August 30, 2024

How to deal with thought? | Importance of Self-Awareness | Supreme Self-Awareness | Advaita

People ask questions like: “How to deal with thoughts?” Some ask: “How to deal with negative thoughts, intrusive thoughts, obsessive thoughts?” Let’s look at something here with you. First, before anything else, we need a comprehension of how thoughts are processed within each of us, otherwise we will always be asking this question and never have a real, direct answer to it. At most, people are finding palliative solutions, so thoughts themselves have created resources to protect themselves, to defend them from themselves.

Notice how interesting our behavior is. Our behavior – which is the behavior of thought – thought arises, creates problems, and then thought itself appears, seeking to alleviate that or find an answer or a solution for that. The point is that thought creates the problem, but it does not solve the problem, and this movement in us is none other than the movement of thought itself, creating problems. So, thought asks a question, it asks: “How to get rid of thoughts?” Note, it is a question from thought itself, precisely from this thinker within us.

The belief we have, the idea we have, is that there is this thinker with its thoughts. So, the thinker can deal with thoughts. It only wants to deal with thoughts because they are thoughts that produce suffering, problems, and difficulties. Observe yourself and you will perceive this: every pleasant thought, every good memory, recollection, we cherish, we want with us, and the unpleasant thoughts, we want to get rid of them. So, we want good thoughts but we don’t want bad thoughts. Who is this one that wants it? Who is this one that chooses? Note, this element that is the “I,” the person, has to be investigated. When you investigate, look closely at this, what you clearly see is that this “I,” this person, is the thinker itself. This thinker is thought itself.

When there is sadness in you, notice this: the sadness is not separate from the one who is sad; this “I” and the sadness are a single phenomenon. When there is no sadness, there is no such sad “I.” If you are happy, that being happy and you are a single phenomenon. It is not possible for you to be separate from the phenomenon, so being happy and the “I” are a single phenomenon; thought is the thinker. Let us look at this carefully, let us have a true approach to it, because understanding that is the end of the problems thought creates and of all this illusion that also comes to us in the name of satisfaction, fulfillment, pleasure – which is still a movement of psychological restlessness created by thought.

That is sustaining this thinker, sustaining this element in us that is in conflict, that has a problem, and the problem is thought. It is not only an unpleasant thought; it is a pleasant thought as well. There is no way you can get rid of one thought pattern without getting rid of the same pattern in the other format. So, the pattern is one – it appears in one format or it appears in another format, but it is the same pattern. The pattern is the pattern of this egoic identity which is the identity of the “I.” Then, “How to get rid of thought?” is the same as asking, “How to overcome fear?

People want to overcome fear, just as they also want to get rid of thoughts, but the person is thought, the person is fear. There is no way to separate fear from the one who is feeling the fear, but we have this illusion, we create this separation, notice. You say: “I cannot feel fear” note, that is a thought! This “I” is thought itself, this thought is the thinker itself, and this thinker is the idea of ​​fear. So, we have fear and we have the idea of ​​fear. What do we have present when fear is present? Fear! This element that separates itself does not exist; this thought is the thinker itself with an idea about a fact that is present. Perceive the beauty of this: what is the fact and what is the idea?

Thought is present and that is a fact, fear is present and that is a fact, but then thought separates itself and says, “I don’t want that, I don’t like to think about that,” and when that happens, separation arises because the thinker arises. Do you get that? The thinker arises from thought itself, it separates itself from thought to do something with thought. So, this is where we find ourselves within the illusion of the ego, of the “I.” We are not dealing with the fact, we are dealing with an idea about the fact. The fact is thought, it is this typical thought, it is this typical memory of pain, of suffering, that bothers. It is this type of repetitive, continuous pattern of thought, producing some level of sentimental, emotional discomfort here. That is the fact, but then the thinker arises to deal with thought, and then separation arises. It cannot deal with thought, then what does it do? It escapes to still another pattern of thought.

We spend our entire lives without the awareness of what thought is, what this pattern of thinking and feeling is, and so we do not get rid of the ego, we do not get rid of the “I.” Are you with me? Because we are not dealing with the fact – the fact is fear. The idea of ​​“how to overcome fear” is the idea of ​​the thinker – the fear is present but there is no thinker; the pattern of thought is present but there is no thinker. If this is clear, at that moment, we are in direct contact with experience, without separation.

This separation is what we have been dealing with here on the channel, we have several videos dealing with that here, with you, about this issue of duality. This is straight from Vedanta. The Reality of this Real Being that we are, does not carry duality. The Reality of this Real Being that we are, is the Truth of Advaita, of non-duality, non-separation. The Truth of Advaita Vedanta, straight from Vedanta, is non-duality; it is the Reality of this Being that we are.

An approach to this is possible when you comprehend the importance of Self-Awareness. This Self-Awareness – I refer to Supreme Self-Awareness, the one that reveals the Reality of your Being – is not about what some people out there call self-knowledge as a technique, a practice or a tool for the person to improve or resolve situations. Here it is about the end of this “me,” this “I,” this ego, this thinker. It is this thinker that is producing this quality of thought that bothers you, it is this thinker that is producing this psychological condition of suffering, of fear, which you want to get rid of! Notice, this thinker is the “I,” the ego, the experiencer, and this is not present when the truth of Supreme Self-Awareness, which is the awareness of your Being, reveals itself.

The truth is that a direct approach to your Divine Truth, which is the Truth of each one of us, is something real when there is Self-Awareness in practice. We are working with you here, in these meetings, on the awareness of God, the awareness of Reality. The Revelation of this is the Awakening of Consciousness, Spiritual Enlightenment. Note, these are terms, they are names we use for that which is, actually, beyond words. In our whole work here, our focus is on this discovery, on the discovery of the end to all forms of psychological suffering in each one of us. This is the Realization of your Being, the Divine Realization.

The psychological condition within us is the condition of contradiction, it is the condition of suffering, of conflict between desires, of all forms of fear, of all types of problems that we carry throughout our lives, when there is no awareness of God, when there is no awareness of Truth. So, for millennia, human beings have been living and are living in this condition, where there is all this internal, psychological oppression. We have sustained within ourselves all forms of suffering, anguish, the pain of loneliness, anxiety, depression… All types of suffering are present in this condition, which is the condition of the ego, which is the condition of this sense of separation, where there is this duality.

The Truth of life is the Truth that God is the only Reality present. This is Advaita, non-separation. The word Advaita means “the one without the second” and this is the nature of your Being. All this psychological restlessness is present because you have never investigated closely how thought and feeling, emotion, sensation, all of this is processed internally, in this mechanism, in this organism. The Truth of Divine Revelation, which some have called exactly like this: “Supreme Self-Awareness,” is in the awareness of God, in the Truth of That which we are at this instant. There is no separation here in life, at this moment. When you listen to a speech like this, there is only the listening; it is the illusion of thought in you that creates the idea that you are someone who is listening and can agree or disagree. This being able to agree or disagree, note, is a movement of the thinker itself, which is the ego. It can agree or disagree, but it is only a movement of thought.

The only Reality present is this Reality of listening, because there is no one present in this experience, at this instant. This experiencer is an imagination, an invention of thought itself… this experiencer, this thinker, this “I,” the one who agrees, the one who disagrees. There is a looking free from the “I,” free from the observer, there is a listening free from the “I,” free from the one who listens to accept or reject, to agree or disagree. This is what we need to discover in this life: a life free from this illusory thinker, experiencer, from the one who separates oneself from life, separates oneself from the other, separates from oneself, in this illusion that there is one and thought, there is one and the feeling, there is one – who is this “I” – and worry, “I” and anguish, “I” and fear, “I” and this restlessness of thought, “I” and this internal chatter. To become aware that it is a single movement is to put an end to all of this.

Then, something new arises, something outside the known, something outside the model of duality, of separateness. So, to look at all this, to look at this movement, to investigate yourself, to become aware of this moment of life happening, without this center, without this “I,” without this ego, is to have an approach to that which arises, without this element that separates itself to clash with it, to hold onto it for itself or to try to get rid of it. Then, this is the end of suffering, it is the end of this confusion, because this is the end of duality. The awakening of your Being is the awakening of this Real Consciousness. Notice, this Real Consciousness is not this mental consciousness, this egoic consciousness, this personal consciousness. We are in direct contact with something outside the known, with this Divine Reality, with That which is unnamable, indescribable. Therefore, the awareness of God is the awareness of the Supreme.

This is what we are working on with you here, during these meetings. We have online meetings that take place on weekends. You ask questions, we work on questions and answers, we have this meeting with the Silence of Consciousness, which is this Silence of Meditation – I refer to this Real Consciousness – and then we deepen this together here over a weekend. So, I want to leave this invitation here for you. Here, in the video description, you have our WhatsApp link to participate in these online meetings that take place on weekends. In addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and leave a comment here: “Yes, it makes sense.” Please, leave your “like” and subscribe to the channel, OK? And we'll see you. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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