October 12, 2024

Atma Vichara Ramana Maharshi | How to achieve inner peace? | Spiritual intelligence | Self-inquiry

Here, the question is: how to achieve inner peace? We are going to talk to you today, here, now, in this instant, about the beauty of life free from conflict. We don't know what a life truly free from all forms of suffering is. And here on this channel, you always face this challenge, which is to investigate something about yourself that, in general, you don't see in the world out there. And your challenge here is to become aware that this is possible for you.

Now, here, for example, the subject is the end of suffering. How can we free ourselves from suffering? How can we achieve inner peace? What is the truth of a life free from confusion, problems, disorder and, of course, fear? Because all of this is part of suffering and all of this is part of conflict. So, how can we get closer to ourselves and become aware of this?

Note that in your relationships with people there is a kind of psychological background, internal, within you, that you are barely aware of, but it is present. And this background puts you in a state of alert that, in reality, is a form of fear. And when is this present and very clear? When, for example, you are reprimanded or someone calls your attention to something, or someone corrects you.

Have you ever noticed that we don't want to be corrected? We don't want our opinions, ideas and beliefs to be contradicted? So there is a certain internal expectation, a warning sign, a self-defense signal. And when this happens, we become upset, this arouses anger and conflict within us. So the conflict is already established, even without appearing, because the presence of fear is there. This is our psychological condition of being someone.

What are we doing here within this channel? We are investigating the truth of who we are to discover the possibility of knowing the Truth about ourselves. Thus, we have the truth about who we are and we also have the knowledge of Reality about ourselves. So, we have two things here.

This direct contact with this truth about who we are will reveal the presence of fear, pain, contradiction and conflict. Clarity about this, for this to happen, we have to become aware of the Truth through Self-awareness. This is what reveals this truth about who we are. So, this is the door to the Truth that is hidden behind what we are, which is the Divine Truth.

So we have an expression, a format, a way of being, while we also bring a hidden, unknown Reality of ourselves, but which is also present. But this Reality is unknown. So, a work of Revelation of what we are reveals to us That which is beyond the known, which is the nature of this Being, which is the nature of God.

Can we deal with each other without fear? This requires an understanding of this element in us, which is us, in fear. What is it constituted of? What is it made of? How does it make itself present today, here, in this life? This “my life” is the life of the person. Thus, it is the life of this pain, this setback, this conflict.

How can we break out of this condition? By breaking out of the person we are, towards the Truth of the Divine Reality that we carry, where this unknown Reality of our Real Being, of our True Being, is present. Here on this channel, we are telling you, very clearly, that you were not born to suffer, to be unhappy, to be in pain, to be in conflict, to be in pain.

You were born to Realize God, you were born to become aware of the Truth of That which is indescribable, unnameable, which is beyond this body, which is beyond this world, which is beyond this particular vision of life, where we live as frightened, egocentric, possessive, aggressive, violent creatures, in a movement of activity where self-interest is always producing suffering for ourselves and for others.

Thus, all this approach that we have to others, to this particular life that we have, is the approach of error. And why is this present? Because we are living in ignorance, and we have never come into direct contact with this ignorance. You cannot understand that which you do not approach. There is no way to become aware of something that you do not know.

It is necessary to get closer, this approach reveals the Truth about it to you. And when there is understanding of the Truth about it, this Truth brings you clarity, and this is the end of ignorance, it is the end of darkness, it is the end of illusion. So, we need to know ourselves, to know the truth that is processed within each one of us.

We need to have answers to questions like: why is fear here? Why is sadness here? Anguish, loneliness, this pain present in this existential void? Why is this format of desire and fear present here? We do not know ourselves. We do not know ourselves because we do not study ourselves, we do not learn about ourselves, we do not discover what it is to look at our reactions, thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations, in contact with our husband, with our family, with the world around us, in contact with ourselves. We do not look, we do not get closer.

So, we lack this vision. The lack of this vision places us within this format of ignorance. Here we are, in life, for Happiness, I repeat, Freedom, Love, the knowledge of God. However, this requires Intelligence, the Presence of the Awakening of Intelligence. Here I refer to Spiritual Intelligence, to the Truth of the Revelation of this Divine Intelligence, which is the awareness of God.

When there is Awakening of Intelligence, there is clarity, lucidity in this Awakening, Real Life Revealing Itself. This condition of separation between you and Life, between you and God, between you and the other, this dissolves when there is an understanding, which is born of this Intelligence, that there is only one Reality present, and that this Reality is the Reality of God.

A wise man from southern India, named Ramana Maharshi, indicated to all those who approached him, in search of this Divine Reality, in this purpose of Awakening this Being, this Real Spiritual Intelligence, he indicated Atma Vichara – the famous Atma Vichara of Ramana Maharshi –, self-inquiry, the answer to the question “Who am I?”

Obviously, this requires, as I said a moment ago, a look, a “coming closer.” In this approach and looking directly at this internal movement that takes place within each one of us, here and now, in this instant, reveals this psychological condition of being someone, something that thought has produced and is sustaining, and in this sustaining there is fear, conflict, suffering. Because the truth of That which is You, free from this illusion of being someone, as you see yourself, as you feel you are, this Reality of your Essential Nature is the Divine Truth.

So, a direct look at this “me,” at this “I,” without any element that presents itself to judge, compare, evaluate, reject, criticize, do something with what is observed, just the look, the direct look, is Atma Vichara. So, this is the most direct way, according to Ramana Maharshi, to Realize God in this life.

This is what we are here on the channel working with you. So, the importance of Self-awareness lies in this approach to oneself, in this self-revelation, in this self-discovery, in the understanding of That which is outside of this fear, this conflict, this suffering. Then we have the answer to inner Peace. See, achieving inner Peace is the Truth of the Revelation that Peace is present.

It is not about something to be obtained in the future, something to be achieved in the future, but it is about the knowledge of That which is present here, in this moment, when there is no longer this sense of separation, when this element constructed by thought, which is the “I,” is undone; It is no longer present. To become aware of God is to have the Revelation of this Being.

Divine Reality is indescribable, thought cannot reach it, cannot explain it. What you discover in this work that we are proposing here for you is that all confusion, all disorder, all problems consist of this feeling-thought-sensation “I,” and this is what is discarded by self-investigation, by this observation – as we have called it here on the channel –, by this way of looking without the “I,” without the observer, without the experimenter.

So, self-inquiry is this observing. Atma Vichara is this observing, and this discards the illusion for the Revelation of That which is present, which is this Peace, which is this Happiness, which is this Love. In this clarity, in this Wisdom, we no longer have this particular life of someone, but this Real Divine Life, which is the Real Life of God.

So, all that is necessary, here and now, is to get closer to ourselves and discover what it means to look at this pain, to look at this present element that opposes itself, that rebels, and that looks from its own choices, opinions, desires and, naturally, conflicts and suffers. Can we let go of this, can we let go of this element, can we discover, in this life, life without the “I?”

That is why we are working with you here these weekends, where we are together on Saturday and Sunday, looking at this, working with you, investigating all of this, showing you how it is possible, yes, to have a life free of the ego, a life free of this “me,” of this sufferer, of this element that carries this fear, this pain, this conflict.

So, on Saturday and Sunday we are together in an online meeting. Here in the video description you can find our WhatsApp link to participate in these online meetings, to investigate this. In addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats. If what you have just heard is something that makes sense to you, here is an invitation. Leave your like here, subscribe to the channel and leave a comment here, “Yes, that makes sense.” Ok? And we’ll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

August, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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