October 5, 2022

How to deal with anxiety | Existential void | The True Meditation | Spiritual Awakening

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel.

Our work here is this Understanding of the Truth about who we are. We are pointing you to a direct path to Spiritual Awakening, to Spiritual Enlightenment.

It is very important that you understand that the problems that we have in life, what we call problems, are based on this inner mess that we live in. The Realization of your Self, the Awakening of your Divine Nature, is the end of this confusion.

Now, it is essential that you understand that the basis for all this is in Self-awareness. Without a direct understanding of ourselves, Realization of Truth is impossible.

Notice how we move in the world. We are, for example, in search of security. Not just physical security, because in a way, physical security is reasonable. We need a house to live in, we need a job, we need a certain physical condition, with a certain comfort, we need a certain financial stability. So, there is this search for security in this aspect. In a way, this is reasonable, but up to a point.

However, we are also in search of psychological safety. We live trapped in our beliefs. We have psychological beliefs, we have religious beliefs, we have philosophical beliefs, and we want those beliefs to give us security, to grant us security.

So, this search for psychological security in philosophical, religious beliefs, in these so-called spiritual, spiritualist beliefs, this search for inner, psychological security, is completely false. Psychologically, our structure is set on a completely wrong foundation.

We live within a life process of psychological conditioning. All we have learned throughout these years of life and that we have received as an ancestral heritage, as a human heritage, as a heritage of humanity, this has made us live today within a psychological condition, within a belief of an individual consciousness.

This individual consciousness is just human consciousness, it is just this psychological conditioning, there is no such “person” here, in this instant. This individual that you believe yourself to be, with that individual consciousness, is a fraud, it's an illusion. So, this has been our condition within this process called life.

So, in this search for psychological security, we are living within a frame of fear, suffering and confusion. The very search for psychological security has favored instability for that relative physical security that we need. We need physical security, but avidity, envy, jealousy, fear, anxiety, depression, which are aspects of this search for psychological security, the cause of all these internal conflicts, caused by this search for psychological security, has not favored us in this search for physical security.

So, there is neither physical security nor psychological security. Psychological security is an illusion, and there's this yearning, there's this searching, there's this pursuit, causing more confusion in our lives.

Our work together is to show you that the Realization of your Self, of your Divine Nature, of the Truth about who You are is possible. However, this requires you to go beyond this psychological cultural conditioning, of egoic conditioning; it is necessary you go beyond the mind. The mind carries this “I,” this sense of “I” – this is contradiction, this is conflict, this is suffering.

So, we have, for example, this issue of the existential void. This is a problem that people have been trying to find an answer for. Note that our life is full of psychological problems. These problems have reality only for this sense of "I," for this ego; so does with this existential void, so common to the majority of human beings.

Another issue is how to deal with anxiety. So, there’s this internal movement of fear, of negative anticipation, about the future, called anxiety.

So look, we live full of psychological problems and we can't deal with it in a legitimate way, because there is no Self-awareness.

The basis is in Self-awareness, in understanding ourselves, what goes on in our mind, what goes on inside us – these thoughts, emotions, feelings, these reactions, these responses to Life as It appears. All this needs to be observed here, at this moment.

So, Self-awareness gives you the basis for Meditation. Meditation is the most extraordinary thing there is, it is the Art of Being Happy. It is not this “being happy” as we understand by “being happy.” In general, we are looking for Happiness in material and external achievements. For us, Happiness lies in the stability of this physical security. And we do that based on… we have our ideas, our beliefs. So, that foundation is completely false, because this very pursuit of physical security, based on our beliefs, creates disorder, creates confusion, creates more suffering.

Thought is not the instrument for ending problems. In reality, thought is what sustains problems. We are unable to deal with Life as It is because of this model, which is the model of thought. Thought is limited, it is based on the past, the memory of knowledge.

Life requires something new here and now, and we are trying to deal with Life on that basis, on the basis of thought, which is that past, that limitation, that knowledge, which is based on recollection, recognition of memory.

So, there is no real answer to Life as It happens. And we have not been interested until then, until this moment, in observing what goes on, what happens, so there is no Self-awareness. We don't know who we are right now. We are confusing ourselves with memories, with remembrance, with recollections; we are confusing ourselves with beliefs, with different beliefs; we are trying to solve this problem of existential void by acquiring, possessing, achieving – either material things, or psychological accomplishments. We want to fill this.

No matter how great our achievements have been so far, this void continues, this existential pain continues. The same is true for this issue of anxiety. We don't know how to deal with anxiety. The question is: how to deal with anxiety?

Because we don't know how to deal with ourselves, we don't know ourselves. There is no understanding of the truth of this psychological movement with which we are confused. And all this is due to a lack of real interest.

Our interests are completely superficial. This interest in seeking security is something completely superficial. We need a real interest in the Truth of God, which is the Truth that we bring here in ourselves.

Our Essential Nature is the Nature of God, it is the Nature of Truth. Realizing What we are represents the end of this confusion, it represents not learning how to deal with anxiety, but the end of the egoic mind, this separatist mind, this mind that is always anticipating the future in an imaginative way. That is, it represents the end of anxiety, the end of that existential void, because that represents the end of the ego.

Our meetings here, all our work here, consists of this search for the True Revelation of What we are. This means self-investigation, a deep interest in finding out who we are in Life here and now. The Realization of This, some call it Self-realization, others call it Spiritual Enlightenment.

Our work consists in this discovery of the beauty of the Art of Being Consciousness. So, I've been talking a lot here on our channel about the True Meditation. We have a playlist here dealing with this topic – “What is True Meditation?” Not what some call Meditation.

I have called it practice of meditation, known to many, which is that meditation to relieve stress, to relieve anxiety, to relieve depression, to sleep better… I have called it therapeutic meditation, a form of self-hypnosis. In reality, a form of escape or fleeing from this pain, which is the pain of the “I,” of the ego.

So, you can temporarily escape from this psychological pain, from all this disorder, from all these psychological problems, through some therapeutic technique such as, in this case, meditation. But it is not this meditation that we are talking about, we are talking about the True Meditation, the Meditation that consists of and is based on the Understanding of the Truth about who You are, the Perception of the Reality of What is without judging, without rejecting, without trying to get rid of, but just to see This here and now.

If there is this movement of thought bringing memories of the past and creating an inner pain, a psychological pain, you observe it, you see it, you don't reject it, you don't fight it, you don't condemn this experience. You become aware of it here and now, not at a specific time of meditation, but here and now.

This contact with the experience at that instant, at the moment when thought brings something, feeling brings something, this observation of the thought, of the feeling, without being confused with it, this is the opportunity you have to face this pain of anxiety or this pain of this existential void. Then you have the opportunity to see that there is no “someone” present in this pain.

Thought has given you the suggestion of the possibility that you can go beyond this pain, that you can overcome this pain, that you destroy this pain, that you do something with this pain. This separateness is completely false! There is no such “I”! This “I” is a set of memories, remembrances, it is a belief, it is an idea, it is a concept.

We have been conditioned to believe in this individual consciousness, in this sense of “someone” present, who needs to have peace, who needs to be happy, who needs love, to receive love, who needs to love, in order to have mental health…

It is always the idea of “someone” present, it is this sense of the “I,” of the ego.

There is no such thing as this “me” and this experience called mental health, this “me” and this experience called love, peace, happiness, absence of suffering, fullness instead of this existential void. There is no such “someone” in fullness; there is Love indeed, Fullness, Consciousness, Freedom.

Reality is the Reality of present Sanity, not sanity opposed to insanity; it is of present Health, it is not health opposed to the absence of health; it is not love opposite to hate, it is Love without opposite. The sense of the “I,” of the ego, is an illusion of this “me,” of this “I,” of this “observer,” of this “experiencer.” It’s possible to see that when there is Meditation.

So, our job here is to know the Truth about who we are. And I say it again: what is fundamental here is this real interest in This.

We have been conditioned within our culture to seek fulfillment outside, accomplishments in the world, not to investigate who we are. We want the world to accept us, the world to understand us, the world to serve us, Life to serve us, and thus, we see ourselves separate from this Life, this other, this world, this Existence.

The result of this is psychological suffering, the inadequacy concerning the relationship with others, with the world. So, there is this sense of “I” and this inadequacy, because there is this contradiction. You think one thing, you feel another thing and you do something else – this sustains this frame of internal contradiction of suffering.

Our job is to understand the Truth about who we are. So, here on our channel, we have this playlist about the True Meditation. You can explore this. We have online meetings to work on this, we also have face-to-face meetings, including retreats, where we can work on this together.

So, Self-realization, Enlightenment, is the end of this suffering, it is the end of the problem of the “I,” the basis of all the problems of humans. OK?

If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel and the invitation remains… We can work on that. OK?

Thanks for this meeting. See you soon.

September, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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