August 3, 2024

How to achieve Enlightenment? | How to meditate for the first time? | self-awareness of oneself

This is one of the most important issues we have in life to have a direct understanding of it. I have explained this to you here that there is a difference – and just look closely and you will see – between understanding a given subject or having a direct comprehension of it. Direct comprehension requires an experiential experience of what it means, what it represents.

So, you may have already read a lot about Spiritual Enlightenment and even have certain ideas about it or have already gone through some mystical, spiritual, psychological, emotional experiences and attribute this to Spiritual Enlightenment. Here we are inviting you to investigate the real meaning of this. So, there is a difference between intellectually believing something, knowing something or knowing something and having a real comprehension of it. Comprehension is the awareness of the truth about that.

You can spend years studying a certain subject and become someone who is truly an expert, from an intellectual, verbal, argumentative, persuasive point of view, with deep knowledge of theory, concept, how to put it into words, explain it to others, give lessons, teach, explain and clarify, and everything you can communicate from a knowledgeable view at that level, without a direct understanding of it, are theories.

You studied the laws of aerodynamics. Studying aviation, you know how a plane stays in the air – this is an interesting example. So, you clearly understand this issue of the importance of wings, the air that passes over the wings, you understand this well, but no knowledge of aerodynamics or theory regarding this science of flying makes you a pilot. This requires more than intellectual, verbal, theoretical knowledge. This requires truth, which is comprehension in this area. A pilot is one who has comprehension; he does not have theoretical knowledge, he has a direct, experiential understanding.

So, there is a difference between someone who knows something experientially or experimentally and someone who knows something intellectually or theoretically. That's the difference. A cook knows how to cook, someone who has a recipe book knows how to explain, he knows everything he needs to know intellectually about how to make a cake, but he's never done it. He knows because he has the recipe, he knows because he already has the ingredients, but he didn't make it. He, in fact, does not know – experientially –, so there is no comprehension.

The reality of Divine Wisdom is the experience of your Being in that moment. You can study theology, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, medicine, cooking, aviation mechanics, flight engineering. You can have all the theory, but that doesn't make you a professional in that area, within that vision.

Here we are moving closer with you to the truth of how to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment. So first we have to eliminate this concept, this idea, this theory that Enlightenment is something to be achieved, something to be obtained, accomplished, and that there is a “how” for this to happen. There is no “how,” there is no formula, a technique, a method, a way for this Realization: number one.

Number two: there is no time involved in this process of the Flourishing of your Divine Nature, which is the Reality of your Being, because this Reality is here, in this instant, in this moment. So, it's not something in time. It is not something in time, naturally, it is not something that can be achieved, because it is not somewhere. This distance between “here and there” does not exist, because there is no “there,” there is no distance. There is no distance, so there is no time.

The truth of the Revelation of your Being in this moment, of That which is You when this “me,” this “I,” this sense of someone is no longer present, this you as you see yourself is no longer present. So, this is one of the fundamental aspects in this comprehension. See, in this comprehension, not in this understanding. You understand all of this and yet you still have not this comprehension.

The greatest proof of this is that we spend a lifetime reading, studying and engaging in techniques and practices, for example, meditation. We believe that meditation will give us Enlightenment. And what we practice with meditation, see, is still within this model of merely forming the understanding that we have about meditation. Therefore, we neither know what Spiritual Enlightenment is nor what Meditation is.

When people ask how to meditate for the first time, notice, they idealize, think, believe in a project, a model, a practice, something they need to do. They want to discover how to do it for the first time, because the general understanding is that when you know first, you will be able to do it easily in the second, third and fourth.

Note, this has to do with a vision of understanding, of concept, of theory, because the truth of the comprehension of Meditation shows us that we are not dealing with something in time; therefore, it is not something that you do in time. There is no you present when Meditation is present, and it is present in this instant, exactly when we learn to eliminate time.

So, follow me here. Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment, the Realization of this Being – whatever name you want to give to It – and also Meditation, the Truth of the Flourishing of that Silence, of That which is indescribable and nameless, which is the Presence of Divine Reality, which reveals itself when there is this presence of Meditation, when it is present, this is not something that one does, that is accomplished or that is achieved in time.

Here we need to get closer to the Truth of Meditation at this moment, as well as Spiritual Awakening at this instant. An approach of the Truth about This requires, first of all, a comprehension of what is present here, in this moment. We have to learn to deal with what is here.

We spend our entire lives in idealism, in projects, in the idea of ​​achieving something. So, we are always transferring to later, and it is always this element, which is the “I,” and it is always this “I” having this idea of ​​time to achieve something or to do something: achieving Enlightenment one day or accomplishing, practice meditation.

Here, looking at what is present here, what you have about who you are at this moment, this is the most important factor. Looking at what is, without spending time on what should be, on how it could be, but staying with what is, what we have about who we are, here and now. Here lies the key to Meditation and, of course, to the Flourishing of this Natural State, which some call spiritual enlightenment. Are we together?

So, what do we have here and now, in this sense of “I,” this “me,” this “person”? Fear, envy, ambition, some level of dissatisfaction with a specific name like anxiety, the pain of loneliness. What is here, at this moment, in this sense of “I”? Violence, jealousy, envy, anger.

People want to deal with these internal states, notice, apply to themselves, engaging themselves in some technique called meditation to have temporary relief from this psychological condition that is present here, at this moment. So, people go in search of this so-called meditation as they understand it out there, without comprehending the Truth of Meditation. By having a mere theoretical, conceptual understanding of what this represents, they have transformed Meditation into the idea of ​​a technique.

So, people have created techniques that are actually psychological tricks to deal with what's here. What is here? It's anxiety, depression, fear, it's anguish. So, this is another expedient or a mechanism like any other. I refer to meditation as a technique or a practice, something that thought has idealized and designed to perform, that thought calls meditation. We have used these resources to temporarily escape what is here.

Notice what we're doing. This is not Meditation! This is a therapeutic meditation. This can help, it can alleviate, it is a way for thought, which devised this technique, to deal with what thought itself is producing. Because these psychological conditions in us, notice, are conditions that thought is producing. So, follow this here with me.

Thought creates the problem of fear, anguish, worry, anxiety, depression, self-image, low self-esteem, rejection, envy. Thought creates the problem and it goes in search of a solution, and it devises a technique called meditation. That helps, yes; helps the human being to always continue to temporarily escape the pain that this “I,” this “me,” this ego represents.

Here, when we put forth the beauty of the Truth of Meditation, we are telling you that the real basis for the Revelation of Meditation is in Self-awareness. And there is only Self-awareness when you learn to look at what is here without running away, when you discover what the awareness of this look without the observer is, this perception without the perceiver, direct contact with the present moment without running away from whatever is happening, whatever is presented here. All of this is part of this “I,” something that comes from the past, which needs to be verified without any escape or escape movement.

So, we have the basis, which is self-observation, which is to pay attention to this state that is here, at this moment, where there is no idea of ​​rejecting, comparing, trying to get rid of or do anything with what presents itself. Just look, without this judgment, without this evaluation, without this intention, because all of this comes from the observer, the thinker, this “I” when faced with the state that thought itself is bringing. So, see: this is the basis for the Truth of Meditation to reveal itself at this moment.

Thus, the basis for the revelation of Meditation at this moment is Self-awareness of oneself, of what is present here. So, we are, at this moment, in Meditation, approaching the Truth of Meditation for the first time. There is no technique. It is looking, discovering what it is to look without this past, without this background, without this “I” for what is presented here, for this experience that arises in this moment. Looking without this separation, without this division.

We have several videos here on the channel going deeper into this with you. Maybe this here for the first time, in the first video, is not clear yet. Take a look here on the channel, we have many videos here showing you what this approach to the Truth of Meditation is. We have a playlist here on the channel about the art of Meditation, Real Meditation in a practical way.

So, here lies, yes, the Truth of the key to the Awakening of Consciousness, of Spiritual Enlightenment, and all of this is part of a Divine action, which is the action of Grace. Here is the invitation for you: we have another channel called “Marcos Gualberto,” then you can take a look, we have a lot of videos there – our link to the other channel is here in the video description.

So, this is our work here with you on the channel. We also have online meetings that take place on weekends. Saturday and Sunday, we are together delving deeper into this here with you. You can find our WhatsApp link here in the video description to participate in these online meetings. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats.

If what you just heard is something that makes sense to you, leave it here in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense” and leave a “like” and subscribe to the channel, ok? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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