September 11, 2024

Advaita Vedanta | Full Attention Mindfulness | About mental health | Moksha meaning

“And what do you have to tell us about this issue of mental health?” Well, let's see something here. What do we mean by psychological problems, suffering or conflicts? Note, here we are dealing with states of mind. It is the mind, in these various states, within this known model, that presents these various conditions of psychological suffering. So, we lack the Truth of the free mind, the serene mind, the quiet mind, the silent mind.

The mind, as it functions in most of us, is the mind of disorder, problem, confusion and suffering. These various internal states in which we find ourselves, such as hatred, anger, fear, note that these states favor psychological conditions or, so-called, well-known psychic disorders. We have the case of anxiety, depression, anguish, the pain of this existential emptiness.

So, we are living a life without the freedom of this stillness, silence, and serenity because the mind is living within this model. The pattern is one of self-centeredness, the pattern is one of a lack of real comprehension of how the mind works, of how thought, feeling and emotion are processed within each one of us.

Of course, this is the determining element of suffering, of the problem, of this mental disorder and confusion. Can we break away from this by becoming aware of the Truth of Who we are outside of this egoic, self-centered sense of being? Yes! But without being aware of that, it's impossible. Somehow, on some level, we will always have to carry this condition with us or bear it within us.

Here's the great detail... It's a detail when we put it into words, but we're facing something quite tragic. The tragedy of this is that, in our relationships, we are making this present. So people we live with, are sharing, directly or indirectly, this psychological disorder that I am, that I represent in my relationship with him or her.

In life, we are here to discover the Truth of what we are, to discover this awareness of Being Real Consciousness. And here I use the expression Real Consciousness. This consciousness that we have, this consciousness that we know, that we recognize in ourselves, that others recognize in us, is not the nature of your Being. This is part of the structure of the egoic mind.

What is this egoic mind? It is the mind that has as its principle the conditioning model of culture, society and human history. Here in these meetings, we have shown you that to Awake is to emerge from this psychological condition of psychic suffering, disorder, conflicts and problems linked to this condition of unawareness of the Truth, linked to this condition of the consciousness of the “I,” of egoic consciousness, of mental consciousness, as we know it. So this is the Awakening, it's the Spiritual Awakening.

Some people ask: “For you, what is the meaning of the word Moksha? I've heard of it. What is it?” Note, it's a word within Hinduism. It's not that important, in fact, but it's a word that for us the meaning, the significance of it here would be exactly this Liberation from this psychological condition of psychic suffering, of emotional disorder, of existential conflict, of the absence of the “I.” The word Moksha means Liberation in life.

So, this life as we know it, we can go beyond this model of knowledge that we have of life to something totally new, unknown, outside of this model, where, indeed, there is mental sanity; where, in fact, there is the beauty of a free, quiet, serene mind that functions with Intelligence; where there is no longer this model of desire, fear, attachment, envy, jealousy, ambition, anger, hatred and, of course, carrying all this weight of anxiety, depression, and anguish.

Note that there are more than three hundred forms of psychological disorders already cataloged. More than three hundred present in human beings! So we'd have to spend this entire video just talking about names. But, note, all of this is just the result of this psychological condition of identity, where the sense of “I” sees itself as separate from God, separate from life, separate from the other, leading to the illusion of a life separate from Reality, in this self-centeredness. Then, that's the condition of duality.

This is a major issue here on the channel: the issue of Advaita. This is straight from Vedas, it's the vision of Non-duality, of Non-separation. The word Advaita is Non-duality. For millennia, the sages have spoken of this possible state for each of us, of Realization, of this Liberation, which is Moksha, which is the awareness of Life without this center, which is the “I,” which is the “ego.” So the expression is Advaita. This is straight out from Vedanta.

Here the question is: how can we get a real approach to this? By Awakening. And Awakening requires you to discover what it is to observe without the observer. You see, we're going to enter into a fascinating subject with you here. When you listen to someone, are you listening to them or are you just hearing what they're saying? Notice, there's a difference. When you look at someone, are you seeing them or are you just looking directly at them?

There's a difference between looking at someone and seeing that someone. Seeing someone from the idea you have of him or her is being in a direct relationship with a projection of an idea, a belief, a concept you have about him or her. In general, this is how we behave in our relationships. We're seeing people, but we're always seeing them this way, from that “I” who sees, from that observer.

So, there's a new way of observing without the observer, which is looking. It's when you don't care what you see because you're aware, in that looking, of a new way of perceiving without the ego, without the “I,” without the observer. This is what we need to discover in life: how to learn to relate to him or her without seeing, without being seen, in other words, without making these considerations from this ego, this self-centeredness, this “me.”

When we do this, we are making use of an old conditioning structure of human culture, human society, human history, which is the self-image. My relationship with my wife, my husband, my children and the world around me is the relationship of someone who is seeing these things. This seeing requires the presence of an observer who sees him or herself separately in order to accept or reject, to like or dislike him or her, this or that. Thus, all our behavior from this seeing is egocentric, centered on “me.”

Here we invite you to Awake, to Realize the Truth of your Being, that's what the expression means. “What is the meaning of Moksha?” It is this Liberation in life. It's discovering what it's like to be in touch with the present moment without this “I,” without this center, without this observer. So we have the looking. Not this seeing, but the looking. We have the observing.

Here we invite you to discover what it is to have this looking. We don't have a clear, limpid, crystalline, luminous looking because we're always seeing from a background. This background is that element that comes from the past to like and dislike things based on what it has learned about him or her.

Notice, we don't have contact with the other with the freedom to deal with him or her without cultivating this self-image in ourselves and, therefore, with the freedom of not creating an image of the other. We haven't done that. We cultivate a self-image and we're also having an image of him or her, that's what we're doing in this relationship model, where we're learning to sustain this egoic identity.

Is there another way of life where we can really learn? And here learning is exactly unlearning that. It's abandoning this self-image from ourselves, moment by moment, and therefore any image of the other. This is possible when we put this Attention in the moment. We have several videos on our channel about this Mindfulness. Take a look at our playlists here later.

What is Mindfulness? It's the freedom to look without the observer; it's the freedom to look from that quiet, free, silent brain, which doesn't establish conflict or problems in the relationship, because it doesn't look by seeing, it just looks. There is no such thing as looking from the observer, it's just the observing, it's just the looking, it's just contact with him or her without that center, without that “I,” without that ego, without that self-image. This requires the presence of this Attention.

We need to learn to unlearn this model of life in this “I” existence. You see, we are not in contact with life in the Beauty of Existence as it is. We are in contact with life from this existence of the “I,” as it determines itself to be, as it tries to be. So, it's out of touch with the Reality of life, because it's always seeing the world – and it's really “seeing” – from its own background, from its own specific, egocentric way of seeing.

Follow along with us here, we're telling you, showing you, video after video. We have online meetings on weekends, it's something of a unique opportunity for a much more direct approach than in a video like this. And we're showing you that, yes, it is possible to have a life where the Beauty of Existence is present, not this mere egocentric existence that the ego behaves like, where this egocentric and therefore problem-centered model of life is present.

As long as the sense of “I,” of the ego, is present, there will never be sanity because there is no serenity, there is no stillness, there is no silence. There is a deep psychological disorder present, due to this behavior in this pattern of egocentric activity, where we are not dealing with life, with the facts and getting closer to discovering the Truth about it.

We are always translating, interpreting, evaluating, judging, comparing, accepting and rejecting from this false center, which is the ego. This explains all these psychic disorders, all forms of psychological suffering, all the confusion that has become our lives in this model of merely existing as a person. A life centered on the ego, a life centered on “”me.“ Does that make sense to you?

Is it possible, in this life, to become aware of Something beyond all this, of this Divine Reality? A highly intelligent life, in great perception, with a deep sense of Love in relationships, of Freedom in relationships. This requires in you the awareness of God. This awareness of God is the awareness of the Truth about you. If this is present, you are a Blessing, you are the Light, you are the presence of Grace and Love, precisely because you don't have this “me,” you don't have this “I,” you don't have this sense of “you” present.

There is Something present, but it is no longer this “me,” this “I,” this sense of “you,” of ego-identity. You were born to realize This in this life, to become fully aware of this Divine Reality. So, this is our commitment, this is our work here with you within this channel. We are working together on the issue of Awakening here on this channel and also on our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto,” which you can check out later.

Apart from that, we have our online meetings. Something much bigger than these videos are these weekend meetings. On Saturdays and Sundays we're together through questions and answers and we're in direct contact with the awareness of Meditation, with the Revelation of Self-Awareness, we can look at it together. So, on weekends we're together working on this with you. Here in the description of the video, you have our WhatsApp link to take part in these meetings.

In addition to these online meetings, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats that take place at certain times of the year, where you have the opportunity to spend a few days with us working on this directly. It's clear that we have something in these face-to-face meetings and retreats that we don't have in these talks, in these videos. Here's an invitation.

If this is something that makes sense to you, please leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and comment “Yes, it makes sense,” or any other comment that you feel is relevant to you. Okay? And see you. Thanks for meeting us and see you next time!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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