August 31, 2024

The Supreme Self-awareness | Self-knowledge in practice | Importance of Self-awareness

Here we are together seeing, from different angles, the Truth of Self-awareness. I refer to the direct experience of the meaning, of the clear, experiential understanding of this Natural State of Being, where the Reality of God reveals itself. So, with this approach to Self-awareness – I refer to the Supreme Self-awareness, the awareness of Self-knowledge in practice –, this is what reveals this Truth, the Truth of your Being, the Truth about each one of us.

Human beings spend their entire lives involved with their desires, their fears, their reasons, their intentions, their motivations. And what's behind all this? A purely egocentric pattern of behavior. So, it is very simple to understand that, while this pattern repeats itself, the psychological condition in each of us remains the same; and when this occurs, there is no encounter with what we are seeking, with what we are looking for.

And even because we don't really know what we're looking for in life. There is an impulse within each of us to search for happiness, to have an encounter with happiness, even though we don't know the real meaning of it. The intellectual and mental representation we have of this is of material achievements. This is why we need the importance of Self-awareness.

An approach to life in a real way, in a true way, reveals That which is beyond what the mind knows and seeks within its search. So, we always need to have a very clear approach to the Truth about ourselves at this moment. Understanding who we are in this moment reveals the illusion of a present identity. The verification of this Truth, which is the awareness of this illusion, brings the discard to this psychological condition of being someone, of being that person.

A person is this feeling of being someone, within life, living, experiencing: someone who thinks, someone who feels, someone who does, someone who can free themselves from what makes them suffer, someone who can achieve what they can give satisfaction, fulfillment, gratification, achievements. All of this is seen in this understanding of the Truth about who we are, in this moment. Thus, the importance of Self-awareness is fundamental for each of us.

So, this is our commitment within these meetings. And the first approach of this must be, naturally, the approach of the truth of how we internalize experiences, how we internally perceive what happens to each of us – this internal representation that we make of that moment. Follow this very clearly here, in this moment, put your heart into this clear understanding of what we are going to say in this instant, in this moment.

Your way of observing what happens, invariably, is always from an internal representation of how you particularly see the world, see situations, events, life events and, also, naturally, the people with whom you interact with. The thing is quite complex, because we see all of this, notice, from the way we also see ourselves.

We don't have an understanding of who we are at that moment, we only have an image of who we are – because that's what we have of ourselves, an image of who we are. When we have an image of who we are, our contact with all of this is completely falsified. So, we do not have a vision of Reality at this instant, at this moment. In our life, there is no Truth, Wisdom, Understanding, this naturalness of Being, simply Being.

See what we're working on here with you. The idea of ​​being someone – we are saying to you: observe it, be aware of it, directly understand it and you will realize it – is just an image you make about who you are, which completely falsifies the experience. So, let's calmy look at this.

For our entire lives, for all these years, forty, fifty years, thirty, twenty-something years, however old you are, all this life of yours, all this life of each one of us, for all these years, the way we approach, how we approach the experience is always based on an image we have about who we are. And as this contact with experience is seen from this experiencer, then we bring this experiencer, which is this image we make about who we are.

In contact with experience, we acquire more experience, and this experience is what we keep within each one of us in this format of memory, of what that moment represented for that experiencer. So, we keep that.

So, notice, we are always coming into contact with the new moment already based on a past experience. So, the way each of us goes through experiences is always based on the sieve, the way, the model already prefixed in us, this experiencer, this image we create about who we are, within that context.

The moment is new, but the experiencer is something that comes from the past. The frame, the situation is new, but the one who comes into contact with this experience is this self-image, which is confirmed by the experiencer. Thus, all the contact we have with life, with situations, circumstances, people, events, all of this is being experienced from this perspective, which is the “me,” the “I,” this self-image, this experiencer, this someone.

So, the sense of being someone in life is the sense of being an experiencer within experience; and this experiencer is this element that comes from the past. There is a separation between what is presently happening here and what is in this experience. So, notice how quite delicate this is.

Having a direct understanding that your contact with him, with her, with this or that circumstance is a contact that already comes with a prefixed model from the past, from this center, which is the ego. So, naturally, we have conflict, we have contradiction, we have problem.

We do not know, at this moment, the new, because all the contact we have with this moment is not the contact of the awareness of what is here, exactly how it is, the real meaning of it. We have a contact from this background, this pattern, this model of recognition that comes from the past.

Our work together here is to see the Truth of life happening in this moment, without this past, without this background. This background is the experiencer, it is the self-image, it is the “I,” it is the ego. What we are saying to you in these meetings is that there is no way to attain what we seek without becoming aware of the Truth about it.

And what are we looking for? What we are looking for is exactly life happening right now, without this “me,” the “I,” the ego, this experiencer, this self-image. Thus, a new approach will become possible: an approach to life as it is, without this disfigurement that thought in us sustains. So, notice that, let's get closer to that here.

The way we perceive what happens, how we are giving meaning, importance, value, recognition, acceptance, rejection, all of this comes from this background that comes from the past. It's the way in which, psychologically, this sense of “I” assumes this moment. So, this moment, everything it represents, everything it means, doesn't make any sense to this center, to this “I,” because it sees it as it wishes, it has expectations, targets, purposes, objectives. So, this pattern of behavior in us, at this moment, is self-centered, centered on the “I,” on the ego.

So, our actions are centered on this pattern that separates, divides, alters, colors the experience. There is a demand from this ego. Note that all of this takes you away from exactly what, in fact, every human being is looking for. Every human being is, in fact, in search of a Completeness of Being. We have confused this real search for the Truth of this Completeness of Being with a search for satisfactions, achievements, diverse objectives. This occurs because of this background that we bring, this internal conditioning that we bring to this moment.

Contact with the Reality of your Being, contact with Divine Reality, is contact with this moment, without this element that is the “I,” the “me,” the ego, in this intention to change, to alter, to adjust, to make this moment represent for him, for this egocentric center, something that can complete him.

What are we discovering in the Truth of Self-awareness? And why the Supreme Self-awareness? Because it is not a tool or a mechanism that we use to achieve egocentric purposes, which is exactly what we do in this psychological and internal confusion in which we find ourselves in this relationship with this instant, with this present moment, as it was put just now, based, grounded in this psychological background, which is the “I,” the ego, this self-image, this experiencer.

We need to discover something beyond this, beyond this condition. And that is what we are proposing here for you. The Truth of God, of this indescribable, nameless Thing, reveals itself when there is this Truth of Self-awareness. The real approach to Self-awareness is the end of this sense of a present “I,” which is this illusory center, which separates itself from the present moment, which separates itself from experience to be this experiencer, who is always adding to that moment something of its own, which comes from the past, and extracting something from that moment for itself, and thus maintaining its continuity within an illusion.

The real way to get closer to the Reality of God, the Reality of That which is nameless; we have different names for That which is outside the known, for That which is outside of time, but we are always presenting it here for you, in words, That which is beyond, naturally, words. So, you always need to have a very careful approach to all of this.

Here our purpose is the elimination of this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” which shows itself, at this moment, as being the experiencer of this that is here seeing oneself as a separate entity and, naturally, interpreting, translating, evaluating, judging the experience according to one’s desires, according to one’s fears, with one’s intention to escape from what displeases one, to find more satisfaction and satisfaction in what gives pleasure. All of this disappears when there is this Truth of Revelation of your Real Being, of this Divine Reality, which is outside the egoic mind, which is outside this model.

Our online meetings take place on weekends. In these meetings, we are going deeper into this, through questions or answers. It's definitely something much greater than a video. There is something present in these encounters that we don't have, naturally, in a video. So, I want to leave you an invitation here: here in the video description, you have our WhatsApp group link to participate in these online meetings.

In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. Here's this invitation for you: if this is what makes sense to you, go ahead and leave it here in the comments: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? Subscribe to the channel and leave your “like.” See you!

June, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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