August 14, 2022

Vedanta | Advaita Vedanta | Prison of psychological time | The Advaita (Non-Duality) | Jnana

OK, guys! Welcome to another meeting here on this channel. We are going to discuss the matter of Vedanta. Vedanta is the final part of the Vedas. The Vedas are Indian scriptures within Hinduism that address this matter of God.

And there are a lot ritual and ceremonial aspects present within the Vedas...and the last part of the Vedas is called Vedanta.

Vedanta deals with the pure Knowledge. Here, it deals with the Pure Knowledge, of Jnana, of direct Knowledge, without rituals, without ceremonies… And we like to delve into this matter of Advaita Vedanta, something within Vedanta. I would say that it is the fundamental part of approaching that Pure Knowledge revealed in Vedanta.

The word Advaita means “non-duality,” and we want to work on that with you, to show you that there is only one Reality present, always. And, now, I always speak to you from my experience. It is not something theoretical here, we won´t deal with theories. Theories you find in books.

We can have a direct contact with Advaita Vedanta, more specifically with the matter of Advaita, which is non-Duality.

Advaita is the revelation that there is only one Reality present in all manifestation. This one Reality is the Reality of God or of Consciousness, as some call it. Here, it is about You, your Natural State, your Real and Natural State of Being. You, essentially, are Consciousness. The body, the mind and the world are apparitions within this Consciousness. All this manifestation is a manifestation of this Presence, this Supreme Non-Dual Reality. So, this Non-Duality, this Supreme Reality, It manifests itself in a multitude of ways, It unfolds in all this manifestation.

The direct contact with the Truth of your Being reveals your Non-Dual State. This means a State free of contradiction, free from fear, free from suffering, since your Real Nature is the Nature of Truth, it is the Nature of God, it is this Non-Duality, this Nature which never separates itself from everything that arises, all that appears for a while, as a phenomenon, and also disappears afterwards.

The human being does not know the Truth about who he is. He is confused with the mind; he is confused with the body. Because of this, he suffers. All this bewilderment of this illusory identity which he believes to be, based on an image you have of yourself … All your approach of life becomes completely false. I have called this an approach of mental consciousness.

Your consciousness, this so-called “present consciousness”… and this happens now, here, in this waking state, happens also in dream and happens also in any other state that you experience within this waking state, like anxiety, fear, loneliness, guilt, remorse, sadness and also states apparently free of suffering, like joy, pleasure, that so-called “happiness” or personal fulfillment.

All of these states appear within this ordinary condition of mental consciousness here, in the waking state, which is also experienced in the dream state.

Only in the deep sleep state are you temporarily free from this mental consciousness. There your contact is with this Non-Dual Reality, which is the Reality of your Being, which is Pure Consciousness. But as soon as you wake up again, this mental consciousness arises and with it the sense of separateness, the sense of duality. In this sense of duality, there is you and the world, you and God.

Advaita Vedanta points to that Pure Knowledge, that Ultimate Knowledge, that the only Reality present in all this manifestation is the Reality of this Consciousness, is the Reality of Being. This is your True Identity, this is your Real Identity.

So, when we talk about Spiritual Awakening, we are talking about this Non-Dual State of Being. It is the only possible state for man for radical, complete, absolute Liberation from all suffering, from everything that suffering represents. Buddha's steps towards the Natural Buddha State - the word "Buddha" means "awakened" - were steps being taken towards the end of suffering, that is, towards that Final Recognition of his Real Identity, of his True Nature, and this is the proposal here for you, within these meetings.

The Realization of the Truth of Advaita Vedanta, which is the Truth of Non-Duality, which is the Truth of Pure Advaita, of your Being as One with Life, One with Existence, One with God, is something possible for you. That's what we're dealing with here in the channel.

Your work in this life is to recognize Yourself. This Recognition is actually a Self-Remembrance of your Divine Nature, your Real Nature. The steps towards This are in the Revelation of What, here, I have called the Real or True Self-knowledge. When there is Self-knowledge, there is the Revelation of the Truth of who You are.

As long as That is not present, the condition of the mind, this ordinary mind, this mental consciousness, as I have called it, is the prison of psychological time.

The whole problem is what the egoic mind is producing, and everything it produces is within this mistaken notion of time – present, past and future. So, you believe yourself to be someone – someone who was born, someone who is living and someone who is going to die. These are all experiences for the body and mind, not for You. Essentially, this Divine Nature of your Being is immutable.

The end of the illusion of this psychological time, which is the time produced by thought, creating this imagination… because all this is within this imagination. It is thought that has been imagining this story for this entity that you believe yourself to be. You are confused with the body and you are confused with the mind, and you see yourself in time – present, past and future –, subject to being born, getting old, getting sick and dying. Maybe that order will not even be carried out, may not happen exactly like that, and all this is within this notion of psychological time for a “person,” for this “someone.”

The work of self-investigation, advocated by Ramana Maharshi, puts you in front of this Self-knowledge. That Self-Knowledge is something that will reveal to you the Vision of Non-Duality, the Vision of Advaita, the Vision of Advaita Vedanta, which is actually the Vision of Vedanta, is the Vision of the Sages of who You are.

All Realized Beings, all Sages, of all times, are unanimous in this Truth. It is not a concept, a belief, it is a fact: the Truth of your Being revealed within this Vision of the Vedas.

This is experiential, you experience your Nature, you experience the Truth about Yourself, and when That is present, this Consciousness has awakened. That's why the word "Buddha" means "the awakened one." That which awakens is your Essential Nature. The Awakening of Consciousness, the Awakening of your Divine Nature… This is because of a work that takes place here and now, inside this body, this mechanism.

This body needs a change. We have, in our body, the whole possibility of this Realization, we have a basis for This. I refer to that Energy. It enters and creates balance between body and mind, and puts this mechanism in a condition for this Consciousness of Oneness, of Unity, of Non-Separation, to appear, to arise. Some call It Spiritual Enlightenment – it is when You, in Your Being, are the same Reality of Life.

Our job here is to show you how this is processed, how This becomes possible, how it is possible to Realize this State of Happiness, Peace, Consciousness, Intelligence, Non-Dual Vision, and This is something present here, in What is You, here and now. This Realization is the Truth of your Being, this Realization is the Truth of your Divine Nature.

It is important for you to understand that Life happens as It is, and the mind, in this state of psychological time, producing ideas, beliefs, imaginations, trapped in systems of ideologies, trapped in motivations centered on this supposed separate identity, is in complete resistance to Life.

When you approach this work, when you approach this meeting, you find that your job here is to investigate the nature of the mind, to investigate the nature of the egoic mind. And here, when I say “investigate,” it is not analyzing, it is simply becoming aware of what it represents, of how it presents itself, realizing this illusion that it creates between Life as It is and what it idealizes. This is a work that must necessarily happen within you through self-observation.

So, self-observation gives you this basis, as I said just now, of Self-knowledge, for understanding this whole process of the end of this illusion of psychological time. By the way, notice, this psychological time created by thought is the cause of all the internal, psychological disorder that the human being carries within his egoic state, within his state of illusory separation between himself and Life, between he and God.

So, when there comes a work towards that, the Awakening of this internal Energy takes place, putting this mechanism, this organism, within that balance, within that perfect condition. Then, what is part of that pranic body enters that order and the Awakened State, the State of Consciousness, the State of Presence, or the Buddha State, or the State of Enlightenment, takes place.

So, that's what we're dealing with here with you within this channel. In fact, these speeches are for the deepening of this, but nothing compares to online meetings we have and also face-to-face meetings.

We have several videos here on the channel. You can and if you're interested, you should go deeper into it. We have some playlists here on the channel. The videos are organized in playlists, so I would recommend you to visit these playlists, especially this playlist about Meditation, about the True Meditation, because it is True Meditation that gives you the key to make this work occur, happen, there, inside you. Then there is the Flourishing, the Awakening of your Divine Nature, of your Real Identity, of the Truth about who You are.

This is our work together, and this is our proposal to you. OK?

If this interests you, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel and, if you feel this, let's work on it together in online and face-to-face meetings. OK?

Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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