August 16, 2023

The Religious Life | What are we seeking? | How to reach God? | True Spirituality

All right! Here, we are discovering the Truth about who we are. What is the Reality of our Being? What is the Truth about God? The understanding of God is the understanding of Truth. This understanding of Truth requires that we understand ourselves. Before this understanding of who we are, we have no access to the Reality of this Divine Truth.

We have been raised to believe in God. Within our culture, we have been told so much about God and the importance of believing in Him and turning to Him. In fact, what we have about God is an idea, an intellectual concept, a model of belief. Within our culture, we have been brought up to believe in God. There are other cultures in the world where people are not brought up to believe in God, so the difference between them and us is that we believe in God, and they do not. But actually, what are these beliefs? What does belief represent?

Here we are working with you to acknowledge Reality. We can call it the Divine Consciousness, the Ultimate Truth, the Mystery, the Nameless, or Indescribable, That outside time and space; we can call this Reality whatever we want, the Reality of God, but one thing is the acknowledgment, and another is the belief. We can realize the Truth of God. We are saying here within the channel that without the Comprehension of the Truth about who we are, we are not in the slightest condition to become aware of the Truth of God.

So, what are we actually seeking in life? Some people seek prestige, fame, money, recognition, and power, all of this in this eagerness to find the desired peace, happiness, and freedom. Then, there is this group like this. And another group is inclined to this search or quest because of beliefs, and in this search for God, also to find happiness, freedom, and peace.

Here we are placing, within this channel – and also in online meetings we have on weekends, there is even a link here in the video description to these meetings, in addition to the in-person meetings and retreats – showing you the opportunity for discovering the Truth about your own Being. That gives you a direct acknowledgment of the Divine Reality, but it is no longer a search.

Some seek outside, in the material world, and some seek in this so-called “inside,” this so-called “spiritual world.” So, whether outwardly or inwardly, whether the search is on the path of materiality or spirituality, you cannot realize the Divine Truth or the Truth of Love, Peace, Happiness, and Freedom without first understanding who you are. So, the question is, “Who am I?” and not “Where to find happiness?”

People have questions like: “How to be happy?” “How to find Peace?” “How to find the Truth?” “How to reach Spiritual Enlightenment?” “How to reach Spiritual Awakening?” or “How to reach God?” The idea is always of this doing, the action in which we turn either outwards or inwards. Notice what a curious thing we have here; we have here an idea of realization in time: “I am not happy today, I don't have peace today, I don't have freedom today, I don't have God today, but I want to find Him,” “I want to find God, or I want to find peace, freedom, happiness, so I will go outward or turn inward.” The realization of the Truth of who you are, the Truth of your Being, is the end of this materialism, and it is also the end of this spiritualism. The realization of your Being is the end of this search for happiness, freedom, and peace on the outside, or it is the end of this search for the Truth of God, for spirituality on the inside. We are before the Truth of your own Being.

Your Being is Love, Peace, and Happiness. If This is present, we no longer have the psychological, egoic, self-centered condition of identity in a search or a quest for something out there or in here. It is the Divine Reality, here and now, as the only Reality present, and in It, the end of the illusion of the sense of separateness lies. In this sense of separation lies this pain of lack; lack of peace, happiness, freedom, love, or lack of God. It is the sense of separation produced by that impression of a separate identity, here and now, within the experience of life, in this living, that is sustaining you in a psychological, illusory, imaginary, credulous condition of absence of peace, love, happiness, freedom, and of God.

The beauty of Self-Awareness, an approach to the Truth about who you are, when you discover the importance of contact with the Reality of your own Being in this Self-Awareness, in this awareness of the Truth of Real Meditation, this is what we have spoken a lot here on the channel, the value of this Self-Awareness and this approach to the Divine Truth through Meditation, through Real Meditation. If this is present, something new shows itself. Something new is the end of all forms of suffering, confusion, and disorder; it is the Freedom of a truly spiritual life. I have called it True Spirituality, the True Spirituality.

Religious Life – the Real Religious Life – is a life free from this present sense of identity, of an “I” separating itself from the other, the world, from God. Our psychological condition of being “someone” is a conflicted, suffering condition, where there is fear, confusion, psychological disorder, and suffering, programming that repeats itself, repeating a whole context of human culture, human society, of the millennial history of the human being. It is the egoic conditioning, the conditioning of the “I,” this pattern of consciousness of the “I,” the ego, of a conditioned mind. All this ends when there is this Truth of your Being when It blooms.

Then, you have the end to questions you have within you because of all the suffering of this complicated, perplexed, hard, confused, disoriented life that is egoic. Questions like, “How do I get rid of anxiety and depression?” “How do I get rid of fear?” “How do I get rid of suffering?” So, all this kind of question is present in this psychological, egoic condition of existence, where there is this self-centeredness, this pattern model of behavior, feeling, perception of life, and perception of reality in this egocentrism in which this “I” is the center of its particular world.

Here is the invitation to the Awakening of Consciousness, to Spiritual Enlightenment; it is the invitation to the end of the “I,” self-centeredness; it is the encounter with the Truth of one’s own Being, the Real Consciousness, the Religious Life – not of religious practices, ceremonial practices, and rituals. This Religious Life is life in this science, in this Awareness of the Divine Reality. So, if God is the only Reality here and now, then there is no more suffering, confusion, egocentrism, and fear. Thus, the Divine Reality, the Reality of your Being, shows itself.

So, We have always spoken to you here about the importance of facing what is presented, of understanding what is present, in fact, as it is. It is not a matter of creating any theory but of becoming aware of that as a fact. Then, we do not live within ideas to achieve something in the future, to accomplish something tomorrow.

In this work, I want to invite you to consider what is here at this instant, at this moment. The science of what is shown here as a fact, looking at it without any idea of changing, transforming, altering it, the simple science of what shows itself here, is enough for the Revelation of Something beyond that. So, this contact with Happiness, Peace, Freedom, or with God is the contact that occurs here and now when you become aware of what presents itself here. To look at what shows itself and go beyond that just by the direct understanding of what is here, of the fact that presents itself here, is enough. It is not a theory, a belief, or an ideal for the future; it is a verification here and now.

To examine yourself, to become aware of yourself, to discover the Truth about who you are and go beyond this condition, this belief about who you believe to be, about this “I” you feel yourself to be, the awareness of this is the perception of this fact, and it takes you beyond that, takes you beyond this limitation, this psychological condition of belief, of always living guided by mistaken feelings, perceptions, and thoughts. This sense of a present “I” needs to be seen, verified, and observed; we need to be aware of it.

The Reality of Happiness, Peace, Freedom, or the Reality of God is not something that lies in the future; it is something to acknowledge here and now and become aware of what is happening here to us. In the ego, we always live trapped in various forms of defenses. This ego is this sense of a present “I” with which we identify and mistake ourselves. And it is typical of this ego, of this “I,” to project a realization some time from now, going outward or turning inward. This projection of the ego, in fact, of the “I” is, in reality, self-defense. We are not aware that, in fact, all our seeking, whether outward – in the material world – or this so-called “inward seeking” – for spirituality, as we use that expression anyway – what we are doing with this is running away from the Reality of what is present here and now to be seen. It is when we verify our “I,” our ego, our sense of duality, of separateness, this particular illusion, belief when we become aware of this ignorance of who we are; it is when this becomes clear that the end to all this occurs; then there is a science of Truth that requires no time, no movement outwards, no so-called “movement inwards.”

Actually, it is hard for all of us to get closer to ourselves because we are too used to this condition of ideology, of always projecting this Truth into the future or some moment tomorrow, whether we call it happiness, peace, freedom, or God. So, there is always this projection, this future, this tomorrow, this effort, this search, and always going outwards or in this illusion of turning inwards, which implies only one movement, which is still a movement of the “I,” the ego. To become aware of what is here is to approach oneself without running away, without any idea, without any belief, just by noticing what is happening here and now, every movement of thought, feeling, sensation, perception, becoming aware of every psychological conditioning, of every trained, programmed thought model that we carry. The truth about all this is that we are psychologically very complex creatures because we bring a set of memories, remembrances, recollections, and images within a cultural, social, political, and also religious conditioning, and this prevents us from having a direct approach to the Truth about who we are because we are continually carrying it to later, to tomorrow, to the near future, in this idea that it is somewhere: either “outside” or “inside.”

Reality is present when the sense of this “I” and this sense of future is not there. The future presupposes time. So, the past, the present, and the future are essential for the “I,” but here, there is no time. It is the science of what is happening inside us, here and now. Becoming aware of this is Self-Awareness. To get rid of this psychological condition is the liberation from the illusion of the “I,” this false identity. Then, the Divine Reality, the Reality of your Being, is here and now showing itself as your Real Nature, and that is the end of all forms of seeking, of searching. Thus, notice how simple all this is, and if there is this simplicity of approaching ourselves here and now, without mistaking ourselves for this sense of an “I,” of an identity that is always projecting itself for tomorrow, to reach later, in the future, to realize in the future; when there is this approach to this simplicity, the Reality of your Being, the Divine Reality shows itself, reveals itself.

Maybe you ask: “And how do you practically show this?” Here on the channel, we have two playlists: one is about the importance of this Self-Awareness, this understanding of oneself, looking at oneself, this thing of becoming aware of oneself here and now; and another playlist that we have here on the channel is about Real Meditation in practice. So, in this Truth of the revelation of Self-Awareness, in this approach of Real Meditation, we have an approach to ourselves, and it shows you the end of this illusion of the sense of duality. In this duality, you have separated yourself from life, others, yourself, and God. There is no awareness of the Truth of your Being living in this duality.

Our work here is for the end of this duality. Thus, Non-duality is the Nature of your own Being revealing itself here and now as the Reality of God – this is straight from Advaita Vedanta. The principle is: there is only God present, “the One without the second.” Then we have that Divine Truth, the Truth of your Being.

So, that’s our work here within this channel, besides online meetings. We have online meetings on weekends; you have in the video description the WhatsApp link for you to participate in these meetings as well. In addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats. Ok? If this is something that makes sense to you, take the opportunity to leave your like and subscribe to the channel. See you, ok? Thanks for the meeting, and see you next time!

August, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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