October 6, 2024

Joel Goldsmith | Consciousness is what I Am | Spiritual Awakening | Self-image | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello, everyone! We are here for another videocast! Once again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Thank you, Master, for being here.

Master, today I am going to read an excerpt from the book of Joel Goldsmith called “Consciousness is what I Am.” In an excerpt from this book, Joel makes the following comment: “I discover that what I have known as ‘I’ and that you know as ‘I’, is not the ‘I’, it is a false idea of ​​my being that I hold.” Regarding this false idea that we maintain about ourselves, can the Master share his vision on this subject with us?

MG: So, Gilson, it is very interesting when you use the expression “this false idea that we maintain about ourselves.” Yes, Gilson, it’s exactly that: every idea that we have or maintain does not deal with Reality. Idea is not Reality. Every idea is just an image. When you have an idea, you have a mental picture, you have a thought, you have an image. We have an image, a mental picture, an idea about ourselves. Here, the question is: how did this arise? And why is it here? Why can't we deal with the Truth of What we really are? Why are we in a hypnotic state, of sleep, of unconsciousness about this? How did this arise?

It's simple! When you were a child, very little, you began to become aware of things. This awareness of things were experiences that you remembered. Therefore, you go through experiences, and this is still the case today... When you go through experiences, you store these experiences as memories, as remembrances. They are remembered. So, you begin to become aware of things. This awareness is nothing other than the awareness of memory, of remembrance, and this memory, remembrance is thought. So, you went through experiences, and one of these experiences was the memory of your name, the memory of your parents... This became part of the history of this body and this mind.

You grew up… you grew up with the idea of ​​being someone, because you have a body and a particular mind and a particular name. Then, you receive a document with your identity number, so there you are “someone.” You describe yourself as being someone, but this “someone” is a description that thoughts give, that memory has, that memory brings, but you still don’t know the Reality of That which is You, in your Real, True Nature. You confuse yourself with the name, with the body, with the story, with this memory, which is thought.

So, we are living within this condition, in the condition of being someone present in life, in experience, while this “someone” is just a thought that we have about who we are and that we describe to others. Furthermore, we form, due to this set of memories and remembrances, a self-image, a psychological photograph. This is self-image! The person that we are is this psychological photograph.

Here, Gilson, it is important to say the following: because of this model of living, in this condition, we are living in an illusion. When we meet other people, they have the same vision of themselves that we have of ourselves: a mistaken vision regarding the Truth of Life, because we are always particularizing life based on this self-image. Notice how delicate this is! “My” contact with you is based on the image that “I have” of who “I am.”

So, our model of life and human existence is based on this self-centering, this self-centeredness, something that revolves around this self-image. This is the condition of the person, it is the condition of the “I.” Therefore, we do not know the Truth about ourselves. We have about ourselves what culture has given us. And what did it give us? What it had to give us! When you are born in a certain country, you receive the political vision of that country, the religious vision of that country, the vision of tradition and general culture of that country. You learn the language, you learn that language, you learn the behavioral patterns of that given culture, and all of this gives you a psychological formation, it gives you a way of feeling, acting and thinking in the world. So, this gives us, Gilson, a human conditioning, it gives us an identity. This identity is not real, it is the cultural identity, it is the identity of history, it is the human identity. You still do not know the Truth about who you are!

What is complicated about this here, in this condition, is that we spend our entire lives within this psychological conditioning, as well as cultural, social and religious conditioning, without the Truth of the Revelation of our Real Being, of our True Nature. So, in this life, Gilson, we need to become aware of the Truth of That which we really are, otherwise we will continue living within this model, this pattern of culture, society and world until the end of our days.

This condition of existence is clearly explained to us by the Sages as a condition of ignorance. So, we are living in ignorance. We do not know the Truth of That which we are, because we do not approach this study of ourselves, this investigation. This is because culture, the world, and society have no idea of ​​what we are addressing here, the importance of ending this condition. The importance of ending this is the Awareness of the Truth of your Being, it is That which the Sages recognize as Awakening. So, a Reality reveals itself beyond this condition, this dream format of human existence.

This is what we are working on here with you: showing you that, yes, in this life it is possible to verify the Reality of your Being. To become aware, Gilson, of That which we truly are is to go beyond this culture, society, this world. Until this becomes clear, there will always be this ignorance. All suffering, confusion, disorder, fear, problems, conflicts, all of this is established in our lives due to this condition, because we are living within the context of culture, where this is present.

Look at the world and you will realize this, Gilson. The world lives on ambition, envy, fear, the search for fulfillment and external fulfillment through desires. This is because there is, within each one of us, a condition of dissatisfaction, of existential void. There is a feeling within us of complete incompleteness, which nothing completes. There is a void that nothing fills! There is a fear of ceasing to be and, therefore, there is this search to become, to achieve. We do not know, Gilson, the Truth of That which we are. The Awareness of this Truth of That which we are, when that which we “are” is no longer present, that which we seem to be is no longer present, that which we demonstrate to be is no longer present – ​​I refer to this self-image –, when that is no longer present, the Reality of That which we truly are is Love, is Freedom, is Happiness, is Peace. We were born to Realize That, we were born to become aware of That.

The great truth, Gilson, is that the idea of ​​having been born is just a thought too. As long as the dream remains, the idea of ​​someone who was born, who is living and who will die remains. Once Reality is clear as It is, without this model of what It is, of what It seems to be, That which is Real revealing itself is what is present outside of the known and, therefore, outside of thought, outside of time. The Truth of your Being was never born. The Truth of your Being is beyond birth, growth, aging and death. The beauty of this encounter with this Reality is what some call “Enlightenment” or “Awakening.” It has nothing to do with an experience; it is the Reality of That which is present when this experience and, therefore, this memory and this thought no longer exist. All of this requires a different look at this instant, at what is happening here, at this moment, with each one of us.

So, it is necessary, Gilson, to break with the model of thought, to break with the model of the past, of experience. The past, thought, experience is within this context of dream, is within this context of everything that is known, while this Reality, It is beyond this… it is the Divine Reality! It is timeless; It is not in time. It is non-spatial; It is not in this space-time format. It is the Divine Nature! To assume This in this life is to attain Liberation in this existence. It is what the Sages call “Emancipation” or “Liberation in life.” There is a word in Sanskrit for this. They call it “Moksha.” Moksha is Liberation, the end of this confusion, disorder, suffering, problems… It is the end of this model of separation between the Divine Reality and the Truth of this Being that is You. The Truth of this Being that is You is the Divine Reality. The Realization of This is Moksha, Liberation in this life. This is the end of the dream for this dreamer, for this one who sees himself separate and apart from life, having problems.

Therefore, a work in this direction is a work of studying ourselves. To know oneself is to go beyond this “oneself.” The thing is that for a long time, all of us, for a very long time, all of this time in human history, we have been living in the same pattern. We are just continuing the pattern of those who came here before us. So, fear is present, anger is present, envy is present, jealousy, possession, control, attachment, the desire for more... All of this is part of conflicting internal states of disorder and suffering, present in this condition, which is the condition of the ego, of the “I,” of this false identity, of this illusory identity, which is this self-image.

So, we need to acknowledge Reality. The detail is that, here, the Awareness of Reality is not something that thought can acknowledge. This Awareness of Reality reveals itself exactly when thought is not there. Then, the Reality of your Being becomes aware of your Real Identity. This is the Nature of God, This is Moksha, This is Liberation. This is what some call “Spiritual Awakening” or “Awakening of Consciousness.” Having a real approach to oneself requires Self-awareness, requires Meditation, and here Meditation is discovering the Truth of That which is present in this instant, moment by moment, outside of the thinker, outside of the experiencer, outside of the past. Can we realize This? Yes, and we need to realize This in this life.

GC: Master, we have a question here, within this theme. The question from a subscriber to the channel was the following: “I have a question: I know that I am not the “lower self,” the ego. My Real Being is the Divine Self. How can I make this evident in my life?”

MG: So… When you say “I know that I am not this,” but you already start to describe what you are… Note, from thought, we have ideas, we have beliefs, we have learned concepts, and we start to make statements about that which, in truth, we do not know and in which we only believe: “I know that I am the Divine Self, the Higher Self. I know that I am the Supreme Self.” Notice, these statements are still statements made by thought, based on the books you have read, the lectures you have listened to. You ask how to make this evident… Here, the first thing is to abandon this idea, because it is a belief.

Gilson, it is essential to discover how to realize That in a real way, not based on the principle of idea, of belief – this only gets in the way. We cannot get closer to the Truth of That which we really are based on an idea about This. An idea is a thought, it is a concept, it is a belief, it is a conclusion, still, of this thinker, of this one who is in search of an experience, who is the experiencer. So, the thinker has an idea about this, the experiencer has a project about this. That is why we spend a lot of time without the Truth of this Awareness, because we remain in the realm of ideas, beliefs. So, we are left with concepts, conclusions and projects.

Gilson, an approach to this requires work in this life, it requires looking at your reactions. When you start to become aware of these reactions here and now, moment by moment, you notice this thinker with his thoughts, this observer with what he observes, this experiencer with his experiences. Becoming aware of this is discarding this division, this separation, and, therefore, this model of conflicting, suffering, and illusory existence. So, making this evident in life means discarding illusion. Therefore, the recommendation here, Gilson, is: get closer to Self-awareness.

It is essential to discover what it is to look without the “I,” to perceive without the perceiver, to become aware without this element in this awareness. The real approach to this is through Attention; Pay attention to each and every internal movement of this consciousness, which is the egoic consciousness, discovering what it means to look at it. Thus, for the first time, we are learning to unlearn everything that this self-image has built about ourselves, about others and about life. So, here we are dealing with discarding illusion through self-observation, through Self-awareness. This is what makes this Vision, this Awareness of God, this Awareness of the Truth of That, which is present beyond the “I,” evident.

GC: Master, we have another question from a subscriber here on the channel, Ricardo Costa. He asked the following question: “Is the death of thoughts the death of the ego?”

MG: Gilson, once you understand what the ego is, the “I,” the “me,” this self-image, it becomes clear that it is when psychological thought ends that this Reality shows itself. So, in a certain way, yes, as long as you understand the expression “thought” here. Here, we are dealing with the end of this model of psychological thought that gives identity to this self-image. So, when this is over, Reality is there, but a theoretical conclusion about it doesn't help. I say again: all we need is a direct work in this direction, a real approach to the Realization of It. This requires a verification; it requires direct awareness of what This represents here and now.

That's why we have these online meetings on the weekends, where we work on this with you, showing you how to realize This in this life. Looking at this movement of “I,” knowing what it is to look at this, is to put an end to this condition. So, yes, That, which is beyond the known, beyond this time and space, where this self-image is moving, is revealed.

GC: Master, thank you, our time has come to an end.

And for those of you who are following the videocast here and have a real interest in deepening your understanding of what Master Gualberto provides us here in the videos, we invite you to participate in the meetings that Master Gualberto provides, which are the meetings called Satsangs. In these meetings – which are online, on weekends, in person, and even multi-day retreats – the Master, in addition to answering our questions, shares this State of Presence in which he lives and, in this sharing, we end up “taking a ride” on this Energy that the Master is, and this is an incredible facilitator for us to be able to investigate ourselves, for us to be able to understand these subjects.

So, in the first comment, pinned, there is the WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings. In addition, give your “like” to the video, leave a comment with questions for us to bring to the next videocasts and, if you are not subscribed to the channel yet, subscribe now.

And, once again: gratitude, Master.

August, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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