September 21, 2024

Spiritual Awakening and Relationship | Thoughts generate feelings that generate actions | Self-image

Here, in these meetings, we have one purpose, and the purpose is to become aware of Divine Reality, the Truth about ourselves. This is the awareness of God. Once this becomes very clear, without any level of confusion, disorder, or suffering, we are faced with What some call the Awakening of Consciousness or Spiritual Enlightenment.

Your True Nature is Divine Nature, it is the Nature of God. I want to begin this talk here by addressing this issue of life, where actions happen. In general, we call relationships what occurs between people. You never say that you are in a relationship with your car, or with the sofa in your house, or with the TV. We, in general, use the expression relationship linked to contact between people.

I want to touch on this issue of Awakening and relationships. Let us take a closer look at this with you. After all, what does life consist of? Life consists of actions happening. So, let's get to the issue of relationships.

Life consists of relationships. Yes, we are in a relationship with objects from morning to night. When you get out of bed in the morning, you have just broken a relationship with the pillow, the sheet, the pillowcase, the bed. Then this relationship is broken and new relationships begin to form: with the toothbrush, with the bathroom mirror.

So, our contact in life, or in this life, is one of relation. And we confuse the beauty of the relationship with this disorder and contradiction present in what we call a relationship, which is what happens between people. So, let's look at something here with you.

I believe that it is essential that you be willing to engage in passive listening. This passive listening is the ability to simply listen to a speech like this and follow along, without any need to agree or disagree with what you hear.

So, the correct way to approach listening is that, at that moment, it becomes possible for us to be on the same wavelength, because we can follow a speech like this without agreeing or disagreeing. This puts you in an internal disposition, where you are not simply listening to the speech, but there is a listening, and in this listening there is neither the one speaking, notice, nor the one listening.

So, the truth of listening is that the one listening does not interfere, and the speech of the one speaking is just speech. There is no commitment to convincing, to persuasion. So, it is not about you simply believing in this. It is not about an intention here to make you believe. Just listen.

In this listening, it is revealed whether what is being said is real or not. And no agreement or disagreement is necessary. And no motivation here or there to impose any level of belief on you is necessary. Let's investigate this issue of action with you here. Let's see if a speech like this communicates something to us.

Note: communication is something possible when there is this listening. Once we are in tune, in an encounter, where what prevails is not the intellect, but the heart, we can enter into a deep communion, within a speech like this. Then, we do indeed have an approach to the truth of action.

We have just said: from morning until night, we are within actions happening, actions of relationships. We do not fight with the pillow, nor with the pillowcase, nor with the sheet, nor with the toothbrush, nor with the mirror. But in our life, in the relationship with the other, with the other, in the relationship with people, we have transformed this into a quality of relationship where conflict is present, where some level of discord, of complication, of suffering is present.

We call these encounters our relationships. So, we are always in contact with people, with our husband, our wife, our children, our family, with the world around us, with this world of people within contacts, of relationships.

Is it possible for us to discover here, in life, a quality of life that is pure relationship? Where can we have something present beyond this mere condition of association that we have with people, where a psychological bond is present, where feelings, emotions, sensations are involved, where the sense of an identity present in this model of experience is present?

The truth about life is that life consists of relationships, and in these relationships, actions take place. But if in these actions, the sense of a present identity is involved, which is the “I,” this “me,” this sense of person, in this contact with him or her, confusion arises, complications arise, problems arise. And why does it arise? Because we are placing into this action an unnecessary quality of thought. It is the quality of thought that comes from a background, that comes from a past, from a memory, from a recollection, from a previous relationship with him or her.

With him or her I already have an idea of ​​who he or she is, and based on this, my contact with him or her is a contact based on a configuration of ideas that I have. So, this action, here and now, in this encounter, is not an action free from thought, but it is an action organized, programmed, idealized by thought. Let us clarify this for you here.

When you look at a sunset, or a sunrise, or are in front of a river, or in some level of contact with nature, you know that this contact is always new. You have the garden of your house. In the morning you come across the garden. You have no problem with the garden. You come across the sunset, you have no problem with the sunset. You come across the river, there, sitting, when you go fishing. You have no problem with the river.

In contact with nature, you have no problem. In contact with getting out of bed in the morning, you have no problem. Your contact is a contact of relationship, whether with nature or with objects, like the pillow or the pillowcase. There is no problem. And yet, in contact with your wife, you see her from the past.

Your contact with life at this moment, follow this, is a new contact, always new, like this contact with nature, like this contact with your pillow. You are in a new contact. You just broke off contact a few hours earlier, in the morning, and now you go back to sleep at night, and again the relationship is present with the pillow, with the bed, with the pillowcase, with the blanket, and there is no psychological conflict.

But in contact with your wife, your husband, your children, with people around you, conflict is established, conflict is present. Why is conflict present? Because you see them, you see them from the perspective of thought, from this quality of thought that I am discussing with you here.

We need to become aware of the truth about this model of thought, which places us in a relationship that is not a simple and direct relationship with what is here, at this moment. We are in contact, in this relationship, from the perspective of thought, and thought distorts the reality of the moment, distorts the reality of the encounter.

When you come across your wife or husband or children or people, it is not like coming across nature. You are always in contact with everything around you, but with him or her, your contact is based on images that you have, that you bring from the past. Thus, our actions occur within this psychological condition, where contradiction is established, some level of discomfort, problem, suffering, and this is present due to the model of thought.

Note what we are saying here. We are telling you that it is possible to have a life in contact, where there is a relation without the basis of this model of thought where you either like it or dislike it, where this movement of thought is accompanied by feelings, sensations, emotions. This occurs due to the way you see it, based on an image that thought has constructed about who she is or who he is.

So, our actions are not free actions. They are actions that have the quality of thought. Note that thoughts generate feelings, and these feelings generate actions. Thus, this action that is based on thought, principle, and motive, they are actions that arise from conclusions, beliefs, and statements that come from the past. So, there is this liking or disliking.

This action is based on this movement, and this movement is the movement of the ego, it is the movement of the “I”, of this feeling, of thought of the person that I have about who I am. This has built an image of who the other is, of who the other represents to “me”. Thus, our actions are egocentric actions, producing disorder, producing suffering.

Note that when we are in contact with people, we get tired of them. So, there is this movement of liking and disliking the same person. Note that internally we are in contradiction. Our behavior is happening in this model of contradiction.

Is it possible for us to discover a life free from this sense of person that we bring to our relationships? And, therefore, is it possible for us to live free from this model of relationship as we know it, to have contact with him or her, with life, in this contact with people, with the same freedom that I have in this contact of relation, for example, with nature? [Is it possible] to have a life without conflict, without contradiction, without disorder, without suffering?

This is what we are inviting you to investigate here. This is possible when you understand the movement of this consciousness, which is the consciousness of the “I” within you, when you go beyond this model of identity of the “I,” of this person, of this self-image, which is the image you have of who you are. If this ends, you will no longer construct images of the people around you.

Your contact with him or her will no longer be a contact based on thought. You do have the necessary, functional, practical and objective memory in this relationship. This memory is like being in front of nature and being able to remember that the sun is there, that the river is there, that the flowers are there in that garden of your house, but it is a contact of memory where the past does not exist. There is only an acknowledgment of what is present, but there is no past there.

Your contact with your wife can be free of the past; with your husband it can be free of the past; with people it can be free of the past. Your contact with yourself can be free of the past. Contact at this level is the relation, where the ego, the “I,” is not there. And, therefore, this sense of separation, of duality, “me and not me,” “me and him,” “me and her,” “me and the world,” is not there.

From this element, which is the feeling, the thought of “I,” that this separation arises. And if this separation is present, what is present is a level of contact that is not of a simple and direct relationship, because we have this psychological element, which is the ego, which is the “I,” which is this self-image, translating this contact at the level of searching for something, of demanding something. So, desire is present and fear is present.

Here we are with you investigating the Truth of Spiritual Awakening and this illusion of this relationship model. When there is the Flourishing of your Divine Nature, which is the Truth of your Being at this moment, your contact with the moment is new, it is not something that comes from the past. Note that it seems that what was said here has already become clear. Your readiness to simply listen has already shown you this.

Your contact with the bedroom is new, your contact with the mirror in the morning is a new contact, but the contact with your wife or husband, based on thought, something that comes from the past, from within you, is transforming this contact into something old, without the beauty, the freshness, the naturalness, the enchantment of the moment.

You never see the same sunset; you never see the same sunrise. In the morning it is a new sunrise and in the evening, you are faced with a new sunset. So, this contact with the world around you, where people are present, can be a contact like this, if the ego is not there. Then, we have a totally different quality of action. An action free from the past and, therefore, free from the psychological dependence that thought introduces into our relationships.

This is our subject here with you. We are proposing to you the end of the “I,” the end of the ego, a life free from contradiction, from suffering, where Love is present in the relationship. So, yes, our relationships are no longer the old relationships based on the old model of the ego. We are facing Something new.

So, this is our topic with you here on this channel and also on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto.” You can find the link to the other channel in the video description. Besides that, we have our online meetings that take place on the weekends. We are together on Saturdays and Sundays. So, in contact with Silence, in direct work with Meditation and questions and answers, we can work on this together. You can find the WhatsApp link to learn about our online meetings in the video description.

In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and retreats that take place at certain times of the year. If what you just heard makes sense to you, here’s an invitation. Leave a “like” here, subscribe to the channel and leave a comment saying, “Yes, that makes sense.” See you soon. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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