August 9, 2024

Conscious and unconscious mind | Human mind | How to deal with depression? | The anxious mind

It is common for people to ask how to deal with depression. Just as how to deal with fear, anxiety, worries… Note that all of these questions are all related to a basic issue, and the issue is: how do we function internally, inwardly, within each one of us, in what is known as “mind.” We call “mind” something present within us, which is the result of countless influences. Our brain works based on this background of experiences that it has, of countless past experiences. The mind, in fact, is the result, in us, of everything we have read, heard, learned. It is something that is the result of culture, of the social, educational, religious, family environment…

So, what we call “human mind,” which some call “conscious” and also “unconscious” mind; conscious one is what is most visible, most easily accessible, of which, in general, thought is most aware of what is present due to the most recent memory – note, this is what we call conscious – or unconscious, which is this memory that is most forgotten, stored, or hidden, but also present. Here, actually, we have made these divisions, but we are basically dealing with the model of conditioning, programming, mode of action or mode of working of this so-called “human consciousness” within us. This is consciousness.

Here, in these meetings, we are exploring with you the Truth of the Revelation of That which is present when we have the end of this condition of mental conditioning, of operation, of work, of action from a conditioned mind, which is acting in this format. At a certain level, memory, remembrance, recollection is needed, but there is a level in us that is not only unnecessary, but is something completely dysfunctional. Observe your mind and you will perceive what we are talking about: it is chatty, restless, it has a dysfunctional, unnecessary movement of thought. When you do not need it, a thought is present, and when a thought is needed, curiously, many times, it does not appear and only later do you realize it. This shows us that we have a psychological functioning in this mental consciousness – which is the consciousness of the person, of the “me,” of this “I” – that is totally complicated, not to say very problematic.

We do not know how the mind works; it means that we do not know how we work. We have been addressing these issues with you here because we need to get closer to the Revelation, to the Verification, to the Comprehension of the meaning of life. Note, this is not about seeking or searching for an intellectual understanding of the meaning of life, but about directly seeing life as it is, about what concerns who we are at this moment, in a direct, experiential way. And why is this necessary? Because it represents the end of this psychological complexity.

The mind lives within this psychological complexity, within this disorder and confusion. Your thoughts function within a model of automatism, of mechanicalness. You don’t know what, for example, the next thought you’re going to have will be. And yet, we have it as a single thought, as a belief too, which is just an idea, that we are the ones in control. We believe we are in control of our thoughts. Notice that you don’t know what the next thought you’re going to have here and now will be. Look at your head and tell me what will be the next thought you’re going to have. You don’t know! This shows us that this sense of someone, which you believe you are, is not present. It is not the thinker, producing thoughts.

Why is it important for us to approach it this way here? Because we want to discover what life is like, free from all forms of complications that we generally have from a psychological viewpoint. Psychic suffering is something present, human suffering is something present, due to the lack of understanding of how to stay, here and now, free from this model, which is the model of the mind of the “I,” which is the egoic mind. So, this is our subject in all these talks here on the channel.

People want to find out how to deal with depression, for example. We also have the issue of anxiety, of an anxious mind. We don’t know how to deal with it, but that’s not all! We have envy, jealousy, we have the pain of loneliness… the pain of feeling abandoned by everyone. Note, surrounded by all the people and there is this feeling of pain, of being alone. These are internal states present within each one of us, in the mind. We need to have mental health, but the functioning of the “I,” of the ego – notice this – in its isolationism, within a pattern of ignorance, of restlessness of the mind, of not understanding the movement of thought, is living in a state of neurosis, of psychological, sentimental, emotional disorder.

Getting closer to who we are reveals a Truth outside of this condition. The Truth outside of this condition is Reality that is beyond illusion, this so-called “truth” of the person. The person as one lives, self-centered in this pattern of conditioned mind – which is the result of everything that culture, society and the world represent – ​​is suffering. Here, we are seeing with you the possibility of a life free from depression, anxiety, fear, suffering, from the conflict that desires establish, from the contradiction present when desires are present. These are internal states over which we have no control whatsoever, despite the belief that we are in control.

We do not understand what this impulse for continuity is, this sense of “I,” to find peace, find love, find happiness, find freedom, because there is something within us – at least some have already realized that we need to discover something beyond this condition, thus we set ourselves in search of something beyond all of this. Perhaps, because of this, you are here on this channel. Yes, there is something beyond all of this: it is the Truth of your Being, this is the Truth of God. A free life requires a free mind, a mind that no longer functions in this format. A deconditioned mind, free from this egocentric pattern of behavior, thought, feeling, and actions.

Therefore, our approach here is the approach of inquiry, of the Nature of Truth about who we are, here and now. If we have to come closer, we have to do it in a real way, to this or that state that is present here, that needs to be seen, understood. Observe thought working. In the illusion, we are thinking and actually the thinking is happening; we are feeling and actually the feeling is happening; we got emotional and actually emotion is happening. We create the illusion of a separation between emotion and the one in the emotion, who is the “I”; between thought and the one responsible for thought, who is the thinker. See how important this is. In the moment of depression or anxiety, there is no one who is anxious or someone who is depressed. It is a state!

In general, we want to get rid of it, just in the idea. We create an image about depression, we create an image about anxiety, we even have an image about what thought is, but it is just an image. Because we do not approach the experience directly, because we do not make this approach, we do not know what this approach is... because when we “approach” it, we want to get rid of it, so there is no approach. You have an idea about the state of depression and you reject the state, but you do not approach it in a real way. To approach this state in a real way, just like the state of fear, or worry, or anxiety, is to approach it without this element that wants to reject it.

See how important this is. We cannot understand something without getting closer and looking closely at what it represents. We spend our entire lives victimized by fear, guilt, remorse, anger, anguish, depression, the pain of loneliness, anxiety... but we do not approach to look closely without the element that wants to get rid of it, that wants to do something, that wants to defend itself from this experience. The result of this is that we do not understand what it represents, and because we do not understand, it maintains continuity. Our “I,” our ego, this person, lives in this, lives from this. So, psychic suffering, emotional suffering is something present in the “I,” in the ego.

Here on the channel, we have hundreds of videos investigating this, exploring this with you: how to break free from this condition? Approaching Self-Awareness means looking directly at this experience without the experiencer. So, we approach a view free from the ego, which is this element that separates itself to judge, compare, evaluate, analyze, and wants to free itself from this condition. Thus, here on the channel, we are working with you on ending the “I,” the ego. This is what is known as “The Awakening of Consciousness” or “Spiritual Awakening” or “Spiritual Enlightenment.” A mind free from all this weight of conditioning, from all this format of being someone because in this way we are repeating what has been present in humanity for millennia. There is the possibility of ending this illusion, this sense of “I,” of the ego, of this “me,” of this someone, through an approach to the Truth of Meditation. Part of this is Self-Awareness.

For this purpose, we have meetings here, online, on the weekends. On Saturday and Sunday, we are together, investigating this with you. Through questions and answers we can explore this together, investigate this together. Here, in the video description, you can find our WhatsApp link to participate in these online meetings on the weekends. I want to leave this invitation here for you. In addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats. We are diving into this understanding for the Realization of the Truth of God in this life, which is the Truth of your Being here and now. So, here is the invitation. I want to remind you; we also have another channel called “Marcos Gualberto.” Here in the video description, you have our link to get to know the other channel as well. If this, in fact, is something that makes sense to you, here is the invitation! Go ahead and leave your “like” here, write a comment too: “Yes, it makes sense.” Okay? You may please subscribe to the channel and we will see each other. Okay? Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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