February 17, 2024

Psychological conditioning. Life in its purpose. The truth of Self-awareness. What is life?

This question is common: “How do I find my purpose in life?” Or: “How to find purpose in life?” There is something here that we have to clarify for you. First, we need to discover, first of all, what life is, because we talk about life as if we already knew life. So, “I already know life, now I just have to find my purpose in it.” That is true?

So, notice how strange our vision is: first we believe that we already know life and that now we just need to find our purpose in life; but what is life? So, that's the first question. And is there such a thing as “the purpose of life”?

Note that we are in a mess. Psychologically, we feel like we are someone, so we have this psychophysical being that we believe we are, body and mind, will, freedom, autonomy of thoughts, actions... Is this true? Is it really like that? Are we who we believe we are? And can we do what we believe we can? And now we have this ideal, the ideal of discovering our purpose in life.

The point here is that none of this is real, we don't know ourselves. What is the truth about you? What is the truth about life? This idea of ​​being “someone” in this moment, here, within the experience, naturally separate from the experience, is an illusion. It is the illusion of control, it is the illusion of doing, it is the illusion of power, it is the illusion of being. For example, the idea you have about yourself is an image, it is just an image that does not fit reality.

See, it's very simple to see this. The idea you have about who you are, observe the internal states of contradiction present within each of us. You feel one thing, but you would like to feel something else, so there is a contradiction between what you feel and what you want to feel. There is a contradiction of movement of thoughts too: you have a thought, you believe that thought is yours, but you cannot get rid of it when you want to get rid of it.

Notice the thoughts in us, how they process. Is it true that you have these thoughts or are they thoughts that arise in spite of you? If you had control over your thoughts, you wouldn't have thoughts producing internal contradiction between what you want and what you don't want, between what you feel and what you don't want to feel, between what you think and what you don't want to think.

The truth about thoughts is that they are automatic, they are mechanical, they process inside the brain. Have you ever found yourself humming a song? Have you ever found yourself with a song repeating inside your head? Is it true that you brought that song or did it appear? Have you ever noticed that thoughts arise and you don't know where they are coming from? So much so that you want to get rid of them and that desire to get rid of them is one thing, and the power to get rid of them is quite something else.

We don't get rid of thoughts when we want to, we don't think when we want to, we don't get rid of thinking when we want to, we don't feel what we want to feel, we don't get rid of feelings when we want to get rid of. So, we live internally in states of contradiction, without any control over feelings, emotions, perceptions, and sensations, this simply happens in this body-mind due to a programming model in this structure, in this brain, in this body.

The body is just reacting to stimuli, the brain is just responding to stimuli. There are external stimuli and internal stimuli and, even so, you believe that you exist as an entity present in control of this entire process. The idea of ​​a present “I” being the manager, the controller, who has autonomy, freedom and power over this entire process of thinking, feeling and acting, this is an illusion.

With a little honesty, you may see what we are saying. Just look at yourself and you will notice the contradiction, the guilt, the remorse, the regret, the doubt, the fear, all of this shows internal states of contradiction and, therefore, suffering within each of us. This is the presence of this “me,” this “I,” this ego, the illusion of an identity present in living, in experience. And how can we talk about knowing the purpose, “my purpose?”

First of all, we need to understand the truth of this “I” to discover if there really is any purpose for it. We need, first of all, to discover what the truth of Life is and to discover if, in truth, in Life there is this element that is this “me”, this “I”, this person. What is the truth of “I”? What is the truth of Life?

That's what we're seeing here together. As long as we do not get rid of the illusion of this “I,” which is the ego, that which lives within this condition of complete ignorance regarding this entire process of movement of itself, as long as this brain, this mind does not find order, as long as there is no psychological order, while all this movement of the brain is a movement of psychological conditioning, where our responses are reactive responses of conditioning, of memory, reactions of memory – of motor memory, of emotional memory, of feeling memory, of thought memory – , as long as the entire movement of this psychophysical being is this, all we have is disorder, all we have is confusion, all we have is still part of illusion.

What is the truth of this “I”? Is there a purpose for this “I”? Or is this “I” a set of conditioning, a programming, a movement of unconsciousness present in this mechanism, in this body-mind, moving in what we call “life”? What is the truth of this “me”? What is the truth of this “I”? Getting closer to oneself is becoming aware of this movement, then a psychological deconditioning becomes possible, deconditioning of this entire movement that occurs in an unconscious, mechanical way in this mechanism, in this body-mind.

So, the great truth is that we don't know ourselves, we don't know how we function, we don't know how this mind works, how this brain works, how this “I” has established itself in this condition using this pronoun, and pronouns like “mine,” “my,” “my story,” “my life,” “my name.”

Studying yourself is going beyond this condition of egoic identity, of personal identity. It is understanding the truth about yourself, it is understanding the truth about this “me.” Then, we are faced with Life without this movement, which is the movement of “me,” of “I.” So, yes, at that moment, it becomes possible to discover Life in its purpose. I didn’t say the life of this “I,” this “me” finding its purpose in Life. I am saying that it is possible for us to discover together, in the Awakening of the Truth about who we are, the purpose of Life. It’s not the personal life of this “me,” it’s Life.

Life has a purpose, the “I” carries no purpose in Life. The purpose of Life, the purpose in Life is Life itself in its purpose, there is no “me,” no “I,” no ego within it. But we are facing something fascinating, because once it happens, once this understanding of the Truth about who we are occurs, we have the end of the illusion of this “I.”

So, at this moment, Life carries a great Beauty, a great purpose. At that moment, Truth reveals itself, shows itself to be You in your true Being, in your Real Being, which is not separate from Life and, therefore, is not separate from purpose. So, in this moment, we have Life, this Being, this Truth, we have this purpose, the Reality of Being what you were born to be, That which is You in this Life when the sense of “I,” of ego, of “me,” this dream of being “someone” is no longer present. Therefore, to be aware of the Truth of this entire movement of thought, feeling, emotion, the sensation of what this “me,” this “I” is, is to have an understanding of what Life is.

So, studying oneself is having this contact with the Truth of Self-Awareness. Note that the expression “Self-Awareness” here is not what people generally use in psychology or philosophy out there. We are talking about this realization of the awareness of the Reality of That which is this Being, when this illusion of this movement, which is the movement of the “I” – which, by the way, is always within a movement of psychological time, in this specific idea of ​​ becoming, accomplishing, achieving, coming to be – is no longer present. It's another aspect here within the subject.

In general, people speak of this purpose as an idealism in the future, having the idea of ​​an “I,” of an ego, of a person accomplishing something for oneself, in this movement of ambition, of searching for something, in the idea of ​​becoming greater than he or she sees oneself; That's why people talk about this purpose in life. So, here we have the end of this condition of this sense of an “I,” of an ego that projects itself to achieve, to accomplish, because here we have the end of that time, of that psychological time idealized by thought itself in its projection onto that which the ego calls as life, which is the idea of ​​this better future for itself.

The Realization of God's Truth, of the Reality of His Being, is the end of time. So, the future is now, Happiness is now, Love is now, Freedom is now, Peace is now, so in this instant we have Life and purpose. Note that this purpose and Life is Happiness, and this is now. So, that purpose, Life and Happiness are now. So, it is not about a purpose in life, but it is Life now in its own purpose, it is the presence of that Reality, which is the Happiness of Being.

So, it is not about the future, it is not about something to be achieved, it is not about something to be accomplished by “someone,” but it is the realization of the Truth of this Being that we are in that moment. This is the purpose in Life, this is the purpose of being here. The only purpose in Life is Being, and Being is Happiness. This is the encounter with the Truth of God.

So, we have online meetings here on weekends to work on this with you – they take place on weekends. If this is something that makes sense to you, go ahead, here is our WhatsApp link in the video description to participate in these meetings. So, we have online meetings on weekends; You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to participate in these meetings. We have face-to-face meetings and we also have retreats. So, if this is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. Until next time. See you!

January, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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