August 12, 2022

What is Spiritual Enlightenment? | How to attain? | Kundalini Awakening

Hey, guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel.

People ask: “What is Spiritual Enlightenment and what can we do to attain Spiritual Enlightenment?” So, what is Enlightenment and how to attain it? First, we need to understand something. Enlightenment is not an attainable is not an attainable state. All states can be achieved and lost. Notice that thoughts appear and disappear, also feelings, emotions and perceptions. All this concerns states.

Humans know internal states of thoughts, feelings, emotions, also sensory perceptions... all this concerns states, but states have an appearance, remain for a while and disappear to give space to another state.

When we are dealing with Spiritual Awakening, or Spiritual Enlightenment, we are not dealing with a state, of something to be attained. So, we can work in this way. First, it is necessary to understand that what appears and disappears cannot be permanent, and because it is not permanent, because it is not something immutable, it cannot be real; so are all these states!

When we are talking of Spiritual Enlightenment, we are talking of something outside of all that are known as states, which appear and disappear – we are talking about the Nature of Being. So, Consciousness is not something that comes and goes.

What we have called “consciousness” are appearances within states – the mental consciousness, the physical consciousness, the emotional consciousness, the consciousness of the waking state, the consciousness of the dream state... All these are states which arise for a time and then disappear. And where does this occur? In That which transcends all states, which is Consciousness.

So, when we are dealing with Awakening or Enlightenment, we are talking about that settling into your own Being, of this Realization of the*Truth that You are. To settle in your Natural State of Being is to go beyond all states – This is Enlightenment.

I will give you a very, very simple example of this. You are not always happy; you are not always sad. To be sad or to be happy represents something that comes and goes, they are states which arise and disappear. You are not always worried, afflicted, suffering. Sometimes you are relaxed, happy, enthusiastic. These are states.

What You are, as Consciousness, is not a state; therefore, This does not change. The beauty of Spiritual Enlightenment is to face What within You that doesn’t change. What is You does not change, is by nature Love, Peace, Happiness, Freedom and Intelligence. This is the Nature of Consciousness, this is the Nature of Being, this is the Divine Nature in You.

So, suffering, notice, suffering is a state, it is not always present. It appears for a while and then disappears. Suffering is something that is cultivable. Notice this! A human being does not want to suffer, and yet he suffers. And he doesn´t do it intentionally, he does it unconsciously. The absence of his Natural State of Being shows itself in this identification with the egoic mind, and in this identification with the ego, with this illusory sense of being “someone” in the experience, in this so-called “consciousness,” which I call “mental consciousness,” suffering is present.

The point here is that, unconsciously – it is not voluntarily, it is unconsciously – human being appreciates suffering. There is pleasure in suffering. And this may sound strange, but it is exactly this way. For example, when you are sad, you have a pleasure in sharing this with others, this pain, this sadness. You talk about this to other people, or when you try to hide it, also internalizing, you are always verbalizing to yourself these same frames, you are always repeating to yourself these same frames, which are representative in the emergence of this pain.

So, we are cultivating thoughts of psychological pain, psychological suffering. So, there is a certain unconscious pleasure in that. So, there is cultivation of this state of suffering, because, if you cultivate these remembrances, these images, these memories and thoughts of revenge or guilt, there is a certain unconscious fulfillment in that for this ego identity, in this experience, in this sensation, in this state, which is pure unconsciousness.

There is no consciousness in that, it is not voluntary, but it is present as a programming, as an addiction, as a compulsion.

So, suffering has been cultivated, human being has been cultivating this condition. Although one doesn´t appreciate suffering, there is a pleasure in cultivating this condition, the condition of these worried states, of fear, of desire, of jealousy, of envy... all this is suffering, but there is a certain reward, which is a reward of the sense of being “someone” within this experience.

The point is that the ego fears emptiness, because, in the emptiness, it does not exist, it disappears. So, it fears death. As long as it continues to exist as a separate identity, suffering, that´s fine! Not only in pleasure, but in pain as well, and all this occurs in an unconscious way. Because of these states, there is a contradiction of not wanting and, at the same time, wanting; of not appreciating, but, at the same time, still feeling pleasure within this condition. I repeat, it is not conscious at all, because that would be conscious insanity, and unconsciousness is the sign of insanity, and this insanity can only occur because of this unconsciousness.

When you approach this work, you approach the possibility to go beyond this ego identity and, therefore, to go beyond these changing states of the egoic mind, which, here, I have called “mental consciousness.” Human being believes to be conscious, and, in fact, he is conscious in this “consciousness” of the mind, but he is not Consciousness – I am talking about this Consciousness in his Natural State of Being – when he is identified with thoughts, when he is being moved by projects, by idealizations, by beliefs, by imaginations of thought. And this is the condition of the ordinary consciousness of everybody, this is the condition of human insanity.

So, the human illness is the sense of separateness, it is the sense of ego identity, which is that experience common to everyone, this “mental consciousness,” where all these states appear, appear and disappear, and the human being identifies with this, not conscious of the Truth about who he or she is.

So, our meeting has that purpose. I want to speak to you about the possibility for you to transcend this limitation, this condition of egoic mind, of this condition of this “mental consciousness.”

It is interesting, because some use the expression “expanding consciousness” exactly to the end of that which here I call “mental consciousness.” But even when we speak about a consciousness which has expanded, we are still limiting that to a belief, an idea, a concept, another form of thought, because Reality of your Being, which is Consciousness, is outside time and space, outside of mind, outside of limitation or expansion. That what You are transcends all this. So, You in your Being, as Consciousness, already experience this Unlimited State, outside of all states.

So, our work, our point here together, the direction here is towards Truth of That what we are, and therefore, transcending the egoic state. This becomes possible when there is a change in this structure of the body and mind, in this psycho-physical structure, and this change is possible when there is Awakening of this Divine Potential, of this Power of Silence, which is the Power of this Consciousness that is dormant, in this organism.

In Yoga, it is said that this Power is dormant at the base of the spine and when this Power moves, which is the Power of Kundalini, a change for this body-mind structure takes place, a change that makes this mechanism capable of this settling, of settling this Consciousness, of this Divine Presence.

So, when Kundalini Awakens, which is the Awakening of this Consciousness, it takes over this organism, and when this occurs, there is a change in the very physical, biological and psychic structure of this organism, this mechanism, this body-mind.

Then, something beyond all states settles down. In India they call it Turiya, the State beyond all states. We have the waking state, we have the dream state, and we have the deep sleep state, and within those 3 states, we have several other states arising.

So, emotions, feelings, thoughts, perceptions, they all denote states arising, they all signal states arising in this mechanism, in this organism. However, when you Realize your Being, when that Kundalini Awakening takes place, that State above all states, which is the Turiya State, which in India is called the “fourth state” possible to man, in India it is called “Samadhi” or “Sahaja Samadhi,” the Natural State of Presence, of Consciousness, is settled in this mechanism, is positioned in this organism, then Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening takes place.

This State does not exclude the state of waking, dreaming and deep sleep, but this State, in this mechanism, in this body-mind, puts an end to unhappiness, to all forms of suffering, to all forms of psychological fear, to everything that has no reality, because that is the end of illusion, it is the Awakening of Wisdom, it is the Awakening of Compassion, it is the Awakening of Love, it is the Awakening of the Truth of who You are, which is basically Happiness, Peace, Love, Silence. And This is not a state. This is the Nature of the Truth of who You are.

Here, when I refer to the word "Happiness," it is not happiness that the mind knows; when I refer to the word "Peace," it is not peace that the mind knows; “Love,” it is not the love we know.

We are talking about something that you can experience, but there is no way to put This into words, because this transcends the world of the mind, transcends the world of the ego, transcends this "mental consciousness," transcends all experience of various states that man has lived, experienced, until today.

So, This is Kundalini Awakening, This is the Awakening of your Being, This is Awakening of Spiritual Enlightenment. Then, the end of the sense of separateness comes, the Liberation of your Natural and Divine State of Being. This is the experience of those who Realized the Truth about themselves, like Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, like Papaji, and all the others. Here, it refers to the Truth about who You are, here and now. That is the end of all illusion, the end of all suffering. OK?

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Thanks for the meeting and we will see you next time!

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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