October 5, 2024

Atma Vichara Ramana Maharshi. How to get rid of emotional dependence? How to get rid of suffering?

Here, the question is: how to get rid of suffering? This is a playlist here on the channel. We have several videos here, within this playlist. Note that this issue of Freedom is something fundamental, essential. We are all, in fact, in search of Freedom. We feel the importance of Freedom, although we do not understand what this search movement itself is. Because of this, we are lost in this search.

See how curious it is: we want freedom, we are in search of freedom, but this search for freedom, as we believe, puts us in a mistaken search for freedom. Why do people seek relationships? Because there is a lack, an incompleteness, a dissatisfaction in them. We want to find in these relations or in these relationships this completeness, this satisfaction or plenitude. So, for us, this is the ideal of freedom.

So, is there a search for love? Yes. Is there a search for freedom? Yes. But it is this form, this format, this is the form that they gave us and said: “Go there and find love. It has to fit within this form,” “Go there and find freedom. It has to fit within this form.” And this is how we are acting, and this is how we are moving in the world, in search of freedom, in search of love.

So, there is a mistake here. Because, for us, love will complete us and freedom will fulfill us. But we already have the ideal of freedom and the ideal of love, and for most of us, this is on the outside. That is why we talk about financial freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom to do what we want, to go where we want to go, to find and acquire what we seek, what we want.

For us, the idea of ​​freedom is space. But it is a space that we project from this center, which is the “I,” the “me,” the “person.” So, you have an ideal of freedom, and this ideal of freedom is born from the project that you have. Here, the question is: who are you? What can you really know about freedom, other than what propaganda, what the model of the world has shown you?

So, when we talk about encountering freedom or encountering love, we are merely projecting an ideal from this “I.” Let’s see something here with you: what is this “I”? Does it really have intelligence, full awareness, real consciousness to know the truth of freedom or the truth of love? We need to investigate this.

Putting it in another way: do you, as someone, as a person, know what love is? Do you know what freedom is? Do you know what the truth of this space that you seek is? We are in search of space, we are in search of freedom, we are in search of love, but they are mere projections of this center, of this “I.” And what is this “I”? Propaganda, the model of the world, of human history.

So, all we have are ideas, beliefs, projects, intentions, and internal motivations based on the thoughts we bring. But the truth is that these thoughts we bring are thoughts that culture has given us, that propaganda has shown us.

So, what human beings seek in this old condition of being someone, of being a person, being as we are, a person, the result of everything we have learned from other people, the truth about this is that we are just continuing the old and ancient pattern, this old and ancient format of permanent dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Note that after you find love, you soon find yourself in trouble with what you call love. What we call love generates some form of attachment, of dependence, which is, naturally, the presence of fear.

Some people wonder how to deal, for example, with this issue of emotional dependence. But you see, they want to get rid of emotional dependence, but they don't realize that this emotional movement of dependence is exactly the presence of fear. What initially seemed like love is now attachment, need, insecurity, fear. So, you come and ask how to get rid of emotional dependence. This is because the ideal of seeking love out there has put you in this situation.

So, sentimentally, emotionally, psychologically, we are prisoners of what we say we love, what we feel we love. In reality, what we feel is attachment, dependence, fear. So, these ideals we have of encountering freedom, of encountering love end up going wrong, since this movement is the movement from this illusory identity, which is the ego, which lives within this context of projecting thoughts, beliefs, images. Notice how delicate all of this is.

Here we are only detailing a given situation, but there are countless. There are countless situations in which we now find ourselves in this situation, in this so-called search for freedom, or for love, or for happiness, or for peace. We will find all of this out there, but we have an ideal of how to find it, and the ideal is the ideal of society, of the world, of everything we have as a model.

When you access Instagram or the media, you learn from them where to find happiness, and you end up finding what they say is happiness. And then you find yourself in this mess, in this complication. And why does all of this happen? Because we are under an illusion.

Here we are with you showing you what it means to realize the Truth of your Being, what it means to realize the Truth of God, what it means to truly live a life free from all these complications that thought creates. Once you understand that every thought within you is the result of a past experience, of knowledge already acquired and that it is something that does not come from Reality, but rather from the model of dreams, of human existence, within a pattern that is already known, all we have in this model of the known – if you look, get closer, you can see – is dissatisfaction, it is incompleteness.

There is nothing in this world that can truly give you this completeness of Being, because Happiness does not reside in any of this. Once you understand that thought within us is the result of everything that human beings, through experience and knowledge, have acquired and lived, and that today is part of memory, something within this known pattern, once you become aware of this, you stop trusting thoughts. You stop trusting projects that thought idealizes. Then, you stop buying these products, these images, these pictures, these ideals that thought has constructed.

Discovering the Truth about yourself is becoming aware of a Reality outside of the known and, therefore, outside of thought. This Truth about yourself is where the nature of Happiness, Completeness and Love is present. So, how can you free yourself from suffering? The answer to this question lies in the Reality of That which is You in your Being.

How can you free yourself from emotional dependence? It is the sense of “I,” of the ego, it is the presence of illusion that sustains not only this, but several conditions of internal states of unhappiness. Here together we are seeing with you how to discover this Real Space that we are actually looking for, this Real Freedom that we are looking for, this Real Love that, within us, we know is somewhere.

Here, the revelation is that this is not somewhere. Here, the revelation is that this is the nature of this Being that is present. That which is You is this Freedom, this Love, this Space. So, where does all this reveal itself? What is the essence of this Freedom, this Space, this Love? This Space, the essence of this Space, this Freedom and this Love, which is Happiness, is That which is present here and now, when there is no longer this center, this “I,” this ego.

See, everything that Life is in its completeness reveals itself; in its Beauty, Mystery, Realization, it reveals itself when the illusion of this “I,” this center is no longer present. See how much we appreciate space. I have already said, I have commented on this here with you other times: when you travel, you do not want to go to a narrow and cramped place; you travel to a forest, you travel to a mountain, to a beach.

When you go to a hotel, you look for a spacious hotel, where the rooms are large rooms. We want space. Internally, we look for space; Externally, we seek space, because space takes us back to the nature of this Being, to the essence of this Being, which is Love, which is Happiness, which is Freedom.

So, notice that where there is space, there is Freedom. And the Truth of Love gives you this space, which is Freedom. And when you are a prisoner of a psychological condition of suffering, you are without space. Fear is the absence of space, it is anxiety, anguish, depression. This is the psychological condition of the “I” in this contraction, in this internal state of confusion, without space. Here we are inviting you to a direct understanding of life, where the Reality of God is present.

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi shared Atma Vichara in his days. The word Atma Vichara is self-inquiry, in English, or self-investigation, or self-observation. This is the Atma Vichara of Ramana Maharshi. Here on this channel, we are working with you to end this psychological condition in which, in this sense of the “I,” of the ego, we find ourselves.

So, getting closer to the Truth about yourself requires this self-observation. Discovering how to get closer to Atma Vichara: this is what we are working on here, with you, on this channel, for Liberation, for the end of this condition of egoic identity, where this Space, this Freedom, this Love is now present. Then, there is the end of suffering, the end of this condition of attachment, fear, of emotional dependence.

So, getting closer to the Truth about Yourself requires Self-awareness. It is necessary for you to understand everything that is happening inside you. We need to definitively break with this culture, with this model of the world, with this psychological pattern of existence, where our lives are guided by envy, where we want to be like other people, to have what they have, to obtain what they have obtained, to achieve what they have achieved, even because they tell us that they are fine. This is something completely illusory, completely false.

We have to break away from this egoic condition, from this sense of being someone in life, in experience, in living, to assume the Truth of That which we truly are. So, in this approach to Self-awareness through self-observation, through Atma Vichara, we are in contact with the awareness of Meditation. And this Meditation reveals this Being, this Completeness, this Singularity, the essence of Love, Happiness, Peace, Freedom.

We have meetings here on the weekends to deepen this with you and show you how This is verified in this life. So, on Saturday and Sunday we are working together on this. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to get closer.

Looking at what is happening to us at this moment, understanding the truth of our reactions, knowing how to deal with these thoughts that arise inside your head, with these feelings that appear, with these emotions that arise, understanding this whole game, which is the game of propaganda, of culture, of society, of the world, which assumes this form of thought present in us because of propaganda, because of everything we hear, read, learn and that we are instigated to seek, to search, to discover how

this works, looking at this closely means to be able to break with this.

So, here in the video description, there is our WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings, to investigate all of this. In addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats. If what you just heard is something that makes sense to you, here is the invitation. Leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and leave in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense.” Okay? And we'll see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

August, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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