July 19, 2023

The common consciousness, the ordinary consciousness. Psychological past. Psychological conditioning

Alright! Is there another way to approach life?

We have a format, which is the one we know so well: the format of ideas, beliefs, opinions, of our certainties and uncertainties. Will there be another way to approach this? People believe a lot in ideas. Ideas are thoughts, they are just thoughts. Concepts, beliefs, opinions, judgments, these are all thoughts. Is it possible for us to trust thoughts? Does thought really have any credibility, is it reliable? Do the ideas you have about who you are really reflecting the Truth about you, about others, about the world, about life?

I’d like you to look at this, and approach this differently. Approach thoughts in a different way: look at them, look at what they represent. Thoughts don't deal with Reality; they deal with opinions, ideas, and interpretations, that’s all they can do. They have an interpretation, an opinion, a judgment about this.

We don’t live life in Simplicity, Beauty, Love, and Peace since our life is, in fact, always based on this movement, which is the movement of thought. Examine yourself, look at what’s going on here and now, do it! While listening to this speech, observe the entire movement of thought arising within you now. It arises to compare what you're hearing, here and now, with what you already know, and it’s very clear that when you do that, you're not whole, here and now, you separate yourself as the one hearing what is being spoken. When there’s this listening and it’s complete, there’s no “someone” present to evaluate, judge, or compare. In that very listening, what is True shows itself, what is false also shows itself. You don't need that element within you separating from that listening to evaluate, judge, and compare what is being said with what that “I,” that “me,” there inside you, already knows.

So, one difficult thing for us is accepting life without that element, which is the “I” element. It is always participating, whether listening to a speech or a lecture, it is present to agree or disagree. There’s no Stillness, no Silence, no Peace, no absence of the “I,” here and now, within this experience. Meditation is what puts you in touch with this moment. This moment is what matters, not “someone” inside it. When there is Meditation, which is an approach without thought... We need this approach: listening, looking, feeling, and living without thought.

We don't need thought all the time, as we have been doing. There’s a constant internal chatter inside you, thought is talking all the time, expressing opinion, judging, evaluating, rejecting, and condemning what is outside and what is inside. This element of the “I,” which is made up of thoughts, is restless all the time internally, in that organism, that mechanism. That’s the common consciousness, the ordinary consciousness in all of us. This is the consciousness of the “I,” of the ego, the mental consciousness present. I’ve been saying to those who come closer to this work of Truth that there’s Something beyond thought, inside, in that mechanism, that organism. And that Something needs to wake up, to awaken, because if This doesn't awaken, what remains present, operating, working, is this movement of thought. This movement of thought is the unconsciousness of the Truth of your Being, the alienation of who you really are, and you are mistaking yourself for this element, which is the element of thought.

You believe you exist as an “I,” an ego, a person. When you refer to yourself, you say: “I,” or else you say: “Yes, to myself.” This “me,” this “I,” this element is an identification with thought. Yes, identification with thought. Without thought within you, you don't have a story; you can’t report the story of this “me,” this “I” without the thought. The reference of this “me,” this “I,” this “person” you believe you are, is always this movement of thought. Hence the question: is it possible to go beyond this element, which is the element of thought? A life free from that element, which is thought, is a life free from the sense of a present “I,” of this “me,” this person, this ego. A life free from the “I” is a life free from the mind – here I mean that egoic mind.

That egoic mind separates itself, it is always separating itself. It separates between the one who speaks and the one who is there listening, between the one who observes and the one or what is being seen there. This “I” element separates itself between this “I and the world,” this “I and life,” between this “I and God.” This “I” element in us, which is based on this entire movement of thought, which is memory, history, and recollections, is what is anguished, saddened, bored, depressed, anxious, and worried. It carries fear, various forms of fears, as well as desires – many, many desires. It’s always the sense of “I” present. This is ignorance. The ignorance of the Truth about you puts you in this condition of unconscious movement over yourself, having that element, which is thought, as being the most important thing, completely assuming this life you call “my life.” No! It’s the life of thought, the model of thought, this is what we have called the psychological conditioning.

Human beings have been living like this for millennia within this condition of psychological conditioning, which is this pattern of the movement of thought, which has taken on such importance in their lives. We as human beings have been living like this for millennia. We can break out of it and get rid of it. We need to recognize the Truth of our Being. We need to recognize the innate Intelligence of this True Consciousness that We Are. And that’s what we are when we don't mistake ourselves for what we believe we are. When we mistake ourselves for what we believe ourselves to be, we are just that, that person loaded with desires, fears, and various forms and expressions of psychological unhappiness. All because of illusion, ignorance, and alienation from the Truth of God.

A life free from this condition is possible. The Realization of your Being, of the Truth, of the absence of the “me,” of the “I,” the ego is possible, and then there’s no longer the past. Notice what we are saying: the past has become something very, very, very important. Life in the ego is life-based on the past. The resentments, sorrows, grudges, disappointments, frustrations, guilt, unpleasantness, the longing, all of this comes from the past. This psychological pain, these diverse pains, all these complications of life based on that element that is the “I.” When it dies, vanishes, disappears, when the illusion of the sense of identity present here and now, in this experience, vanishes, the past vanishes. And when there’s no past, there’s no present, no future – psychologically speaking.

This notion of past, present, and future, has no reality. We do have this present moment, but we don’t have the “psychological present,” there’s no “psychological past,” no “psychological future.” That’s the end of everything that the past in thought, to the ego, represents. That’s the end of everything that the future, which is thought projected in time, imagined in time, to the ego, represents. This is the end for the present as a door to becoming, achieving, and accomplishing something, like “happiness tomorrow,” “peace tomorrow,” and “freedom tomorrow.” All this ends when there’s the recognition of this illusion or the understanding of the acknowledgment that there is only an illusion in this movement of thought, in this psychological condition of the sense of the “I” present, now. There is no “I” now, only this Divine Reality of your Being, which is this Intelligence, this Presence, the Nature of Reality, the Truth about God – this is called Spiritual Enlightenment or Consciousness Awakening, it’s the Truth about who You Are, here and now.

Such life is free from psychological time. Everything remains where it is but without the sense of a present “I.” This has an implication that the mind will never be able to reach, so you need to be beyond the sense of “I,” beyond this mind, the egoic mind, this separatist mind, this mind laden with memory, remembrances, tradition, knowledge, and experiences.

Thus, Something new is present. That New Something is out of time, it’s the Timeless Divine Reality, the Reality beyond all forms of expression, of words. It’s Something without a name, Nameless, Indescribable. Here I refer to the Nature of that Being-Consciousness-Bliss, the absence of that “me,” the flowering of the Nature of the Being, the flowering of Consciousness, which is Meditation in your Natural State, which IS you.

So, if this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. I want to remind you: we have online, face-to-face meetings and also retreats, where we are working on this.

Here’s the invitation and see you next time!

May, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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