October 26, 2022

What is Self-Realization? Self-awareness. The Power of Kundalini. Non-Duality. Jnana Yoga Practice

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. Self-realization… what is Self-realization? That's the question.

Self-realization is the Realization of the Truth about who you are. Once freed from the illusion of who you are, what is present is what we might call Self-realization. The sense of "someone" present in Life, in Existence, in this experience here and now, in the present moment, in this present moment, the illusion of "someone" present... Once this is seen, once this is perceived, we are facing Self-realization, because the realization of that is the acknowledgment that there is no "I" present, there is no "someone" present now, in this experience. This we could call Self-realization: Realization of the Truth about Yourself. You are Consciousness. It is not about idealizing this, having a goal to achieve this, to objectify this, to accomplish this. It is paradoxical because the expression is “Self-realization,” but there is no “someone” to be realized. So, it's not a project, it's not a goal, it's a Realization, the direct Realization of the Truth about your Being now – That which is already present, That which is here and now… You!

The direct way is self-enquiry. There is nothing more direct to this realization than the Self-knowledge.

Self-knowledge is the possibility of this approach to this self-observation. This self-observation is this attention given to yourself, this attention to yourself. The attention to yourself is the real approach to Self-knowledge. This is done by self-enquiry. The question is “who am I?” It's not that you're going to formulate it, as I've said here countless times. Ramana left a question. He called it Atma Vichara, self-enquiry. Self-enquiry or Atma Vichara means self-observation, the self-observation of this “who am I?” It is not a verbally formulated intellectual question.

This self-awareness lays the foundation for the Self-knowledge. In that Self-Knowledge, you have this contact with the True Meditation. Meditation is an approach to yourself, to yourself, it is a contact with the Reality of your Being. This occurs when, in this attention to yourself, in this self-awareness, the illusion of duality is perceived.

Duality is that inner duality within the mind, this conditioned mind, this mind programmed to think in terms of "me and the world," "me and the other," "me and God," "me and this feeling," " me and this thought,” “me and fear,” “me and desire,” “what I want,” “what I don't want,” “what I like,” “what I don't like.” This “like” is the object, this “I” is the subject. This “I” is the subject, fear is this object, it is this experience.

So, on the one hand, you have the experience; on the other side, you have the experiencer – it is that “I.” This is the psychological conditioning we receive from childhood. This is noticed when you give this attention to yourself.

In this self-observation, in this self-enquiry you perceive the game, you get closer to yourself, but, at that moment, you no longer judge the experience, you do not compare, you do not reject, you do not accept, you are neither against nor in favor of what appears here now.

If fear is present, it is just fear, there is no “someone” who is afraid; if thought is present, it is only thought, there is no “thinker” thinking; if a certain feeling is present, you approach it, but you don't put “someone” to reject that feeling, to fight against that feeling, to try to control, to mold, to do something against that experience.

There is only the experience, there is no “I.”

So, it breaks this model of psychological conditioning, it breaks the sense of separateness, this sense of duality, and when that is broken, That which remains is this Pure Consciousness, it is That which I have called Being-Consciousness. This is Self-Realization: the Realization the Truth about Yourself here and now. This illusion of this false center, this “me,” this “I,” is no longer present. The beauty of Self-realization is that Self-realization implies Happiness, Love, Peace. Then, this nameless Reality, this extraordinary Thing, the Presence of that most intimate Unknown, closest to your Self, which is God, reveals itself.

There is only God, there is only Consciousness, and that is Being, that is Self-realization, that is Spiritual Enlightenment, that is Spiritual Awakening, that is Transformation given by the Power of Consciousness, which is the Power of Kundalini. Self-realization means a change in that structure, in that body and in that mind, to something entirely new, new and unknown, nameless, which is the Truth of God revealing itself. Therefore, the Truth about who You are is revealed in this Realization. All this internal struggle, all this internal confusion, all this psychological complexity, loaded with fear, envy, jealousy, anxiety, loneliness, depression, anguish... all this weight, all this pain, this is something that is based on ignorance, on the illusion about who you are. Here, the expression is Jnana. Jnana means the Knowledge of Truth. So, the direct path to Self-realization is in Jnana Yoga, in the Recognition of Truth, through that Union, that access to your Self. So, the real Jnana Yoga practice is in the Self-knowledge, in this clear discernment of what is illusory. This is possible when this illusion of separation is broken and disappears.

Then, that which is illusory is gone, and here the illusion is this sense of duality, this sense of separateness, because the only Reality is Advaita. This is said in the Vedas. In the last part of the Vedas, you find Advaita Vedanta, the Vision of the Sages concerning the Reality of Life, of all Manifestation. There is only One, without the second – that is Advaita.

So, Truth is Non-Duality. Truth is that Real State of Pure Consciousness, of Pure Being, Non-Dual. So, that's our purpose, that's our job here; so that's what we're working on together with you. This is True Wholeness, the beauty of this Sense of Wholeness, of Oneness.

In a practical way, Non-Duality is present here. Yes, Non-Duality, Non-separateness, the Non-Dual State. This is Self-realization. If this is something that makes sense to you, I want to leave this message here for you: we have face-to-face meetings, online meetings, and retreats. If it makes sense to you, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel, and we can work on this together. OK? Until the next meeting.

August, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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