August 21, 2022

Mindfulness: The Full Attention. Personal Development. Internal Duality. Kundalini. The Atma Vichara

Hello guys! Welcome.

We will discuss how this principle of internal duality came about.

Let me say something about that, tell you something about the emergence of this principle, of the “other” and “I,” the world and “I,” “me” and life, “me” and God. This “I” has as its basis of reality the movement of unconsciousness. In unconsciousness, we have the basis, the basis of this Reality of the “I.”

So, this “I” arises and sustains itself, throughout our lives, based on this unconsciousness; it's practically like that. The “I” is nothing but an image, the image you have of yourself. That image is the "I."

When you refer to yourself as “me,” “I myself,” you are referring to that image. This image arises within that unconsciousness. It has been this way since childhood. You have been holding this image based on this unconsciousness. When for example, you are insulted, that image gets offended, it gets hurt, it gets sad or angry. This happens because of this inattention.

Once there is that belief, once that illusion is there, that illusion of internal duality, of that sense of separation between you and the other, between you and life, when this “me,” which is an image, is offended or hurt, because of this unconsciousness, this represents a pain, represents something like anger, suffering... So, this “I” has several representations of this life in self-defense, in self-protection. This is basically a condition of unconsciousness. What sustains human suffering is unconsciousness, because that sustains the illusion of that image, the image you have of who you are. Based on this image, what you also have of the other is an idea, it's a concept, it's a belief, it's also an image.

So, if someone offends you, hurts you, saddens you, one becomes your enemy, your opponent, someone contrary to you, to this “me,” to this “I,” and if someone praises you, you become a friend, that gives a fulfillment to that image, an appreciation for that image. So, whether you are praised or insulted, there is always this maintenance, in this unconsciousness, of this false identity present. This establishes this condition of suffering.

People live in situations of anguish, suffering, in different forms of fear, such as anxiety or depression, due to the cultivation of this image, the self-image. So, there is a change within this physical, cerebral and psychological condition. This representation of this “I” is an “I” in pain, it is an “I” suffered, it is an image, a self-image, within this condition; this is suffering. All of this is based on unconsciousness. The measure to go beyond this is the Realization of Truth, the Reality of your Being, the Divine Reality, your Essential Nature.

As long as this sense of duality remains psychologically within, there will be an attempt to escape it, because this image, this “I,” will defend itself, will try to protect itself, protect itself. And there is an unconscious cultivation of thought revolving around this false identity, this ego, this “me,” this “I,” this self-image.

Only attention to yourself, attention to this movement of pure unconsciousness, of pure identification with thoughts, can break this condition.

This is where we come across the importance of Self-knowledge. And this contact with Meditation – I refer to True Meditation… True Meditation is this contact with the movement of thought here and now. It is not about the practice of meditation, but about the Practical Meditation, here and now. Here on our channel, I have been talking about the difference between the practice of meditation, well known, and the Practical Meditation. And here I refer to the Practical Meditation. This I call True Meditation – that contact with the Truth of your Being here and now. So, if a person says words that touch you, offend you, hurt you, upset you, bother you, the question is: to whom does it bother? To whom does that upset? To whom does it hurt? In this question… this is not a verbal question, this is an attention to this movement now, here.

When that arrives, when this speech from another arrives, when this happening coming from the outside arrives, I pay attention here and now to this movement of the mind. That’s why it is important that you understand that there is no identity present in this experience. As long as you go on believing that you exist as a separate identity, that there is this duality within, you and the other, psychologically speaking, as long as there is that belief, the ego will always try to protect itself, defend itself, and naturally it will be hit, it will be “touched” by that. It's that attention… it's with attention that this unconsciousness disappears.

So, the next time you meet that person, you find him without the image of someone who is an offender, an enemy. The ego appreciates pleasure and rejects pain, but one thing you don't realize is that when you are praised, pain is implicit in the pleasure of the praise. This is still the cultivation of suffering; this is still the cultivation of the self-image. So, you have to give up that pleasure, that desire to be loved, recognized, praised; you have to let go of the fear of being criticized, of not being accepted, of being rejected. This is something that becomes possible when there is this Attention. It is necessary to have this Full Attention. This is called Mindfulness – the Full Attention – in Zen. This Mindfulness is none other than this State of Consciousness about Yourself, here and now, in this self-inquiry.

People talk about the importance of personal development. It's not personal development you need, it's Awareness that the sense of "person" is an illusion, and when that is undone, something entirely new and unknown arises. It is not a person who has developed, who has grown, who has evolved, who has acquired new qualities, but rather it is the sense of this Consciousness, of this Divine Presence settled there.

This establishes this new condition, free from the ego, from this “me,” in that internal duality, free from this image, the self-image. So, once you are free, due to that State of Presence, no image is established within you anymore, no self-image is established, so your relationship with the world is something completely different. Once free of that self-image, in this Presence, in this Consciousness, because of the Awakening of that Divine Power, which some call Kundalini, which is the Power of this Presence that makes a change in that mechanism, in that organism, for the Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment - these are the terms people call. Once It is present, you no longer create an image of others or the world around you.

Relationships between people are always conflicting, because they are based on this image, on the image you have of her and that she has of you. At any level of relationship, be it a professional relationship, a marital relationship, a physical relationship, between friends or an intimate relationship, as in marriage, all these relationships are based on this self-image, and therefore, in eternal conflict, in a permanent conflict.

Our work here is to show you that the Truth about who You are goes beyond this condition of self-image, this condition of ego identity, therefore this condition of separate identity. So, people have different questions about this Natural State: “After all what is Enlightenment?”, “What is Spiritual Awakening?”, “What is Kundalini Awakening?”, “What is Self-knowledge?”, “What is the end of suffering?” To these questions, the answer is just an answer… the answer is, “Who am I?” The answer lies in one more question.

This question reveals that Full Attention. This Full Attention is your Natural State of Meditation, or the True Practical Meditation.

This is Self-knowledge showing itself; This is Spiritual Enlightenment showing itself, Spiritual Awakening showing itself; This is the end of suffering showing itself, all in this direct path taught by Ramana Maharshi, the Atma Vichara, “who am I?”

Those who have been following me here on the channel, it is very important to be open to this work. We have demystified different expressions, used within the modern spirituality… different expressions.

We've been working on it here on the channel showing you how simple all this is and how the egoic mind, in its unconsciousness, in its projects, has made it so complex. Expressions like the Natural State and all these expressions that we have just mentioned – Enlightenment, Awakening, Kundalini –, Flow State, which is the State of Flowing, of Flow with Life here and now, as It is, as It is shows itself, as It presents itself.

So, it's really good to have you here, working on this, looking inside yourself.

And it's nice to also leave an invitation here for you. We also have online meetings and face-to-face meetings. See the opportunity to one day be with us in person, some have done it.

We have retreats… Sometimes we do retreats, we have times of the year where we do retreats of seven days or even longer.

The Truth of What You are is the most important thing, the most valuable thing, because the Truth that You are is the Truth of God. You were born only to Realize This, Realize That which You are.

So, the end of this self-image, the end of this “me,” of this “I,” of this ego, is to look and see, without the egoic mind, Life unfolding as It is, here and now, in this State of Pure Consciousness, of Pure Presence.

Eckhart Tolle calls it Now. The only Reality is this one here. I have called it Being, Consciousness, he calls it Now, the Power of Now. OK? If this is something that makes sense to you, the opportunity is there, subscribe to the channel, leave your "like" and we can work on it together. OK? Thanks for the meeting, until next time.

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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