October 19, 2022

What is Samadhi? | Turiya: the fourth state | Advaita Vedanta | Illusion of individuality

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel.

The question is: what is Samadhi? Some believe that Samadhi is a trance, something that, through a meditative practice, you will achieve. Then you reach a state beyond the mind by the practice of meditation.

What you can achieve within a particular meditation practice is not Samadhi; it is indeed a trance, but that is not Samadhi.

Samadhi is your Natural State of Consciousness, a State of non-duality, of non-separation. We call it “State” … Actually, Samadhi is not a state, Samadhi is pure Consciousness.

Consciousness is not a state. We know the waking state, the dream state, the deep sleep state, and some also know trance states – that is not Samadhi.

You can go into a trance state, spend ten minutes, half an hour, an hour there, and believe that this is Samadhi, but it is just a trance state.

Samadhi is pure Consciousness. Only Realized Beings, who are settled in their Natural State, know what Samadhi is.

Samadhi is You in Your Natural State of Being, pure Consciousness, where there is no duality. This is not at all contrary to the activities of the body and the intellect. So, the body and mind work in a normal, natural way.

The State of Samadhi is the Real State of Pure Being. In India it is also called Turiya, the fourth state; it is the state beyond all states. That’s why we call it the Turiya State, but I keep saying: as the Natural Presence of Consciousness, free from duality, which is something beyond all states, which, for didactic purposes, we could call the Turiya State, but it is the State of non-separation, of non-duality, of pure Consciousness, pure Being.

The human being knows the state of mind consciousness – this is the state of ego identity; That’s what I've been calling it here in these meetings, on this channel. The state of mind consciousness is the state of ego consciousness. In it, you see yourself as a person, having an identity, being someone, and, naturally, you experience and live states: waking state, dream state, deep sleep… and, also, you can experience trance states. But it is still and always within mind consciousness.

For example, there is the expression “consciousness expansion;” It is a common expression nowadays. This is because people believe that Consciousness can go through a process of expansion. This expansion process is still a process of expansion of consciousness itself in the mind. Only the mind can experience expansion, movement of expansion and contraction.

The mind, for example, in deep sleep state, contracts, but that is still a state within that full Consciousness, within that one Consciousness. This one Consciousness does not move when the mind goes through different states.

The fact is that Consciousness, which is Being-Consciousness, transcends “being aware” in the waking state and “being aware” in the dream state and “being unconscious” in deep sleep; This transcends all states – This is Samadhi.

Now, this question is very theoretical and remains as something very curious to the intellect. You must abandon beliefs, theories, concepts, ideas… It is necessary for you to Realize your Being, your Essential Nature, your Real Nature. And we can have many names for It: Being, Consciousness, Real Nature, Samadhi, but what matters is that you experience It.

Looking at a photograph of a plate of food does not solve this hunger issue. Having a menu in hand and seeing several dishes does not mean that you have eaten any of them yet. You are just in the letters, in the concept, in the idea, in the belief.

So, people are curious about states: “Ah, what is Samadhi? What is Satori? Oh, what is…? Which is…?” And everything we can have as a verbal, intellectual response to that, doesn't solve it!

I recommend you get in direct contact with your Self. We have here a proposal in this direction, a work with this purpose.

The contact with the Truth about who You are, the self-investigation, the investigation of this movement of consciousness, this movement of the egoic mind… that is what has to be investigated. You observe this movement, you become aware of this movement, aware of this movement. You thus perceive the present duality, that which is dealt with in Advaita Vedanta.

You go beyond that principle of Dvaita, which is the principle of duality, linked to this egoic mind, to this mind consciousness. You go beyond that duality and Realize your State of pure Advaita, of pure non-duality. Advaita means non-duality, non-separation between You and Reality. But it is important that you drop beliefs, drop theories, drop concepts.

Note that people use the expression a lot, for example: “God.” Everyone knows, everyone understands, everyone comprehends, everyone proclaims, everyone announces, everyone talks about God, about his deeds, about his words... But only he who is settled in his Natural State of pure Consciousness knows what God represents, and he who knows don't speak about it. It is the one who speaks who does not know... The one who speaks is the one who does not know; he who knows, does not speak, he lives It.

The relationship with food cannot be the relationship with the menu. On the menu, you have the description; in food, you have the nutrients, you have the satiety of hunger.

Here, the purpose is for you to Realize your Natural State of Pure Consciousness, which is Sahaja Samadhi, your Natural State of Consciousness. It is not a trance called Samadhi, it is Natural Samadhi, it is Sahaja Samadhi – That is Spiritual Enlightenment.

Human beings are prone to this thing of transforming theory into a philosophy that they seem to master, that they seem to know. This is typical of this egoic mind. We are very theoretical, very verbal, very intellectual.

The end of the illusion of separateness, the end of the illusion of duality, which is the end of this ego identity, is the Presence of Pure Consciousness, it is the Presence of Samadhi. And, when there is Samadhi, what reigns there in this mechanism, in this organism, is Intelligence, is Happiness, is Love, is Peace, is Freedom! This is the Truth of Being, the Truth of God!

That’s why some call it Self-realization or God Realization. But it is not a theory, it is not a belief, it is not a concept. And here we are, on this channel, sharing it with you from that point forward.

We even make use of some expressions like “Advaita Vedanta,” like “Samadhi” – as we are doing now here – but because this is what people know and use to communicate, and ask questions… expressions like “Spiritual Enlightenment” or “Spiritual Awakening.”

Only now, a little while ago, I have been using these expressions so strongly, because of these questions, these curiosities; expressions like “Spiritual Enlightenment.” I've always preferred to call it the Natural State or Being or naturally Being or Being Natural, or just the Natural State.

But we have expressions like “Spiritual Enlightenment,” “Spiritual Awakening” and so on... expressions like “Kundalini”...

For some time now, I've been using these expressions more, but you can find this technical side in books. But this is being in touch with the menu… You have to live It, experience the Kundalini Awakening. And the Kundalini Awakening is the Awakening of Consciousness, it is the Awakening of your Being, of your Natural State.

So, we have many expressions saying one thing, and the intellect loves to forge words, create words, build words. The idea, in the intellect, is that the more words we have, the more words we know, the more truly we know what it is about – this is completely false! It’s just the opposite.

The Presence of this Truth silences the mind, silences the intellect, and the words are swept away, because they express absolutely nothing but pictures, images, concepts, imagination, which the mind itself, within the known, formulates and produces.

So, we're not dealing with theories. Here, I want to directly propose to you to experience Samadhi. We have online meetings, we have face-to-face meetings and we have retreats.

And we meet here or in person to work on That, the Truth of your Being, the Realization of your True Divine Nature, which represents the end to the illusion of individuality and the Realization of True Individuality.

The word “individuality” has several meanings as well. We don't get attached to the meaning of words. But, for example, the word “individuality” means “to be one.” And being the only one is just possible when the illusion of individuality ends. This is True Individuality.

As the word itself says: that which is undivided. Individuality means undivided, without division, one. This is only possible in the Realization of the Truth about your Being. So, we come across the True Individuality.

So, the end of the illusion of individuality, of that “me,” of that “I,” of that ego, is the end of that egoic consciousness, that illusory consciousness, and this presence of True Individuality, which is rare, which is unique; it’s Samadhi! This is Spiritual Enlightenment. This is God Realization!

So, if that makes sense to you and you want to investigate This, explore This, and better yet, live This… live This, leave the menu, leave the food photography, and come across the food, we have online and, again, face-to-face meetings, including retreats, in addition to these meetings that we have here. OK?

Leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel and let’s work on it together! OK?

October, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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