February 24, 2024

Action of psychological conditioning | Truth of Self-Awareness | How to do the right thing?

We are here together looking at this issue of action. We need to discover what action free of the ego is, Real action, true action. This action is action free from contradiction, free from problems and therefore free from suffering. We really want to get it right, so much so that we ask questions like: “How to act under pressure?”, “How to get it right?” or “How to do the right thing?”

We all want to have an intelligent action, a wise action, but we need to know here what this action is, what the truth of this action is. Without a direct understanding, without a direct, non-theoretical, conceptual, without a Real vision of the issue of action, we will never know what it means to act correctly. There will never be Peace, Freedom, Love in our lives, because our actions will be driven by this center that is the “I,” the ego.

We have all realized that our actions are actions to be, to achieve, to get rid of, to obtain, to conquer, so this action is, naturally, the action that is born from an intention, from an idea, from a purpose, and, therefore, it is an egocentric action. However, this is the only action we know, the action centered on the “I,” on this desire, on this motivation or on this impulse from fear, to free ourselves, to move something away from us.

Note that our life consists of actions, everything is action. I have emphasized this here, notice this. Right now, these gestures are actions, this speaking is an action, this listening is

an action. When there is a sense of “someone” present, this is the “I.” It is always moving with some motive, with some reason. This intention, this motive, this reason that drives us to action is the motive of the “I,” of the ego. All we know in life is to live an ego-centered life.

Here, the purpose of this channel is to show you the possibility of the Awakening of your Being, of your Divine Nature, of the Real Truth about each one of us, which is the Reality of God. Being aware of this, becoming aware of this, understanding this in living, this is our purpose here within this channel. Then, there will be an action of a different order, an action free of ideas.

This may seem very strange to you, the possibility of an action free from ideals, motives, purposes. I refer to a free, spontaneous, natural action, free from desire and fear, without this impulse to get rid of and without this ambitious impulse to achieve, to acquire. Note that until today our actions are based on the ego, on the “I” and therefore on this person… This person is moving within this program, within this model of action, this is how it has been in our lives. Investigating the nature of the “I,” studying oneself, is Self-Awareness.

It is Self-Awareness that gives you the basis for action free of the ego and therefore for Real action, where Truth is present. There is only Truth in action when the “I” is not there. As long as the sense of the ego is present, all your movement will be a movement to achieve or get rid of. So, we are always within an action model of time, a time idealized by thought, produced by thought. This is how we, psychologically, are functioning.

The movement of the “I,” of the person, of the ego, is the movement within time, this psychological time. This thought is the one that sustains this psychological time. Thus, our actions, when they are born from thought, which is memory, remembrances – thoughts are remembrances, they are recollections, they are stored memories, experiences that we have gone through –, when we are driven to action, and this action is born from this pattern of thought, our action is limited.

We need to observe life happening. Every moment we are faced with something new, and we are faced with this new thing, confronting it, encountering it, facing it from the past. The past is thought, which is the result of these memories, remembrances, and these recollections that we have. We are dealing with this present moment from this past viewpoint. Our functioning in the ego is our functioning in psychological time. So, thought is the structure of the “I.” Thought is the structure of that thinker. The thinker is the “I,” the experiencer, the one who has had an experience, has kept that experience, which is memory, and that memory is now a thought, a remembrance.

Thus, the experiencer is the one who gives shape to this thinker, and this thinker is the one who, based on a motivation, an intention, a desire, facing the thought it brings, sets itself to act. So, there is no truth in the action of the thinker, who is this experiencer, who is the ego. So, all these conclusions that we have are conclusions of the “I,” of the ego. This is how we are operating. This is our personal consciousness producing personal actions, egocentric, private actions, centered on fear, centered on desire, centered on conflict, centered on these conclusions, which are calculated conclusions.

Follow now what we are putting here for you. The truth of action, it is Real, it is complete, it is complete when it is just a response given to that moment, without this psychological movement, which is the movement of the “I,” of this thinker, of this experiencer, of the one who acts from beliefs, conclusions, and ideas.

We are always moving in the world out of ambition, out of envy, out of desire, out of fear. This movement is the action of the “I,” of the thinker, it is the egocentric action – “I like you or I don't like you,” “I need you or I can’t stand you.” Note, we always have this “I” as the center of actions. There is no flow in Freedom, we do not know the Truth of cooperation, of understanding, of the relationship in Freedom, in Love, because there is always this sense of “I” present in this “liking,” “disliking,” in this “seeking,” in this “trying to reach” or “trying to break free.”

What we are saying here is that this moment calls for action. Every moment is an instant where something is happening, that is, every moment is a moment of action. There is no way to be free from action. Meeting this moment is something that always appears to us as a challenge. The response given to this challenge from this “I,” this ego, this center of separate identity is the inadequate response, it is the inadequate action, it is the action of contradiction, of conflict and therefore of suffering; while an adequate response to that instant, given by this Intelligence, which is born from this understanding of Silence... Silence is the presence of this State of Understanding, Silence is this Understanding, this Understanding is the Truth of your Being revealing itself when the “I,” the ego is not there. Then, a new action is present. This is the action of Life itself.

So, notice what we are saying here: either you have an action from this “me,” this ego, this “I” or there will occur, in a natural way, an action free from the presence of this “me.” This is the action of Reality, of the Truth of God, of the Truth of your Being. Becoming aware, in life, of Life itself is the Awakening of the Divine Nature, of the Nature of your Being, so Something new is present. This new Something responds to everything that is here in a simple, direct way.

So, in this Silence, which is Understanding, in this Understanding, which is the presence of this Silence, there is an action. There is no separation between this Silence, this Understanding, and the action taking place, when it is complete, when the “I,” the ego is not involved in it. All of this may seem very strange to you, because all we have known so far is the action of psychological conditioning, it is the action centered on will, on wanting.

We have a few brief moments of free action and we don't realize the beauty of these moments. At times in your life you find yourself outside of this movement, which is the movement of the ego. For example, in contact with nature, when you are in front of a sunset, when you are going for a walk, when you are hiking. There are some moments in which there is an internal stillness, there is a space of Silence that opens up before something like the sunset in the afternoon, standing in front of a lake, looking at those waters. A space opens; in it lies the absence of this thinker, this experiencer, this “I,” so we are facing an action without “someone” present. It is a happening, it is an event, it is an action free of the “I.” So, we have moments like that.

We can discover in our life a life free of this ego, for a response no longer based on this center, which is the ego. That's what we're working on here with you, showing you the possibility of this. For example, in contact with another, looking at the other without the past, try this. Whenever you look at someone, you already have an idea about who he is, who she is: this idea is just the past.

We live cultivating this model of thinking. It is this model of thought that leads us to action, to egocentric action, to action that is not appropriate to this moment, to this challenge. He or she is always new, but we are always absorbing this moment, this new, this encounter with the new based on memory, thought, and idea. So, the idea does not allow us a free action, so we have the sense of “I” present in this experiencing, here and now, of life, looking at this moment, living this moment, attending to this moment, in this encounter with the new.

Just a moment ago, you were in front of the sunset, that is new, but thought can keep that image, and when it keeps that image and you want that sunset again, you can no longer have it. All you can have now is just a remembrance, a memory, it's when the ego absorbs the new into the old. This is how our relationships with people are, we are never faced with someone new, we are always faced with the image we make of him or her. In other words, we are always absorbing this moment that requires an action free of the ego, we are always absorbing this new moment in this old model, in this old “I,” in this old ego.

So, there is no Love, there is no Freedom, there is no Truth, there is no Intelligence in our actions since this relationship with the other is action, since this contact with life is a relationship, which is an action. We are always in relationship with places, with people, with situations, and we are always bringing this past, which is the “I,” the ego. So, the ego lives in this movement, which is the movement of the past, which is the movement of memories, of recollections, it is not aware of the beauty of this moment.

Another aspect of the ego is that it is always projecting the future from this past, so our calculated, planned, objectified actions by this past are incomplete actions, which are always producing confusion and suffering in our lives, because there is no presence of Love. An action free of the ego, this is the invitation in this meeting, having the truth of Self-Awareness and the Understanding of the Beauty of True Meditation, the Truth of Self-Awareness in this action free of the ego.

This is our work here within this channel. We have a playlist dealing with this issue of Freedom of action, of action free of the ego, in this Truth of Self-Awareness. Deepening it, Realizing It in this life is the only thing that matters. For this purpose, we have meetings here online on weekends – you can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description. If this is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and join the group and let's investigate this together. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. So, here's the invitation. OK? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting. Go ahead and leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. Until next time!

February, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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