October 7, 2022

Self-awareness | Kundalini and God’s Realization | Spiritual Awakening | Psychological duality

Hello guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. Still emphasizing the importance of Kundalini Awakening… After all, what is Kundalini? What is Kundalini Awakening?

You believe yourself to be who, in fact, you are not. That which, in fact, You are, you do not know. The result of this are the problems you carry in your life – the consequence of ignorance.

Based on ignorance, your life is a life where there is this incompleteness. Note that there is a constant search for something within each of us. The human being is looking for something… for something that can really complete him, fulfil him. So, he seeks happiness, for example, in material accomplishments, or in ideas, or in psychological fulfillments, in psychological acquisitions, or in relationships – relationships with people, objects or ideas.

There is this sense of incompleteness, of dissatisfaction, of inadequacy, within each of us. As a result, some more and some less, everyone suffers, carries anxiety, worries, internal dilemmas, diverse conflicts, desires… and many desires!

There is always this sense of inadequacy, of dissatisfaction, so there is this search for security in things outside and in accomplishments within. There is this demand for material and psychological security. This dissatisfaction, this search, search for fulfillment, search for fulfillment in spiritual, religious, philosophical, psychological beliefs; to seek fulfillment in obtaining material things, in achieving more, having and obtaining more.

All of this is due to the lack of Understanding the Truth about who You are, the lack of the Understanding of the Reality of your Being. When there is this Understanding of the Reality about who you are... Here, Self-awareness constitutes the platform for this, where all this occurs, where all this happens. In that Self-awareness, you have the perception of this sense of duality, of this sense of separateness. You realize how inadequate and unsatisfying the sense of “I” present in this experience called life is.

So, it is possible for a new process in this organism, in this body, to arise. That Energy lost in this psychological world, in this world of psychological duality, of psychological contradiction… that Energy thus becomes available for Kundalini Awakening, for the Awakening of that Divine Power that you carry within yourself.

And when, through the True Meditation, that awareness of what Meditation is, when that Energy begins to flourish, a shift takes place within that body, within that mind. This is your contact with Reality, this is your contact with the Truth of your Being and therefore the end of psychological suffering, the end of all this confusion created by thought, sustained within you by the illusion of separateness.

Suffering can end, because suffering has as its basis the illusion of a sense of separateness. Pain is something that can be present in the body. This mechanism, this body-mind, can experience pain. The body has this self-defense, it has this self-protection mechanism – pain is such mechanism in the body.

When something hurts in your body, a part of your body feels some pain, it's asking for attention, asking for care. So, this is a movement of intelligence in this mechanism, in this organism, showing that something is not normal, something is not natural there.

If one of your teeth hurts, it's something inside the body, as a self-protection mechanism. The mechanism, in an intelligent way, is asking for attention to the mouth, for the root of that tooth to be treated, to be taken care of, so that order, naturality, is re-established.

But we also carry this psychological pain. This psychological pain has no basis in Reality. The foundation of this pain lies in this psychological conditioning. When there is Love – let's give an example – there is no possession, there is no envy, there is no comparison, there is no control, there is no dominance, there is no jealousy. What a person feels for another is not Love; what is felt for another is anything but not love.

When there is Love, there is no such “me” ... there is no such “me,” there is no such “I,” there is no him, there is no other. Love is Real when there is no such duality. What we know as love carries hate, carries difference, carries possession, carries control, carries jealousy – that is not Love.

Your Essential Nature is Love – I mean Love without the opposite. But what we know, as a person, is love that carries the opposite.

“Wait, wait… So you're saying I don't love my wife, that I don't love my kids?” Notice what we are saying… We are saying that the sense of “person” is a psychological conditioning. He has appreciation, he has affection, he has fondness, he has tenderness, but he also carries with him fear, possession, control, dominance, violence, and that is not Love.

The Reality of your Being is Love, it is your Natural State of Consciousness. So psychological pain has no foundation other than the illusion of the egoic sense, the illusion of the sense of separateness, of that sense between you – this idea of ​​a present “person” – and life, this idea of a present “person” and the husband, wife, children.

In your Being, You are Love. That Love embraces and includes everything around you, but this Love is not personal. It does not carry duality, therefore it does not carry conflict nor suffering.

The Awakening of your Essential Nature, of your Divine Nature, Spiritual Enlightenment, is the contact with your True Identity – a Real Identity or a “non-identity,” because there is only Consciousness, there is only this Life without any separateness. So, there is no space in your Being – when the Awakening of this Energy takes place, which is the Kundalini Awakening – there is no room for the sense of “I,” for the sense of the ego.

Kundalini Awakening is the only Power, it is the Power of Presence, it is the Power of Love, Peace, Freedom, Happiness. Kundalini Awakening is Realization. This Kundalini Awakening is God’s Realization. Here you are – in this life, in this lifetime – for the Recognition of your Divine Nature. You are here, in this life, to Realize the Kundalini Awakening. Then, that impersonal Energy takes over that body and that mind. It is You, but it is not that “you” that you know. It is your Being, it is the Nature of God, which is Kundalini. Then, there is no more suffering.

For you, in your Natural State of Presence; for you, in your Natural State of Being, That which is present is Intelligence, is Truth, is Peace, is Love.

People want something permanent – notice how delicate that is. They want permanent love, love that doesn't turn into hate, jealousy, anger or ambition; the peace that does not turn into conflict, fear or suffering. They want something permanent. In psychological time, there is nothing that is permanent. It is necessary for you to go beyond psychological time, beyond this sense of "I," this ego, this conditioned mind, this mental consciousness, which is the consciousness of humanity. Beyond that lies the timeless Reality.

This is Peace, This is Love, This is Truth, but This is out of time – This is your Self. The Realization of Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, Kundalini Awakening, is the Realization of the Natural Timeless State of Being. This is timeless, unconditional Love; This is unconditional, atemporal Peace; This is the Truth, the Supreme Intelligence, You in Your Natural State of Being.

That is what we are working on, within this channel, showing you that it is possible, through Self-awareness, to assume That through the True Meditation, and This is possible through a direct work of Recognition of the Truth about who You are.

For this purpose, we have online meetings – in addition to these videos here on the channel –, we have face-to-face meetings and retreats.

If this is something that makes sense to you, and if this is something that touches you, if this is your reality at that moment, here is the invitation, OK?

Thanks for the meeting until the next time.

October, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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