October 11, 2022

Self-awareness and Kundalini | Kundalini Meditation | True Practical Meditation | Psychological fear

Hi, folks! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. Let’s talk to you about Kundalini Awakening and the importance of Self-awareness; the relationship between Self-awareness and Kundalini.

Actually, Kundalini is that Consciousness, the Presence, the Presence of your Being. Contact with your Being, with your Divine Nature, necessarily requires Self-awareness. Without Self-awareness, you are just mistaking yourself for the psychological condition of the mind; you are just mistaking yourself for psychological conditioning, which is psychological conditioning you have received from the culture, from society, from the world around you, something from humanity, something ancestral.

The sense of “me,” of “I,” of the ego, this sense of ego identity, is an inheritance we have received, it’s not your True Nature, it’s not your Real Nature, it’s not the Truth about Yourself.

To put it very simply, every thought you have inside your head isn’t real as being part of What is You. Every thought is a result of the past.

Basically, what is thought? Thoughts are remembrances, memories, and experiences. You go through a given experience and that becomes a memory, a remembrance, knowledge – that’s thought.

If someone asks your name, you know it, because your name is part of memory, knowledge, experience, thought. Then, your name, like anything you know about yourself, is not the Reality You are. Your story is the story of this body and mind; it’s not the Truth about You. You mistake yourself for the body and, thus, you mistake yourself for the name, the story. This is the ego element, “me,” the “I” element, the “person” you believe to be.

Without Self-awareness, you’ll continue to believe this until the end of your days. People are born, grow up, become adults, get married, have children, then have grandchildren and die, or even die before that, long before that, and they never know the Truth about who they are, because they mistake themselves for memory.

Basically, you are a memory. All you have is memory, even that body is memory – that nose is your grandmother’s nose, and these ears are your great-grandfather’s ears. Your body is memory, your story is memory.

The Reality of your Being is not what memory also says. It’s curious to say that here. We’ve been conditioned to believe that we have a spirit and a soul and that we are spiritual beings.

Notice, these expressions are expressions of ideas. You believe this; however, you don't know what it really is. If I ask you “who are you?” You say “I am a spirit.” Then I ask you “what is this spirit?” Then, you’ll give me a definition of what you read, what you heard, and what you believe.

Self-awareness is direct contact with your Essential Nature, not a belief. You need to recognize the Truth directly.

If I ask “who are you?” you give me a definition: “I have a body, I have a soul and I have a spirit.” That’s the theological definition, yet I'm asking you who you are! If there are no thoughts, theories, or beliefs, there will only be Silence, you won’t know how to answer.

Stepping into this Silence and being aware of the Reality of this Truth is only possible when there is Self-awareness.

Here, we are talking about direct contact with your Real Nature without beliefs, without concepts, without theories. Your Essential Nature is Peace, Love, and Freedom, it is Happiness. Believing this is one thing; living This is quite another thing. Your Essential Nature is God! Believing this is one thing; living This is quite another thing.

So, Self-awareness allows you to have contact with this experience. This experience is the experience of Kundalini Awakening.

Kundalini is another word for God in You, Consciousness in You, God being What You are, Consciousness being What You are. Here I mean your Real Nature, not your body and mind, but your Nature.

So, Self-awareness gives you access to that Vision without theoretical aspects. Human beings live on beliefs. They have philosophical beliefs, psychological beliefs, and religious beliefs. But despite all these beliefs, they remain in contradiction, conflict, suffering, in problems.

The experts that know, since they studied the mind in college, are still trapped in psychological conditions of conflict and internal contradictions created by thought itself. So, despite all the theories, you're still bound.

In fact, what you have are concepts and beliefs. You don't know how to deal with thoughts; you don't know how to deal with emotions, with feelings, because you don't know the Truth about Yourself. You have different theories, which you learned in psychology, philosophy, in religion.

Contact with Self-awareness is contact with the direct Vision of the Reality of your Being. Here, the expression Self-awareness doesn’t have the same meaning used in psychology or philosophy. We put that expression here with an entirely new meaning. Here, it’s Contact with the Non-Dual Nature of Consciousness.

In the self-observation, it is possible to perceive that the sense of duality, this sense of an “I” present in the experience, is an illusion. Let me clarify: the “I” and fear, the “I” and anger, the “I” and worry, the “I” and desire. We have expressions like “I really want this,” so there is the “I” and the desire, the subject and the object; “I am very afraid of this,” so there is “me” and the fear of that thing; “I am very worried,” then there is this “me” and the worry. This duality is an illusion, this is psychological conditioning.

We were educated, molded, and programmed, to feel this, to feel that it is like this, to feel life like this – “me and life,” “me and thought.” This is not real! There is no thinker and the thought, there is no one who feels and the feeling, no “me and fear,” there is only the experience.

What upholds the experience is precisely the illusion of identity. There is experience, there is sensation, there is the state that arises... A thought arises separating itself from the state, and when it separates, duality is upheld and the state as well, because this “thinker,” this separate thought, this fragment that separates itself from the experience of fear, it keeps trying to fight it, rejecting, judging, saying “I don't want to,” “I need to get rid of it.” As long as this duality persists, the state persists.

Notice what we are saying. If it’s a disturbing thought and there’s the “thinker” trying to do something, what happens to that thought? It is strengthened. This separateness between the thinker and the thought strengthens this sense of duality, strengthens this experience.

Then, if fear appears, it is fear, not “someone.” But our conditioning has always been to fight the state of fear – here I mean psychological fear. So, there is the appearance of this “me,” this “I,” this sense of “someone,” to fight the experience of fear – and that strengthens.

When there is anger, there is only anger; there is no “someone” in anger. It is a physiological sensation in the body. This happens with fear, this happens with thought… it’s a sensation! Thought is a feeling, fear is a feeling, and anger is a feeling, but there is no “someone” present.

We never come into direct contact with fear; we always want to get rid of fear. With the thought, we want to get rid of it; with the feeling, we want to control it. If the feeling is good, we mistake ourselves and put an “experiencer” to enjoy it; If it is bad, we put an “experiencer” to want to get rid of it.

Thus, the sense of duality is always present in this ego identity. This ego identity is the experience with its “experiencer.” Then, there is this ego identity.

Self-awareness is direct contact with what is here and now. A thought arises, a feeling arises, an emotion, a perception, and at that instant, you just become aware without separating yourself, without judging, without fighting it, without wanting to get rid of it, also without mistaking yourself for that. There is only this perception, this observation, and this feeling when there is no such duality. This is the contact with Self-awareness.

This contact puts you in this new condition, which is the True Meditation. I’ve called it True Practical Meditation. This True Practical Meditation, I can also call it the True Kundalini Meditation, because when this is done, the Awakening of this Consciousness that is inside the body takes place, creating a change in this mechanism, in this body-mind, including in the brain, making a change, because Kundalini is the Divine Presence, the Presence of God, the Presence of the Truth, it is the Presence of your Being, flourishing, sweeping away this duality, this dualistic mind, this egoic sense of separateness.

There is a break of that psychological conditioning, then, these psychological, conflicting states based – all of them – on this duality, on this ego identity, on this unconscious movement, that’s all swept away, that’s all vanished. This is Kundalini Awakening… it is a change in the body. This Energy goes up through the spine, reaches the brain, and goes down to the heart, and there is a change in that mechanism, in that organism.

So, Kundalini Awakening is the Awakening of Consciousness. It is not something that happens to “someone,” it is something that, when it happens, the sense of “someone” vanishes, the sense of “I” vanishes – This is Spiritual Enlightenment.

Thus, the relationship between Self-awareness and Kundalini is very close, and very intimate, as well as between Kundalini and Consciousness, as well as between Kundalini and the True Meditation... and it is True Meditation because you are not going to practice it at some time during the day; the time is here and now.

When a thought, a feeling, a sensation, or a perception arises, you become aware of yourself, you abandon the illusion of an identity present and stay with what is, with what appears.

This direct contact can’t be a theory, a concept, or a belief; it’s an experience, and it’s being open to observe. So, the observation of every thought, every feeling, every emotion, moment by moment, without putting yourself as “someone” within it, is the True Practical Meditation or the True Kundalini Meditation.

This is the work we’re proposing to you here in online meetings, in face-to-face meetings, and even in retreats. Ok?

If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel, and let’s work on it together! Ok?

Thanks for the meeting! See you at the next one.

October, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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