August 25, 2024

Joel Goldsmith | Leave your nets | Realization of spiritual life | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello everyone, we are here for another videocast. Once again, Master Gualberto is with us. Thank you very much, Master, for your presence.

Master, today I'm going to read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book called “Leave Your Nets.” In an excerpt from this book, Joel makes the following comment: “There is a way to overcome difficulties and break all limitations, and that is in the realization of the inner spiritual life.” Master, in your view, how can we overcome adversities, overcome problems?

MG: Well, Gilson, this is about becoming aware of the Truth about who you are, that's all. Saying this, it sounds very simple, but in practice, it requires work. For some, it is the work of a lifetime, dedicated to this observation, this discovery, the realization of this awareness, which is to have a real vision of oneself. A real vision of oneself is Reality showing itself, and when It shows itself, there are no problems. The Nature of each of us, Gilson, is the Nature of God. This is because there is a single Reality present in this dream that we call life. This present Reality is taking over this dream and It transcends this dream. The Reality of your Being is the Reality of God.

Because here, Gilson, it is about the Awakening of Wisdom, the Flourishing of God. Some call this “the Awakening of Consciousness.” I like this expression, because what we call consciousness, in us, is a dream state present and, in it, our connection with experience is always from thought. All the experience of the world that we have is the experience of thought, in the idea of ​​a thinker. We have this idea of ​​the thinker with thoughts, just as we have the idea of ​​consciousness in someone being conscious. So, our vision of human consciousness, of “I” consciousness, is the vision of someone conscious, of someone thinking. Thus, we have the thinker with his thoughts, someone aware of oneself in this so-called “self-consciousness.” This is something that is still within the field of this human consciousness, this dream.

Here, when we deal with the Beauty of the Awakening of Consciousness, at least here on the channel, we are dealing with you with the Flourishing of True Consciousness. This Real Consciousness is something that is outside of the known, outside of thought, outside of this “I” consciousness and, therefore, outside of this dream. The Reality of your Being is That which is present having a vision of the dream, but being very clear that everything here is just a dream. This is how the Sage, the one who is Realized, deals with the experiences of the world. It is evident that, in this State of Being, in this simple and natural State of Pure Consciousness, of Real Consciousness, there can’t be problems. Problems, Gilson, are for the one who has the problem.

It's like fear. Fear is something that exists in a direct relationship with the person who is in fear. If there is no one who is in fear, there is no fear. If there is no one who is in trouble, in the problem, there is no problem. And what element is this? It is the element of this “I-consciousness,” which lives within this thought-thinker context, this “I– conscious,” this self-consciousness. Here, our work, Gilson, consists of becoming aware of the Truth of That which is present here, which is beyond thought. If you look closely at this issue of problems, they are only problems in a direct relationship with those who see themselves in that given situation, having difficulty dealing with that situation. This is typical of the thinker himself, the experiencer himself. This is typical of the ego; this is typical of the “I.”

And what is this thinker, this “I,” this ego? It is this sense of someone who sees oneself separate from life, who sees oneself separate from others, who sees oneself separate from God. Then, one has problems. But what is this “one”? What is this “I”? It's thought! So, looking closely, investigating this clearly, you will discover that the presence of this “me,” this “I,” is thought, and it is thought that has problems, because it is thought that creates problems. Life, as it happens, just happens. It is this element, this “me,” that likes or doesn’t like what happens. When you like it, you don't see problems; When you don't like it, you see problems. This “liking” and “disliking” come from a background, and this background is the experiencer, the thinker, who makes his choices, naturally, egocentric, centered on his own will, seeing oneself separate from what happens, being able to like or not like that.

So, this is exactly how problems arise. All the problems we have are problems centered on this ego-identity, they are all centered on the sense of “I,” the ego. It is the ego that has problems, it is the ego that suffers. Gilson, every year, new diseases, new pathologies are cataloged. I refer to these mental illnesses, these psychological illnesses. There are hundreds of disorders! Note: there are hundreds of psychological disorders, these psychological pathologies, and every year new pathologies are discovered – or we have a new name for pathologies already known under other names. The interesting thing here is to realize that all of this is within this psychological model present in human beings, in this psychological condition that is the condition of the “I,” the ego. These are all problems! So, here we are faced, Gilson, with problems.

The problems are of a psychological nature. It is in the sense of “I” that all this confusion, disorder and suffering are present. It is in this sense, which is the sense of the “I,” which sees itself separate, isolated, making choices, liking some things and disliking other things, having a view of life based on thought and, therefore, separatist, isolationist … So, it is natural for problems to be present. When there is an end to this psychological condition, which is the “I” condition, which is the ego condition, we have an end to problems, because we have an end to this dream for this sense of “I,” of the present ego.

GC: It is impressive how this vision that the Master brings clarifies how problems, life situations, are life situations. Now, as there is a background, this psychological conditioning judges: “No, this is bad, this is a problem;” “Ah, no, this is good.” So, it becomes very clear how the problems are just thought itself, the repetition of the pattern itself, the conditioning itself, which characterizes it as a problem, and then the person goes on and gets tangled up, gets entangled with that problem.

MG: Gilson, I'll give you an example of this: for the country man, for the farmer, rain is expected, and for the one who is in the city wanting to go to the beach, he doesn't want rain, he wants a sunny day! For the country man, the sun is enough, he wants the rain. So, rain, for him, is a solution, because he needs the soil to be wet, moistened. He needs to see the seed sprout, he needs water, he needs a lot of water – or the right water, because it can't be too much either –, but he needs the water, he needs the rain. And for those who are in the city, who want to go to the beach, who want to have a picnic in the park, rain is not a good thing. So, what may be a solution for one is a problem for another.

Now, for whom is rain a problem and for whom is rain the solution? It is always for the sense of an identity present with one’s self-interest. So, our human problems, Gilson, are based on this sense of this “me,” this “I,” making choices and having criteria for what is good and what is bad. This movement is the movement of the ego, it is the movement of the “I.” As long as the sense of “I” is present, we will be experiencing moments of pleasure and pain. The moment of pain, for us, will be problematic, it will be difficult, and we want to get rid of them – them, we don't want them near us –, and that which is favorable, that which is pleasant and that gives pleasure, we want, that it's not a problem.

So, our notion of pleasure and pain is based on this sense of someone present making their choices and seeing pain as a problem and pleasure as a solution. It's always from the ego's point of view, it's always from the point of view of the “I,” this particular view of life, this particular view of the world, and if that is present, everything remains the same. We need to discover something beyond all this, which is your Natural State of Being, which, by nature, is free from this psychological model of being someone who doesn't know how to deal with what happens. And what happens is seen by that someone from this perspective of likes and dislikes, of pleasure and pain, of problem and non-problem.

GC: Master, within this theme, many times... and I saw a lot in spirituality talking about this, there is even a term like “acceptance,” “accepting life as it is,” but I understand, and I have even heard the Master talking a little of that, like this acceptance... Often the ego takes over a character: “Ah, no, I accept everything as life is.” So, this is just an “outfit” on this character, on this identity, as a spiritual person, who accepts things as they are, and the Master brings a vision that goes beyond that. Can the Master tell us a little about this?

MG: Gilson, it's not about accepting or rejecting, it's about having an understanding of what it represents. These internal states, for example, of pain and suffering, of confusion and disorder, of violence and fear, why should they be accepted? Suffering is not natural, since suffering is present due to not understanding Life as It is, how It happens. So why should there be an acceptance of suffering? Why should there be an acceptance of jealousy, envy, desire or fear, pain?

Here, it is a question of getting closer to the experience and realizing what element sustains this condition of suffering present in that experience. The element that sustains this condition of suffering in experience is the “I,” it is the ego, it is the sufferer. There is no Truth in this condition of life in suffering. Life is Beauty, it is Love, it is Truth, it is Happiness. This is the Nature of the Truth of your Being! This present suffering, all this disorder and confusion is something that has been established, exactly, in a condition of duality, where there is this sense of an “I” that sees itself separate and making choices, trying to resolve it in its own way, in this idea of likes and dislikes. So, this feeling is present in this egoic sense, and this egoic sense is an illusion.

Once free from this egoic sense, we are free from this suffering, from these conditions that we have just described here: anxiety, fear, depression, anguish, attachment, conflict created by desires, the model of violence... All of this is part of the illusion of a center that sees itself separate from life and is creating a life apart, creating a dream of existence separate from Reality, which is Real Life. So, it's not about accepting, it's about understanding illusion. It is necessary to have a direct look at the awareness of Truth, and this direct look, which reveals Truth, shows you illusion. Once illusion is seen, it dissolves, but taking the illusion for Reality, for acceptance, that is the game of the ego itself, it is the game of illusion itself. Here, it's about awakening! And all of this is happening within this dream, including this so-called “acceptance” or “rejection.”

When there is Awakening, there is no longer this question of accepting or rejecting, of saying “yes” or saying “no.” Within the vision of Reality, there is no longer this confusion, because there is no longer this movement of choosing what is or what is not, what is or what should be, or what could have been. All of this disappears, because it is part of that dream, a creation of thought in the illusion of a present identity, being the thinker, being the experiencer, being the one who has a life apart and separate from Divine Reality. If this is present, this question of accepting or rejecting, it amounts to the same thing. Confusion is present, illusion is present.

Here, it is about the end of illusion, the awareness of the end of illusion, and when illusion ends, all this confusion of this dream apart and separate from the one Reality, as the ego has projected, dissolves. That disappears when he disappears. I don't know if it's clear what we're putting here for you. To put it once again: it's not about accepting or rejecting, it's about discovering the Truth of what is. Understanding the Truth of what is gives you the vision of That which is beyond what is, because “what is” we know: it is disorder, it is confusion, it is fear, it is suffering, it is ignorance, it is violence, it is jealousy, envy... it's all that kind of thing in which the ego is tangled up, living its world, under its private dream. The vision of this Reality, which is the vision of what is, is the end of what is, for the Truth, for the Reality of That which is beyond what is. Then, we are faced with That which truly is, with That which is the only present Reality, when there is no longer this illusion, this model of the world, this model of ego, this model of dream. I don't know if that makes sense...

GC: It makes sense, Master, it makes a lot of sense. Mainly entering this atmosphere of the Master, of Silence, of Presence... Then, it really makes sense, but it is beyond what is possible to understand, it is beyond the intellect, it is beyond thoughts, it is something indescribable. Master, we have a question that a subscriber asked here on the channel, Maria Costa. She asked the following: “I want to know if it is possible to live in harmony with our thoughts?”

MG: What do we call “our thoughts?” We have first, Gilson, to investigate this question of thought. What is thought? Thought is the past, it is memory, it is remembrance, it is recollection. But thought, in addition, sustains the illusion of a present identity, which is this “me”, which is this “I.” This “me,” this “I,” is the thinker. So, when you ask, “Can we live in harmony with our thoughts?”, where is that question coming from? If it is coming from this thinker, it is just a thought also present. This thinker is thought itself.

Disharmony is present, notice, precisely because of the model of thought that we have lived, that we are living, which is this model of the thinker, who is fighting against the thoughts that one does not like and clinging to the thoughts that one likes. The Truth of living in harmony is not with thoughts, it is not with our thoughts. The Truth of harmony is the end of the illusion of the thinker, the experiencer, with his thoughts, with all the thoughts that it represents. Your Real Nature, the Truth of That which is you, is beyond thought, is beyond the thinker, is beyond the image or imagination that thought has constructed on this issue of harmony or disharmony.

The awareness of Truth of That which is you in your Being is Bliss, is Love, is Peace. It is not about someone living in harmony with something else, such as, for example, thoughts, or feelings, or emotions, or sensations. Your Natural State of Being is Beauty, it is indescribable, it is Pure Intelligence. This Natural State is not allied or making alliances with whatever is appearing. It is Pure Intelligence; it is the Truth of Being. Where there is thought, there will be a thinker, just as where there is an experience, there will be an experiencer, where there is this “I,” there will be the other.

In this model of separation, of duality, disorder is present, not harmony. We need to go beyond this, becoming aware of the Truth of That which is present here, which is not part of thought and the thinker, not part of experience and the experiencer, not part of everything that thought knows or is recognized by the mind. This is the Nature of God. So, expressions like “harmony” or “disharmony” are quite imprecise expressions. The Truth of your Being is Absolute Harmony! Absolute Harmony because nothing is separate from That which is you in your Being. Therefore, there is only Grace, Beauty, Love, Truth. OK? I hope we have answered.

GC: Master, gratitude, gratitude. Our time has ended. Thank you for this videocast.

And for those of you watching the video, leave a “like” and leave a comment with questions for us to bring to future videocasts. And, mainly, if you have the yearning to know yourself, the Master provides these Satsangs. These are these weekend meetings. Saturday and Sunday, the Master is available in these meetings, through questions and answers, to help us in this self-investigation. And, much more than answering these questions, as the Master already lives in this State of Presence, of Grace, of Silence, we end up taking a ride with this Silence and being able to perceive what is beyond all this conditioned intellect. So, here's the invitation.

In the first comment, pinned, there is the WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings, and we'll see you next time.

Gratitude, Master.

MG: Okay, Gilson.

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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