October 2, 2024

Immersion Self-Awareness | Mindfulness | How to deal with jealousy and insecurity | Advaita

Here, we are emphasizing with you this immersion in Self-Awareness, the beauty of it. Looking at this inner movement of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, your specific way of contacting what is here and now, at this instant. Becoming aware, conscious of this movement of duality, of separateness, which is present in this consciousness, which is the consciousness of the “I,” which is this pattern of consciousness that we know in ourselves. To become aware of it, to be clear about it, is to abandon this psychological condition of egoic identity. This is Self-Awareness.

You see, it's not psychology's viewpoint of self-awareness, nor is it philosophy's viewpoint of self-awareness. Here we use the expression Self-Awareness in a direct way, signaling to you the Truth of the end of the “I,” the end of the ego. And how do we become aware of this? There is only one way, and that is to bring Awareness to this instant.

Note, when we use the expression “bringing Awareness,” we're not bringing it from somewhere. This is something that is here and flourishes in this direct, simple and real interest in looking at this movement, which is the movement of thought. It is thought that guides practically everything in our lives. Your entire history, memory, recognition, way of perceiving, interpreting, evaluating, comparing, judging, all of this is within thought. Observe this with me here.

All this so-called consciousness present in us is the presence of the consciousness of thought. The detail is that we are not aware of it, and that makes all the difference. It's not a simple detail. It's what has made our lives what they are now. The fact that you are unaware of this inner movement taking place within you.

This feeling-thought you have of being someone here, for example, listening to a speech like this, believing that you can agree or disagree with what you hear, all this is part of this model, which is the model of consciousness present in each one of us. We have absolutely no vision of what this represents. There is no direct understanding of it. That means that our lives are based on internal states of conflict, confusion, disorder, problems and suffering. This is because we are unaware of Reality.

Reality is what is present, but remains and will always remain unknown to thought. And since everything we have about who we are is based on thought, is grounded in thought, we are under an illusion; the illusion of the one who thinks and accomplishes after planning, then becomes capable of doing what they have decided, resolved, chosen, and we use that pronoun “I” in the illusion of this authorship of everything that happens. Note, this is a model of action, yes, but it is action in mere activity centered on the illusion of an ego-identity present. We don't know anything about it. We've never investigated it.

Here on this channel our proposal is just that, an investigation of the Truth about who you are. This requires an immersion in this study of yourself. Look at your head and you'll realize what we're saying. The mind is restless. There is no silence, no stillness, no serenity. The mind is chatty. The movement of thought is fast, rapid, uncontrolled. And thoughts are inside us creating all kinds of confusion, disorder and suffering.

Fear, for example, is something that is present – and we have several videos here and we are constantly talking about this issue of fear – in our lives, and it is present because of the model of thought, how it has been established in us. Putting us in a condition where the future is uncertain and insecure for this “me,” for this “I.” This “I” is an image that thought has also created about who I am.

So, we have the problem of fear created by thought. We're afraid of the future, we're afraid that the past will repeat itself. Fear is present because we are not dealing with life as it happens here and now. We are, in thought, foreseeing the good things that we may lack tomorrow or the bad things that may happen tomorrow; they happened in the past, thought brings us the memory, thought remembers it and brings fear with it, into the future.

So, we live within a movement, which is the movement of thought, and thought is sustaining all kinds of inner states of disorder and confusion. Then, we're settling our lives into this pattern, this model of thought. And it is in thought that we find stress, nervousness, anxiety, depression, anguish, the pain of lack, the desire to obtain, the fear of not achieving.

Thus, our thoughts guide our lives, as well as our actions in our relationships. Observe this: the thought in you brings the feeling that generates, that produces the action. Our actions are based on thought. Thought generates the feeling, generates the impulse, forms the plan, idealizes the project and goes in search of it. Our actions are based on thought. Here is thought, notice, and it's based on the past.

Thought cannot deal with this moment, with the comprehension of this moment because it is a portrait of the past. So, we're always trying to meet this moment as it appears based on everything that thought represents within each of us, and it doesn't fit. It's the attempt of the “I,” of the ego, of that thinker, of that self-image to adjust this moment to its model that comes from the past. Notice, all the confusion in our lives is based on this.

So, for example, jealousy and insecurity are present. How do we deal with jealousy and insecurity? But it's not just how to deal with jealousy and insecurity, it's how to deal with envy, with the pain present here because of this comparison: “Why does he have it and I don't? Why can he and I can't?” It's always the thought that guides this conflicted, suffering model of existence, which is the existence of the ego, of the “I,” of this “me.”

Here we are with you, telling you, presenting you with a quality of life that is different from that particular life of this center, that ego, of this “me” and, therefore, free from this model of thought. This requires the presence of a new look at this pattern of egoic consciousness. Bringing to this moment Full Attention to this movement of consciousness, which is nothing other than thoughts, images, pictures, representations that thought produces within each of us about life as it happens.

Thus, thought is in ideals, in projects of what should happen, of what could have happened, of what it would be like if this or that had happened. This model of thinking is happening because of a lack of attention to this movement. We don't know how to look at the thought of this “I.”

When thought appears, notice, at that moment, when it appears in this or that other format within you, it can be seen. And it can be seen if you pay attention to its movement, Full Attention, Mindfulness, on this movement, which is the movement of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, the image that arises, the frame that thought constructs at that moment.

A look at it, in which you pay Full Attention. Just a look, without mistaking yourself for like, dislike, want, don't want, agree or disagree. Just look at it. Discovering what it is to look at it without this one that comes from the past, which is the “I,” the ego, the observer, who wants to get rid of it, who wants to do something about it, or who wants to cling to it or get rid of it. To look, just to look, is to bring Full Attention to this instant, to this movement, which is the movement of Consciousness.

So the expression here, in this Full Attention, some call Mindfulness. Mindfulness is this Full Attention on this movement, which is the movement of Consciousness, at this instant. This is part of a real approach to Self-Awareness. When there is this immersion in Self-Awareness, this is possible when you bring Attention to this instant, that is, when you become aware of the very movement of the “I,” of the ego, of this “me.”

To look at it, just to look, is to observe without the observer, to listen, to become aware of your reactions at that moment. So we have a new look at this psychological condition of repetition, of continuity, of the movement of psychological time. It's when “it couldn't be like this” or “it should be different,” “something is wrong,” “why is it like this?” all that disappears. Because there is only one look, without this involvement of this center, which is the “I,” without this personal involvement of this illusory identity to interfere, to get involved. Then, at that instant, we have an approach to the Truth of Meditation.

Here on the channel we've been talking to you about the Truth of Meditation, what Real Meditation is, what True Meditation is. This Meditation is the vision of Non-duality, of Non-separation, that this moment is only what it is. So, this Meditation is an approach to Advaita. Looking at this moment without the sense of “I,” of “me,” of the ego. The word Advaita means Non-duality, Non-separation. The word Advaita means “the One without the second.”

There is a Reality present here, at this instant, it is the Reality of this Being, of this Divine Truth. If That is present, we have an end to this psychological condition of disorder and suffering. I want to repeat this once again: this is not just an answer to how to deal with jealousy and insecurity, but also how to deal with all forms of suffering, of psychic suffering.

So, that's our subject here on this channel and also on our other channel called “Marcos Gualberto.” You can find the link to our other channel here. In addition, we have our online meetings that take place on weekends, where we are together on Saturday and Sunday, going deeper into this subject with you and having direct contact with Meditation.

So, that's our subject here with you. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, here's the invitation. Go ahead, leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and say in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense” Ok? And we'll see you. Thanks for meeting me and see you next time!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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