July 7, 2023

Relationships deeply egocentric | How to practice Mindfulness? | Action free of the ego

What is this action free of the “I"? What is the activity completely free from contradiction, conflict, and that impulse usually based on desire or fear? What is action free of the ego? This subject comprises the issue of Attention. This Natural State of Attention to yourself eliminates the sense of an “I” present within experience. Some people call it “mindfulness” and interpret it wrong because they use this expression as something you can do or accomplish through a technique, practice, or discipline.

Your Natural State of Presence, Consciousness, of seeing free from the observer, feeling free from that element “I” present in that feeling, of thinking free from that element that is the idea, the conviction, the belief of a thinker present in that thought, this is the Natural State of Mindfulness. In this Natural State of Full Attention, there is no such “I” element. In these few minutes here, we are going to delve into that.

Our responses to this moment, to this instant – something is arising, appearing here, at this moment, in our lives – in general, our actions respond to this moment based on the thinking behind them, so they are actions born out of thought.

We must understand if we really want to find out what this Real Mindfulness is – as I have called it here on the channel – or how to practice Mindfulness – because this is a matter for many – we must clarify some things.

The expression “how to practice” shows that people are looking for a technique, a practice, a system to implement in their lives to have that Full Attention. Since people have been talking a lot about the expression “mindfulness” in the sense of something that the “I,” the ego, the person does, we have the idea of a technique, a practice, a system. Here, when I refer to this Full Attention, I am talking about this Natural State of Mindfulness or free Full Attention, naturally free from the “I,” from the ego and therefore free from that element which is thinking, the thinker.

The truth of this Mindfulness is the presence of Pure Consciousness, Pure Seeing, Pure Feeling, Pure Thinking, and what is This? What is this seeing, this feeling, this thinking that I call here Pure, Pure Consciousness? Something free from the sense of identity present. Consciousness, the way we know it, is mental consciousness and therefore it is consciousness based on a structure of thought. When it is present, there is no Truth of that Attention, that Full Attention. When it is present, we have an ordinary, common, habitual movement of thought responding to that moment through an action, a speech, or some movement still centered on this “I.” Thus, within that sense of an ego present, that state of unconsciousness is what we usually call consciousness because the sense of an “I,” an ego present, that movement that responds to this instant based on thought, is a movement of unconsciousness or, as I have called it here on the channel, of mental consciousness. So, our responses are in inattention; that inattention is the movement of this mental, egoic consciousness, and that is the absence of Mindfulness.

People have glimpses of this State of Mindfulness, and want to discover a technique or practice to temporarily abandon this sense of “I” in this Attention. Here, we work with you on something different from that. Here, when I refer to this Mindfulness, I am referring to something that is born very naturally when there is True Meditation. True Meditation is the awareness of the Truth of What is here and now, and that Truth is What reveals when thought is not present. Our thought has as its principle a remembrance, a memory, something coming from the past. Human beings live in an internal psychological condition and in this external relationship with the world based on this principle of personal identity, the identity of the “I,” of this unconsciousness, this absence of the Truth of their Being. So, our responses to this moment are always conflicting responses.

Our responses to this present moment, within that condition, which is the “I” condition, are always inadequate, because they are unconscious responses that have as principle the common model of the egoic consciousness. We are always in a relationship, for example, with others, and the basis of this relationship is the idea we have of them and they have of us. So, our relationships occur within this unconsciousness, the format of this present personal identity, which represents complete unconsciousness or what I have called egoic consciousness. There is not a response to this moment without the element of thought, of these images that I form of them and they form of me. Our entire relationship with the world, with others, with life, occurring in this format, this way, is typically conflicting; there is no Presence, no Consciousness. And why is conflict present? It is present precisely because there is the illusion of an “I” separating itself from experience, and in this separateness, the relationship is, of course, inadequate; it does not have a fluidity, a beauty, which is the Natural Beauty of the Presence, of Consciousness, of that Pure Being, that Pure Presence, that Pure Consciousness, that action free from separateness.

Follow this. Our contact with the other is based on the idea “I am here and they are there,” this “I” is a set of images I have about who I am, and “they” for me are just an idea, an image that I also have from them, and at that level of relationship, there can be nothing but some form of conflict. There is no real contact with the Reality of life as it Is when that element of separateness, which is the “I,” has the other as an image present. What I want you to understand is that when our life consists of this illusion of “someone” present within experience, the world is present to that “I,” who is the experiencer, and this is the absence of the Truth of Being, of that Pure Presence, that Pure Consciousness; then, at this instant, there is no such Attention.

Thought moves and produces this separateness, this illusion, creating this notion of “someone” present. Our work together is to discover the Truth of who we are, the Reality of your Being, the Reality of your Essential Nature, your Divine Nature; this discovery is Attention here and now. Looking at this movement of thought, sensation, or feeling, looking at this external or internal experience arising without putting this element that compares, judges, evaluates, analyzes; this comparison, this analysis, this judgment is something that comes from the model of thought; therefore, something that comes from the past. If that is present, we are naturally in conflict, because there is no fluidity, that Freedom of the awareness of what Is.

Our relationships are conflicting because they have this self-centeredness of the “I,” the reason behind these relationships are deeply egocentric. There is no Love, no Peace, no Freedom in our relationships, but rather this negotiation, this exchange, this particular view of the “I,” “me” with others. So, the sense of identity present produces all this disorder, confusion, and the absence of comprehension and truth in our relationships.

What is this inner state completely free from this sense of “I” and, therefore, from the image of others? It is your Natural Full State of Pure Consciousness; it is what I call Mindfulness. Hence, it is not a matter of practice, technique, or system for temporarily finding a kind of relief from this egoic state, from this pressure created by this sense of an “I,” which in this relationship with others is always centered in itself, this “I,” this ego, trapped in its little world and, therefore, in conflict with itself and with others, because there is no Love, no Peace, no Freedom.

Our work is to abandon this illusion of the “I,” so it is not a technique or practice to remove this egoic state for a time. All of this is part of this approach to Self-Awareness. Without the Truth of Self-Awareness, and here on the channel I have been talking about this Self-Awareness, the Truth about Self-Awareness – we have a playlist here on the channel working on this – this approach to Self-Awareness is what brings you closer to a view free from this egoic sense. And when the ego is not present, the sense of “I” is not present. That Attention is the Truth of the pure revelation of What is here when there is not that “I,” that self-image, that self-centeredness, that ego-identity.

Thus, the work of this approach to observe the movement of the “I,” this observation of the movement of the ego-identity, this sense of a present “I,” the observation of this movement itself, when we learn how to look at this movement, and this look requires this Attention, it is this consciousness, this being aware of yourself, seeing without the “I,” feeling without the “I,” when there is no judgment or comparison, when we don't want to get rid of or hold what we see in ourselves, it requires this full attention on ourselves, on that movement, which is the movement of the mind. It does not require effort, any volition or desire of that element “I.” It simply requires that real intention, interest to observe yourself, your reactions when fear, desire, or thought arises; feeling, emotion, whatever is arising is seen in that Real Attention to yourself, in that Full Attention on yourself.

When there is this deep interest, this intention, this joy in approaching that look, there is not this issue of emotion or sensation; it is just the simple observation, the fascinating interest of looking at it. What I have just called the “joy in approaching,” I do not mean an emotion, a sensation, or a feeling present, but rather being in this observation of yourself in this interest, of looking at yourself here and now. This form of approach is True Meditation. To look at the entire movement of the “I,” of the mind, experientially, at this moment; it is when that look is present, that Pure Consciousness is present, then Something outside this “I,” this ego, is revealed out of that thought.

That is our subject here on the channel. We have some playlists going deeper into this here with you. We have been talking on the channel about this Mindfulness, this Real Mindfulness, as well as the Real and True approach to Self-Awareness and True Meditation in practice. If this is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. We have online and face-to-face meetings and also retreats where we work on this with those who approach.

See you, okay? Thanks for the meeting!

June, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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