August 26, 2023

How to make your dreams come true? How to attain self– love? Existential void, suffering.

What are we actually dealing with you here? We are dealing with the Realization of your own Self. The Realization of That which you are is the Realization of God and that represents the end of suffering. The real meaning of this is the Truth about Happiness.

Now, realize an interesting thing about human beings, they are looking for dreams, so it is common for people to ask these questions; the question is: “How to make all your dreams come true?” There are even speeches and lectures proposing people to do this. “How to make all your dreams come true?” Notice the question, it’s like the question, “How to attain self-love?” Why are people in search of making dreams come true? Why is there this search for self-love? Simply because they are not happy. They're not happy with themselves, with what they have, that’s why they want to make their dreams come true, and those dreams are always external achievements, things to be achieved; and they are not happy with themselves. They're not happy with what they have – or the lack of what they believe will bring them happiness – and they're not happy with who they are, so they're talking about that lack of self-love. In fact, what does this refer to? Self-love or attaining dreams refers to the sense of an “I,” of an ego, of an unhappy present identity. So, actually, the pursuit of dreams is for happiness and the pursuit of self-love is for happiness, however the mind projects this externally into achievement and internally into achievement.

Self-esteem or the search for self-appreciation, self-valorization, feeling good about oneself, with oneself, all of this concerns the “I,” the ego. The human being has lived for millennia in this format, in this program, in this model of “being someone,” in this search for external accomplishments and internal accomplishments. These external accomplishments include people, objects and situations. These internal accomplishments also include sensations, feelings, emotions, an image of oneself where the “I” feels happy, and these external accomplishments are also included there. So, notice the internal condition of the human being. What is, in fact, missing? All we lack is the understanding of the Truth about who we are. The direct, objective, clear, simple Truth of Being is Love. It is not self-love. It is Love. The sense of an “I” present in love is still the illusion of an identity that has these ups and downs, that at one moment feels good about oneself and at another moment feels bad about oneself. All of this is within this structure of the ego, the egocentrism, the sense of “someone” present. So, it’s not enough to make dreams come true, not even all dreams.

All dreams are projections of the mind, the dissatisfied mind, the unhappy mind. The state of mind is incompleteness, the state of mind is unhappiness. It’s not about objects or accomplishments for it to be happy, for it to be complete, for it to be satisfied, this will never happen. Ask all the people who made their dreams come true. There are people on the planet who can, yes, fulfill all their dreams, but with the achievement of these dreams, the only thing that will give them is the egoic fulfillment, is the feeling of having won, of having conquered, which soon wears out, because there is something within each one of us – including those people we know who are the most accomplished, the most successful people we know – there is a dissatisfaction, and that dissatisfaction is the very state of mind that is never satisfied. There is a void that is never filled; it never fulfills in external accomplishments, like dreams or in these so-called “internal achievements” of self-esteem, of self-image, of that image of the “I” in this so-called “love,” which is mere self-appreciation, which is mere self-satisfaction with the image, which when touched in some way, at that very moment, feels hurt, feels wounded, feels offended.

The human being carries this weight of being “someone.” It is this weight of being “someone” in this condition of a dissatisfied mind, in this existential void where suffering lies, this is where unhappiness is present. Here, we are telling you that Happiness is not possible without the Realization of God. Only Divine Truth, which is the Truth of your Being, is that completeness. So, the answer to all human problems, to all suffering and the absence of happiness and love, is present when your Being flourishes – this is what some call the Awakening of Consciousness, the Awakening of your Divine Nature. The point here is that to get a Real approach to this we need to study ourselves. So, it’s not about fulfilling dreams, it’s not about attaining self-love. It is about discovering the Truth of your own Being. The Reality of your own Being is the Truth of That which man has never imagined for himself, That which the mind has never envisioned, never imagined, never attained, can never achieve in terms of fulfillment and happiness, and That is present in the Realization of your Being. This is Something greater than all achievements, than all dreams fulfilled, than all your dreams achieved. This is Something greater than the human mind has ever conceived, imagined or idealized about the presence of Love.

The human being has idealized the achievement of dreams to be happy, the realization of this self-love to be happy. That Happiness lies in what you are. That Happiness consists of the Truth of your own Being, and the mind has never been able to reach, to idealize, to imagine, to objectify that. These dreams are projects of the “I” itself in its dissatisfaction, because, deep down, you believe that when you have this, you will be happy or when you get rid of that, you will be happy, so it’s about accomplishing things and getting rid of things, these are the dreams. The dream is to achieve something that you have not yet achieved and to get rid of something that you once achieved, but it is now unsatisfactory for you, unsatisfactory for this “me,” for this “I.” All these are projections of the ego are projections of the egoic mind. We need to discover the Truth about who we are, discovering thus that Happiness resides exactly in the absence of these conflicts, which are the conflicts created by desires, in this search for more, or in this desire to get rid of what in the ego you believe is too much, excessive.

Our work here is to discover the Truth about it, to discover the Truth about who we are. So, to study yourself is to see this inner movement producing all kinds of illusions and beliefs. In this imaginary world of the “I,” this has been our life. Most of us live in these dreams, these imaginations, these projections, these idealizations. Discovering the Truth about yourself requires you to study yourself and watch this element here, which is the “I,” the ego, projecting itself, envisioning a world that exists only in its own imagination. This is how most of us live. Our life is just a chimerical dream, it’s just an imagination, a fantasy. There is a present Reality and that Reality is Divine Truth. The Realization of It is far beyond anything the ego, anything the egoic mind has ever been able to imagine. Here I am referring to Real Happiness, Real Love. We don't know what Love is, just as we don't know what Happiness is. For us, love, self-love is liking oneself. Examine this closely and observe.

Do you really believe that loaded with this sense of an “I” that is always in direct, internal conflict, because of a basic contradiction of this egoic consciousness, which is the “I” consciousness, that is the mind in contradiction with itself, in this internal chatter, in this objectification of external accomplishments, is it true that this mind can one day, in this state of conflict, of contradiction, where it thinks one thing, feels another thing, does another and then feels unhappy... No matter how much apparently fulfilled it feels at that moment, soon after that comes frustration, comes unhappiness, comes incompleteness. Notice that this incompleteness, this unhappiness, and this dissatisfaction always comes with an achievement. Does this mind, despite accomplishing something, always feel itself in this contradiction? Is it always feeling this contradiction? There is an inner contradiction in this egoic mind condition. This egoic mind comes from this conditioning of culture, of society, of the world, so we have a mind stuck in a pattern of repetition, of continuity – I have called this psychological conditioning.

Can this mind, in this pattern of psychological conditioning, ever feel good about itself? Absolutely not! What we need, yes, is a new mind, a new feeling, a new thinking, a new action, and this is not possible within this condition of ego-identity. Thus, studying ourselves, understanding the process of the “I” within us – that element that separates itself from life, from existence and that feels itself in this dissatisfaction due to this conditioning of the mind itself, in this posture of egocentric actions –, to study that element which is the “I” is to go beyond it.

Here, it is about recognizing the Truth of your Being, which is the Divine Truth, which is not this “I,” this ego, this person; that is not this movement of psychological conditioning that makes us idealize happiness in dreams or idealize a love in oneself, for oneself. We are talking about Something totally different from our beliefs and the ideas we bring, the ideas we have about what Love is, about what Happiness is, about what Life is. So, our work here consists of that discovery, the discovery of the Truth about who we are, that Realization of your own Being.

Dropping the sense of “I,” the ego, is the Realization of Truth. When this occurs, Something new arises, Something beyond all human understanding and beyond all ego expectations. This is Real Happiness. This is Real Love. It’s not self-love. It’s not love for the other. It’s not love for life. It’s Love. Happiness does not reside in achieving goals, dreams. Happiness resides in what we are, in the Truth of your own Being. When there is Love, there is Happiness; when there is Happiness, Love is present. Then, Something new arises: that Something new is the presence of Truth. We were born for this.

Thus, our meeting here has the purpose of showing you this door that opens to that Realization, which is the Realization of God, which is the Realization of your Being. So, our work here consists of this approach, studying ourselves, discovering the Truth about who we are through Self-Awareness, becoming aware of the Divine Truth that we bring. What opens that door is the Truth about Meditation. True Meditation brings you closer to Something outside the known, Something outside this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” which is the movement of the ego. Then we have the Realization of Truth, God Realization.

This is our work here within this channel. We have weekend meetings – online meetings. Here in the video description there is our WhatsApp group. Join our group and participate in these meetings. I want to leave this invitation for you here. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and retreats, where we are working on this, so here’s the invitation. I want to remind you: if this is something that touches you, that makes sense to you, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel. And we'll see each other, okay? Thanks for the meeting and until next time!

August, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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