October 16, 2024

What is Moksha? | Atma Vichara Ramana Maharshi | How to deal with jealousy and insecurity? | Advaita

There are some issues in our lives that we don't pay attention to. We don't approach them to observe them. Thus, it's very common for us to go through life without reflecting on some issues that are actually fundamental to each of us.

So it would be important, at this point, for us to talk a little here about the matter of Freedom, for example. If there is something essential for each of us in this contact with life – and here, life represents anything, as well as contact with anyone or any situation – but if there is something fundamental, of real importance to all of us, it is the Presence of Freedom. For example, something fundamental in our contacts, that is generally absent, is the Presence of Love in relationships.

As here in this channel we are looking together at this matter of the Awakening of God, of the Blossoming of our True Nature, we are here investigating the matter of the Presence of the Truth of Love in our lives. And for us, as we don't know the Truth about that, we’ve made a great deal of confusion; a confusion due to the use or employment of expressions, such as the very expression “love,” or the expression “freedom.” So, if there's something here that we also need to get rid of, it is this inappropriate use of words.

When we use speech, such as here at the moment, we have to use expressions. And here the first recommendation for you is that you don't get hung up on a particular interpretation of the words we use here, as we generally do when we're listening to someone or reading a book. Our particular way of translating it, of interpreting it, is usually according to our background, according to our knowledge.

So, if we were to apply a little of this Freedom here – and it's Freedom that we're going to talk to you about, it's what we're going to talk about here at this meeting – the Freedom to listen to a word and investigate a new aspect of it, in this way, we would let go of our concepts, our prejudices, our particular translations we have of that given word, and this is fundamental here at these meetings. Even because we're frequently using words here, using the same expression and suddenly giving it a new meaning within the context.

So, it would be very interesting here, in this meeting, in this conversation between us, to look at these expressions together. For example, the expression “love,” in general, people translate it in a very peculiar, very particular way within a cultural context, as we generally do with most words.

For us, for example, what does love mean? Love means pleasure, satisfaction, fulfillment, gratification, caressing, affection, and sex. Anything that can bring us pleasure within a relationship, we identify as the presence of love there.

What we don't perceive is that in this sense, as we put it and make use of this expression, there is a misunderstanding because we can have all of this, affection, pleasure, satisfaction, fulfillment in the relationship and, even so, within that there is possession, there is insecurity, fear, control, jealousy, envy, exclusivism, emotional dependence, and it becomes very clear to each one of us that this is not the Truth of Love; it is the presence, exactly, of fear.

So, when we look for this so-called love in our relationships, it is possible that there is fear behind this so-called love. Then, we're calling love what is actually fear. Thus, here I'd like to touch base with you, examine this with you. Because we have many unresolved issues at this level, at the level of human relationships, of our relationships with others, with the world around us.

We don't understand what's going on inside each of us. We don't study ourselves, we don't investigate ourselves, and this sustains a quality of life where lies, illusions and, therefore, suffering are present. Thus, it is essential that we approach this issue of the Presence of Love here, at this meeting, at this moment. But there is no Presence of Love without Freedom.

So, I consider that pleasure, satisfaction, fulfillment, affection and care are not the signs of the Presence of Love, but rather Freedom. If we have the Presence of Freedom, we do have the Presence of Love. Love is a flower that blooms in Freedom, in the field of Freedom, in the garden of Freedom. If there is no Freedom, there is no Love. We can have all this and it still isn't Love.

We're not saying that the presence of affection, care, satisfaction or pleasure in relationships is necessarily the presence of fear. What we are saying is that if Love is present, all this can exist, but Love flourishes in Freedom and not when fear is present. So, it's important for us to pay attention to this, to examine this.

The matter here is: how does this Freedom blossom? The flowering of this Freedom is the arising of this garden where the flower of Love also blooms. So, if we have the flowering of Freedom, we have the flowering of Love. And how does this Freedom become possible?

There is an Indian expression for this Freedom where Love blooms. The expression is Moksha. So, what is Moksha? That's the question. It's a beautiful Sanskrit word for this garden, for this Freedom. It's when Freedom is present, which is Moksha, which is Liberation or the Natural State of Spiritual Enlightenment or the Awakening of Consciousness. This is something that refers to that Natural and indescribable State free from fear, and therefore, from suffering, where the Truth of Love is present.

So, we need to discover, in life, what a free life is, in Freedom, where we have the Presence of this perfume, which is the perfume of Love. You see, this is not the life we live, the life of human beings. We live in stress, in anguish, in worries, within conflicts and desires, within internal contradictions between action and thought. We think of something and do something else, and then we feel a third thing about what we've done. Then, this is the internal, psychological state in each of us as human beings, of contradiction, where it is actually present, the prison of ignorance, illusion. If this is present, suffering is present.

My teacher was called Ramana Maharshi and he shared the Truth of Atma Vichara with everyone. So, Ramana Maharshi shared the awareness of this acknowledgement of Moksha, this acknowledgement of Freedom, how to allow the Revelation of this garden where Love flourishes. Ramana Maharshi's word Atma Vichara is a Sanskrit expression for self-inquiry, self-investigation. Here the expression can also be translated as self-observation.

The Truth of Freedom requires the presence of a space, a new space. Human beings have been looking for space. Everything in life happens within spaces. Right now, we're telling you: we don't have the Presence of Real Love without the presence of space, which is the space of Freedom.

Actions take place within spaces. If there is no space, there is no Freedom. The most precious asset we have in life, since life happens with actions, with events, with situations arising, the most precious asset is truly the Presence of Freedom. If you're serving time in prison, the most precious thing that we have, has been taken away from you, which is freedom.

When we don't have freedom, we have the presence of suffering, we have the absence of physical freedom or internal, psychological freedom. Human beings live in internal states of imprisonment. Thus, our external relationships, because of this internal psychological prison format in which we find ourselves, are conflicting relationships because they are relationships that occur without Freedom.

When a person is in this so-called love, for example, which is love as we generally know it, which is actually a love surrounded by the presence of fear, we don't have this garden of Freedom. And if this is present, confusion, disorder, problems are present.

It's fundamental for us to investigate all this in order to release this condition from our lives, to become aware of the Divine Reality that we bring, which is Moksha, which is Liberation, where Love is present. When people ask how to deal with jealousy and insecurity... Notice, the presence of jealousy is the presence of fear, worry, dependence, insecurity.

We don't have the Presence of the Truth of Love in our relationships when this is present, but this is what, in general, we as human beings call love. The presence of dependence is attachment, and insecurity, it is fear; the fear of not being in control, the desire to be able to control, the fear of being deceived, of being betrayed, of being abandoned. All of this is present in this so-called love as we know it, where we don't have the Truth of Freedom.

Here together we are inviting you to a free life, where this Freedom flourishes and Love establishes itself as life happening, as everything that arises, moment by moment. How, then, do we approach this space, since all we are looking for is, in fact, space in life?

Notice that stress is the absence of space, anxiety is the absence of space, depression is the absence of space, anguish is the absence of space, all these internal psychological states present in human beings, due to the presence of fear, this is the absence of space, and this is how human beings have lived, have been living for millennia, within this condition. So, we have a lot to investigate and talk about here with you.

We need to break with this condition, and what makes this possible is the vision of Atma Vichara, the awareness of approaching oneself through Self-Awareness. Discovering what it is to observe your reactions at this instant, at this moment, realizing how you function as a person, abandoning that, letting go of this “person” as you see yourself within the context of life, within the context of relationships. Abandon this “me,” this “I,” this “ego,” discover what it is to die at this moment to this illusion of this illusory identity, which lives within this small, narrow space, which is the space of the “me,” of the “ego.” This is the only space we know. This is the space of the observer, of the thinker, of the experiencer of their experiences.

Here on the channel, we have several videos exploring this subject with you. We need to break this bubble, break this limitation. Then, when that bubble bursts, there is a new space present and that space is the space of Liberation, of the Realization of God, of Spiritual Enlightenment. That's what we're working on here with you on weekends.

Saturday and Sunday we are together, exploring this subject with you. So, here is an invitation for you, an opportunity to enter into this vision of the Reality of what is You, in this life. Here's an invitation. Saturday and Sunday we'll be together. You can find the WhatsApp link in the video description to take part in these meetings. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. Go ahead, leave your “like” here and subscribe to the channel. Okay? And we'll see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

August, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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