September 27, 2024

Thought generates feelings that generate actions | Spiritual Awakening and relationships. Self-image

It is very interesting to tell you what we are going to discuss here; follow calmly what we are going to say. Most of us have never stopped to reflect on this, to ponder it, to think about it. Where do our actions come from? Note that we are, at all times in life, in this contact with life; the only thing we do is actions. Action is what happens, what appears in our contacts. From the morning, as soon as you wake up, your first action is to get out of bed. Notice, there is a relation between you and the bed while you sleep; when you get out of bed in the morning, this relation is broken.

Our life consists of actions happening all the time, where either we encounter that with which we have entered into a relation, we relate to, or we separate, we leave the encounter. So, life consists of actions, of encounters and “missed encounters.” See, this is life happening, this encounter with objects, with things, with nature and this encounter with people. We get closer and also move away. In the morning you leave your family and go to work and in the evening you come back. At some point, you are with a certain person, and then you move away because you have another commitment. So, life consists of contacts of relations and, therefore, of these contacts, behaviors, events, actions.

Now, what are these actions? Where do these actions come from? Now, calmly follow this: where do these actions come from? These actions come naturally, from these reactions that come from within you. Where do your actions come from? They come naturally from memories, from recollections. When you go to work, you have the address, you know where the work is, this is memory. When you do a job, it is an action; the execution of the job requires memory, knowledge. When you come across your wife, you can remember her or him, who is the husband; this is remembrance, it is memory. An action happens because of the movement of thought within you, all the time.

We now have two things here: the movement of life happening, speaking is action, listening is action, hearing is another quality and another level of action. There is a difference between hearing and listening and we will not go into that detail here, we have already explained it in other videos. All of this is part of action happening and these actions are determined by the model of present thought. So, we are constantly in a movement of relation with life, in action, based on thought.

Now, we are faced with a situation here that needs to be investigated: your contact with the pillow, the bed, the sheets, at night, when you sleep, is a simple, direct, natural contact. There is no involvement of thought, feeling, sensation, emotion, or way of perceiving, where the sense of “I,” of the ego, is present. Note, this is not the case in the relation with your wife, with your husband, with your children, with your coworkers, with your boss at work. Your relation with people occurs on another level, it is at the level of a quality of thought that has shown itself in our life of relation, producing confusion, producing disorder, producing suffering.

We need to discover life of relation free from thought. Yes, we need thought at a practical and objective level. You go to work, the memory of where the work is, is memory, the memory of where the building is. So, in the morning, whatever you are doing requires the presence of memory, of recollection, of thought. Brushing your teeth requires motor memory, remembering where you left your briefcase, or your books, or your computer, requires memory. At this level, thought is necessary – being able to recognize your wife or husband’s face in the morning, that is possible because there is a level of recollection and remembrance and the brain is functioning well.

So, at this level, thought is necessary, but notice how curious our behavior is in the sense of the “I,” the ego, when it involves feeling, emotion, way of perceiving, sensation, in relation to people. Note that we have another element present here, which is the quality of thought that we are discussing with you here, within the channel. We have a way of representing life based on this type of thought, this quality of thought, which distorts the vision of reality. We do not stay with what is here, we are always with this model of thought, which is thought that comes from the “I,” from the ego, from this sense of someone present here, at this moment. Something that we carry with us, throughout our entire life, something that we receive from society, culture, from the world, because everyone lives like this.

This model of thought, this quality of thought, this type of thought, has given us an illusory identity present here, at this moment, in this experience of relation. And this is producing confusion, producing suffering, because “my” contact with my husband is based on the ideas that “I” have about who he is – “He hasn’t treated me well, he used to like me, but now he doesn’t anymore. He used to bring me flowers, but now he doesn’t anymore.” “My wife used to do what I wanted, but now she doesn’t do it anymore. She always did what I liked, but now she doesn’t do anymore.” Note that there is a model of thought centered on the “I.” What is this “I” here, that separates itself from him, the husband, and from her, the wife? This “I,” this “me,” is an image that thought has constructed within relations.

So, this relation involves a quality of action in which the “I,” this “me,” this person that “I am” has to be the center of this relation. Follow this here, notice where conflict, problem, disorder, suffering are established within actions. Because, notice, from this model of thought and quality of thought, thought generates feelings that generate actions, thought generates feelings that generate emotions. There is an intimate relation between emotion, feeling, thought, and action. This action is the action centered on this identity that is the ego, the “me,” the “I,” something that thought has established as being real in this structure of life of relation. Are we together?

What we've pointed out to you here is that, at the level of contact with objects, we never call a contact at this level of relation a “relationship.” You never say: “I'm in a relationship with my car,” “I'm in a relationship with my sofa,” “I'm in a relationship with my computer,” “I'm in a relationship with my work.” No, you say: “I am in a relation with work. Yes, I have a relation with the car, I have a relation with the TV when I watch a movie,” but you never call it a “relationship”; But, in this connection with people, we are in what we have called a “relationship,” and these relationships, realize this, are conflicting relationships on some level. There is some kind of longing, desire, search, insecurity, problem, in this quality of relation that we call “relationship.”

And why is this present? Because the illusion of this false identity has been established. Yes, the sense of a present “I” is something that thought is constructing, with a set of feelings, emotions and ways of perceiving that it is cultivating – something that comes from the past, but that is not real. It remains real because we are unaware of this conflicting, distressing and suffering condition of living our relations. We have not turned to the Divine Truth, to the Truth of God. The awareness of the Truth of That which is you in your Being is the revelation of the presence of Life in the relation without the ego, without the “me,” without the “I.” Once this is present, your contact with your husband is no longer at that level; your contact with your wife is no longer at that level, with your family, with your boss, with the world of relations with people. We have another quality of relation, it is the presence of the Reality of God in this contact, at that level. So, the sense of an “I,” of an ego, is not present in this instant, in this moment and, therefore, in this experience.

That is why we have been discussing Spiritual Awakening and this issue of relationships with you here, because these relationships give us a basis for this vision of Awakening, of the blossoming of Divine Truth. When we become aware, within these relationships, of this model of relation based on this image, the direct contact with what we are shows us that there is always a level of contact present in our relationships where what is prevailing is the sense of “I,” of the ego, this self-image. And discovering how to look at this, how to become aware of this and give up on it, to let go of it, to go beyond it, requires the presence of Self-awareness and a direct vision of what the awareness of Meditation is.

Here on this channel, we are working with you on this, showing you that action now, here, can be the action of this Intelligence, Presence, Real Consciousness. This quality of action is not born from this illusory center, this false center that is this self-image. So, you no longer have an image of the other, of your husband, of your wife, of the world around you. There is a new way of looking, of perceiving, of feeling, of living. Yes, exactly that: there is a new way of living, of acting in relations when the sense of “I,” of the ego, of this “me” is no longer present. A direct look at this movement of this false “I,” of this self-image – I will repeat it again – a construct of thought, of this quality of thought that is producing all kinds of suffering in our lives, this is something completely dispensable. When there is this Awakening of Consciousness, this vision of Reality, we have a state of being free from psychological time and free from all forms of psychic suffering.

So, our contact with the moment is the only contact, our relation with this instant is a relation free from this psychological idea of ​​past, present and future. It is a contact with the world around you without the illusion that this world is separate from this “I.” It is just life happening, it is a contact with life, without this center! A space is present, but it is a space free from this center, from this “me,” from this “I.” So, this world is not this strange and separate element, there is something new present in this contact, which is indescribable. We are faced with true action, which is action free from the ego. This is our subject here, with you, within this channel: the end of this illusory present entity – which is this feeling, thought, emotion, sensation, and perception of someone – for a contact with the Reality of what is. Thus, this indescribable Reality, which is Love, Peace, Freedom, Happiness, is now present in relations.

For this purpose, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. Here, in the video description, you will find the link to participate in these online meetings, where we will be investigating this subject with you on Saturday and Sunday. In addition, we have in-person meetings and retreats that take place at certain times of the year. And we also have this subject being explored in depth on our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto,” which you can check out later. Here, in the video description, you will also find the link to visit the other channel. If what you just heard makes sense to you, touches you in some way, here is an invitation: please give your “like,” subscribe to the channel, and leave a comment saying “Yes, it makes sense.” Ok? And we’ll see you soon! Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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