August 10, 2024

How to meditate correctly? | How to deal with traumas? | Psychological self-image | Low self esteem

Here the question is: “How to meditate correctly?” We will address this subject here with you in the next few minutes. It is possible that what we are saying here is something entirely different from what you have already been reading about, and also researching about and practicing in the name of meditation.

Here we use this expression “meditation” in a very unique way. We are talking about this contact with the Reality of this Silence, a quality completely different from the silence that is found or sought in a certain meditation practice. This Silence we speak of here is the one that reveals itself, it is not the one that is found. So, follow this here.

People turn to meditation in an attempt to find silence. The mind needs silence. Only when there is a space of Silence in the mind can the Truth reveal itself. But it is necessary to understand the quality of this Silence. It cannot be the silence found by a technique, by a system, by a practice, as, in general, people do to find a moment of silence.

Here on this channel, we are addressing with you the Truth of the Awakening of Consciousness, of Spiritual Awakening, when your Real Being takes over its space in this body and mind. Then, we have the Truth of Liberation in this life, of the end of all sense of separation and, therefore, of egocentrism.

Thus, the meaning of Liberation in this life is the Truth of the Revelation of That which is You in your Being when that known movement of egoic consciousness, of “I” consciousness, of that mental consciousness, is no longer here. So, it is only in this sense that we use the expression of Meditation here, as that which reveals the Silence, so that this indescribable Reality shows itself.

So, Spiritual Enlightenment, the Awakening of Consciousness, this Flourishing of your Natural Divine State is that which is present when there is no longer this illusion, the illusion of the continuity of the person, of this “me.” So, what is the real way?

The question is this: how to meditate correctly, since every practice, every technique involves, follow this with me, a project to be carried out? And that project is the stillness that you obtain when you learn to breathe in a certain way, to control or reject distracting thoughts.

Thus, there are several ways of approaching some type of technique to quiet the mind, to silence the mind. Therefore, this silencing or stillness of the mind comes through discipline, it is something that is achieved when the body quiets down.

So, the body looks for a place, you look for a place, you sit down, and it looks for a moment in which it relaxes and, in this relaxation, the brain begins to calm down. And, in that moment, a silence is present. But this state of meditation, which people call meditation because they are within a silence that they have found through practice, is a state of stupor, it is a state of trance. Then, the mind becomes still, but here we are not talking about the stillness that the brain achieves through a technique, but the natural stillness, which is born from Silence.

When Silence is present, the brain quiets down. It's not quieting the brain to find silence. It is the Truth of Silence. Then, the brain quiets down, the mind quiets down. The quality of this Silence is a Revelation of Something that is outside the known. It is not a state of stupor, it is not a state of trance, it is not an induced, self-induced state of stillness, of silence.

The Truth of Meditation requires, first of all, that the brain be still. Not because it has been quieted, but because of the presence of Attention. Here we need to become aware of observing the movement of the mind, observing the movement of thought. It's not about pushing away thoughts, it's not about fighting with thoughts, nor about repeating a phrase, a mantra or breathing in a certain way.

Here it is about observing the movement of the mind, which includes thoughts, feelings, sensations arising, emotions appearing. But this isn’t being seated for fifteen minutes or thirty minutes. This is in life, every moment, moment by moment – ​​we have a playlist here on the channel about Real Meditation.

It's not about practicing meditation, it's about Real Meditation in practice, in living. While you walk, watch TV, while you drive the car, take care of some business, do some work on the computer, access the internet, you are in the office, in the doctor's office, you are in the factory, you are in your activity and, at that moment, you look at thought, at your reactions, at whatever is appearing here, in this moment. Just look, just observe.

When we don't have this foundation, anything we do in the name of meditation is an illusion. People take a course on meditation, they can travel to the Himalayas and learn a breathing technique, and close their eyes and obtain this trance, this state, but this is not Meditation.

The Truth of Meditation is the presence of Silence, but of a Silence that has an entirely new and unknown quality, and that is based, first of all, on Self-awareness. Without the Truth of Self-awareness, without the awareness of contradiction, of conflict, of duality, of the whole problem that arises when the sense of “I” is present, without becoming aware of it, without this self-observation, without this attention to this movement, there is no Meditation. There is no Real Meditation. There is something called meditation, which, in a certain way, calms, relaxes for fifteen minutes, half an hour, but this does not break with this model of egoic identity, which is the sense of “I” in living, in life, in experience.

So, before Meditation, it is necessary to understand what it means to become aware of the movement of the “I,” self-observation, which is part of Self-awareness. When there is this attention on this movement, complete attention on each movement of thought, feeling, emotion, then, yes, we have an approach to the Truth of Silence.

What I have said is that Meditation is something very natural. But see, despite being something natural, our functioning of psychological conditioning, of model of consciousness, which is this consciousness of the “I,” because it is an ancient conditioning and is all that the mind knows, it is necessary to break with it.

We are facing something natural, but for the egoic mind, it is something completely outside of everything it knows. This concerns the nature of your Being, not the nature of this conditioned mind, this mind that is the result of the history of humanity, of human culture, of tradition, of cultural, religious vision. We have a mind that is the result of all propaganda – political, psychological, religious, philosophical, tradition propaganda – and that is how we are functioning, that is how we function.

When people want to find out how to deal with trauma, for example, when they ask, “How to deal with traumas?” See, traumas, anxiety, depression, or the various disorders that the mind knows, all of this is part of this model of being someone, of being a person, and this is not something natural.

The nature of your Being is not personal, it is not egocentric, it is not within this format. This is all within the illusion of the ego, the illusion of the “I.” Discovering how you function is discovering what life free of the ego is, how to deal with fear, how to deal with traumas, the issue of anxiety and depression. Notice, we've been stating this here for you a lot. All this psychological suffering present in human beings is present due to the way they position themselves in life. And one positions oneself in life based on a self-image.

The issue of self-image, the idea of ​​being someone, is an image you have of who you are. In this relationship with the world around you, what you see are people, and you see these people based on the self-image you have. You have an image of who you are. You also have an image of who your husband, your wife, your children, your family, your boss, your co-workers are. See, self-image is not an issue for psychology.

The issue of self-image is something for you to study from this direct perspective, here and now. This is part of this egocentric movement of being someone. If we do not investigate this, if we do not approach this study of ourselves, we have no real basis for the Truth of Meditation.

We can have moments of stillness and silence based on a technique, a practice. So, at that moment, the mind calms down, but this does not break with this egocentric model of being someone. We need an end to this self-image, an end to this sense of being someone, we need an end to this illusion of someone present in the context of life, of relationships.

Then, we discovered what a mind free from self-image is. And when the mind is free from this self-image and free from everything that the ego represents, we have a new space that opens up. And in this space, Silence, the Silence of Meditation, is revealed in that instant. Wherever you find yourself, without the sense of “I” present, there will be Meditation. Because the Truth of Meditation is: when it is present, there is no meditator. See, this is completely different from anything you've ever heard.

The presence of Meditation is the absence of someone meditating. Then, the mind is by nature meditative. The mind that we know, which is the egoic mind, is the conditioned mind, in the prison model, within this format of self-image, which is this continuity of the “I.” Here we are telling you that in this life, this God Realization is possible. This Verification is the Realization of Truth, of That which is present as the only Truth of life.

People live with various problems of all kinds, and all of this begins with this psychological model of being someone. This self-image cultivates different characteristics. One of them is low self-esteem. Notice, people carry this sense of low self-esteem. Or we have the opposite: high self-esteem. All of these are characteristics of this self-image. But all of this is within this egocentric model of being someone, and all of this is broken when there is a direct understanding of the Truth of your Being, beyond the “I.”

So, having a look at this moment at each thought, each feeling, emotion, sensation, perception, without the observer, without the sense of “I” looking, this is the presence of Self-awareness, it is the presence of this Real Attention, which is Mindfulness to the movement of the “I.” Then, at that moment, Meditation is revealed and, within it, this Silence. And what is present is now Being-Consciousness-Bliss. Notice, this is the nature of your Being, it is the nature of God.

That's what we are here, on the channel, focusing on, working with you. We have hundreds of videos here on the channel and we have this playlist about Real Meditation in practice and the Truth of Self-awareness. So, it is recommended here to you, take a look at these playlists.

Furthermore, we have another channel with many videos called “Marcos Gualberto.” Here in the video description, you have the link to check out our other channel.

And besides these videos that we have on the channels, we have something much more important – listen to this. These are our online, in-person meetings and retreats. We have online meetings on the weekends. Saturday and Sunday, we are together in an online meeting. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to participate in these online meetings, these weekends.

In addition to these meetings, we have retreat meetings. We spent several days together working on this in person. In addition to retreats, we also have in-person weekend meetings.

So, if what you just heard here is something that makes sense to you, leave your “like” here, subscribe to the channel and put it in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense”. Al right? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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