August 7, 2024

Advaita | How to achieve Enlightenment | Self-Awareness reflection | Bipolar depression symptoms

Notice here the question: “How do you see this issue of the symptoms of bipolar depression?” See, that's one question. On the other hand, we get questions that are different: “How do we achieve, how do we get closer to what you're telling us? How to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment?” So, notice: we are living, as human beings, in search of something. There is a level of dissatisfaction, incompleteness and suffering present in each of us. We want to find answers to the problems we have.

There are also those who believe that they can find answers by reflecting. They want to reflect, for example, on self-awareness – self-awareness and the reflections. In their view, the solution to problems must exist at this level, at the level of reflections. The fact is that human beings are loaded and overloaded with problems. And in this dissatisfaction, in this condition of insufficiency, of inadequacy, we are suffering. Here, our emphasis with you is to show you that, yes, there is an answer to all this.

For millennia, human beings have been living in a condition of disorder: emotional disorder, physical disorder, psychological disorder, financial disorder, family disorder, relationship disorder within contact with other people, in a community.

So, everything we have and are experiencing is always being disfigured or receiving this touch of disfigurement because of exactly what? Let's investigate this with you. Because of the presence of a psychological model of being that has guided human life for millennia. And we have passed this on from generation to generation. We received it from the past generation, which received it from the previous one, which received it from the one that came before, and thus our life has been, thus our history has been.

What is the answer to all this? How can we really eliminate these internal states of suffering from our lives, such as these symptoms of bipolar depression? But we see anxiety, we see this state of tedium, of boredom with life, with others, with ourselves. First we have to understand what the root of all this is, what the origin of all this is. The origin of it, the root of it is this sense of separation between you and life, between you and the Truth present here, at this moment.

There is a Truth present here, at this moment, but there is this you separating yourself from that Truth; separating yourself because of the presence of this psychological movement of existing, of being someone. Our work here consists of becoming aware of the Reality of life. The Truth of life, the Reality of life, in it there is no center. Yes, that center that sees the world as separate from itself. That center which sees itself as the basis of all experiences. I refer to the “I,” the ego, that “me.” There is no room in life for this “me,” for this “I.”

To study the structure, the nature and the movement of this “me,” this “I,” this ego, is to become aware of the root of all the problems human beings experience. So, I have something to say here to you who have this condition, even diagnosed, or any other psychological condition of suffering present: this psychological, internal suffering, which shows itself in life as something very painful, ends when you become aware of the Reality of your Being, which is the Reality of God. This is your True Nature, this is what you truly are. Then, there's no you and life, there's no you and God, there's no you and the other.

This internal movement that has guided our lives for millennia, producing in our existence conditions of suffering, conditions of conflict, conditions of fear, conditions of disorder, this is present because we don't understand the Truth about who we are, we're not living the Truth of our Being.

The point is that we can't get closer to this by reflecting on self-awareness. We can only get closer to it through Self-Awareness in practice. The importance of Self-Awareness is that, when there is Self-Awareness, we come closer to the Reality of life and the annulment of the illusion of this “I.” This “I” sustains itself in us because of ignorance and it separates itself, creating this duality.

The ancient sages of India called it Advaita the definitive cure for this condition of duality, of separateness. Advaita means “the One without the second.” The moment you discover how to deal with experience without the experiencer, deal with observation without someone observing, deal with hearing without someone hearing, deal with feeling without someone feeling, deal with the present moment without someone in this illusion of being present, we have the end of duality, the end of separation, the presence of Advaita, the Reality of the One without the second.

Therefore, the definitive cure is the end of the one who is the patient, the one who is ill. The sense of the “I” present is the sense of the illness itself. It sees Itself as a separate entity, in time and space, from everything around it, being the center of its own experiences – naturally, particular and egocentric. And this is what sustains these internal states of unhappiness present in human beings.

We need to get closer to Self-Awareness. We need to put an end to the illusion of this “I,” this ego, this “me” present, we need to be aware of the non-duality, Advaita. The clear vision of this Truth is Spiritual Enlightenment. So, note: “How to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment?” By becoming aware of this psychological condition of being someone, by becoming aware of the illusion of this separate “I,” this “I” you see as separate from what is here and now, at this moment.

All we have right now is life happening. Thoughts are happening, feelings are happening, sensations, and perceptions, dealing with what is happening: speaking, listening, experiencing, feeling. Note: this is life as it is, as it happens. There is no one present, there is no “I.” This is within this model of imagination, this imaginary world that thought constructs and places an identity within that world, which is the thinker.

The Truth of the approach of Enlightenment, of the Awakening of Consciousness, does not come through a process of time. So, it's not about a plan, a program, a model, a formula for achieving this in the future. The Awakening of Consciousness, the Truth of this Being, this Reality of this life as it happens, is here and now. Then, the idea of achieving, of how to achieve, presupposes time, future, movement, presupposes the presence of becoming. This movement is a movement of thought, a movement of the imagination, in this dream of obtaining something called enlightenment.

Notice how much simpler this is. Thought is complicating the whole thing. We want to get rid of suffering, we want to get rid of these frames that produce suffering in our lives and we want to achieve this thing called enlightenment. So, for us, achieving this thing called enlightenment represents getting rid of this psychological condition of suffering, anxiety, fear, symptoms of bipolar depression and everything else.

Here, to be aware of the movement of the “I,” of the ego, of this “me,” at this instant, to have a direct approach to the Truth of Self-Awareness, here and now, without any idea, concept, belief or reflection about it, but directly, is the necessary work, here and now. It's always here, at this moment, the perception of this whole process of separation, of division, where the “I” is present wanting to alter, change, do something with what is here.

So, we are always affirming a separate entity in time and space; in time to achieve something in the future and at this present moment, in this space where there is this “I” and the non-“I.” Here we have several videos on the channel going into this in depth with you, how to work towards the end of this duality for the Revelation of this Being, here and now.

So, Enlightenment or Awakening is here and now. There is something happening in this body and mind that makes this vision of Reality possible. So, that's our purpose together. When we learn to look, to perceive, to become aware of what is here, without separating from it, we come closer to that Revelation, to the Revelation of this Being, who knows no separation, who knows no duality and, therefore, there is no separation, there is no duality, there is no level of pain, dissatisfaction and suffering present in this “I,” in this ego.

A direct approach to life, without this model, which is a model that comes from the past... Notice, what we're saying is that all the suffering within the human being, all this is present because of ignorance. We ignore the Truth of who we really are because we are living in an illusory identity, which is based on a model of cultural conditioning. That's why we're suffering, that's why we have problems.

We are not living the Reality we were born to live in because our mind and heart are entirely impregnated by a psychological condition of existence, of conditioning, of human culture. We are caught up in this self-centeredness, this model of being someone, trying to get something from the world, from life, whereas Reality is here, as the very life of our Being, complete, without this separateness.

Going deeper into this requires a direct approach to this work. We have several videos here on this channel and also on our other channel, called “Marcos Gualberto.” You can take a look there, and we have a link in the video description for you to visit our other channel.

We need to get closer to this investigation of the Truth about who we are in this life. And that's our proposal here for you, to become aware of it. In addition, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. So, Saturday and Sunday, we put our minds and hearts into it, we got directly involved with the work here. Two days together, online. You can find our WhatsApp link to take part in these meetings here in the video description.

We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If what you've just heard is something that really makes sense to you, here's an invitation. Plesse, leave your “like” here, go ahead and subscribe to the channel and say “Yes, it makes sense” in the comments. OK? And see you. Thanks for meeting us and see you next time!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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