August 18, 2024

Joel Goldsmith | Realization of Oneness | The truth of death | Spirituality | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello everyone! We are here for another videocast. Again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Thank you very much, Master, for your presence.

Master, today I am going to read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book, the book called “Realization of Oneness.” In this book, Joel Goldsmith makes the following comment: “Since the beginning of time, there has never been a single death in the Kingdom of God.” Master, could you talk about your view on this subject of death?

MG: Gilson, this word “death” can have different meanings. The word “death” itself, what does the word mean? The end, right? But the end of what? Is it the death of the body or is death the end of illusion? In general, I have been very involved in this talk, this approach, regarding the important issue of this thing called “death.” But the death that really has significance, value and importance is not this death of the body, the disappearance of the body in this so-called “death” – which can occur through accident, illness, old age – but rather the truth of the death of illusion, of this sense of separation between you and God.

So, here it is about the death of this “you,” this illusory present identity, which is present in experience, separate from life, separate from the other, separate from God. So, it is really fascinating that we have an understanding of the end of this psychological model of being “someone.” In this sense that death has great relevance, because it, in fact, is the end of illusion. What people generally call “death” is the continuation of a dream. In this sense, the dream remains. As long as there is, Gilson, the illusion of the sense of “I,” of the ego, which is this illusion of duality, of separation, the dream continues.

Now, here we have an interesting thing, there is life happening. As it happens, it is a great divine dream, but apart from or outside of that divine dream, we have the illusion of a present identity. This entity is also building a particular dream for itself, which is part of its illusion. The beauty of life consists in understanding the death of this dream, which is the dream of the “I,” which is the dream of the ego, which is the dream of that entity that sees itself separate from life.

So, it's a very vast subject, there's a lot to investigate here. Among them, we have this mistaken relationship, in the ego, with life happening, where we are under an illusion of world experience, where thought is creating a present identity that sees itself as being the experiencer, the thinker, the one who is living his private life, having his things, which is completely illusory. The “I,” the ego, the person, has nothing, and yet, one feels like one owns everything, possessing everything, and one holds on to everything one believes one has and that one sees as his. And when this escapes him, one suffers, due to this bond of attachment, control, possession, dominance, which, in fact, one can neither possess, control, nor dominate.

So, in the mind, the human being lives in a state of complete stupidity, because one lives in this illusion of being alive, having things, and alive in those things. And when they disappear, because they go away, or because they die, or even disappear from this life of the “I,” one misses them, and because of that, one suffers. And this is how this sense of “I,” of ego, maintains this dream of suffering of being “someone,” because it maintains the illusion that it is alive. So, it is necessary, Gilson, to Awaken.

Here, the word “Awakening” is interesting, because it is pointing to something outside the dream. Awakening is ending the dream, leaving the dream, which is the dream of the “I,” the dream of the ego. So, it is something that we have to investigate, we have to explore, we have to become aware of it, and, in this life, to discover the beauty of dying to this psychological condition of the “I,” of the ego. This is truly being alive, when we are free from this sense of death, this sense of pain when things disappear. And the body will be the last. We will have to lose our bodies, within this dream of a world, anyway. Becoming aware of the Reality of That which is You is going beyond the dream; it is getting rid of this condition of continuity of the ego. This is being born, this is being alive, this is living beyond the known. If this is present, there is no more death, no more illusion, no more ignorance or suffering.

GC: As soon as I met the Master, when I started participating in this work, I had a very strong desire to one day come to be this Spiritual Awakening, this Spiritual Enlightenment, this dying to illusion. And this feeling of the future, a place to get to, was very strong. And with the Master, in these meetings, mainly in Satsang – which is the entire weekend, in which the Master helps us in this investigation –, the Master showed me very clearly this prank of the own “I,” the own thought, in which thought idealizes a future time to accomplish something, it is nothing more than the dog chasing its tail, because there is no work happening. Could the Master talk a little about this?

MG: What the person wants to accomplish in the future is their own continuity, that is, it is part of the project that is inherent to their condition of illusion, of ignorance. Note that everything that human beings project is within the model of what is known, which is the model of thought, which is the model organized by its experiences of memory, remembrance, human history. And this is nothing other than the continuity of this dream of a world for people to be more, have more, obtain more, achieve more. More of what? This “more” is just a continuation of the illusion that is present today in the life of the ego. So, this so-called “future,” in the projection of the mind, is just the continuity of what is here at this moment, in the ego. And what is here, right now, is something that is coming from the past.

So, Gilson, it's very interesting to say this to you: anything you accomplish tomorrow, within the dimension of the ego, this dimension of the “I,” is an accomplishment within a circle. There is a closed circle, and the sense of “I” is accomplishing within the circle, which is closed, its same old things. So, Gilson, everything just repeats itself, because, within the circle, everything is within the known, within the movement of the mind. There isn't something new, real, something outside the known, within the circle. Only when we discover the beauty of the death of the known does something new, indescribable, unknown, reveal itself, because the circle no longer exists.

This circle is where the past, present and future occur for this mind of the “I,” for this egoic mind. It is within this circle that there is this dream of the “person,” this dream of the “I,” this dream of this personal life. Going beyond this, getting rid of it, is the result of a work of Self-realization, of becoming aware of That which is outside the known, outside the limit of the condition of thought. This is when, in fact, the Truth of Spiritual Awakening is present. And notice: when we use the expression “Spiritual Awakening” here, we are pointing to something outside the known. Everything that is experienced within the known is not Spiritual Awakening, they are just experiences, still being recognized by thought, stored by thought, described by thought and, therefore, something within time.

Divine Reality is the Reality of that Being, which is not within the known, which is not within this movement of past, present and future, as the egoic mind moves, as this personal mind moves. Bringing a direct look to this moment, within that look, without placing the element that observes to do something with what it is seeing, there comes the presence of the end of the known. So, this look occurs due to the presence of this Intelligence, this Attention, because it is look free of “someone” with this movement of thought – which, by the way, comes from the past – to like, not to like, to want to try to change this, to change that, which lives in this attempt to change what one doesn't want and get what one wants.

So, these projections are imaginations of thought, and this, Gilson, as you put it, naturally falls. As you approach yourself and realize that this “self” is made up of images, imaginations, beliefs, concepts, ideas, and that this has no value whatsoever, no importance whatsoever – precisely because it is within this whole known movement –, in this approach, this vision of Reality outside the known immediately begins to emerge. This is, of course, the death of this “I,” the death of its continuity, the death of its valorization, which is the valorization of continuing to be “someone,” having experiences, receiving things, gaining things, becoming more... more spiritual, more this, more that, and all of this is a big nonsense, a great continuity of the movement, still, of the ego. None of this has Reality. That which has Reality is outside of all this, it is outside the mind, it is outside this movement.

GC: Master, we only know this “known,” which are these thoughts, which are these desires, these fears. And this “outside of the known,” this Intelligence, as the Master said, this Mystery, this Grace, is something that, if It is there, this lie, this illusion, this “I” is no longer present. Can the Master talk a little more about this vision of this Intelligence, how that performs in this machine?

MG: This Presence of the Awareness of Being is, of course, the annulment of this consciousness of “I,” which is the consciousness of the egoic mind, the dualistic mind, the separatist mind. So, this Consciousness is the Presence of Real Intelligence, of the annulment of the “I,” the annulment of cultural and social conditioning, of human history, of this entire dream movement of the world, built around this separate entity, which is the “ me,” the “I.” All of this is revolving around this center, this illusory center. Our notion, Gilson, of intelligence, is of cognition, logic, mathematical perception, spatial perception. So much so that we divide this issue of intelligence into mathematical, spatial, emotional intelligence…

So, for us, intelligence is the ability to deal with what is within this phenomenal aspect of the world, in this dream. Here, we are referring to Real Intelligence, to the Intelligence that is present beyond the known, beyond this phenomenon of the world. It is the Intelligence present in Wisdom. The presence of Wisdom is that which reveals itself when there is a direct Understanding of Reality outside the known. So, when there is Wisdom, there is the presence of Intelligence. However, this Wisdom only becomes possible when we free ourselves from illusion, from all forms of psychological conditioning.

So, the mind needs to undergo a change. The mind, which includes this brain, needs to undergo a change, and it is in this contact with Self-awareness that this change takes place. And when it is processed, due to Self-awareness, we have this Flourishing of Intelligence, because there is the emergence of Wisdom, which is the Vision of Life beyond what is known. So, the Sage is the one who lives in his Natural State, in Pure Intelligence, is the Wisdom of the Totality of Life, the Understanding of Life as It is, where suffering, ignorance – and, here, it is ignorance that sustains suffering, which sustains fear, which sustains the conflict of desires – this ignorance disappears, then we have the presence of the Divine Truth, the Truth of God.

This Wisdom is not the wisdom of the world. This is very basic. The Vision of Wisdom is very strange to the conditioned intellect. So, the beauty of this Divine Flourishing, Gilson, of the Awakening of Intelligence, which is Wisdom, is that we have the classic sign of the presence of this Wisdom and this Intelligence exactly in the absence of illusion, separation, duality and, therefore, suffering. The human being, no matter how intelligent he is in this so-called “human intelligence,” he still suffers, he still carries fear, conflicts, his attachments, his desires, whereas, when there is this Truth, this Realization, What is present is the presence of That which is nameless, beyond all that the intellect can perceive, achieve or describe.

So, we are together looking at this, at the possibility of the Flourishing of the Sage, the Flourishing of Intelligence, which is Wisdom. When It flourishes, there is the Truth of this Divine Revelation, and That is the end of fear, That is the end of suffering, That, indeed, is the end of troubles. We were born to realize This. The good news is that we don't need to study books out there for the Flourish of Wisdom, we just need to study ourselves, understand this internal movement, which is the movement of this “I-consciousness,” this egoic mind, and discover something beyond of this, which is the Truth that we are, when this psychological condition is no longer present. OK?

GC: Master, within spirituality, I myself, in the trajectory I had, was always studying on the outside, studying the sacred scriptures, studying spiritual books and acquiring information, acquiring the “truth” that the ego believed. And then, the Master shows how false this search of the ego in scriptures or intellectualizing something that is outside the known is, and this Master's approach that, really, we only need to study one thing, which is this madness of being “someone,” these thoughts, these desires, these fears, this intense flow of thoughts.

MG: Gilson, this is because the Wisdom that is in the scriptures is there, but the origin of this Wisdom is the Divine Truth, it is the Truth of this Being that we are. So, the entire scripture is describing the Wisdom present in that Being that we are when the ego is not present. If we want to have access to the Truth of Wisdom, it is not intellectually that this becomes possible, but rather in this Reality that we are at this moment. When there is a direct perception of this Reality that we are here and now, we have access to the Truth of Wisdom, present in What we are in our True Being, which is the Truth of God that is revealed in the scriptures.

So, intellectually, we cannot realize That. In fact, it is when we strip ourselves of this psychological conditioning of words, ideas, concepts, that this Divine Truth reveals itself. There is no point in making statements about words without a direct, experiential vision of their meaning, because this remains only at an intellectual level. This is like Gilson, trying to solve the question of thirst by studying the formula for water, reading about water, or watching movies with lots of water, a waterfall, rivers, lakes. No matter how big your contact with virtual water, it will not solve your thirst problem. You need to drink water.

Contact with Divine Reality is something like this. You can read about food, you can read about recipes, you can see photos of delicious dishes, but this will not solve the problem of hunger, your hunger. If you are hungry, you have to eat. The simplest dish solves the issue of hunger. A simple glass of water or the amount of water in a glass, in any container, is already something that brings you closer to the end of thirst, but theorizing about water, like theorizing about food, does not solve the problem of hunger or the problem of thirst. What resolves is to become aware of the Reality of That which is present here, which is the Reality of this Being, then there is the end of thirst, there is the end of hunger, there is the Flourishing of Wisdom, the Blooming of Truth.

Without Self-awareness, Gilson, you can read all the scriptures in the world, read all the sacred books in the world. If you don't understand this whole movement of self-centeredness, of duality, where the sense of the egoic mind sustains this illusion of separation, you can read all the scriptures in the world and have everything memorized in your brain. It will just be a conditioned brain, stuck in an information model. Notice, you can put all the information on the computer, and when you access the computer, it will give you the information you need, because the information is there, but all the information inside a HD on the computer, which you can access, does not make the computer a Sage.

It repeats or makes viable the information it brings, but it is just borrowed information. That is not inherent in the nature of the computer, it is just in its brain. So is, Gilson, with spiritual information, this is spiritual experiences. This is only part of the particularity of an illusory center, which is the “I,” the ego, different from Wisdom, different from the Flourishing of your Being, because you speak, see, feel, perceive from that Place, which is the Place of Intelligence, Compassion, Love, Freedom, Happiness. OK?

GC: Okay, Master. Thank you, our time has come to an end.

For those of you who are watching the video and what the Master is saying makes sense, we invite you to come and participate in one of these meetings. If you have this thirst to live this Truth, if you have this hunger… the Master, as he already lives this… in this sharing of Presence, of Silence, in Satsang, which are these online and also in-person meetings, we can quench our thirst a little, we can quench our hunger and perceive this “Something” that is beyond the known and is pure Grace.

So, in the first pinned comment, you will find the link to the WhatsApp group for more information about the meetings. And go ahead and leave a comment with questions and a “like” to the video.

Thanks, Master. See you next time.

MG: Okay, Gilson.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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