July 22, 2023

Kundalini Awakening is the Awakening. Turiya, the fourth state. Advaita Vedanta | Real Consciousness

What is Kundalini? Folks, Kundalini is the Reality of the Presence of Consciousness in you. We are in a state of unconsciousness, the common state of human beings is the egoic consciousness, mental consciousness. This is not Real Consciousness. Real Consciousness is when the Truth of your Being flourishes. Your Being, this Consciousness, is That which the Sages have called It Kundalini. This has been dealt with for millennia by those who have realized the Truth beyond this condition of egoic consciousness, mental consciousness.

The human being is in a state of sleep. In this state of sleep, he is dreaming. What we call common consciousness, this waking consciousness, is the dream state that we have. Realize how interesting this is: at night you have a dream and while dreaming you never question whether what you are living or experiencing is real. If you stumble upon a stone in a dream, you will fall; the dream stone is like a stone that we know here and now, in the waking state. If you are thirsty in the dream and drink water, the water will quench your thirst; the thirst of the dream, a dream water solves. The contact with the world in the dream is very real for the one who is dreaming, so the dreamer, the one who is in the dream, does not know that he is dreaming, he sees very strange things happening, but he never questions whether that is a dream or rarely doubt that state is just a dream. Thus, in this waking state, we are in contact with the world and seeing the world also from a dream, which is this consciousness that we know, this mental consciousness. So, our common state of sleep, of unconsciousness, is dreamlike.

What is Kundalini Awakening? It is the Awakening of this dream, of this dream of body, mind and world, this is Kundalini Awakening. It’s not a mystical, esoteric experience, so-called “spiritual,” where you have some sensations in the body and a way of perceiving this life a little differently – in fact, this dream. All of this is still just an experience within a dream. I have heard reports about so-called “Kundalini awakening,” so people say: “When my Kundalini awakened,” “When my Kundalini awakening happened, it happened this and that.” Here we are working with you on the Truth of this Revelation of your Being, the Awakening of Consciousness. That Consciousness is really Kundalini, but when It Awakens, you are not left to report something as personal as that.

“When ‘my’ Kundalini awakened,” “Ah, ‘my’ Kundalini awakened, and now?”, these are expressions of people who are having some psychological, physical experiences, these so-called “spiritual” or “mystical” experiences, and all this is still within the dream. The Realization of your Being, the Awakening of Consciousness, which is Kundalini Awakening, is the end of the dream. So, it’s not an experience, it’s the end of the sense of “someone” within some kind of experience. Every experience occurs to an experiencer – follow this – and it is that experiencer who reports that experience, and every experience is always in the past; the illusion is that this experiencer is here and now relating something he has experienced. The truth is that what was lived in the past is a memory here and now. This idea of ​​this experiencer who went through that, this idea that he is here, is still a thought. What we have here, as an experience, is a remembrance, it’s a memory. So, when someone says: “I went through this,” “I lived this,” “I felt this,” what we have in these expressions is a thought being put, loaded with an illusion, an illusion that there is an “I” present that went through that. What we have here is just the memory of an image, a remembrance, a recollection. What we have here is a memory. There is no experiencer here in that experience. As an experience, it’s something from the past, it’s gone, it’s something that was recorded in memory and that, as a thought, as an imagination, as an image, as an idea, as a memory, arose here and now.

We have to investigate the illusory nature of the “I,” only then will we understand the Truth of Awakening of Consciousness, which is Kundalini Awakening. That Kundalini Awakening, which is the Awakening of Consciousness, is the end of that “I” and therefore it is the end of that experiencer. And if there is no experiencer, experience has no reality. Experience is something you've been through and you're always reporting; this “you” is an imagination. Let me repeat this to make it clearer: every memory here and now of a past experience is just a memory here, at this moment; the idea of ​​“someone” here, at that moment, reporting something they went through is an imagination, it is a belief, this is still part of thinking. There is no such sense of present “I.” Life is something that is happening here and now. This present sense of “I” is the one that is imagining its world. That sense of “I” is the one that is here, imagining its past, imagining its experiences, imagining the idea of ​​Spiritual Awakening, Kundalini Awakening or of Kundalini experience.

Reality is life as it happens here and now. How this “I,” the idea of ​​"someone” present, is seeing this, from thought, which is from the past, which is from experience, is within the dream. Realize what we are saying: actually, on the Awakening of your Being, which is the Awakening of Consciousness, which is Kundalini Awakening, this psychological time does not remain. This is something that will become a little clearer for you now – here I am referring to the psychological time.

What is this psychological time? The idea of ​​“someone” present here and now, is an idea, we take it for granted, but what we have about who we are, are just remembrances, memories, recollections, past experiences and, therefore, they are part of this idea of present, past, and future. The idea of ​​“someone” here consists only of memories, something that comes from the past, and that past is nothing but recollections, remembrances, and memories. The experiences people go through and can report are experiences, which are just remembrances, memories, they have no other reality than the reality of psychological time, of their imagination; that is not here and now, that is just in thought, just in imagination, and that is psychological time. There is no truth outside this instant, it is always in relation to something that happened and is being remembered – “when did it happen?”, “when did it occur?” Another point is: “being remembered when?” Everything is happening now. Remembering that memory, that recollection, that so-called “past” can only be possible now. So, we are always inside that psychological prison, that time created by thought, created by memory, created by recollections and imagination. So, when someone says: “I had a Kundalini experience,” “When my Kundalini awakened,” he put it in time, he is talking about a time. And what time is that? It is the psychological time, which is the time of thought, which is the time of this “I,” which is the time of imagination.

There is no reality in Kundalini within time. Kundalini as Consciousness is a Reality present here and now. If That is present, it is not an experience, there is no “I,” there is no “someone.” This body-mind, this mechanism is under a new and unknown energy, outside this element that is this “I,” that lives in this dream, the dream of a separate entity living now, that had experiences yesterday because it was there yesterday and will be somewhere else tomorrow. This idea of ​​"I was,” “I am,” and “I will be” is within this sense of ego-identity. The Awakening of Consciousness, which is the Awakening of your Being – and this is the Truth of Kundalini –, psychological time is seen as just an illusion, because there is no such “I.” When there is no such “I,” there is no longer this past, this present and this future, this “I was,” “I am” and “I will be,” there is no longer this “awakening tomorrow,” there is no such “I woke up yesterday.” The only Reality present is the presence of the Truth of your Being here and now, that is Consciousness.

Our work here consists of this approach to the Truth and this recognition of this illusion, this world of the “I,” this dream of the “I,” this illusion of the “I.” If this disappears, thought is seen only as it is: a memory, a recollection, an image, but you don't have that “I.” This is the Awakening of your Being, Kundalini Awakening, the Awakening of that dream, which is the dream of the “I,” where this world is being experienced, described, and reported.

So, in this dream state that you have at night, as well as in this waking state, you, in this present “I” sense, are sleeping, going through different experiences, remembering these experiences and reporting these experiences as if that was real to this “I.” And one of those experiences can, of course, be a mystical experience, a memory of something you've experienced. But who is this “I” that lived it? This is all within the dream. Do you understand that?

When the Awakening of the Divine Truth, the Reality of God, takes over this body-mind, when this energy, which is the energy of the Presence, of Consciousness, takes over this body, when It awakens here in this organism, in this mechanism, the Kundalini Awakening occurs. This is the end of the dream, of this world, of this “I,” of this experiencer, of this thinker, of this observer, of these experiences, of these images, of these beliefs. It’s the end of it all. It’s life being seen from that new Indescribable space, which is Consciousness, that’s Kundalini Awakening.

A work is processed in this body, in this mechanism and makes This possible. And the work takes place due to an approach to Self-awareness and the direct contact with True Meditation in an experiential, practical way, here and now – here on the channel we have a playlist about this approach to Self-awareness and the True Meditation in practice, experiential. Then, a change occurs in this mechanism, in this body, in this mind, and even and especially in the brain itself, in the brain cells, so that this Awakening of Consciousness takes over this body-mind and the end of this dream or the dreamer’s illusion occurs. That is the end of an identity present in that past experience. Life is something happening now. Without the experiencer’s illusion, there is no experience, what we have present is Something new, and that Something new is experiencing life here and now, without the sense of an “I.”

The expression in India for this Natural State of Awakened Consciousness is Advaita, the state where there is only the “one without the second,” this is straight from Advaita Vedanta. The view of the Sages for millennia is exactly this: there is only one present Reality, the Reality of the one without the second, and that Reality is the Reality of God. God is the only present Reality. When He is present, the dream is there, but it is not the dream of “someone,” it is not this particular dream of this “I,” this separate identity in this mystery that is life, in this thing beyond all description, experienced outside this sense of “I,” of the ego. Everything is one big Divine game, one big Divine dream. But here we are no longer dealing with that dream as the ego knows it, within that sense of separation, a dream laden with fear, desires, anxiety, worries, problems, egocentrism, and all forms of psychological unhappiness, within the illusion of duality.

Here we are before Something new. This energy of Presence, of Consciousness takes over this body-mind, and even this brain when Kundalini Awakening occurs. It is the end of the dream of the body, of the mind, of the world, of a separate “I,” for a full, complete life, for a Real life, beyond birth and death, beyond the waking state, dreaming, and deep sleep. This has also been called by the Sages Turiya, the fourth state. A fourth state possible for human beings is this Natural State of Non-Separation, of Non-Duality called Advaita. That Natural Divine State is the State of Being-Consciousness-Bliss, that is the Real Kundalini Awakening. Everything else that can be reported, described, explained, and put in the format of an experience that “someone” lived or “someone” living, is something outside of Reality, something still within the dream, of this dream of the “I,” of this dream of the ego, still within this illusion.

This is one of the subjects here on our channel. We have a playlist about it, about this Kundalini Awakening, about this approach to true Meditation, Real Meditation and the importance of Self-awareness within this context. OK? If this is something that makes sense to you, I want to invite you to “like” and subscribe to the channel. We have online meetings, face-to-face meetings, and also retreats. Here in the video description, you can find our WhatsApp group. If this is something that makes sense to you, join our group and let’s work on it together. OK?

Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

July, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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