September 6, 2024

How to attain happiness? | How to deal with fear? | Obsessive, compulsive thoughts | Satsang

So, what can you tell us about obsessive-compulsive thoughts? The other topic is: “How to deal with fear?” Notice that we have many issues, we have countless issues. They are not merely curious issues or questions, they are questions that represent a frame or condition of some disorder, some form of psychological disturbance. It is the same with the issue of jealousy or insecurity in relationships. Note that we are often burdened with problems and we want an answer to all of them. The detail is that these answers are not or cannot be found when we are looking and searching outside for an answer to them. They can only be found when we investigate the truth of what is happening inside each one of us.

So, the answer to all this lies in the comprehension of how we function. Human beings suffer; we have been suffering for millennia and we are always looking for something that can at least lessen, alleviate, create a condition in which we can live, at least, without so much complication or suffering. Here, we are, with you, interested in investigating this issue – yes, the issue of putting an end to this psychological condition of disorder, of suffering. We are telling you this here, clearly, we have hundreds of videos here on the channel and also on our other channel called Marcos Gualberto – you have the link here in the video description to check out the other channel.

What we have been saying in these videos and also in online meetings, in-person meetings, retreats… What we have been telling you is that life is real when the illusion of this particular life is no longer present. I am referring to this life of the “I,” this life of this “me,” of this person. Our psychological suffering, all this psychological grief, all this psychological condition is present because we do not know the truth about ourselves, we do not stop to study who we are. Human beings dedicate their entire lives, all their life energy, to achieving success, fame… in the desire to be accepted, loved, cherished, appreciated and to live well in an ideal of happiness that they project on external achievements.

That is why the question “How to attain happiness” is so frequent, but the idea is to find something on the outside, in external achievement, and the example we have are those who got there before us. We want to imitate them. In fact, we are kind of led to imitation, induced to imitate by the propaganda model in which our society, in which our culture is living. But this is how we dedicate our lives, we spend an entire life dedicated to this search for something out there, without the comprehension of the need to understand ourselves, to study ourselves, to become aware of the Divine, sacred, indescribable Reality, of our own Being. We have no idea about it. At most, we also have imaginations about this Being, which are still projections of the own thought, which was given to us by religion, by the religious culture in which we were raised.

All of this is still part of a program that runs within the context of culture, and, therefore, our mind absorbs it as part of a conditioning that it has, within a model or a set of beliefs. Notice how delicate this is: we have many beliefs about this Divine Truth, because we were taught that God lives within us; some call That the inner “self” or the higher “self.” There are different names within each culture. If a person was born in a certain country, he or she receives, within that culture, this model of religious teaching, and this is at an intellectual level, at the level of belief, concept, imagination.

We do not know Truth directly. And so, we spend our entire lives involved in this search for something out there. And here we are telling you: we need to have direct contact with the Truth about ourselves. Not with theory, belief, or concept, or with imagination of it, because we have already had this contact and it did not solve anything. We need to become aware of the Truth about who we are in order to discard this psychological condition of disorder in which we find ourselves. Follow this and see if it makes any sense to you: you were born for Love, for Freedom, for Peace, for Happiness. So, when you find yourself in psychological conditions of disturbance or disorder, notice, this is present due to the absence of the comprehension of the Truth of That which is present here and now. One detail: it is present here and now, but when this sense of ego, of this “me,” of this “I,” of this cultural conditioning, is no longer present.

So, how to deal with fear? How to deal with obsessive-compulsive thoughts? How to deal with feelings of rejection and insecurity in relationships? How to deal with envy and the pain it causes here, in this “me”? With jealousy? All of this requires the presence of the vision of the Truth of That which is beyond the “I,” beyond the ego. We can only become aware of this when we come into direct contact with what this “I,” this ego represents, at this moment. We need Self-Awareness, the Truth of the comprehension of what we are, of what is going on inside each one of us. To look at this.

The first thing here, which is fundamental, is the awareness of how you, psychologically, function. You look and become aware, and perceive that the movement of thought, notice, is thought that is sustaining it. See, it is always thought that is behind all these disorders, all these internal states, conflicts, all this confusion that has become our lives, in this relationship, first with ourselves and then with the world around us. The way you represent to yourself the person that you are. See, this is very important to be seen: you have an image of who you are and it is this image that feels this way and you mistake yourself for this image. This image is being created by thought, it is thought that is creating this image. When you use the pronoun “I,” you are referring, in fact, to this model of self-image that thought has established as being you.

Notice how important this is, this is what is present in suffering, in low self-esteem, this is what suffers from rejection, anguish, disdain. Can we have direct contact with this element that is thought, which assumes this self-image? Can we simply discover what it is to look at it, what it is to look at this self-image? Your relationship with the world around you, see, everything you see in this relationship based on this self-image, which is the image you have of who you are, this is what represents this complication, this suffering, this disorder for you. We can break with this, in this life. Real life is life free from this self-image. The presence of this self-image is the presence of someone in a state of sleep, of unconsciousness, of mistaken identification. To look at all this movement of thought within you, at this moment.

Notice that thought, in us, is a response given to this moment based on a certain stimulus or challenge, and this response comes from the past. When you have a thought, this thought is not dealing with the moment, it is reacting based on the past to this moment. And this reaction, which is the reaction of thought, is a reaction of the brain itself to what is present here. Following this thought, just looking at it, without getting involved with this thought, if this is done, there is a break in the continuity of this self-image. Follow what we are putting here, for you.

When someone, for example, compliments you, at that moment your brain reacts to the compliment with a thought, and that thought is a thought of pleasure, a thought of gratification, of satisfaction, or of fulfillment. When that thought arises, you mistake yourself for the thought, and at that moment you strengthen that self-image because you don't realize that it is a game of thought that sustains that self-image, because you are mistaking yourself for thought itself. You mistake yourself because thought has already created a thinker. That feeling of “I” is the thinker. That feeling of someone present receiving that compliment, that feeling is the thinker, it is the ego, it is the self-image.

Here we are showing you how, through Self-Awareness, to access this comprehension of the truth of this element, which is the “I” element, which is the thinker, the ego, self-image, which lives due to these reactions, which are thoughts that come from the past, arising without being observed. Once you discover what it is to observe without the observer, to look without someone looking, to perceive without someone perceiving, to become aware without someone becoming aware, at that moment you eliminate this observer, this ego, this self-image. This is the end of self-image, it is the end of the “I,” it is the end of the ego, and when this is no longer present, we have the end of the value placed on this thought, on this praise.

So, what applies to praise also applies to criticism. This is the end of this self-image, and when it ends, suffering ends, pleasure and fear end, the gratification of pleasure and fear in this form of pain end. This requires getting closer to the truth about yourself, here and now. This requires paying attention to this whole movement, which is the movement of thought, which is always reacting to the challenges of the present moment. When something arises, when something appears before the brain, a thought arises, and soon with the thought an identity, which is the identity of the “I,” of the ego, of this self-image, mistaking itself for that thought, identifying with that thought, whether liking or disliking that thought.

So, this is how we have been living for millennia. Can we break with this pattern, this ignorance, this illusion? Note, this is what is sustaining this psychological condition of thoughts that repeat themselves, where fear is present, where anguish is present, where some disorder is present. This is something that is always present in this self-image, in this sense of being someone.

Here on the channel, we have many videos delving into this subject with you, and also on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto.” Once again, here in the video description, you have the link to visit the other channel. In addition, we have online meetings taking place on the weekends. On Saturday and Sunday, we are together working on this, the end of this sense of the “I,” of the ego, of this self-image. We need to get closer to the Truth about Self-Awareness. Notice, it is not self-awareness according to philosophy or psychology; we are talking about something else than when we use the expression Self-Awareness.

So, these online meetings occur, where we are together discovering what this contact with Self-Awareness, with the Truth of Self-Awareness and with the awareness of Meditation is. On Saturday and Sunday, we are together working on this with you and through questions and answers we can go deeper into this, okay? Here, in the video description, you also have our WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings. In addition to these online meetings, on the weekends, we have in-person meetings and also retreats at certain times of the year. Therefore, if this is something that makes sense to you, here is an invitation: go ahead, leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and leave here in the comment: “Yes, it makes sense,” okay? And see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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