October 9, 2022

How to Awaken Kundalini | Psychological time | Kundalini Meditation | Psychological suffering

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel.

After all, Kundalini… Kundalini and the psychological time… Kundalini Awakening and the end of psychological time… What is the relationship between Kundalini and the end of psychological time?

First, let’s see what psychological time is. After all, what is psychological time? Now, here, in this instant, there is no thought. You see, at this moment you have no thought. If a thought arises, that thought is a memory, it is a remembrance. Whenever a thought arises, all you have is the presence of the past. You have no thoughts as the presence of the future. Every thought is the presence of the past.

But what is the past? First, why can't you have a thought as the presence of the future? Because the future is not real! Psychologically speaking, it is not real; psychologically speaking, there is no future… there is no future! Now, psychologically speaking, there is the illusion of the past.

So, you see: there is no psychological future, but there is the illusion of the psychological past – that is time. Thought is the basis of this psychological time. Notice, I said that there is the illusion of the psychological past, because there is no past either. All we have is thought.

So, what is psychological time? It is thought. It is thought that creates the past and future and it is thought that says that there is something in this present moment. Notice how interesting this is.

Thought can always project the future, thought can always bring up the past, as memory of incidents, events, experiences, but thought cannot deal with the present moment. That’s why it’s interesting to understand the importance of the end of thought.

Thought is the basis of psychological time. So, it creates the past, idealizes or imagines the future, and also imagines the present. This is basically the movement of thought within each of us. Note how important this is. The sense of the “I” in you, loaded with problems – which are countless, of all kinds, of all types, in all formats –, all this is based on thought. It is thought that is the problem, because thought is psychological time.

All the inner states of unhappiness, insomnia, depression, anxiety, loneliness, boredom, bitterness, sadness, worry, fear, desires, they are all based, settled and established in thought. So the continuity of thought is the continuity of psychological time, and this continuity of psychological time, which is thought, is the continuity of the ego, of this “me,” of this “I,” and therefore it is the continuity of unhappiness, from all the psychological misery, from all the psychological suffering that human beings have experienced, all the confusion in the world, all the disorder in human relationships, all the violence, all the fear, all the pain – all this is based on thought.

There is no Freedom, there is no Peace, there is no Love, there is no Happiness in this psychological condition of being “someone,” of being the “I,” the “me.”

So, when we refer to Kundalini here, now, we are referring to the absence of psychological time, we are referring to the presence of Consciousness. Kundalini is another word for Consciousness in you. When there is Consciousness, there is no psychological time. That Consciousness is Kundalini.

Perhaps you say, “But when does this happen?” You've had many moments of Presence of Pure Consciousness. Remember that day, on that mountain, looking down and seeing that valley, or walking that path, or sitting on that rock looking at the sea? That day, you have experienced something there. Now, can you remember that in that moment, an instance of intense and profound beauty took over your mind and heart, and the sense of “I” disappeared.

At that moment, there was neither the past nor the future, nor the present as an idea, it was just that moment, contemplating that sunset on the beach, or sitting there on that rock, or seeing that trail, or contemplating that valley, looking from the mountain, in that background of a blue sky, the outline of the mountains…

In that instant, That is Consciousness, is Presence, when the “I” is not. We have all gone through moments of the absence of psychological time, of Presence, of Pure Consciousness. This is the nature of Kundalini. This is something that is dormant in you.

In moments like this, you have a contact with Meditation. Meditation is this Presence of Consciousness, when the “I” is not, and that is when you have contact with Kundalini. However, this is dormant. In most human beings this is dormant, this state of Pure Consciousness lives dormant.

The human being lives trapped in this psychological time. He is in the stories that thought builds, so he lives either in the past or in the future, and even this contact with the present moment does not interest him… not the ego.

Notice that when you're quiet, you can't stand to be quiet, you have to open your cell phone, you have to go watch a movie, you have to get a book to read, you have to do something. You cannot be alone, with absolutely nothing. There is this psychological, internal restlessness – it is the movement of the ego, it is the movement of the “I,” of the “me.” It has no space in the present moment, so it is restless. Because, in this present moment, it doesn't come in, it has nothing to do, it has nothing to enjoy, there is nothing for it to eat, so it moves and sometimes it will literally eat! Open the fridge and go eat something.

So, there is this whole movement of unconsciousness in each of us. This movement is the movement of psychological time while Kundalini is the Awakening of this Consciousness, it is the Awakening of this absence of the “I,” of the “me,” of the ego.

So, I have explained to you how this process occurs, how to Awaken the Kundalini. How to Awaken the Kundalini? That is the question… How to Awaken Kundalini? True Meditation!

See, here on our channel, we have been signaling to you how the Kundalini Awakening is processed. We have also worked on this in face-to-face meetings and online meetings, especially face-to-face meetings and retreats.

Direct work is needed for this Awakening, for the Kundalini Awakening. This is what we are proposing here in our meetings, and we are working on this issue of Meditation. Here, I refer to the True Meditation, the True Kundalini Meditation; I refer to the Meditation for the Kundalini Awakening, for the Awakening of the Consciousness of your Essential Nature. This is the end of psychological time; this is the end of this ego identity; that’s the end of thought.

Notice that when there is Meditation, there is no thought. There is a Stillness, there is a Silence… The brain is completely emptied of all its psychological content, of all its psychological conditioning. This Space of Silence is a Space of non-separation, where there is this Reality, this Supreme Presence of no “I.”

So, a human being has the possibility to go beyond psychological time. That is the end of the illusion of duality, it is the end of separation. But here it is enough to say this to you: it is the end of the sense of the ego, of the “me,” of the “I,” and therefore, the end of this confusion, of this psychological disorder created by thought, the end of this psychological disorder created by this set of memories, remembrances, individual, personal, particular and also collective experiences.

It is important to say this here. There is this illusion of the sense of an individual consciousness in each of us. This individual consciousness is just this set of images, memories, remembrances, so-called individual, particular and collective experiences, of the race, of humanity, of our ancestors, of human history. But this human consciousness is not an individual consciousness. This is the illusion of individual consciousness.

We believe we have an individual consciousness. We are confusing ourselves with this consciousness common to all, which is the consciousness of the race, which is the consciousness of humanity, which is this mental consciousness, which is this conditioned consciousness, which is this model of psychological time, of mental patterns, that sense of the “I,” that sense of the ego. This is not individual! There is no such individual, no such identity; there is the illusion of that identity, the illusion of this separation.

Realizing this is through Self-awareness; to realize this is through this approach. If you start to observe your reactions, thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, you can break this pattern of psychological conditioning, you can realize that this is a conditioning, it is a belief, it is something that you have been sustaining by not paying attention to yourself.

So, you keep the sense of a thinker when thought happens, the sense of “someone” feeling when feeling happens, the sense of “someone” seeing when something is seen. When you pay attention here and now, to every thought that arises, to every emotion, to every single sensation present, you can break the sense of separateness, and when that is broken, a new Space opens up. This is the end of duality.

So, there is seeing without the observer, there is perception without the perceiver; then the sense of separateness disappears. It’s what you had there on that mountain, that day, or what you have when you get to the edge of the sea and put your feet in the sand and look at the sea, and for a few seconds your mind is emptied of all that psychological content, this sense of separateness. And, at that moment, there is no idea of this “me,” of this “I,” there is only the experience, or rather, there is only this Reality. Even the experience is not there, because there is no experiencer to say “here is the experience.”

Do you understand what we are saying? There is the Reality of what is – that is Meditation. So, the contact with your Being here and now is what I can call True Meditation and the True Kundalini Meditation, because now this Energy that is inside, which is the Energy of Consciousness, takes over this body, it even touches the brain, operating a change in the brain, breaking this pattern of psychological conditioning, of psychological time. The Awakening of this Energy brings about a change in the body and mind, including the brain. This is Kundalini Awakening; this is the relationship between Kundalini Awakening and the end of psychological time.

When Kundalini Awakening occurs, psychological time disappears, the sense of “I,” of the ego, disappears. So, the Kundalini Awakening is the Awakening of Spiritual Enlightenment, of Spiritual Awakening, of God Realization. This is due to a direct work of Self-awareness and Real Meditation.

The True Meditation is present here and now, when the sense of “I” is not, and this Real Meditation is the Real, the True Kundalini Meditation. In general, people use these expressions without actually realizing what they are saying, or confusing them with experiences of meditation practices.

Kundalini Awakening is not an experience; it’s the end of the experience. Meditation is not an experience; it is the end of the experience, because it is the end of the experiencer. Kundalini Awakening is not something that happens to someone. Expressions like “my Kundalini has awakened” … No! When there is Kundalini, there is no “you.” Kundalini Awakening is the end of the illusion of “someone.” “I had my experience with Kundalini” … No! When there is the Presence of Kundalini… Kundalini Awakening is the end of experience, it is the end of the experiencer, because it is the end of psychological time.

It is necessary that psychological time be still present for one to claim a Kundalini that has awakened for him, or awakened in him, or is awakened in him. This is not real! When there is Kundalini Awakening, there is the end of psychological time, there is an end to this illusion of “I,” of this “me,” of this ego. This is Spiritual Enlightenment.

When there is Spiritual Enlightenment, no “someone” is enlightened; when there is Awakening, there is no “someone” awake; when there is Kundalini Awakening, it is not “someone” who has awakened the Kundalini; when there is the Awakening of Consciousness, it is not “someone” who has awakened Consciousness. The Reality that You are here and now is Consciousness, is Kundalini, but this is the Presence of Life, it is the Divine Presence, it is not this “me,” this “I,” this ego.

We've been working on this together in online meetings, I repeat, and also face-to-face. If this is something that interests you, touches you, if Awakening is something important to you, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel and let’s work on it together! OK?

Thanks for this meeting. See you soon.

October, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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