February 21, 2024

Real psychological change | Psychological conditioning | Satsang: the encounter with Truth

We want to talk to you here today about the importance of this change, the real psychological change. Note that this is something essential for each and every one of us. Now, we need to point out a few things here.

It seems to me that the use of words in communication – observe – is insufficient. If we want to approach a subject like this, we need to have the care, attention, affection, and necessary application to have an approach of this beyond these words. Why is that? Because the use of words... when we hear a word, we are hearing a symbol, a formula, an image. Each of us, when we hear a speech, interprets it in a very peculiar way, very particular to each of us, because of the meaning we are giving to the words, that we have given to this or that word.

So, look at the difficulty we have here in an encounter like this. If we remain only at the verbal level, at the level of words, at the level of expressions, images and symbols that are words, we won't have an encounter at the level necessary for this transformation to occur, for this real psychological change to happen. Why is this important to say? Because some people come to the channel, watch a video and expect to understand everything we talk about and address in the channel after watching just one video.

Here we use expressions. They are not technical expressions from philosophy, religion or psychology. We are pointing to something that is not simple to understand, even though the words are simple because they are words we use every day. They're not technical words, they're words we're used to hearing. But this is where the difficulty lies because each of us interprets these words in our own way, the way we like, the way we prefer or in the way we are used to interpreting them. However, an encounter like this requires something beyond words. We need to put aside our particular viewpoint of this or that word and become capable of listening without giving this or that word a meaning, as we have done.

There is a great secret in this contact when there is true communication. What is this communication? It's when we meet on the same level, in the same intensity, in the same tune, in the same resonance. When there is a single understanding, then we have the Truth of communication, something becomes possible when there is communion. But this communion is not possible when we interpret, when we translate, when we compare what we are hearing here with knowledge we already have, with a particular interpretation we already have, with a concept, a prejudice.Do you get that?

So, this requires something here beyond speech. Something that occurs when Silence happens between us. A moment of Silence is needed. In this moment of Silence there is this instant of non-verbal, non-intellectual understanding, where words are not necessary, then at this point, at this level, in this resonance, we have the presence of the understanding. And why is this fundamental here in this meeting? Because we're not dealing with a technical subject. This isn't like studying mechanics, mathematics or physics.

We are here studying something that requires from each of us an encounter with an inner revelation, with a profound non-intellectual, non-verbal, non-technical understanding. Physics can be studied in a technical way, mathematics can be studied in a technical way, mechanics, science, biology... It is possible to have a technical approach to subjects related to everything that lies within the field of logic. We are dealing here with something that requires an internal approach. I don't like the word intuitive very much, I would say that we have here a subject that requires contact with something outside this brain that deals with known subjects and, therefore, with technical subjects.

We don't need any technique, we don't need any deductive, conclusive, experimental basis for the understanding of what we are dealing with here. We are discussing with you the subject of the Realization of God, the Awakening of Consciousness, the Awakening of this Being we are. Understanding the illusion of this being we seem to be, we show ourselves to be, understanding this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” of “me,” of the ego, understanding this is the discarding of this illusory identity, this illusory center, this false “I,” in order to contact this Divine Reality, which is the Truth about ourselves.

The approach we have here in these meetings is for the direct experience of this Real change, for a new way of living, feeling, thinking, acting and moving in this Existence. So, this requires an approach of heart and mind. We need a new mind and a new heart.

This mind as we know it, wrapped up in feelings, emotions, sensations, perceptions, within patterns that have already been conditioned, programmed, sustained by this model of collective consciousness, of human consciousness, doesn't help. We have lived and are living in this condition. We need a real, radical change in this structure, which is the structure of psychological conditioning present in each one of us, which places us in this movement of existence from this center, which is this “person,” this “me,” this “I,” in this pattern of “mind and heart,” occupied with the affairs of this old identity, this egoic identity. Do you get that?

To approach this Truth requires a new heart, I repeat, a new mind, a new way of feeling and thinking, something that becomes possible when you discover the art of Meditation. What is Meditation? It's approaching this movement of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, perception; looking at it, just being aware of it, without putting this element, which is the “I,” to interfere with this process, which is this conditioning.

When we don't put this “I” that is addicted to interfering in this idea “I'm thinking,” “I'm feeling,” “I'm doing,” “I'm acting,” when this element, which is the “I,” doesn't enter into the experience of life happening, at that moment this psychological movement of conditioning can be undone, can be annulled. When this happens, we have this Real, psychological change. That's what we're dealing with in this channel with you. An approach to the Truth of your Being is the end of the illusion of this conditioned being, this psychological being, this conditioned mind, this conditioned heart, where what prevails is this conditioned feeling and thinking.

We've been discussing this subject with you here on the channel. You need to find out what it's like to have an approach of study to this subject. It's a delicate subject. This psychological subject, this subject that when we approach it we have the possibility of experiencing a profound psychological transformation, in this breaking, in this undoing of this model of cultural pattern, of social pattern, for a new Life, for a Real Life, for a Divine Life, for a Life in Love, Freedom, and Happiness. This, of course, requires you to learn how to approach this subject.

More than watching these videos here on the channel... What we have in these videos are tips on how to work on it, in yourself. But more than these tips on how to work on this in yourself, it's having a much more direct approach to how to study this, how to approach this. And nothing replaces the power of the Presence, which is the power of Grace, which carries this power of Silence. You can access this in online meetings that we also have here on weekends.

So, come closer to these online meetings. There's something in these meetings that you won't find in these videos here on the channel; something beyond these tips, something beyond this invitation – because that's what we have in these videos: tips on how to work on this in yourself. And these videos are meant to be an invitation to get closer to the Truth of the Revelation of your own Being and, therefore, to the end of suffering, which is the end of the “I,” of the ego, of this “me.” Thus, more than this, we have online meetings, within face-to-face meetings and also during retreats; so, we have the power of this Presence, the power of this Grace, the opportunity to investigate in a very direct, very private way, where the questions you have are investigated.

You can't rely on this model of thought. We need the power of this Silence, the power of Grace, the power of Presence. So, there is something present in online meetings – I want to say this to you once again – that we don't find in the videos. Just as there is something present in face-to-face meetings that we don't have in the videos.

The work of Realization of the Truth of your Being is the only thing that matters in this life. Becoming aware of this is the end of this psychological disorder, the end of this internal confusion, in this illusion of being “someone” who believes to need things that actually don’t, who has the illusion that in the future will find love, happiness, peace and freedom. None of this is real. The Reality of Love, Peace, Happiness, like the Truth of God, is Something that is here and now, when the sense of “I,” of the ego, is no longer present.

The silencing of the mind, this inner stillness that arises when the brain quiets down, the mind quiets down and this Real heart arises, when this is present, Something is revealed here; Something that is outside the known. So, the Real Truth about Meditation is the Revelation of your Being. Meditation is the Truth of your Being revealing itself when no psychological conditioning, when no model of social, cultural, collective consciousness is present. Then, we have the Unknown, the Unnameable, the Indescribable, the Presence of Divine Truth here and now. This is the end of this model of egoic identity. The approach of this Truth of your Being takes place within Satsang.

The word Satsang means “the encounter with Truth.” A Sanskrit word for “encounter with this Reality of this Being we are,” the encounter with the power of Silence, with the power of Grace, with the power of this Presence. For this purpose, we have online meetings on weekends, face-to-face meetings and retreats. I'd like to invite you to take part in these meetings – you'll find our WhatsApp link to join us here in the video description. Okay? If this makes sense to you, give your like here and subscribe to the channel. And see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

January, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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