August 8, 2022

The three states of consciousness and Turiya | Compulsive thoughts | Kundalini Awakening

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel!

We’re going to talk to you about the end to unhappiness. And here lies the beginning of everything has been despised. The beginning for this Understanding of who You are, and therefore, for the Realization of Happiness, which represents the end of unhappiness, lies in Self-knowledge.

So, there are some things here I want to discuss with you within this meeting, one of these is the issue of Self-knowledge. Why is Self-knowledge important? Because Self-knowledge gives you the condition for an Understanding of the Truth of this whole process inside you, which is the process of thought. It is thought, in its chaotic, disordered, conflicting state, within a battle with itself, within a state of contradiction that is creating and upholding this condition of unhappiness.

The internal states of psychological problems, all of them, denote this presence: the presence of unhappiness. We have, for example, the condition or different conditions of depression, anxiety, boredom, loneliness, and all these – and other conditions of that order – are features of unhappiness, because of a psychological disorder. Then, as long as there is this psychological disorder, as long as the inner conflict remains, suffering will be present, and this suffering has this form: the form of unhappiness to show itself.

Here, I want to discuss with you, in a few minutes, how it becomes possible to go beyond this condition of psychological suffering or this chaotic-psychological state of life, that is, how to go beyond unhappiness in life. And the direct way to do that is in the Awakening of your Divine Nature, your Essential Nature, your True Identity, your Real Identity. Thus, this Consciousness, upon Awakening, puts an end to this chaotic condition, and I have called This “the end of this chaotic state,” “the end to thought” – I speak of this condition of thought.

When there is the Awakening of your Being, of your Divine Nature… and here comes something that I’ve been revealing within this channel – you have a playlist there that deals extensively with this subject… And I’ve said it here in a very clear way for you: it’s impossible the liberation of suffering, the liberation of all this internal confusion that upholds unhappiness - I mean internal, psychological, conflicting states, as I’ve just said: anxiety, depression, the contradiction of desire, the matter of fear in its many and varied forms – it’s impossible to end this without Kundalini Awakening.

So, this is a subject here, on our channel that I’ve been dealing with those who approach. This happens within this channel and also in-person meetings, as well as online. The work here is to look at what we are, to perceive what we are and naturally go beyond all that. The challenge placed for you in life is Being… is to be What you were born to be, is to live What you were born to live, something impossible, that proves to be impossible, while this pattern of conditioning, while this pattern of psychological behavior remains present. A break is needed for all of this.

Then, Self-Knowledge lays a foundation, through the self-investigation – which is when Self-Knowledge becomes possible – for Kundalini Awakening. Kundalini is an Energy present in your body, in this system, in this psychophysical mechanism. So, there's something in you, something present internally that is innate, which was born with you, and the science of Yoga has known this for millennia, has worked with this for millennia. Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, for example, they work or who the importance of this Awakening, which is the Awakening of your Divine Nature. This Divine Nature, Ramana Maharshi called Consciousness, and in Yoga it’s known as Kundalini. This Energy that works in this organism, and as the very mechanism of change, of the transformation of this organism, This performs this work, the work of a physical and psychological change in this body, in this mind. Then, Happiness, which is You in your Being, You in your Divine State, You in your Natural State, is something possible when there is the Flourishing of Kundalini, when there is the appearance of your Natural and Divine State of Being.

So, this is the main subject here within our channel; the subject is: Spiritual Enlightenment.

Thus, Spiritual Enlightenment is the Flourishing of your Divine Nature, your Divine Identity. Then, when Kundalini Awakens, when there is the Awakening of this Consciousness, this body-mind enters an entirely new condition, something completely different and unknown to all the ordinary patterns of this psychophysical mechanics of the ordinary human being. This change, the change of this structure, of this body-mind, is a radical transformation in this condition from egoic mind to Consciousness, to Full Consciousness.

Your ordinary state of consciousness, the one you were born with, needs to go through a change, because this ordinary state of consciousness – I've been calling the state of mental consciousness… Notice, you have this state of consciousness right here, right now, called “vigil state.” During the night, you also have a very similar state of consciousness when you dream. So, during the dream, during sleep, you have a perception of reality similar to this perception of reality that you have here at this moment, in this common consciousness – I’ve called this common consciousness mental consciousness.

Your perception of the reality of life, your perception of the reality of the world is the perception of the reality of the mind. So, this is the mental consciousness. You are conscious, but you haven’t assumed that you are Consciousness. Then, in the vigil state you are conscious; in the dream state you are conscious; and in the deep sleep state, there is no you being conscious, yet there is something present that remains unchanged in the three states – in the vigil state, in the dream state and in the deep sleep state – which is this Consciousness.

This Consciousness needs to emerge, and when It emerges, It assumes this mental consciousness. This mental consciousness is that consciousness of being conscious; it’s not the Consciousness of Being. In this work, in this work of the Awakening of your Real Identity, of your Divine Nature, with Kundalini Awakening, what you have present now is the Awakening of this Consciousness of Being, of being Consciousness. In India, they call it Turiya. Turiya is this fourth possible state for mankind, for the human being. You are not born in this state, it needs to Awaken, it needs to happen for you, and it happens with Kundalini Awakening. I have also called this state a Natural State.

So, there are several names for this State, which is the State of Transcendence, and here the word “Transcendence” with respect to this ordinary perception the egoic mind makes of the world, because that’s exactly what happens.

In your ordinary state of consciousness, your whole perception of life, all of it is based on thought impressions and on what thought says about what is happening. I'll give you an example of this: your view of yourself is an idea, it's a belief. Not just the view you have of yourself, as a separate entity living in this body, living in this world. Every perception you have from this mental consciousness, from this egoic mind, is based on the illusion that thought makes about life. Thus, the vision that you make, that you have about others, the perception of reality you have about others, about the world, about life, is not Reality.

So, there is a distortion, the distortion created by thought. Thought is a kind of mirror that distorts. When you look at a mirror, the distortion you see is the altered sense of reality. What thought does within this mental consciousness is to give you a perception of reality like the one you have when you see yourself in the mirror, when you look yourself in the mirror. There it’s altered, because you’re not what you seem to be. Although the image is there, that’s not who you are.

This sense of ego identity, this sense of separation, all this contradiction in relationships, in the relationship with yourself, and in the relationship with the world, all this confusion, all this chaotic-psychological state, of unhappiness... and it's very simple to observe this. Insomnia is a sign of unhappiness. If your inner state is one of Peace and Stillness, of absence of inner contradictions, there will be no worries. Notice, you lie down to sleep and you can't sleep, and there is a rush of thoughts that are repeated, continued, distorting the whole sense of reality, creating images about future pictures, about beliefs, about imaginations of events, of happenings - sad happenings that have already happened, sad events that may happen – and there, lying on the bed, all sorts of psychological concerns and all that chaotic thought movement in the brain, disordered, uncontrolled, obsessive, persistent, not allowing you to sleep.

So, there’s a psychological disorder in the human being. Does this happen just when you lie down to sleep? No, it happens all day or all day long! But during the day, you are immersed into various activities and don't realize that you are already in a state of trouble sleeping. You’ll only notice this when you lie down; then you realize you can't sleep. There's a continuous flow, there's a compulsive thought movement... see, it's a compulsive disordered thought movement all the time within you in your vigil state. Then, you are unhappy in your vigil state, and when you sleep, that same psychological state shows itself in a dream, producing all kinds of dreams. Some are even pleasant, but many of them are unpleasant, and there is no psychological order inside you, neither in the vigil state nor in the dream state… If you are able topic sleep! Because, due to the weight of anxiety of your vigil state, you have trouble sleeping. So, insomnia provoked or upheld by this state of anxiety…

Thus, these different conditions are psychological conditions that medication doesn’t solve. It’s even possible to have a physical improvement. So, there’s a chemical work because of that substance, that drug; then it’s as if a part of the brain is anesthetized; then there’s a physical improvement, but that doesn't solve it, because the issue is basically thought. As thought also determines the movement of behavior, you go for help and still can’t solve this so easily in psychotherapy, because there’s no way to clearly solve this issue of behavior easily without a change in this model of thinking.

So, this is the state of consciousness common to all. So, we need to get into this Understanding about who we are, to Realize the Truth of ourselves. This Realization of Truth lies in Kundalini Awakening. Kundalini here is another word for Consciousness.

Then, Kundalini Awakening makes a profound change in that mechanism, in that organism, and puts an end to this model, which is the model of thought. This ends the thought. Here, I’m referring to this chaotic, contradictory, disordered, conflicted, disturbed thinking the egoic mind has.

So, Spiritual Enlightenment, the Awakening of the Truth of who You are, This represents the end of unhappiness, because This is the emergence of your Divine Nature, your True Identity, which is God, Love, Peace, Happiness. Then, the only radical cure for the end of unhappiness, with all that unhappiness represents, with all these conditions of psychological disorder unhappiness represents, lies in the end of the egoic mind, the end of this sense of separation, this ego identity, this mental consciousness, for the appearance of that fourth state of Consciousness, which is not the vigil state, not the dream state, not the deep sleep state; it’s You in your State of Pure Consciousness, of Pure Divine Reality, which some call Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening.

You need internal work for this Realization, for this Recognition, for the New Consciousness. So, this is our work, this is our proposal here. As I’ve just said, we have a playlist here on this channel telling you about it, about what Kundalini is and the importance of this Kundalini Awakening. Another playlist I recommend here on the channel is the key to all this, for this process to happen, which is True Meditation.

The end of this chaotic state of thought is with the end of thought. You need to go beyond thought, you need to discover yourself outside of psychological time. Psychological time upholds the illusion of “someone” present, of this “me,” this “I,” this ego identity. Yes, this “person” you believe to be is not real. What is You transcends this “person” with all this suffering, with all this unhappiness. What You are is Pure Consciousness – that’s your True Nature.

So, the end of psychological time, the end of this link between present, past and future created by thought, this is the end of the illusion of an identity living in time, stuck to this model of memory, of imagination, of fears created and upheld by thoughts, of desires created and upheld by thoughts, in this notion of present, past and future.

When there is an end to that psychological time, you have an end to thought, then your Natural State is Pure Consciousness. When thought is necessary, it’s necessary in an objective, clear, clean, intelligent way, without producing any form of conflict, contradiction; and when it’s not necessary, it’s not necessary. Then, you can lie down and three seconds later, 5 seconds later, you’re already in deep sleep, and the quality of your sleep, the quality of dreaming, as well as the quality of the vigil state, are something completely different from the state of this mental consciousness, this ego identity, because you have Realized your Being, your Divine Nature; you are living your State you were born to Be; you are now living as a creature who Realized God in this life. They call it Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening. Ok?

That's our subject. Welcome to our channel! If you haven't subscribed yet, take the opportunity and subscribe to the channel.

Reminding you: leave your "like." Ok? And we have online and in-person meetings. So, if this is a subject you’re interest in, we can go deeper into it together. There’s a link in the description… and let's work it together! Ok?

Thanks for the meeting! See you next video!

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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