July 21, 2023

Conditioned mind | The psychological conditioning | Approach True Meditation | Religious life

Alright! When we deal with you about this Truth of God’s Revelation, it is necessary a new approach. We cannot approach This with that ancient, old condition, with that pattern, that model of thinking we have. Here we face the need for an approach through Meditation.

Our brains are within a conditioned working pattern; we have a trained mind. This brain in us works with a model of knowledge and conditioned experience; we lived something in the past, and we are repeating that continuously, constantly; thus, an approach to the Truth of God is impossible since God is Something new, unknown, out of this mental time, this psychological condition in which we live.

It is not possible to have an approach to that Reality which is God – the Real Truth, the Divine Reality, What is beyond all names, all forms, What remains a great mystery naturally unfathomable by thought, once thought is part of all we know – we cannot approach This from that old condition. That requires a new brain, a quiet and silent brain.

So, we will work with you here and now, the next few minutes, on what this approach to that Truth is – the Truth of God. The human being is looking for something beyond this condition, which is the common condition in all of us, where our model of behavior, that is, our thinking, feeling, and acting, consists of mere reactions, something coming from the past, from that background of memory, knowledge, remembrances, and experiences, and that fits very well into this known world. Then, our responses are all within that pattern in the world, in life, responses centered on this “I.” It is the center of knowledge, thought, and experience.

The human being has been looking for something outside this “I,” this known, for millennia, and this encounter with Reality requires this “I” to disappear. This “I” is the sense of identity present here in this experience of life, of living. This “I,” as I have just put it, is the center around which thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions revolve, and all of them are always based on past experiences, on stored thoughts, which are memories and acquired knowledge.

This “I” is an illusion within the context of living. Thus, our life centered on this “I” is within this egocentrism, this model, this very personal and particular pattern of behavior, which represents a whole internal mental conditioning we have, we bring, and this is part of the egoic mind in us, of the psychological conditioning within each one of us.

An approach to the Truth of What is outside of all this – and this is what human beings have been looking for, for millennia because they are bored, tired, exhausted from a life centered on this “I” and, therefore, suffering – this encounter with Reality requires a new approach, this new approach requires a new brain, a quiet, silent brain, capable of perceiving the Reality of the present moment without reacting with that background, with that “I,” from that center with its remembrances, memories, experiences, and knowledge.

Here we show you that it is possible for a brain capable of responding to this moment in an entirely different way than we have responded so far. Our responses at that moment always base on thoughts, experiences, and knowledge conditioned in that brain.

Life is what is happening now; there is no sense of this “I,” and yet this “I” is all the time interfering, responding from these memory reactions through the brain by thought, so our responses, based on this thinking, are born from these reactions of the brain itself, which are responses of this “I” to that instant, to that present moment.

We do not have contact with the Reality of What we are outside that “I” with which we mistake ourselves for and identify with. So, the brain needs to go through a profound transformation, a profound change; the brain needs to be quiet, silent, not moving into that reaction from the background of conditioning. We need that Meditation. And here, Meditation is an approach that needs to be Real; we come closer to the Truth of Meditation; we approach this moment with the Truth. The Truth of Meditation requires a quiet brain. How can we realize This? How can we become aware of this Divine Truth, having contact with this present moment without this brain reaction pattern from that illusory center, which is the “I,” making use of this thought pattern, and also feeling and emotions reacting to this instant? How does this become possible?

Here we face the challenge of observing the movement of these reactions before they assume this repetition, this continuity. We look at this thought movement, feeling, emotions, and actions. For example, speaking is an action, and listening as well, as we respond to a sensation; this form of response is also an action. When we become aware of this inner movement within each of us – when the mind becomes aware of its own movement, here and now, the words we use, the gestures we make, the thoughts that arise, and the sensations we have. Being aware of this, becoming present here and now, just observing what is going on inside each one of us, and also externally, without reacting, at that moment the brain quiets down, becomes silent, then a new space appears in this brain, it is quiet now, by direct and simple observation of the reactive movement in it.

Your seeking or attempting to respond in a mechanical, automatic, unconscious way is now something you see and, when you see it, the brain quiets down; and when it quiets down, the mind is aware of itself, its own movement, that is an approach to the True Meditation. That key that opens the door to the Revelation of the Truth of God here and now, which is the Truth of your Being, your Real Nature, consists in the True Meditation; this is something practical, as I have been saying, it is here and now.

It is not about meditation practice, but rather True Meditation happening now, that is, in a practical way, at this instant. So, we are aware of Something outside thought, experience, knowledge, memory, and reaction outside this “I,” because the brain is still, there is silence, a natural silence. Within that silence and stillness, Something outside the “I, the ego,” reveals itself. Thus, Truth shows itself. The Truth is the Divine Reality, the Reality of God.

People use expressions like, for example, “spirituality,” and for them, spirituality consists of practices, “religious practices.” These two interesting words people use without the slightest understanding of deep, real meaning for them. We trivialize these two words. One is “spirituality,” the truth of spirituality, and the other is “religion.” For many, religious practice is the practice of rituals, ceremonies, and attending places where people sing and listen to sacred texts explained, uttered. The word “spirituality” is also linked to rituals and ceremonies. There is an adjustment to the standardization of superficial reverence and worship, even in religious principles. Here, the meaning of that word, as we put it, is something a little different.

Real Spirituality is the Truth of your Being that blossoms. When your Being blossoms, which is the Being of God, the Divine Truth, this is True Religion. It is not a mystical, esoteric, ritualistic practice; it is this Real Divine Truth revealing itself, a profoundly religious life. So, the True Religion, the True Spirituality, is in the Revelation of the Divine Truth, the Truth of God, the Truth of your Being. When your Being reveals itself, that is a religious life, real spiritual life, where there is Real Spirituality. But this is something quite Real; it does not have the veneer or appearance of life with religious practices; here, it is about Something very real.

Real spirituality, Real religious life is Being Natural, a life aware of the Reality of the unique, singular, exclusive Truth that there is only God. And when there is only God, there is no fear, no suffering, no envy, no disputes, no conflicts that, in general, occur due to disagreements, as occurs within this so-called “religiosity” or “formal religion,” where people dispute, argue, enter into endless discussions about doctrines, dogmas, where there is this dogmatism, this struggle, all this difference between this idea of God, “my God” and “your God.” None of that is Real when there is that Truth, which is the Truth of your Being, the Truth of God, that unique Reality present; that’s the end of all this confusion.

So, it is not about dogmas, practices, rituals, or ceremonies; it is about the Revelation of your Being when this Meditation blossoms, when Silence, Stillness, and the Beauty of the Divine Truth show themselves. This is present when the sense of “I,” of the ego, of that sense of separateness is no longer present, and not all this confusion that has constituted our lives in this illusory vision, in this sense of separation. This is the Realization of God, the Awakening of Consciousness, and Spiritual Enlightenment. Your Natural Divine State reveals itself when a new brain, a new heart, that touch of Reality, which is the end of egocentrism, of fear, desire, and all the confusion that this background of psychological conditioning we have inherited from society, the world, and culture disappear.

Meditation is the emptying of all that inner psychological content of conditioning. The end of this “I” is the end of this thought, feeling, and action of this brain that reacts within this pattern, so a new brain and a new heart are present. The Divine Truth reveals itself here and now.

Here, on the channel, we are talking to you – and also in face-to-face and online meetings – about the beauty of this approach to True Meditation in a practical, experiential way, here and now, the awareness of the entire movement of conditioning, the emptying of all this conditioning, all this psychological content, then What is Real, which is the Truth of your Being, blossoms, and this is the Divine Truth. The basis for this consists of an approach to yourself, an investigation of what has been this chaotic, conflicted, and suffering movement of this illusory identity that is the ego. Ok?

That is our purpose here within this channel. Ok? If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. I always want to remind you: we have online, face-to-face meetings, and retreats, too. And if this makes sense, we have our WhatsApp group in the video description, and you can approach and work on it. Ok?

Thanks for the meeting, and see you at the next one!

July, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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