September 28, 2024

What is Self-awareness | Awakening of Consciousness | Psychological Time | What thought is

When you ask me what thought is, notice, you are asking the most important question to be investigated at this moment, concerning this issue of the Revelation of That which we are. This is because, basically, the model of being someone, this model that we have of a person, how we are functioning, is a model that is based on thought. Therefore, the lack of understanding of what thought is, of how it is processed in us, is what has placed us in this psychological condition, this sense of “I,” this approach to life from this center, which is an illusory center.

Note, let’s calmly explain this to you. First, notice one thing: our reactions at this moment, you see, are responses that arise due to a background of experience, knowledge and experience, something that arises here, at this moment, due to the past. And the greatest representation of this reaction, which comes from the past, with this background, is from reactions of thought. Thus, we are nothing else here, at this moment, within this model of reaction, of action, which comes from the past, other than a sample or presentation of the model of thought.

Everything in our life at this moment is happening due to thoughts. When you speak to someone, you speak from memory, which is a reaction that comes from the past, based on experiencing, knowledge and experience with words, or familiarity with words, and this gives you the ability to speak. And this speech is basically thought.

When you gesture, you gesture from memory. So, we have a motor memory in this body, and this memory responds through gestures. These gestures are something that comes from the past. Walking is something that requires motor memory in this body. The ability to speak, the words that are used, the thoughts that arise, and they are expressed. But thoughts guide absolutely everything in our life, at this moment. Engaging in professional work requires knowledge, experience, familiarity with that, memory: this is thought.

So, the lack of understanding what thought really is, of what this model of thinking, feeling and acting in life is – and this is how we are living –, without this understanding, our life is confusing, disoriented, troubled, conflicted, problematic, because we are living within a pattern of ignorance; ignorance about how we function, how we respond to this moment.

Here on this channel, we are studying it with you. See, we are not studying words; it is not the search for the meaning of these words, the mere verbal understanding of words being placed here. Here we are not studying theories. See, words and their verbal or intellectual meaning, you have it in the dictionary. You have words in books, words in speeches, in sermons, in lectures. They are words. There are words inside you as a memory, a remembrance, of all the knowledge you have already acquired.

Here we need a different approach to study. Here we are emphasizing the value of studying ourselves, but of studying exactly these reactions, this model of thinking, feeling, acting, behaving in this context of life, in this moment. What are our reactions? How does all this process within each one of us?

So, here we are not studying the theory about what thought is, or seeking scientific knowledge about what thought is, but we are studying our reactions. See, we are faced with something very direct, very objective and practical. As we don’t understand everything that is happening inside each one of us, there we are in a psychological state of disorder, confusion and suffering.

Human beings suffer, they live in suffering, in conflicts, in problems. And these problems are in his or her life, in all of us as human beings, due to ignorance. We do not know the Truth about who we are. We are only reacting based on this knowledge, experience, memory, life experience, something from the past. Responding to this moment, based on this, we are producing conflict, disorder and confusion in our lives, because our life in this format is a self-centered life, centered on this illusory center, which is the “me.”

We have an illusory sensation of existing in life, it is the sensation of being someone present within the experience of life. This feeling, thought, sensation of “I,” “me,” this is something within a reaction model that comes from the past. It is not real here; it shows itself here as a reactive model of memory from the past. Note this statement that we have just presented here for you. We are saying and we will put it very clearly: you are not real as the thought inside your head says you are.

There is life happening and there is also this reaction that comes from the past happening, in this body, in this mind, in this biological mechanism, using a pronoun, which is “I,” having a proper name, a story, but all of this is just memory acting, reactively interacting with the present moment. Notice, we are touching on something fascinating here to be discovered.

There is a Reality, yes, present, but it is not this person as you see yourself, as the thought, notice, makes you believe you are. There is a Reality present, and our entire purpose within these meetings here on this channel, in all of these videos, is to deal only with this with you, the importance of Self-awareness, of understanding the Truth about yourself. And this understanding of the Truth about yourself reveals to you that this “me,” this “I,” this “person” is an illusion, and that the Truth about yourself is beyond this “you” as thought says, tells and seems to demonstrate all the time.

So, our purpose here together is to become aware of our Divine Nature, the Truth about who we are. So, when someone asks: “What is the Awakening of Consciousness?” It is the emergence, in this present moment, of That which is outside of what thought knows. It is in this sense that we use the expression “the Awakening of Consciousness”; we are talking about something that is Real Consciousness, not this consciousness, see, this pattern of behavior, action, thought and model of existence of this “me,” this “I,” this person, which is the pattern of this consciousness of the “I,” this egoic consciousness.

Here I refer to the Truth of Real Consciousness, to the Flowering of True Consciousness. So, it is in this sense that we use the expressions “Spiritual Awakening” or “Awakening of Consciousness” here. And then, you ask: “But what about this way of being that we present ourselves to be, that we demonstrate ourselves to be, that we are always in this contact with family, with business, with social life, professional life, in this contact with ourselves? You have just told us that our model of action is reactive and it comes from the past. So, what is this? Why does it happen this way?” See, it happens this way because we are, in life, guided by the model of thought.

That's why there is a fundamental question here within the channel: What is thought? We need to understand what thought is, because, notice, everything in your life is happening due to this sample of thought. All this experience, knowledge and life experience in you has its greatest representation in thought.

Everything you see around you, notice, is something that thought designed and built one day. Notice how important it is for us to have an understanding of what thought is, because it is thought that drives you to say, to do, to not do, to act, to stop acting. It is thought that positions your “particular life” within this pattern or this condition in which you find yourself today, at this moment.

We are driven by thought, our actions happen based on thought. Everything else is structured by thought around us. Choices, decisions, deeds, achievements, all of this was born from thought. We have the illusion of being in control of all of this. In fact, the element in control of all of this is thought. Thought has given us an illusion, the illusion of a thinker behind it. See, it is thought that tells us of someone who “I am,” thinking, producing thoughts, performing actions, having control over them, making choices, and so on.

So, we need to discover what thought is. See, thought is a reaction that comes from the past and it is creating the illusion of a present identity here. If we do not understand what thought is and how to get rid of this model of thought that sustains this “I,” this “me,” this feeling, sensation, perception, of present identity, we will remain within this old condition.

Here we are proposing to you the end of the illusion about who you are. Once the truth of this “I” is understood, once the truth of this model of being someone is understood, it ends. When it ends, we have the end of this psychological time. Here on the channel, we have several videos talking about this issue of psychological time. See, it is in this psychological time that the continuity of this illusion is based, this illusion that you have about who you are.

Once you believe that you are someone real in the experience of this moment, someone who came from the past, is going through this moment and moving towards the future. This notion of past, present and future is something that thought creates and places a present identity that is this image, this self-image of someone within life, in experience, with this feeling and thought: “I.”

Here in this work, we are together approaching the end of this psychological condition where this psychological time and the illusion of this identity, which is the “I,” the “me,” the ego, are present. Then, Something new emerges, and this new Something is unknown, it is the Presence of the Truth about You. The Truth about You is the Reality of God. The Truth about That which is You is the Reality of Life, without any separation between you and this moment, between you and that which is present here.

Once there is the end of this psychological time, where this sense of “I” is present – ​​this element that comes from the past, is living this moment and going towards the future –, the end of this structure is the end of this life centered on this ego identity. So, with the end of this psychological time, there is the end of this structure of the past, where this particular life of the ego is just a reaction that is based on knowledge, experience and these past experiences. A cerebral model of existing as someone, an egoic model of identity, particular and personal, in experience, in living.

So, the beginning of Something new is the Reality of That which is God, in life. A life of Beauty, of Love, of Freedom, of Divine Presence, of Intelligence, free from all these complications, from all this egocentric pattern of being someone. This is present when this Divine Reality shows itself, when this Divine Reality reveals itself.

So, this is our commitment here together. This is why we are with you on the weekends. On Saturday and Sunday, we are together in online meetings. Here in the video description, you can find our WhatsApp to participate in these online meetings, to deepen this, to become aware of it. So, these are two days together, where we are approaching this Revelation of the Truth about ourselves and going beyond all this confusion that this sense of “I,” of the ego represents.

In addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats at certain times of the year. So, if what you just heard is something that makes sense to you, here is an invitation. Leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and leave here in the comments: “Yes, that makes sense.” Ok? And we'll see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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