October 21, 2022

Ramana Maharshi: the Sage of Arunachala. Atma Vichara. Existential void. The search for spirituality

Our subject here, within this space, is about Self-Realization.

The human being is, throughout the history of humanity, looking for something outside this simple material well-being – although this is still very important for some –, beyond this mere physical well-being, beyond this mere comfort, this stability.

This search for something beyond that and the possibility of coming across it, of meeting it, is the subject that we deal with here within this channel. We are sharing with you the Truth of Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Realization. There are several names for this encounter, for this realization, for the new perception of life.

This has been man’s search for spirituality, throughout all time, throughout this entire history of humanity.

Here, it is a question of this Realization of the Truth of God.

The human being is not happy having only external achievements. As great as these accomplishments are, as fulfilling as they are, as great as they are, within each of us is a level of inner dissatisfaction that nothing can fill. Some have given the name of existential void to this internal condition of restlessness, of dissatisfaction.

So, there is this constant search for experiences – this is a way of searching for something beyond mere material satisfaction, mere material achievement. So, there is a constant search for psychological, spiritual experiences, travel, affective, emotional achievements… In fact, all of this still entails a certain level of material fulfillment, and none of this really satisfies. So, there is this restlessness, there is this internal dissatisfaction, there is this existential void.

So, despite all the comfort, all the well-being, from the material point of view, internally we continue as confused creatures, in internal, psychological disorder, in conflicts, within each one of us, which are not resolved.

So, our job here is to find an answer to all this. Here, I want to challenge you to find your Natural State of Being, a Life in a quality completely different from this confusion, this psychological disorientation, these fears, scare, fright, of this existential void, realizing in yourself, verifying in yourself the Truth of your Being, the Truth of your Divine Nature.

The work towards This is in figuring out how to go beyond the mind – I mean that mind that we all know. Thought in us is the basis of this disorder, of the way it works.

We have a memory of facts. These memories of facts… in our existence, we need them. Within a certain level, this memory is something very useful. We need the memory of facts.

This is the memory of the knowledge we have acquired throughout this lifetime. We need technical knowledge, objective knowledge, we need practical knowledge. So, this is the memory of the facts.

Our address you have to remember. If you don't remember your address, there’s something wrong with your brain. If you don't remember your name, there’s something wrong with your brain. This memory function is very natural. Unless there is something, some problem in the brain itself, memory will not work well. This memory is memory of facts.

But with that, too, along with that memory, we carry another level of memory, which is psychological memory. It is this psychological memory that I have called psychological conditioning; it is the memory that represents in us, in life, in living, in everyday life, worries, anxiety, fear... various forms of fears that we carry within ourselves.

We have the idea, the belief, the image about who we are, about who the other is, about what life is and even who God is. And all of that is within that psychological memory. It affects us in a psychic and physical way, because we identify with this level of memory and we put it in evidence in our life, in our existence, and that is the reason for all the confusion, all this internal, psychological suffering, all this confusion, all this disorder, all this existential void.

So, this search for something beyond this mere material comfort, this mere material fulfillment, and beyond this psychological condition of internal disorder, of internal chaos, in the search for spirituality... this only has a definitive answer, for ourselves, when we Realize the Truth about who we are.

The Realization of your Being, the Spiritual Awakening, the Spiritual Enlightenment is the Revelation of the Happiness of your True Nature. So, our business with you is to show you that This is possible in this life. And all that we are sharing here on our channel with you is from an experience, in this contact with Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, the Sage of Arunachala mountain, pointing in that direction… and today we are sharing the Truth of this unique message for this Awakening. Ramana Maharshi called this “the direct path,” “Atma Vichara.”

The question is “who am I?”, “what is the truth about me?” What is the truth about who you are, about who we are? What is the reality of this nameless, indescribable “thing” called God?

We call it God, but we stand before That which is nameless, that which is indescribable. What is the truth about the Divine Reality, which is the Reality of God?

The Truth about who You are is the encounter with your Being, which is a direct realization that what is present is nothing but God. God is the only Truth present in this Life, in this Existence.

Thus, Spirituality is the realization of your Essential Nature. A change in this psychological structure is necessary, a change in the body and in the mind, so that it settles down there, in this living organism, in this mechanism, the Power of this Divine Presence, which is the Power of this Grace, which is the Reality of God.

So, this dissatisfaction that leads us to live in a constant search for experiences, sensations, external accomplishments and also some searches and achievements of beliefs, ideas and concepts, which are also still an external accomplishment... This search for fulfillment in various forms of pleasure – emotional pleasure, intellectual pleasure, pleasure linked to aspects of intellectuality or affective aspects, pleasure in relationships… This existential void…. the end to this emptiness, the end to this suffering, the end to this dissatisfaction...

The Realization of the Truth of your Being is the Realization of your Natural State of Love, of Peace, of Happiness; the end of this existential void, this feeling of emptiness. This emptiness is present because of this psychological condition, and it is so with all fears. A change in this psychological structure is necessary. So, there needs to be a change in the mind itself, a transformation, a radical transformation in this way of thinking, feeling and acting.

So, the contact with the Divine Truth, the contact with the Truth of your Being, brings about a change, a transformation in the body and in the mind, so a new… there is something new now. There is something entirely new – it is the presence of Truth, the presence of Happiness, the presence of Love.

This change in body and mind is due to this transformation in this model of thinking, feeling and acting. This new model demonstrates the real presence of this change, of this Divine Power that has emerged in each of us. When this Power flourishes, awakens, emerges, some call it “the Kundalini Awakening” – it is this Energy of this Consciousness, it is this Energy of this Presence, showing itself, bringing about, effecting this change in this structure, in this body-mind and therefore, in that thinking, feeling and acting.

It is not the effort based on a belief, on an idea, on a concept, based on studying books or hearing from someone how to do it, how to accomplish it. All this is born of Self-awareness. You need to find out how to study yourself, how to look at yourself, because this Truth, this Wisdom, comes from that Self-awareness.

No external agent can give you That, no external agent will give you this change, which represents this Happiness, the presence of Peace, Joy and Love. This is born out of this Self-awareness. All we are doing here, in these meetings, within this channel, is to show you how to do This from Self-awareness.

So, the question is: how to realize Self-awareness? How to attain This? Becoming aware of yourself, here and now. It is necessary to study yourself, oneself, observe your reactions, your feelings, your sensations, your emotions.

You observe and verify this in relationships, in the relationship with the other, in the relationship with the world. Looking at your own thoughts and not getting confused with them... the feelings, emotions, sensations, and not putting an identity present in this experience. This is only possible when there is this attention to yourself.

So, Self-awareness is the basis for this transformation, for this change, and therefore for the end of this dissatisfaction, for the end of this disorder and confusion, for the end of suffering.

Therefore, this is the subject that we are dealing with, showing you, through the unique, unparalleled vision of Atma Vichara, within this teaching of Ramana Maharshi... The direct path to the Awakening of your Divine Nature is within this View of the Sage of Arunachala. To look inside yourself, look at what you are, and ask “who am I? What is the truth about this ‘me’, about this ‘I'?”

Therefore, this is the subject we discuss within this channel, in addition to face-to-face and online meetings. If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel and let’s work on it together.

October, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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