September 18, 2024

Advaita Vedanta | What is Kundalini? | How to attain Spiritual Enlightenment | Kundalini Energy

Life for almost all of us has shown itself to be quite uninteresting. So, there is a search by human beings for something beyond this, this dissatisfaction, this unhappiness, identified by them. Then, there is a search for this thing called unhappiness, a mere reaction to this, actually, psychological state of dissatisfaction, which we call unhappy. Thus, human beings apply themselves to a search for something beyond that.

Here we wor with you on a playlist about the Truth of Kundalini Awakening, about Kundalini energy. Notice, here we come across something that thought has imagined, has produced within this myth format. So, we are dealing psychologically when we use expressions like Kundalini or Kundalini energy. We don't understand the truth about Kundalini. We don't understand what Kundalini actually is, what Kundalini Awakening actually is, and what the truth of this present energy is.

Thus, people imagine many things about Kundalini. We don't know what Kundalini is, we don't know what Kundalini Awakening is. So, we use expressions and mythologize and mystify this thing called Kundalini.

Thus, there are all kinds of so-called practices around this intention of this Awakening, which is something within this spectacular imaginary movement of thought. We need to understand the truth about what Kundalini is, and we have to demystify it, remove the myth from this expression.

Here, Kundalini is a word that we borrowed from the East, which, in reality, is synonymous with this Divine Presence in this body, in this mechanism, and which, in fact, upon Awakening, brings about a profound and radical change in this organism, in this mechanism. And this change brings about a Natural State of Being, free from what we know as ourselves in this configuration or this model of life that we know.

So, when the Awakening of the Truth of Consciousness occurs... Here, of course, we have to distinguish between the Truth of this Consciousness in us and this model of consciousness that we know in ourselves.

The model we know in ourselves as consciousness is this consciousness of the mind, it's the conscious mind, where there is a pattern of behavior, where there is the idea of a separate “I,” present in life but separate from it, present in experience but separate from experience. This is what we know as consciousness in us. This model of consciousness present in us is the consciousness of the “I.”

Here, an approach to the Truth of That Which Is You represents the Awakening of your Essential Nature. The Truth of this present Divine Nature is Kundalini. So, note: Kundalini is simply synonymous with Consciousness, Real Consciousness in us. This Real Consciousness in us is the nature of Love, Peace, Freedom, Happiness, of what life represents in this moment when the sense of “I,” of “ego” is not present.

So, the truth of this Real Consciousness is Being, Happiness, is Consciousness. So, another thing here is the understanding that, when we deal with this Kundalini energy – we need to understand this very clearly – we are only talking about this vital Kundalini energy.

Notice that your body needs food. This food is transformed into energy in this mechanism, in this organism. This energy, that comes from food, is available for this whole psycho-physical process in this organism. This energy is the energy available for the change that is necessary in this body, which takes place with the Awakening of Kundalini. So, notice it: this Kundalini energy is the energy present in this mechanism, in this living organism, which, when it becomes involved with this process of change, this Real Presence of Kundalini is activated.

So, we've been using expressions like: Kundalini activation, Kundalini energy, Kundalini Awakening, but what thought builds up around this is a myth. Then, we're dealing with something that thought is also mystifying. There is a lot of illusion about what this Awakening is, what this Blossoming of this Real Divine Presence is here, at this instant.

When there is the Awakening of Kundalini, when this Real Consciousness takes over this space because it has the Freedom to take over this body and this mind, when it happens, when it occurs, we have the settling of a State in you, which is the Natural State. It is this Natural State that some call the Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness.

See, we're clarifying it for you here. We need to completely remove from the expression Kundalini all this mystification, everything that is illusory about this simple and natural State of Being, free from the “I,” free from the ego.

Therefore, it is not a so-called spiritual experience, it is not a contact with something mystical or a parallel world or a contact with extraterrestrials. This is about the awareness of the Truth of Being, naturally, free from the ego, free from this sense of duality, of separation.

So, when people ask: “How to attain Spiritual Enlightenment?” and “What is Kundalini?” Note, we're talking about exactly the same thing, as long as it's understood. Otherwise, we'll be on a great journey, in a fantasy produced by thought, having extraphysical or so-called mystical or spiritual experiences and mistaking this for Reality, for the Reality of Being, for the Reality of the absence of suffering, of fear, of desires, of all the complications that thought formulates, creates and sustains within this egoic mind.

So, notice, this is the subject we're addressing here, within this channel. We're talking to you about Advaita, the vision of Advaita Vedanta, the vision of Non-duality, Non-separation, this realization of your Divine Nature, your Essential Nature, the Realization of That Which Is You when we use expressions like Kundalini, like Meditation, like Spiritual Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening.

Note that we are using expressions that are well known in this environment for those who are searching or looking for something outside of this condition, which is the monotonous, traditional, repetitive, tedious condition that has been the life of the human being in its psychological condition of dissatisfaction, contradiction and, of course, suffering. But we've made these expressions very clear here. We are pointing to the end of the “I,” the end of the ego, the end of this pattern of duality.

In this pattern of duality, you have experiences, then, there is experience happening and you experiencing, storing those experiences and evaluating new experiences from the memory of the old ones. Thus, there is always this movement of separation between the experiencer and the experience. When there is an end to the experiencer, the Reality of what is present is the experiencing of life, without the sense of duality. That is Advaita, that is the Real Awakening of Kundalini.

So, when we use expressions like Real Meditation, we are talking about Meditation in this sense. The awareness of the Real vision of Meditation, of this awareness of Real Consciousness, which is the awareness of this Presence. When this energy, which is Kundalini, which is this Consciousness, begins to operate a change in this organism, in this mechanism, it operates a change in the body, in all these brain mechanics, in the brain cells themselves. This change is a transformation in this mechanism, in this organism. It's just like when you have a computer and you need to format it; it needs to undergo a change, so it's formatted.

Here we are talking about a psychophysical change in this mechanism, in this organism, due to a real, profound process. In this sense, Awakening is something scientific, but it's from an awareness outside the realm of the known. We're talking about changing the whole way of thinking, feeling and acting.

So, we need to go deeper into these issues here, becoming aware of the Truth of who we are. That's why our emphasis here is on the importance of the Truth of Self-Awareness. The importance of Self-Awareness, the Truth about it, as well as the Truth about Meditation. We are making contact with That which is outside the known. Contact with That is the end of the known.

When there is an end to that which is known, such as “I” consciousness, mental consciousness, egoic consciousness, we have the Presence of this True Consciousness, which is Kundalini. Then a Real Intelligence takes over that space, the space of that body and that mind. The Reality of your Being reveals itself as Compassion, Freedom, Wisdom, Truth, Intelligence. So, we are facing Something unknown, Something outside this common model of existence.

The work here consists of making ourselves aware of this whole process, of how this Realization shows itself. This is the end of the “I,” the end of the ego, the end of this egocentric pattern of behavior. Our work here consists of becoming aware of this, right now.

We are living within a condition where the model of life, of common existence, is the model of duality, the model of separation and, therefore, the model of contradiction. So, all the internal frameworks linked to this dissatisfaction, to this incompleteness, to this psychological condition that this sense of the ego has, that this sense of separation carries are present.

Here, we've been working with you on issues such as: how to overcome fear, how to go beyond anxiety, depression, anguish, these various forms of suffering present in human beings; present because of this egoic consciousness, this dual consciousness. So, there's you and God, there's you and life, there's you and the other, there's you and this experience or that experience. In that separation are established fear, contradiction, conflict and suffering.

When we learn the awareness of Self-Awareness, when we discover what it is to look at this instant without the one who looks, which is the “I,” the ego, which is this background that comes from the past, which is the observer, when we learn to look without this, this energy, which is the very energy that was previously wasted by this pattern of duality, of separation, which was previously being wasted within the conflict between, for example, opposing desires, of fear, of worry, of this inner agitation, all of this is present there... The presence of energy in this movement, being wasted.

So, in the sense of the “I,” of the ego, we are always wasting this energy. When there is this Attention now, on the movement of the “I,” of the ego, and we no longer have that which comes from the past, as being the observer, the thinker, who is always in that model of separation, in that model of duality, now, at that instant, that energy becomes available for a change in that structure, in that mechanism, in that organism. This energy is the energy of Kundalini.

Notice that this happens as part of a natural process. When there is, naturally, this willingness to look free of the ego, to perceive free of this illusory center that comes from the past. Thus, this is how the flow, this happening of the Kundalini Awakening takes place. Something that is possible for each of us in this life.

That's our proposal here for you, working here with you. For this purpose, we have online meetings taking place here on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, we are available to investigate this with you through questions, answers and this contact with Silence, with the Revelation of Meditation. You can find our WhatsApp link to take part in these meetings here in the video description.

We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If what you've just heard is something that makes sense to you, here's an invitation. Go ahead, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel and say “Yes, it makes sense” in the comments. OK? And see you. Thanks for meeting us and see you next time!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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