October 13, 2024

Joel Goldsmith | Spiritual interpretation of scripture | How to Awaken? | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello, everyone! We are here for another videocast. Once again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Thank you, Master, for your presence. Today, I will read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book called “Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture.” In an excerpt from this book, Joel makes the following comment: “When we awaken from this dream world, we will see it as it is, and then we will be convinced that all is well.” Master, regarding this issue of dream… How to awaken from this dream?

MG: Gilson, see, this is exactly what we are doing here together, we are showing you how to awaken from this dream! However, this awakening from the dream requires, first of all, that you understand, very clearly, your real condition at this moment. And this is something very, very complicated, because we want to awaken from the dream, we want to leave the dream, but we are not aware of the truth of the dream. Have you ever noticed how difficult it is for us, within the dream, while the dream is being processed, to become aware that it is a dream? See, it is not that simple.

The thing is constructed in such a way, the dream is constructed in such a way… The dream is a construct of thought. Regarding this, no one doubts that what we have in a dream is just a movement of images that the mind is constructing. However, while the dream is present, we have no clear sensation that what is there is a construct of imagination, because everything is very real. Everything is organized in such a way that it seems real to us. No matter how many unimaginable things happen in the dream, at that moment it is very real. It gives you the shape of truth, of reality, of that world context.

So, you ask here: “How do I awaken from this dream?” You are not aware that you are dreaming until you wake up. Only when you wake up do you become aware that you had a dream, but you are not aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming; when you wake up, you become aware. It’s all just hearsay that we are dreaming.

Follow this carefully. When we come across a statement like this, we start to believe that we are dreaming, or when we come across a book about Waking up, Awakening, or Enlightenment. After reading, we have the belief that we are dreaming, that we are sleeping, and now we say: “I have to wake up.” But note: all of this is still just a belief.

What we need, Gilson, is to become aware of the truth of the dream. The belief that we are dreaming is something most people have. Note that most of us have read many books. Some spend their entire lives reading about Self-awareness, Self-Realization, Liberation, the Awakening of Consciousness – there are many names – about the subject of Waking up, of Awakening from dream. So, we ask: “What should I do? How to awaken from the dream?”, but we do not have the truth of the awareness that we are, in fact, dreaming. The moment we become aware of this, Gilson, then we will no longer need to ask the question “how can I stop dreaming?” When you become aware that it is a dream, you no longer care. From the moment you become aware that this is a dream, you clearly say: “I don't care, this is a dream!”, and when you say that, you are already Awakened.

So, Gilson, it is not a matter of asking: “how can I stop dreaming?” Here, it is a matter of investigating the nature of the truth of what is happening to us here and now. If you become aware of this, you perceive the reality of the condition in which you find yourself, and, at that moment, there is a break with this condition, there is a break with this dream. That's why, Gilson, our emphasis here is not on theory, it is not on getting lost in a forest of words reading books, reading what Ramana left, what Buddha left, what the Sages left written. You can read that. We do something even worse: we read what others have read about the Sages and written too – they have read and written about the Sages. So, we can have first-hand information or second-hand information, but we always remain in the realm of theories, of words, lost in a forest of ideas. All of this is established in us as models of beliefs.

Now, we believe that we are asleep, but we are not aware of the truth of the dream, because we do not investigate, we do not study ourselves. So, to the question “how to awaken from the dream?”, become aware of the dream, become conscious of the movement of the dream present in you! Notice, for example, that the movement of thought in you is just a movement of memory, of remembrance, of recollections. There is no thinker present in this movement.

The idea of ​​this thinker is part of the dream, and we have been educated, conditioned to live in this belief, which is the belief that you think being the thinker, the one responsible for thoughts. See, this is within the dream model, but we do not realize it! The sense of someone feeling, the emotionalism of someone in the emotion is within the dream model. All of this is within this dream model! So, you become aware of the dream and the dream ends.

So, what is the real way, Gilson, of approaching the end of the dream? Leaving idea aside, concept aside, images about it aside, beliefs aside. Look directly at the model of present thought, feeling, emotion, the way you respond, in a reactive way, to actions that arise from thought. Because actions, in us, arise from thought, but what is thought? A model that comes from the past, which is the model of memory, reacting to this moment due to a stimulus, a challenge.

To realize that this reaction is sustaining an illusory present identity acting, doing something or neglecting and failing to do something. To become aware of your reactions and realize that these reactions are always, invariably, born from the illusion of a center that separates itself from experience and feels like the author of actions, the thinker of thoughts, the one moved by emotion... To become aware of the dream, Gilson, that's all! Become aware of the dream, bring to this moment an attention of pure observation of your reactions. Then, you wake up!

All our dedication, Gilson, in these videos and in these online meetings that we have on the weekends, where we are together on Saturday and Sunday, looking at this; that we have in online meetings, in-person meetings, in retreats... all of our involvement in this work is to, together, become aware of this, of our reactions. So, this is the end of the dream, because it is the end of this unconscious, mechanical movement of conditioning, of the reactive thought model, as I said a little while ago, something that comes from the past, which is always creating the illusion of someone present in this world model. This is the dream! Our meetings are for investigating this. As long as you do not become aware of the truth about yourself, do not become conscious of the own movement of thought, feeling, emotion, way of perceiving life, the dream will be present. It is when you become aware of the dream that it ends, and not when you simply talk, read or learn theoretically about the importance of the end of the dream.

GC: Master, we have a question here from a subscriber, who makes the following comment and asks: “Today, I only have this desire to Awaken. Do I also have to overcome this desire?”

MG: Once again, here we come across the importance of comprehending the dream. It is not about the desire to Awaken. This desire to Awaken, like any other desire, is within the dream. It is a desire! “I have the desire to Awaken. This, for me, is the most important thing.” That is what we affirm through the word. In volition, we desire, but this is still within the model of the dream. The desire to Awaken is not enough, and the desire to get rid of the desire to Awaken is not enough. So, here we have two things: the first is the desire to Awaken and the second is the desire to get rid of the desire to Awaken.

All of this is within the dream! While we dream, we talk about the end of the dream and we wish for the end of the dream. While we dream, we hear about it and someone tells us about the importance of going beyond desire, including the desire to stop dreaming. And this is our desire, but it is also within the dream. Here, the main element is the awareness of the dream. Put your heart, energy, disposition, in this direction of investigating the nature of the “I,” the nature of the mind, the nature of this structure – and here I refer to this egoic mind, this movement of thought, feeling, emotion.

Begin to become aware of your reactions at this moment. Do not worry about the question of desire, nor about Awakening, nor about getting rid of the desire to Awaken. Occupy yourself with a direct work of observation, of becoming aware of the truth about the dream, because we can have this desire to Awaken and the desire to get rid of the desire to Awaken – as I said a little while ago, in the first part of the talk – without any awareness of the truth of the dream. We are just believing that we are dreaming, but we are not aware of the truth about it!

The revelation of the truth of the dream, experientially, is what I have called “comprehension.” There is a clear difference between understanding something and comprehending it. You can understand car mechanics, because you have read several books, studied a lot about the subject… you are even capable of giving a lecture on it and, however, not being a mechanic capable of diagnosing a car breakdown. It is one thing for you to have the comprehension, it is quite another thing for you to have the understanding. After a few readings, I can explain to you, clearly, how to make a cake: all the ingredients, the amount of flour, yeast, eggs and everything else. But I have never made a cake! I can have an understanding, after reading a little about the subject, studying how to make a cake and giving you a lecture on it, based on that understanding. But I have never made a cake, you comprehend?

It is one thing for you to have the comprehension of what a baked cake really is, because you make the cake. You know... no, you make the cake, it happens, while the other person claims to know or knows the whole theory about it. Here, we need to have a comprehension of the dream for its end, and you become aware of this comprehension when you study, when you investigate, when you learn self-observation, to become aware of the whole process of this consciousness, which is the consciousness of the “I,” of this “me.”

So, don't worry about the idea of ​​stopping dreaming or the desire to stop dreaming, or the desire to get rid of the desire to stop dreaming. Get involved, instead, with direct work in the direction of investigation, of studying your reactions, and you will soon realize that this movement of duality, where there is this thinker thinking, this doer doing, this person moved by emotion, this one feeling in sensation, is nothing more than imagination, a model of thought construct. The revelation of this is the verification of the end of the dream, the end of the illusion of a present identity, here and now.

GC: Master, we have another question here, from another participant, the participant named Esther. She asks the following: “How can I understand this and get out of duality?”

MG: The end of duality requires the awareness of the model, the principle, the conditioning of duality, as we are explaining to you. It is based on awareness, clarity, and comprehension about everything that happens. It is necessary to become aware, to have a direct, clear, lucid, real look at duality. Becoming aware of what is false means going beyond what is false. When there is this light, everything is exposed, everything becomes clear. If there is no light, there is no clarity, there is no exposure.

Here, always, the true way is to discover what it means to learn about ourselves, about what is happening here, inside each one of us. This requires a look at oneself, in which there is no distraction, no waste of energy. In general, we are distracted, we have many distractions. Even if we have the intention, the desire, the will, we are very easily distracted. So, our great difficulty in ending duality, in Awakening, in ending the dream, our great difficulty is that we were programmed, conditioned, within a model of existing as human beings, involved in several other interests, within this model of dream, of egoic existence, and this distracts us, this produces an enormous waste of energy.

So, we do not have a real disposition for this study of ourselves, for direct work, for a disposition in the real direction of Awakening. So, we are here with you showing you that Awakening is possible in this life, but we have to give up our own idea, our own concept, our own belief, our own desire. It is by becoming aware of what is happening here and now that something becomes clear beyond this movement of wanting, of will, of desire, of mere knowledge about duality, of non-duality. Looking at yourself, becoming aware of what is happening inside each one of us: the only thing that really matters is exactly this! This basis is Self-awareness. This reveals Meditation to you, this reveals the Awareness of God, the Awareness of your Being.

When you have a true and profound approach to all this that is happening in you, with you, you stop theorizing, leaving behind concepts, leaving behind ideas, and you are in a state of self-discovery. Gilson, the basis for Wisdom, the basis for God-Realization, is the discovery of one's own “I,” the vision of the movement of this entire illusory center, in this format of egocentric activities and, naturally, of unconsciousness. This is the dream. Okay?

GC: Master, thank you! Our time is up. Thank you for this videocast.

And for those of you who are watching the video until the end and who have this real yearning, this sincere yearning, to deepen your comprehension of these subjects, I invite you to participate in the Satsang meetings that Master Gualberto provides. In these meetings, Master Gualberto shares this State of Presence that he lives, and in sharing this Presence, we end up getting a “ride” on the Master's State of Presence, and this helps us a lot in the comprehension of ourselves, in understanding these subjects that are beyond what our human understanding can comprehend. So, in the first comment, pinned, there is the WhatsApp link to be able to participate in these meetings. Also, please give a “like” to the video, leave a comment asking questions for us to include in future videocasts, and if you are not subscribed to the channel, subscribe now.

Thank you, Master!

August, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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