of a collective condition of madness, of collective insanity. That's the condition!

The Awakening of the Truth that You are is the end of it, the end of it all. I'm talking about the end of fear, I'm talking about the end of suffering. Human unconsciousness is such that you are not even aware of the level of suffering you have present in your existence, in your life, because it is so muffled by so many and various distractions that you are not even aware of how much you suffer. There is no awareness of the illusion in which one lives. The Truth about your Being, the Flourishing of this Divine Reality, is the end of this illusion, it is the end of this ignorance, when there is this Divine Nature that is You in your Being...

In that sense, you, as a human being, different from that bird that has just been your Guided Meditation Master, your true Guru of the State of Being – its presence, its way of being, has pointed you to the Natural State of Being – , unlike that bird, you have this: this condition of realizing God in this life and of going beyond that condition, of going beyond this illusion, going beyond that condition; and this happens because of this Truth, the Flourishing of your Being, the Flourishing of Consciousness, the Flourishing of Kundalini, which is nothing but Awakening to your Self, Awakening to your own Self, Awakening to the Reality of this Being that You are. You awakened to You, awakened in You, you really reach your Self, and here is God! This is your encounter with Divine Reality!

OK? Let's stop here!

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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