September 13, 2024

How to attain happiness? The importance of self-awareness. Human wisdom. What thought is.

We, as human beings, live burdened with mistaken notions. And here I want to deal with one of these notions, something quite common that we all have, that we all carry. We have, within us, a deep and unknown longing for something beyond everything that our life, at this moment, represents. Our life is, in fact, a life of boredom, routine, repetition. That is why there is, in us, a constant search or quest for some level of fulfillment or satisfaction in some form of pleasure. And we give this search or quest a name – notice, this is where our mistake lies – we call it “the search for happiness” and that is not true. Our search is for satisfaction, fulfillment, achievement, pleasure. Although there is a longing present in us, in every human being, it remains at a level unknown to all of us. It is the longing for Happiness, but we do not know what happiness is, we do not have the address for it. But we do have the address for pleasure. How to achieve Happiness?

There is no way to achieve Happiness, because we do not have the address of Happiness. And this “way” implies the presence of a movement, from what is here to what will emerge at some point. That's not real either, and that's what we need to investigate. We're dealing with life as it actually is. No, let me correct you, we're not dealing with life as it actually is. We're idealizing life as it should be, and this is where confusion lies. We haven't learned how to approach life; all we have learned is related to the encounter with knowledge and experience. So, everything we learn in life comes from knowledge and experience. We keep it and accumulate it. This becomes part of the psychological collection of this person that we are, which is the “I”, this “me”. The detail is that this “me”, this “I”, this ego, this sense of someone that we have, that we bring, is living in a movement of idealization. It's not dealing with the reality of the moment; it's projecting itself into an ideal of what it should be.

So, we are going to see this carefully. If we can take a closer look here, and all the videos here on the channel consist of this exploration, this investigation. If we can have an approach at this level here, we will discover life free of suffering, problems, conflicts, contradictions, disorder. The truth is that the awareness of this discovery is, here and now, the truth of Happiness, and realizing Happiness is about the awareness of Happiness, now, here. Thus, when we see the emptying of this psychological condition in which we find ourselves, where our whole orientation in life is based on this psychological model of being someone, where we find ourselves in a model of simply existing, maintaining the continuity of an identity that we believe we are. This is because of this thought model that we have received, that we have, that we know very well, this sense where there is the idea of being someone. As psychological condition has no real foundation, the foundation here is just the model of a conditioned thought, of a conditioning program that we have, a way of simply existing as someone. This someone is the one who sees himself separate from life, separate from others, separate from God, living a life around a center, which is this egocentric identity.

Seeing what is happening to us right now, discovering the truth that all the confusion, problems, disorder and suffering is something that is present because the sense of the ego is present, and that sense of the ego is living within a life that thought is supporting. We're not dealing with life, in fact, as it is, in the ego. We are idealizing a life, projecting a life, imagining a life, life as it should be or should be happening. You see, this is a complete alienation from life, from real Life here, right now. We are living in a psychological life, in a self-centered life, in an artificial life, in a life that thought has produced. Thus, our relationship with the present moment is based on this dream, this dream of being someone, this dream of living as someone, of living as a person. So, there's this project or this idealism of happiness: “How to attain happiness?” A happiness that thought projects, that it idealizes. Away from this moment, it wants to find that tomorrow. This idea of a psychological future is very constant in all of us.

You see, there is no such thing as a future in thought, but when we think about the future, we don't realize that we are only introducing an illusion, which is the illusion of a psychological tomorrow, of a psychological “coming to be”, of a psychological future where, at that moment, there in that place, we will find love, peace, joy, happiness, completeness, everything that thought projects. And if it projects what it recognizes as part of itself, note that this is only an imagination. We're not dealing with reality, but with an imaginary world that thought is building where it will be happy. The detail here is that this “it”, which is thought, is pretending to be you.

See how important it is for us to have an approximation of this. We don't know what thought is. Thought passes itself off as you when it creates an identity. It creates the thinker, the “me”, the “I”, the person, and it passes as you all the time. Thought is that element in us that uses the pronoun “I” and says: “my mind”, “my life”, “my story”, “my world”, “my dream”, “my love”, “my happiness”. We're stuck in this model of psychological conditioning where the “I” is this thinker, is this experiencer, is this feeling, thought and sensation of a person, present. Can we get rid of this? Can we become aware of the Reality of life free from this “I”?

This is where all the program, all the way of being, all the conditioning that we carry is to be found. Realize the importance of studying this, of seeing this in yourself, which is why our emphasis here is on the importance of Self-Awareness, on the value of Self-Awareness, on the beauty of what Self-Awareness represents. Without Self-Awareness we don't have the Truth of Being, what we really are, because we are under this model of being as we seem to be, as we wish to be, as we idealize being, as we try to be. So, we're under an illusion. When we have the presence of the Truth about Self-Awareness, we have the Awakening of Wisdom. Some divide wisdom into human wisdom and divine wisdom... But here, when you get closer, you realize that real Wisdom is the end of the illusion, of this sense of someone present being a “I”. And if there is this presence of Wisdom, Happiness is present.

It's not something to be achieved. That something to be achieved is what thought projects as models of the fulfillment of pleasure, of the search for sensation. Look at that. Thought in us is a sensation, it carries a feeling. In this feeling of pleasure, thought tells us that we are in contact with Happiness, but then this so-called “happiness” cools down, diminishes, because pleasure diminishes. So, we're back in search of a new sensation that thought is looking for, which is a new form of pleasure, which we call “happiness”. Here, when we use the expression “Happiness”, it is what is present when the Reality of your Being, which is Love, which is Pure Intelligence, which is Wisdom, is present. So, this difference between human wisdom and divine wisdom, this difference between human happiness and divine happiness, we discard that.

Here, we are working with you and showing you the possibility of the Realization of Happiness, of Wisdom. Where the Reality of your Being is, there is the Reality of God, but this has nothing to do with this sense of someone as we know it, as we are living. We're talking about something else. Thus, we need to discard this model of thought, to realize that thought in us is the element that cultivates this condition of idea, of achieving, of obtaining, of achieving, because thought in us lives on this basis, on the basis of the search for sensation, for pleasure, for achievement, for fulfillment. This model of thinking programmed to be like this, is something we receive from culture, from this social model. This psychological conditioning keeps our brains stuck in this pattern of behavior and activities centered on the “I”, on the ego, where we are always in this project of psychological tomorrow.

Here, we are telling you that the realization of Reality is what is present now and here, in this instant. Some call this “Spiritual Awakening” or “Spiritual Enlightenment”. It's when you get closer to Reality, to That which is you. So, the basis for the flowering of Wisdom, which is the presence of Love, which is the presence of Happiness, which is the presence of God, lies in Self-Awareness. Self-awareness is that which, when it becomes present – and here I'm referring to the truth about Self-awareness – you've already realized that we're talking about something different from what psychology treats or philosophy treats as self-awareness. Here we're talking about looking at all this movement of this center that is the “I”, the “me”, the ego, and discovering how to go beyond this psychological condition to something completely new, singular and unique, which is the Revelation of this awareness of God.

So, our work here consists of this gaze, this observation, this discovery. We have meetings here for this purpose. On weekends, we meet and work on this with you. Saturday and Sunday we have online meetings here. In the video description, there is our WhatsApp link so you can take part in these meetings, where we can go deeper into this with you, to be aware of how this becomes possible in this life. So, the Awakening of Consciousness, Spiritual Enlightenment is something that is possible for each of us. Here, in the description of the video, you have our WhatsApp link to take part in these weekend meetings. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats, where we are working on this with you. If what you've just heard makes sense to you, touches you on some level, here's an invitation. And leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and put in the comment: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? And we'll see you. Thanks for meeting us and see you next time.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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